21 research outputs found

    Percolation thresholds in chemical disordered excitable media

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    The behavior of chemical waves advancing through a disordered excitable medium is investigated in terms of percolation theory and autowave properties in the framework of the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. By controlling the number of sites with a given illumination, different percolation thresholds for propagation are observed, which depend on the relative wave transmittances of the two-state medium considered

    Trends in incidence, mortality and survival in women with breast cancer from 1985 to 2012 in Granada, Spain: a population-based study

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    The incidence of breast cancer has increased since the 1970s. Despite favorable trends in prognosis, the role of changes in clinical practice and the introduction of screening remain controversial. We examined breast cancer trends to shed light on their determinants Overall, age-adjusted (European Standard Population) incidence rates increased from 48.0 cases × 100,000 women in 1985–1989 to 83.4 in 2008–2012, with an annual percentage change (APC) of 2.5% (95%CI, 2.1–2.9) for 1985–2012. The greatest increase was in women younger than 40 years (APC 3.5, 95%CI, 2.4–4.8). For 2000–2012 the incidence trend increased only for stage I tumors (APC 3.8, 95%CI, 1.9–5.8). Overall age-adjusted breast cancer mortality decreased (APC − 1, 95%CI, − 1.4 – − 0.5), as did mortality in the 50–69 year age group (APC − 1.3, 95%CI, − 2.2 – − 0.4). Age-standardized net survival increased from 67.5% at 5 years in 1985–1989 to 83.7% in 2010–2012. All age groups younger than 70 years showed a similar evolution. Five-year net survival rates were 96.6% for patients with tumors diagnosed in stage I, 88.2% for stage II, 62.5% for stage III and 23.3% for stage IV. Breast cancer incidence is increasing – a reflection of the evolution of risk factors and increasing diagnostic pressure. After screening was introduced, the incidence of stage I tumors increased, with no decrease in the incidence of more advanced stages. Reductions were seen for overall mortality and mortality in the 50–69 year age group, but no changes were found after screening implementation. Survival trends have evolved favorably except for the 70–84 year age group and for metastatic tumors.This study was supported by a grant from the Acción Estratégica en Salud plan for the High Resolution Project on Prognosis and Care of Cancer Patients (No. AC14/00036) awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Promoción de la salud y entornos saludables

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    A forestar forestalAplicación de un programa educativo participativo en salud  bucal a una comunidad de adultos mayoresBiblioteca móvil y su implementación en el hospital Padre HurtadoConsumo de riesgo de alcohol en Chile: una propuesta innovadora de intervenciónDiseño de un programa interactivo de promoción de la salud vocal para NB1Encuentro formativo en promoción de salud y gestión de entornos saludables para TenoExperiencia docente: programa intersectorial de promoción/prevención en preescolares de comunas vulnerables, Región MetropolitanaFiltrado glomerular, método preventivo aparición de fibrosis sistémica nefrogénica por gadolinio en examen de RMImplementación de consejerías en vida sana en APS, Región de los RíosMedicina preventiva en feria libre de la población San Gregorio: Cecof San Gregorio, Contagiando SaludMetodología innovadora en la enseñanza de una ectoparasitosisPrevención de accidentes por monóxido de carbono en edificios, Providencia 2002-2009Programa de promoción y prevención en salud bucal para preescolaresPromoviendo hábitos saludables en los vecinos de Reñaca Alto, Viña del Mar, 2009Rol de la capacitación en la implementación de acciones para la prevención de la obesidadSatisfacción usuaria en el Cesfam Natales a un año de su funcionamientoTres estrategias publicitarias y de comunicación aplicadas al consumo de alcohol de bajo riesgoTropa de la salud: uso de los medios como forma de promover la salu

    Engraftment characterization of risk-stratified AML in NSGS mice

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    The authors thank Paola Romecin and Virginia Rodriguez-Cortez for technical assistance. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2016-80481R, PID2019-108160RBI00), the Obra Social La Caixa (LCF/PR/HR19/52160011), Interreg V-A programme (POCTEFA) 2014-2020 (grant PROTEOblood EFA360/19), Health Canada (H4080-144541), and Deutsche Josep Carreras Leukämie Stiftung (P.M.). Additional funding was provided by Consejería de Salud y Familia (PI- 0119-2019) (R.D.d.l.G.), Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII/FEDER, PI17/01028) and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (C.B.), Health Institute Carlos III/FEDER (CPII17/00032) (V.R.-M.), and Fundación Hay Esperanza (E.A.). CERCA/Generalitat de Catalunya and Fundación Josep Carreras-Obra Social la Caixa provided institutional support. B.L.-M. was supported by a Lady Tata Memorial Trust International Award and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (INVES20011LÓPE). O.M. and T.V.-H. were supported by Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (INVES211226MOLI) and a Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship (792923), respectively. P.M. is an investigator in the Spanish Cell Therapy Network.Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common acute leukemia in adults. Disease heterogeneity is well documented, and patient stratification determines treatment decisions. Patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) from risk-stratified AML are crucial for studying AML biology and testing novel therapeutics. Despite recent advances in PDX modeling of AML, reproducible engraftment of human AML is primarily limited to high-risk (HR) cases, with inconsistent or very protracted engraftment observed for favorable-risk (FR) and intermediate-risk (IR) patients. We used NSGS mice to characterize the engraftment robustness/kinetics of 28 AML patient samples grouped according to molecular/ cytogenetic classification and assessed whether the orthotopic coadministration of patientmatched bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BM MSCs) improves AML engraftment. PDX event-free survival correlated well with the predictable prognosis of risk-stratified AML patients. The majority (85-94%) of the mice were engrafted in bone marrow (BM) independently of the risk group, although HR AML patients showed engraftment levels that were significantly superior to those of FR or IR AML patients. Importantly, the engraftment levels observed in NSGS mice by week 6 remained stable over time. Serial transplantation and long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) assays revealed long-term engraftment limited to HR AML patients, fitter leukemia-initiating cells (LICs) in HR AML samples, and the presence of AML LICs in the CD342 leukemic fraction, regardless of the risk group. Finally, orthotopic coadministration of patient-matched BM MSCs and AML cells was dispensable for BM engraftment levels but favored peripheralization of engrafted AML cells. This comprehensive characterization of human AML engraftment in NSGS mice offers a valuable platform for in vivo testing of targeted therapies in risk-stratified AML patient samples.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2016-80481R, PID2019-108160RBI00)Obra Social La Caixa (LCF/PR/HR19/52160011)Interreg V-A programme (POCTEFA) 2014-2020 (grant PROTEOblood EFA360/19)Health Canada (H4080-144541)Deutsche Josep Carreras Leukämie StiftungConsejer ıa de Salud y Familia (PI- 0119-2019)Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII/FEDER, PI17/01028)Asociación Española Contra el CáncerHealth Institute Carlos III/FEDER (CPII17/00032)Fundación Hay EsperanzaCERCA/Generalitat de CatalunyaFundació Josep Carreras-Obra Social la CaixaLady Tata Memorial Trust International AwardAsociación Española Contra el Cáncer (INVES20011LÓPE)Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (INVES211226MOLI)Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship (792923

    Anti-chromatin antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus: a useful marker for lupus nephropathy.

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    Background: Anti-chromatin antibodies have recently been described in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and it has been suggested that their presence is associated with lupus nephritis. Objective: To assess the prevalence and clinical associations of these antibodies in SLE. Methods: The presence of anti-chromatin antibodies in 100 patients with SLE was investigated by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). To determine the specificity of these antibodies, 100 patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome, 30 with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), 10 with systemic sclerosis, and 100 normal controls were also tested. Results: Positive levels were detected in 69/100 (69%) patients with SLE. In contrast, they were found in only 8/100 (8%) of those with primary Sjögren’s syndrome, in 1/10 (10%) with systemic sclerosis, in 2/30 (7%) with primary APS, and in none of the 100 healthy controls. Patients with anti-chromatin antibodies had a twofold higher prevalence of lupus nephropathy than those without these antibodies (58% v 29%, p<0.01). A significant correlation was found between the levels of anti-chromatin antibodies and disease activity score as measured by the European Consensus Lupus Activity Measurement (ECLAM; p=0.011). Conclusions: The measurement of anti-chromatin antibodies appears to be a useful addition to the laboratory tests that can help in the diagnosis and treatment of SLE. These antibodies are both sensitive and specific for SLE, and are a useful marker for an increased risk of lupus nephritis

    Wave propagation in a medium with disordered excitability

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    The effect of quenched disorder on the propagation of autowaves in excitable media is studied both experimentally and numerically in relation to the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. The spatial disorder is introduced through a random distribution with two different levels of transmittance. In one dimension the (time-averaged) wave speed is smaller than the corresponding to a homogeneous medium with the mean excitability. Contrarily, in two dimensions the velocity increases due to the roughening of the front. Results are interpreted using kinematic and scaling arguments. In particular, for d = 2 we verify a theoretical prediction of a power-law dependence for the relative change of the propagation speed on the disorder amplitude