27 research outputs found

    Extracellular Vesicles of Hypoxic Adipocytes and Obese Subjects Reduce Insulin-stimulated Glucose Uptake

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    Scope We investigate the effects of extracellular vesicles (EVs) obtained from in vitro adipocyte cell models and from obese subjects on glucose transport and insulin responsiveness. Methods and results EVs are isolated from the culture supernatant of adipocytes cultured under normoxia, hypoxia (1% oxygen), or exposed to macrophage conditioned media (15% v/v). EVs are isolated from the plasma of lean individuals and subjects with obesity. Cultured adipocytes are incubated with EVs and activation of insulin signalling cascades and insulin‐stimulated glucose transport are measured. EVs released from hypoxic adipocytes impair insulin‐stimulated 2‐deoxyglucose uptake and reduce insulin mediated phosphorylation of AKT. Insulin‐mediated phosphorylation of extracellular regulated kinases (ERK1/2) is not affected. EVs from individuals with obesity decrease insulin stimulated 2‐deoxyglucose uptake in adipocytes (p = 0.0159). Conclusion EVs released by stressed adipocytes impair insulin action in neighboring adipocytes

    Extracellular vesicles from hypoxic adipocytes and obese subjects reduce insulin-stimulated glucose uptake

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    Scope We investigate the effects of extracellular vesicles (EVs) obtained from in vitro adipocyte cell models and from obese subjects on glucose transport and insulin responsiveness. Methods and results EVs are isolated from the culture supernatant of adipocytes cultured under normoxia, hypoxia (1% oxygen), or exposed to macrophage conditioned media (15% v/v). EVs are isolated from the plasma of lean individuals and subjects with obesity. Cultured adipocytes are incubated with EVs and activation of insulin signalling cascades and insulin‐stimulated glucose transport are measured. EVs released from hypoxic adipocytes impair insulin‐stimulated 2‐deoxyglucose uptake and reduce insulin mediated phosphorylation of AKT. Insulin‐mediated phosphorylation of extracellular regulated kinases (ERK1/2) is not affected. EVs from individuals with obesity decrease insulin stimulated 2‐deoxyglucose uptake in adipocytes (p = 0.0159). Conclusion EVs released by stressed adipocytes impair insulin action in neighboring adipocytes

    Essentials of extracellular vesicles: posters on basic and clinical aspects of extracellular vesicles

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    The past decade has witnessed an exponential development in the field of extracellular vesicles. Sporadic observations have reached a critical level and the scientific community increasingly recognizes the potential biomedical significance of these subcellular structures present in all body fluids as significant components of the cellular secretome. The Educational Committee of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles prepared two posters ("Basic aspects of extracellular vesicles" and "Clinical aspects of extracellular vesicles") to provide essential pieces of information on extracellular vesicles at glance for anyone not familiar with the field

    Integration of proteomic and metabolomic analysis reveal distinct metabolic alterations of prostate cancer-associated fibroblasts compared to normal fibroblasts from patient's stroma samples

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    The prostate gland is a complex and heterogeneous organ composed of epithelium and stroma. Whilst many studies into prostate cancer focus on epithelium, the stroma is known to play a key role in disease with the emergence of a cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) phenotype associated upon disease progression. In this work, we studied the metabolic rewiring of stromal fibroblasts following differentiation to a cancer-associated, myofibroblast-like, phenotype. We determined that CAFs were metabolically more active compared to normal fibroblasts. This corresponded with a heightened lipogenic metabolism, as both reservoir species and building block compounds. Interestingly, lipid metabolism affects mitochondria functioning yet the mechanisms of lipid-mediated functions are unclear. Data showing oxidised fatty acids and glutathione system are elevated in CAFs, compared to normal fibroblasts, strengthens the hypothesis that increased metabolic activity is related to mitochondrial activity. This manuscript describes mechanisms responsible for the altered metabolic flux and shows that prostate cancer-derived extracellular vesicles can increase basal respiration in normal fibroblasts, mirroring that of the disease-like phenotype. This indicates that extracellular vesicles derived from prostate cancer cells may drive an altered oxygen-dependent metabolism associated to mitochondria in CAFs

    Methionine Cycle Rewiring by Targeting miR-873-5p Modulates Ammonia Metabolism to Protect the Liver from Acetaminophen

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    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) development is commonly associated with acetaminophen (APAP) overdose, where glutathione scavenging leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and hepatocyte death. DILI is a severe disorder without effective late-stage treatment, since N-acetyl cysteine must be administered 8 h after overdose to be efficient. Ammonia homeostasis is altered during liver diseases and, during DILI, it is accompanied by decreased glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) expression and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) levels that suggest a reduced methionine cycle. Anti-miR-873-5p treatment prevents cell death in primary hepatocytes and the appearance of necrotic areas in liver from APAP-administered mice. In our study, we demonstrate a GNMT and methionine cycle activity restoration by the anti-miR-873-5p that reduces mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. The lack of hyperammoniemia caused by the therapy results in a decreased urea cycle, enhancing the synthesis of polyamines from ornithine and AdoMet and thus impacting the observed recovery of mitochondria and hepatocyte proliferation for regeneration. In summary, anti-miR-873-5p appears to be an effective therapy against APAP-induced liver injury, where the restoration of GNMT and the methionine cycle may prevent mitochondrial dysfunction while activating hepatocyte proliferative response.We thank Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Programa Retos-Colaboración RTC2019- 007125-1 (for J.S. and M.L.M.-C.); Instituto de Salud Carlos III: Proyectos de Investigación en Salud DTS20/00138 (for J.S. and M.L.M.-C.), PI20/00690 (for R.J.) and PT20/000127 (for M.I.L.); CIBERehd: EHD21TRF01/2022 (to M.L.M.-C.); Departamento de Industria del Gobierno Vasco (for M.L.M.-C.); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades MICINN: PID2020-117116RB-I00 and RTI2018- 096759-1-100 integrado en el Plan Estatal de Investigación Cientifica y Técnica y Innovación, cofinanciado con Fondos FEDER (for M.L.M.-C. and T.C.D., respectively); BIOEF (Basque Foundation for Innovation and Health Research); Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (AECC) (to M.L.M.-C., T.C.D.); AECC: GCTRA18006CARR (to A.C.); Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC Scientific Foundation) Rare Tumor Calls 2017 (for M.L.M.); La Caixa Foundation Program (for M.L.M.); BFU2015-70067-REDC, BFU2016-77408-R and BES-2017-080435 (MINECO/FEDER, UE); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y universidades PID2019-108787RB-100 (to A.C.), PID2019- 109055RB-I00 (L.A.M.-C.), PID2020-117941RB-100 (to F.J.C.); Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Grants BFU2013-47531-R and BFU2016-77408-R (L.A.M.-C.) and the FIGHT-CNNM2 project from the EJP RD Joint Transnational Call (JTC2019) (Ref. AC19/00073) (for L.A.M.-C.); Comunidad de Madrid: EXOHEP-CM S2017/BMD-3727 and NanoLiver-CM Y2018/NMT-4949 co-funded by European Structural and Investment Fund and COST Action CA17112 (to F.J.C.); Vencer el Cáncer Foundation (to A.C.); European Research Council: Consolidator Grant 819242 (to A.C.); CIBERONC and CIBERehd were funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Cofunded by FEDER funds. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Summary of the ISEV workshop on extracellular vesicles as disease biomarkers, held in Birmingham, UK, during December 2017

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    This report summarises the presentations and activities of the ISEV Workshop on extracellular vesicle biomarkers held in Birmingham, UK during December 2017. Among the key messages was broad agreement about the importance of biospecimen science. Much greater attention needs to be paid towards the provenance of collected samples. The workshop also highlighted clear gaps in our knowledge about pre-analytical factors that alter extracellular vesicles (EVs). The future utility of certified standards for credentialing of instruments and software, to analyse EV and for tracking the influence of isolation steps on the structure and content of EVs were also discussed. Several example studies were presented, demonstrating the potential utility for EVs in disease diagnosis, prognosis, longitudinal serial testing and stratification of patients. The conclusion of the workshop was that more effort focused on pre-analytical issues and benchmarking of isolation methods is needed to strengthen collaborations and advance more effective biomarkers

    Biological properties of extracellular vesicles and their physiological functions

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    In the past decade, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been recognized as potent vehicles of intercellular communication, both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. This is due to their capacity to transfer proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, thereby influencing various physiological and pathological functions of both recipient and parent cells. While intensive investigation has targeted the role of EVs in different pathological processes, for example, in cancer and autoimmune diseases, the EV-mediated maintenance of homeostasis and the regulation of physiological functions have remained less explored. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of the physiological roles of EVs, which has been written by crowd-sourcing, drawing on the unique EV expertise of academia-based scientists, clinicians and industry based in 27 European countries, the United States and Australia. This review is intended to be of relevance to both researchers already working on EV biology and to newcomers who will encounter this universal cell biological system. Therefore, here we address the molecular contents and functions of EVs in various tissues and body fluids from cell systems to organs. We also review the physiological mechanisms of EVs in bacteria, lower eukaryotes and plants to highlight the functional uniformity of this emerging communication system

    Characterization in vitro and in vivo of a pandemic H1N1 influenza virus from a fatal case

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    Pandemic 2009 H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza viruses caused mild symptoms in most infected patients. However, a greater rate of severe disease was observed in healthy young adults and children without co-morbid conditions. Here we tested whether influenza strains displaying differential virulence could be present among circulating pH1N1 viruses. The biological properties and the genotype of viruses isolated from a patient showing mild disease (M) or from a fatal case (F), both without known co-morbid conditions were compared in vitro and in vivo. The F virus presented faster growth kinetics and stronger induction of cytokines than M virus in human alveolar lung epithelial cells. In the murine model in vivo, the F virus showed a stronger morbidity and mortality than M virus. Remarkably, a higher proportion of mice presenting infectious virus in the hearts, was found in F virus-infected animals. Altogether, the data indicate that strains of pH1N1 virus with enhanced pathogenicity circulated during the 2009 pandemic. In addition, examination of chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) genotype, recently reported as involved in severe influenza virus disease, revealed that the F virus-infected patient was homozygous for the deleted form of CCR5 receptor (CCR5Δ32).Funding Statement: This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Programa especial de investigación sobre la gripe pándemica GR09/0023, GR09/0040, GR09/0039) and Ciber de Enfermedades Respiratorias. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Summary of the ISEV workshop on extracellular vesicles as disease biomarkers, held in Birmingham, UK, during December 2017: Meeting report

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    This report summarises the presentations and activities of the ISEV Workshop on extracellular vesicle biomarkers held in Birmingham, UK during December 2017. Among the key messages was broad agreement about the importance of biospecimen science. Much greater attention needs to be paid towards the provenance of collected samples. The workshop also highlighted clear gaps in our knowledge about pre-analytical factors that alter extracellular vesicles (EVs). The future utility of certified standards for credentialing of instruments and software, to analyse EV and for tracking the influence of isolation steps on the structure and content of EVs were also discussed. Several example studies were presented, demonstrating the potential utility for EVs in disease diagnosis, prognosis, longitudinal serial testing and stratification of patients. The conclusion of the workshop was that more effort focused on pre-analytical issues and benchmarking of isolation methods is needed to strengthen collaborations and advance more effective biomarkers