93 research outputs found

    Spatial analysis of the suitability of olive plantations for wildlife habitat restoration

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    This study adopts a two-fold methodological approach to assessing the suitability of olive plantations in mountainous areas for wildlife habitat restoration. Embedding expert judgements through an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) about the effect of specific elements of the landscape on ecological diversity permits the most suitable agricultural areas to be selected by means of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The case study is the olive plantations of Andalusia (Southern Spain). The results suggest that the edge of major agricultural areas (mostly olive groves), and areas adjacent to Natural Park with oaks would be most suitable for wildlife habitat restoration. El trabajo presenta una metodolog&iacute;a de selecci&oacute;n de zonas agr&iacute;colas para la recuperaci&oacute;n de h&aacute;bitats para la flora y fauna silvestres. A trav&eacute;s del Proceso Anal&iacute;tico Jer&aacute;rquico (AHP) y de los Sistemas de Informaci&oacute;n Geogr&aacute;fica (SIG) se determina que las zonas m&aacute;s adecuadas son aqu&eacute;llas cercanas a olivares de baja producci&oacute;n y al Parque Natural de la zona de estudio.</p

    Loyola Economic Outlook: proyecciones macroeconómicas (Invierno 2019)

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    Previsiones macroeconómicas para la economía internacional, española y andaluza realizada por el equipo del Departamento de Economía de la Universidad Loyol

    Assessing the recuperation potential of wildlife habitats through AHP and GIS modelling

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    This study adopts a twofold methodological approach to assessing the suitability of agricultural areas for wildlife habitat recuperation. Embedding expert judgements through an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) about the effect of specific elements of the landscape on ecological diversity permits the most suitable agricultural areas to be selected by means of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The case study is theolive (Olea europaea L.) plantations of the mountain areas of Andalusia (Spain) which, because of their low yield, are likely to be abandoned after the decoupling of the EU olive oil subsidies. The results suggest that the edge of major agricultural areas (mostly olive groves), the natural vegetation and areas adjacent to Natural Park with oaks would be most suitable for wildlife habitat restoration. These results are in agreement with those of studies carried out by other researchers on biodiversity, based on either individual or groups of species.Evaluación del potencial de recuperación de hábitat natural para la flora y fauna silvestre a través de AHP y los SIG

    Suitability assessment of olive plantations for Iberian Lynx habitat restoration

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    This study adopts a twofold methodological approach to assessing the suitability of agricultural areas for wildlife habitat restoration. Embedding expert judgements through an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) about the effect of specific elements of the landscape on Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) habitat restoration potentiality as an indicator of selection of the most suitable agricultural areas to be transformed to the natural state (Mediterranean forest and scrublands). The case study is the olive (Olea europaea L.) plantations of the mountain areas of Andalusia (Spain) which, because of their low yield, are likely to be abandoned after the decoupling of the EU olive oil subsidies. The results suggest that the edge of major agricultural areas (mostly olive groves), the natural vegetation and areas adjacent to Natural Park with oaks would be most suitable for wildlife habitat restoration. These results are in agreement other studies carried out by other researchers on biodiversity, based on either individual or groups of species.analytic hierarchy process (AHP), GIS, Lynx pardinus, habitat restoration, Spain, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Evaluation of erosion risk using Analytic Network Process and GIS: a case study from Spanish mountain olive plantations

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    The study presents an approach that combined objective information such as sampling or experimental data with subjective information such as expert opinions. This combined approach was based on the Analytic Network Process method. It was applied to evaluate soil erosion risk and overcomes one of the drawbacks of USLE/RUSLE soil erosion models, namely that they do not consider interactions among soil erosion factors. Another advantage of this method is that it can be used the there are insufficient experimental data. The lack of experimental data can be compensated for through the use of expert evaluations. As an example of the proposed approach, the risk of soil erosion was evaluated in olive groves in Southern Spain, showing the potential of the ANP method for modelling a complex physical process like soil erosionEl estudio combina una t&eacute;cnica de decisi&oacute;n multicriterio (ANP) y el an&aacute;lisis territorial para determinar las zonas de mayor riesgo de erosi&oacute;n en olivares de monta&ntilde;a</p

    Chinese Soft Power in France : Panda Diplomacy

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    The objective of the study was to shed light on the Chinese soft power in France, and, in particular, on such a political tool as panda diplomacy. In the following thesis I am answering the research questions of the role the soft power is playing in the Chinese foreign policy aimed at France, what is its image in the news outlets and among readers of those articles, and how and when panda diplomacy is carried out. As the following thesis deals with the role of Chinese soft power in France, the information about the emergence and meaning of the term “soft power” is provided to the reader for a better understanding of the content. Moreover, the theoretical background of the concept of panda diplomacy itself, the development of the concept of “soft power” in China, the France-China Relationship, and the position of Chinese soft power in the world are presented in the paper. For the research, the articles and readers’ comments retrieved from 3 different politically orientated news outlets (Le Monde, France 24, and Le Figaro) were used. A total of 15 newspaper articles and 286 readers’ comments were analyzed. This Master thesis presents the research findings primarily based on the content analysis of reader comments and newspaper articles. The first finding is that soft power and panda diplomacy, as a tool, plays an important role to signify the positive China-France relationship and economic achievements between the two countries. Secondly, panda diplomacy has a controversial image in the French news outlets. Some news outlets are positively evaluating the practice, while others doubt it. The readers are mostly putting in negative comments accusing authorities of the unnecessary expenses of money for pandas. Lastly, Panda diplomacy is carried out to celebrate the economic achievements of its partner country. In France, according to the articles, the rental contracts of pandas were signed following the successful deals and supported by the government, Zoo facilities, foundations, and sponsors

    Anuario Económico de Córdoba 2020

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    El año 2020 fue el del covid-19, muy complicado para todos los sectores. El sector industrial no es una excepción. Todas las empresas del sector industrial tuvieron que estar paradas durante el confinamiento en abril, mayo y la primera mitad de junio. Esto fue un golpe duro, especialmente para las pequeñas empresas. Sin embargo, las perspectivas para el año 2021 son mejores debido a la previsión de vacunación masiva de la población que debe de ayudar a terminar con la pandemia y las medidas restrictivas impuestas por ello

    Anuario Económico de Córdoba 2021

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    El 2021 fue un año de recuperación que se ha acelerado en la segunda mitad del período. Y aunque los datos de empleo en el sector industrial aún no lo demuestran, el ejercicio 2021 ha asentado buenas bases para una expansión de la actividad y de empleo en 2022

    Agricultural sector and market developments: a special focus on Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan

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    This report presents a summary and the presentations of the expert workshop "Developments in agricultural commodity markets: a special focus on Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan". In the workshop specific sessions covered developments and perspectives of the most important agricultural commodity markets (cereals, oilseeds, biofuels, milk and meat). A special focus was given to the potential and constraints of agricultural production in the three countries. In order to outline the reasons behind observed and prospected market developments, specific topics like domestic agricultural policies and government regulations, infrastructure and organisation of the regional agricultural markets, farm structure, and issues regarding the financing of the agricultural sector in Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan were also discussed.JRC.J.4-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Anuario Económico de Córdoba 2019

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    El año 2019 fue un año de estancamiento e incluso de retroceso para la industria de Córdoba, año en que el empleo en este sector disminuyó en tres de los cuatro trimestres (INE, 2020)