308 research outputs found

    A Model for Faculty Collaboration in Preparing Virginia\u27s K-8 Teachers

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    The overall goals of the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) [1] are for students to become good problem solvers and communicators about mathematics, to reason logically and to make connections within mathematics and to other disciplines such as in solving science problems. Unfortunately, the beliefs about teaching of many preservice teachers are not consistent with these goals. Furthermore, the college mathematics courses experienced by preservice teachers are generally in contrast to these goals. This study outlines a collaborative effort of three colleges to encourage faculty to adopt a more student-investigative style of instruction A planning team offered a semester of workshops in which professors experienced student investigations, critiqued them, and were encouraged to try them in their classes. The data gathered from this study suggest there was success toward changing the beliefs and instructional practices of the professors to be more consistent with the stated Virginia overall goals for students

    Diatom based transfer function for estimating the chemical composition of fossil water. Calibration based on salt lakes of the Lipez area in the southwestern Bolivian Altiplano

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    Diatom assemblages and water chemistry were studied in 13 shallow salt lakes in the southern part of the Bolivian Altiplano. At each locality bottom sediment and water samples were collected simultaneously. Relationships between the composition of the diatom assemblages and variations in water chemistry were collated in order to permit the estimation of ancient water chemistries based on changes in the make up of fossil diatom associations in older sediments. Weighted Averages treated by Partial Least Squares regression (WA and WA-PLS methods) allowed an estimation of optima and the relative tolerances of 61 species to variations in salinity and to the relative quantities of the 15 chemical elements studied, among them boron and lithium.L'étude des assemblages de diatomées et de la composition chimique des eaux a été effectuée dans 13 lacs salés peu profonds localisés dans le Sud de l'Altiplano Bolivien. Les points et les dates de prélèvement sont les mêmes pour les deux types d'étude. Les relations entre les assemblages de diatomées et les variables chimiques mesurées sont effectuées dans le but d'estimer ces variables dans le passé à partir des diatomées fossiles conservées dans les sédiments. La méthode des moyennes pondérées (WA et WA-PLS régression) a permis d'estimer les optima et les tolérances de 61 espèces à la salinité et aux différents éléments chimiques dont le bore et le lithium

    High-J CO emission in the Cepheus E protostellar outflow observed with SOFIA/GREAT

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    We present and analyze two spectrally resolved high-J CO lines towards the molecular outflow Cep E, driven by an intermediate-mass class 0 protostar. Using the GREAT receiver on board SOFIA, we observed the CO (12--11) and (13--12) transitions (E_u ~ 430 and 500 K, respectively) towards one position in the blue lobe of this outflow, that had been known to display high-velocity molecular emission. We detect the outflow emission in both transitions, up to extremely high velocities (~ 100 km/s with respect to the systemic velocity). We divide the line profiles into three velocity ranges that each have interesting spectral features: standard, intermediate, and extremely high-velocity. One distinct bullet is detected in each of the last two. A large velocity gradient analysis for these three velocity ranges provides constraints on the kinetic temperature and volume density of the emitting gas, >~ 100 K and > ~ 10^4 cm^-3, respectively. These results are in agreement with previous ISO observations and are comparable with results obtained by Herschel for similar objects. We conclude that high-J CO lines are a good tracer of molecular bullets in protostellar outflows. Our analysis suggests that different physical conditions are at work in the intermediate velocity range compared with the standard and extremely high-velocity gas at the observed position.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (SOFIA/GREAT special issue

    APEX-CHAMP+ high-J CO observations of low-mass young stellar objects: IV. Mechanical and radiative feedback

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    During the embedded stage of star formation, bipolar molecular outflows and UV radiation from the protostar are important feedback processes. Our aim is to quantify the feedback, mechanical and radiative, for a large sample of low-mass sources. The outflow activity is compared to radiative feedback in the form of UV heating by the accreting protostar to search for correlations and evolutionary trends. Large-scale maps of 26 young stellar objects, which are part of the Herschel WISH key program are obtained using the CHAMP+ instrument on the APEX (12CO and 13CO 6-5), and the HARP-B instrument on the JCMT (12CO and 13CO 3-2). Maps are used to determine outflow parameters and envelope models are used to quantify the amount of UV-heated gas and its temperature from 13CO 6-5 observations. All sources in our sample show outflow activity and the outflow force, F_CO, is larger for Class 0 sources than for Class I sources, even if their luminosities are comparable. The outflowing gas typically extends to much greater distances than the power-law envelope and therefore influences the surrounding cloud material directly. Comparison of the CO 6-5 results with Herschel-HIFI H2O and PACS high-J CO lines, both tracing currently shocked gas, shows that the two components are linked, even though the transitions do not probe the same gas. The link does not extend down to CO 3-2. The conclusion is that CO 6-5 depends on the shock characteristics (density and velocity), whereas CO 3-2 is more sensitive to conditions in the surrounding environment (density). The radiative feedback is responsible for increasing the gas temperature by a factor of two, up to 30-50 K, on scales of a few thousand AU, particularly along the direction of the outflow. The mass of the UV heated gas exceeds the mass contained in the entrained outflow in the inner ~3000 AU and is therefore at least as important on small scales.Comment: 30 pages with Appendix, Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Identifying disease sensitive and quantitative trait-relevant biomarkers from multidimensional heterogeneous imaging genetics data via sparse multimodal multitask learning

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    Motivation: Recent advances in brain imaging and high-throughput genotyping techniques enable new approaches to study the influence of genetic and anatomical variations on brain functions and disorders. Traditional association studies typically perform independent and pairwise analysis among neuroimaging measures, cognitive scores and disease status, and ignore the important underlying interacting relationships between these units

    Circumstellar molecular composition of the oxygen-rich AGB star IK Tau: I. Observations and LTE chemical abundance analysis

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    The aim of this paper is to study the molecular composition in the circumstellar envelope around the oxygen-rich star IK Tau. We observed IK Tau in several (sub)millimeter bands using the APEX telescope during three observing periods. To determine the spatial distribution of the 12CO(32)\mathrm{^{12}CO(3-2)} emission, mapping observations were performed. To constrain the physical conditions in the circumstellar envelope, multiple rotational CO emission lines were modeled using a non local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative transfer code. The rotational temperatures and the abundances of the other molecules were obtained assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium. An oxygen-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch star has been surveyed in the submillimeter wavelength range. Thirty four transitions of twelve molecular species, including maser lines, were detected. The kinetic temperature of the envelope was determined and the molecular abundance fractions of the molecules were estimated. The deduced molecular abundances were compared with observations and modeling from the literature and agree within a factor of 10, except for SO2_2, which is found to be almost a factor 100 stronger than predicted by chemical models. From this study, we found that IK Tau is a good laboratory to study the conditions in circumstellar envelopes around oxygen-rich stars with (sub)millimeter-wavelength molecular lines. We could also expect from this study that the molecules in the circumstellar envelope can be explained more faithful by non-LTE analysis with lower and higher transition lines than by simple LTE analysis with only lower transition lines. In particular, the observed CO line profiles could be well reproduced by a simple expanding envelope model with a power law structure.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, 8 tables *Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Detection of 6.7 GHz methanol absorption towards hot corinos

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    Methanol masers at 6.7 GHz have been found exclusively towards high-mass star forming regions. Recently, some Class 0 protostars have been found to display conditions similar to what are found in hot cores that are associated with massive star formation. These hot corino sources have densities, gas temperatures, and methanol abundances that are adequate for exciting strong 6.7 GHz maser emission. This raises the question of whether 6.7 GHz methanol masers can be found in both hot corinos and massive star forming regions, and if not, whether thermal methanol emission can be detected. We searched for the 6.7 GHz methanol line towards five hot corino sources in the Perseus region using the Arecibo radio telescope. To constrain the excitation conditions of methanol, we observed thermal submillimeter lines of methanol in the NGC1333-IRAS 4 region with the APEX telescope. We did not detect 6.7 GHz emission in any of the sources, but found absorption against the cosmic microwave background in NGC1333-IRAS 4A and NGC1333-IRAS 4B. Using a large velocity gradient analysis, we modeled the excitation of methanol over a wide range of physical parameters, and verify that the 6.7 GHz line is indeed strongly anti-inverted for densities lower than 10^6 cm^-3. We used the submillimeter observations of methanol to verify the predictions of our model for IRAS 4A by comparison with other CH3OH transitions. Our results indicate that the methanol observations from the APEX and Arecibo telescopes are consistent with dense (n ~ 10^6 cm^-3), cold (T ~ 15-30 K) gas. The lack of maser emission in hot corinos and low-mass protostellar objects in general may be due to densities that are much higher than the quenching density in the region where the radiation field is conducive to maser pumping.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Visual contrast sensitivity is associated with the presence of cerebral amyloid and tau deposition

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    Visual deficits are common in neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease. We sought to determine the association between visual contrast sensitivity and neuroimaging measures of Alzheimer’s disease-related pathophysiology, including cerebral amyloid and tau deposition and neurodegeneration. A total of 74 participants (7 Alzheimer’s disease, 16 mild cognitive impairment, 20 subjective cognitive decline, 31 cognitively normal older adults) underwent the frequency doubling technology 24-2 examination, a structural MRI scan and amyloid PET imaging for the assessment of visual contrast sensitivity. Of these participants, 46 participants (2 Alzheimer’s disease, 9 mild cognitive impairment, 12 subjective cognitive decline, 23 cognitively normal older adults) also underwent tau PET imaging with [18F]flortaucipir. The relationships between visual contrast sensitivity and cerebral amyloid and tau, as well as neurodegeneration, were assessed using partial Pearson correlations, covaried for age, sex and race and ethnicity. Voxel-wise associations were also evaluated for amyloid and tau. The ability of visual contrast sensitivity to predict amyloid and tau positivity were assessed using forward conditional logistic regression and receiver operating curve analysis. All analyses first were done in the full sample and then in the non-demented at-risk individuals (subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment) only. Significant associations between visual contrast sensitivity and regional amyloid and tau deposition were observed across the full sample and within subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment only. Voxel-wise analysis demonstrated strong associations of visual contrast sensitivity with amyloid and tau, primarily in temporal, parietal and occipital brain regions. Finally, visual contrast sensitivity accurately predicted amyloid and tau positivity. Alterations in visual contrast sensitivity were related to cerebral deposition of amyloid and tau, suggesting that this measure may be a good biomarker for detecting Alzheimer’s disease-related pathophysiology. Future studies in larger patient samples are needed, but these findings support the power of these measures of visual contrast sensitivity as a potential novel, inexpensive and easy-to-administer biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology in older adults at risk for cognitive decline

    Excitation of the molecular gas in the nuclear region of M82

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    We present high resolution HIFI spectroscopy of the nucleus of the archetypical starburst galaxy M82. Six 12CO lines, 2 13CO lines and 4 fine-structure lines are detected. Besides showing the effects of the overall velocity structure of the nuclear region, the line profiles also indicate the presence of multiple components with different optical depths, temperatures and densities in the observing beam. The data have been interpreted using a grid of PDR models. It is found that the majority of the molecular gas is in low density (n=10^3.5 cm^-3) clouds, with column densities of N_H=10^21.5 cm^-2 and a relatively low UV radiation field (GO = 10^2). The remaining gas is predominantly found in clouds with higher densities (n=10^5 cm^-3) and radiation fields (GO = 10^2.75), but somewhat lower column densities (N_H=10^21.2 cm^-2). The highest J CO lines are dominated by a small (1% relative surface filling) component, with an even higher density (n=10^6 cm^-3) and UV field (GO = 10^3.25). These results show the strength of multi-component modeling for the interpretation of the integrated properties of galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter