87 research outputs found

    Quantification and sensitivity of fault seal parameters demonstrated in an integrated reservoir modelling work flow. A case study on the Njord Field, Halten Terrace, Norway

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    The primary objective of this paper is to present a fault seal case study from the Njord Field, offshore Norway. The study utilised analogue field studies as well as core descriptions and petrophysical well data in order to evaluate the sealing potential of large to medium scale faults that segment the reservoir. Dynamic data and 4D seismic information was used to calibrate the results through multiple fault seal scenarios.conferenc

    From widespread faulting to localised rifting: Evidence from K-Ar fault gouge dates from the Norwegian North Sea rift shoulder

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    Although seismic and stratigraphic well information put tight constraints on rift basin evolution, eroded rift shoulders commonly expose polydeformed prerift basement whose deformation history may be difficult to constrain. In this work, we apply K-Ar dating of fault gouge samples from 18 faults to explore the brittle deformation of the well-exposed eastern rift margin to the northern North Sea rift. We find evidence of clay gouge formation since the Late Devonian, with distinct Permian and Jurassic fault activity peaks that closely match early stages of the two well-established North Sea rift phases. A marked decay in fault density away from the rift margin confirms a close relationship between rifting and onshore faulting. The results show that initial rift-related extension affected a much wider area than the resulting offshore rift. Hence our data support a rift model where strain is initially distributed over a several 100 km wide region, as a prelude to the development of the ~150–200 km wide Permo-Triassic northern North Sea rift as defined by large marginal faults. Towards the end of the second rift phase, strain localises even more strongly to the 25–50 km wide Viking Graben. Interestingly, a period of early widespread extension is seen for both phases of North Sea rifting and may be a general characteristic of continental rifting. The documented prerift faulting and fracturing of the basement since the Devonian weakened the basement and probably facilitated the widespread initial extension that subsequently localised to form the northern North Sea rift, with further localisation to its relatively narrow central part (Viking Graben).publishedVersio

    Syn‐rift sediment gravity flow deposition on a Late Jurassic fault‐terraced slope, northern North Sea

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    Structurally controlled bathymetry in rifts has a significant influence on sediment routing pathways and depositional architecture of sediment gravity flow deposits. In contrast to rift segments characterized by crustal-scale half-grabens, the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of deep-water rift domains characterised by distributed faulting on narrow fault terraces has received little attention. We use 3D broadband seismic data, calibrated by boreholes, from the Lomre and Uer terraces in the northern North Sea rift to investigate Late Jurassic syn-rift sediment gravity flow systems on fault-terraced slopes. The sediment gravity flow fairways were sourced from hinterland drainages via basin margin deltaic systems on the Horda Platform to the southeast. The deep-water sedimentary systems evolve from initial, widespread submarine channelized lobe complexes, through submarine channels, to incised submarine canyons. This progressive confinement of the sediment gravity flow system was concomitant with progressive localization of strain onto the main terrace-bounding faults. Although the normal fault network on the terraces has local impact on deep-water sediment transport and the architecture of gravity flow deposits, it is the regional basin margin to rift axis gradient that dominantly controls deep-water sediment routing. Furthermore, the gravity flow deposits on the Lomre and Uer terraces were predominantly sourced by rift margin deltaic systems, not from erosion of local uplifted footwall crests, emphasising the significance of hinterland catchments in the development of volumetrically significant deep-water syn-rift depositional systems

    The large Thaumasia graben on Mars: Is it a rift?

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    We investigate the morphology and topography of one of the largest fault-bounded tectonic structures on Mars, a complex, approximately N-S trending system of troughs and scarps at the western border of the Thaumasia plateau in the Claritas region (hereinafter referred to as “Thaumasia graben,” or TG). It is located between 15°S and 38°S latitude and at ∼255°E longitude. No detailed investigation of its morphotectonic setting has been performed yet. The region is a complexly fractured area with a number of different fault sets, including simple and complex graben. The TG extends over more than 1000 km along its trend, averaging 100 km in width and 1.6 km in depth. Crustal extension is accommodated by the formation of a system of asymmetric graben, or halfgraben. On the basis of fault orientation and trough depth, the TG can be subdivided in a north-south direction into three segments. Except for the northernmost segment, the predominant master fault system is located along the eastern flank of the TG, highlighting the overall asymmetric architecture. Fault length segments vary from 50 to 90 km with observable displacements of 1.3–2.2 km. Crustal extension, inferred from gridded MOLA topography across scarp offsets, varies along trend between 0.5 km and ∼4 km, assuming a fault dip of 60°. This is relatively moderate extension if compared to terrestrial continental rifts, but consistent with extension measured across the Tempe Rift on Mars. We find that the Thaumasia graben displays some characteristics which are common to terrestrial continental rifts, whereas other properties are distinctively not rift-like

    Pre‐breakup extension in the northern North Sea defined by complex strain partitioning and heterogeneous extension rates

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    The early stages of continental rifting are accommodated by the growth of upper‐crustal normal fault systems that are distributed relatively evenly across the rift width. Numerous fault systems define fault arrays , the kinematics of which are poorly understood due to a lack of regional studies drawing on high‐quality subsurface data. Here we investigate the long‐term (~150 Myr) growth of a rift‐related fault array in the East Shetland Basin, northern North Sea, using a regionally extensive subsurface dataset comprising 2D and 3D seismic reflection surveys and 107 boreholes. We show that rift‐related strain during the pre‐Triassic‐to‐Middle Triassic was originally distributed across several sub‐basins. The Middle‐to‐Late Triassic saw a decrease in extension rate (~14 m/Myr) as strain localized in the western part of the basin. Early Jurassic strain initially migrated eastwards, before becoming more diffuse during the main, Middle‐to‐Late Jurassic rift phase. The highest extension rates (~89 m/Myr) corresponded with the main rift event in the East Shetland Basin, before focusing of strain within the rift axis and ultimate abandonment of the East Shetland Basin in the Early Cretaceous. We also demonstrate marked spatial variations in timing and magnitude of slip along‐strike of major fault systems during this protracted rift event. Our results imply that strain migration patterns and extension rates during the initial, pre‐breakup phase of continental rifting may be more complex than previously thought; this reflects temporal and spatial changes in both thermal and mechanical properties of the lithosphere, in addition to varying extension rates

    Depositional architecture of sand-attached and sand-detached channel-lobe transition zones on an exhumed stepped slope mapped over a 2500 km2 area

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    The geomorphology and seismic stratigraphy of deep-water clastic systems from slope valleys through channel-levee systems to basin-floor fans have been observed and described in modern and ancient sub surface examples around the world. However, the distribution of sedimentary facies, grain size, and small-scale architectural elements remains poorly constrained. Extensive exposures (>2500 km2) of four stacked deep-water composite sequences have been mapped from heterolithic channel-levee systems on the slope to sand-rich basin-floor deposits. The data set from Units C-F of the Fort Brown Formation in the Permian Laingsburg depocenter of South Africa permits a unique opportunity to document and compare their depositional architecture at a high resolution for tens of kilometers downdip. Isopach thickness maps indicate that compensational stacking across multiple stratigraphic scales occurs on the basin floor, whereas preferred axial pathways were present on the slope, leading to subvertical stacking patterns. Units C and D are sand-attached systems; slope valley systems are mapped to pass transitionally downslope through leveeconfined channels to lobe complexes over distances of >30 km. The slope valley fills of Units E and F, however, are separated from their downdip sand-rich lobe complexes by a thin, sand-poor tract several kilometers in length and are termed sand detached. Locally, this sand-poor tract is characterized by a distinctive facies association of thin-bedded turbidites with numerous scours mantled with rip-up clasts, and a top surface that includes megaflutes and remobilized sediments. This assemblage is interpreted to indicate a widespread area of sand bypass. This unique data set provides an exploration- scale insight and understanding of how different segments of a prograding slope evolved over time in terms of gradient, physiography, and hence the degree to which sand was stored or bypassed to the basin floor, and the evolution from sand-attached to sand-detached systems. The development of sand-detached systems suggests that a steeper gradient formed, possibly related to developing underlying structure, that led to the development of a stepped slope profile. The study highlights that updip stratigraphic trapping at reservoir scale can occur with minor bathymetric changes

    Glaciations in the Bolshaya- and Malaya Shutchye area, The Polar Urals

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    Geomorfologi og sedimentfordeling i området rundt innsjøene Bolshaja- og Malaja Shutsje i Polar Ural i Nord-Russland har blitt studert i felt og på flyfoto. Målsetningen med arbeidet har vært å kartlegge spor etter påvirkning fra det tidligere Barents-Karaisdekket, samt spor etter fremstøt fra breer med akkumulasjonsområde i fjellkjeden. Sub- og proglasiale landformer og avsetninger kartlagt i dette studiet støtter antagelser fra tidligere studier om at Barents-Karaisdekket lå over fjellkjeden i midt pleistocene, og at utløpere fra Barents-Karaisdekket som omga fjellkjeden i tidlig weichsel presset seg inn i lavereliggende områder i dalene nær fjellfoten. Observasjoner, og dateringer av flyttblokker med kosmogene isotoper (10Be) som er utført i forbindelse med dette studiet og i forbindelse med ICEHUS-prosjektet (feltsesongene 2007 og 2009) støtter også antagelsen om at det kan ha blitt dannet større breer med sentrum i fjellkjeden i tidlig-/midt weichsel. Datering av blokker fra sandurer og morenerygger med kosmogene isotoper (10Be) gjort i forbindelse med dette studiet, og i forbindelse med ICEHUS- prosjektet (2007 og 2009) tyder på at det også var et større brefremstøt fra breer med sentrum i fjellkjeden i sen weichsel og et senere, mindre fremstøt antagelig i holocene. Dette til forskjell fra tidligere undersøkelser som har konkludert med at det bare var et mindre brefremstøt i sen weichsel, og at breene i området har vært nærmest lik dagens breer i løpet av holocene. Abstract Geomorphology and sediment distribution in areas surrounding the lakes Bolshaya- and Malaya Shutchie in the Polar Urals, Northern Russia, have been studied in the field and using aerial photos. The objectives of the study have been to map features related to the impact of glacier advances from the previous Barents-Kara Ice Shield, as well as advances from glaciers that accumulated within this part of the mountain range. Sub- and proglasial features mapped as part of this study support earlier studies suggesting that the Barents-Kara Ice Shield covered the mountain range during the Middle Pleistocene period, and that outlet glacier from the Barents-Kara Ice Shield surrounding the mountains during the Early Weichselian inundated the lower parts of the mountain valleys at the piedmont. Observations and cosmogenic isotope (10Be) dating of erratics made in this study and in connection with the ICEHUS-project (field seasons 2007 and 2009) also support the assumption that extensive glacier formed in the mountain range during the Early-/ Middle Weichselian. Cosmogenic isotope (10Be) dating of boulders resting on morainic ridges and sandur deposits collected as part of this study and also in the ICEHUS-project (2007 and 2009) imply that there was a significant glacier advance from glaciers that originated in the mountain chain during the Late Weichselian, and a later, but smaller advance probably during the Holocene. This contradicts earlier studies that have concluded that glaciers were probably not much larger during the Late Weichselian than today, and that they maintained about the same size as at present throughout the Holocene.

    Der det skjer - når det skjer : En studie av lokal nyhetsproduksjon i to konfliktområder.

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    Oppgaven er en sammenlignende undersøkelse av produksjonskontekstene for lokale nyhetstekster i de to serbiske kommunene Novi Pazar og Bujanovac, som ligger i henholdsvis Sandzak og Presevo-dalen, to områder preget av sterke etniske og politiske konflikter. Materialet for undersøkelsen har vært en rekke kvalitative intervjuer med lokale journalister og redaktører jeg foretok i perioden 2006-2007. Produksjonskonteksten for nyhetstekster består blant annet av ytre påvirkning og press, medienes organisasjonsstruktur og arbeidsform samt journalistenes internaliserte normer og konvensjoner for hva som f.eks. er god journalistikk. Fokuset for oppgaven har vært på hvorvidt disse produksjonskontekstene så ut til å påvirke nyhetsmedienes mulighet til å spille en rolle i de lokale konfliktene. Undersøkelsen viser at produksjonskontekstene begge steder åpnet for utstrakt ”overstyring” fra lokale myndigheter og andre politiske aktører som det var vanskelig for medier og journalister å gjøre seg uavhengige av, slik at muligheten til å spille en konfliktdempende rolle i stor grad var avhengig av den lokale politiske situasjonen

    Glasiasjonshistorie i Bolshaja- og Malaja Shutsjeområdet, Polar Ural

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    Geomorfologi og sedimentfordeling i området rundt innsjøene Bolshaja- og Malaja Shutsje i Polar Ural i Nord-Russland har blitt studert i felt og på flyfoto. Målsetningen med arbeidet har vært å kartlegge spor etter påvirkning fra det tidligere Barents-Karaisdekket, samt spor etter fremstøt fra breer med akkumulasjonsområde i fjellkjeden. Sub- og proglasiale landformer og avsetninger kartlagt i dette studiet støtter antagelser fra tidligere studier om at Barents-Karaisdekket lå over fjellkjeden i midt pleistocene, og at utløpere fra Barents-Karaisdekket som omga fjellkjeden i tidlig weichsel presset seg inn i lavereliggende områder i dalene nær fjellfoten. Observasjoner, og dateringer av flyttblokker med kosmogene isotoper (10Be) som er utført i forbindelse med dette studiet og i forbindelse med ICEHUS-prosjektet (feltsesongene 2007 og 2009) støtter også antagelsen om at det kan ha blitt dannet større breer med sentrum i fjellkjeden i tidlig-/midt weichsel. Datering av blokker fra sandurer og morenerygger med kosmogene isotoper (10Be) gjort i forbindelse med dette studiet, og i forbindelse med ICEHUS- prosjektet (2007 og 2009) tyder på at det også var et større brefremstøt fra breer med sentrum i fjellkjeden i sen weichsel og et senere, mindre fremstøt antagelig i holocene. Dette til forskjell fra tidligere undersøkelser som har konkludert med at det bare var et mindre brefremstøt i sen weichsel, og at breene i området har vært nærmest lik dagens breer i løpet av holocene. Abstract Geomorphology and sediment distribution in areas surrounding the lakes Bolshaya- and Malaya Shutchie in the Polar Urals, Northern Russia, have been studied in the field and using aerial photos. The objectives of the study have been to map features related to the impact of glacier advances from the previous Barents-Kara Ice Shield, as well as advances from glaciers that accumulated within this part of the mountain range. Sub- and proglasial features mapped as part of this study support earlier studies suggesting that the Barents-Kara Ice Shield covered the mountain range during the Middle Pleistocene period, and that outlet glacier from the Barents-Kara Ice Shield surrounding the mountains during the Early Weichselian inundated the lower parts of the mountain valleys at the piedmont. Observations and cosmogenic isotope (10Be) dating of erratics made in this study and in connection with the ICEHUS-project (field seasons 2007 and 2009) also support the assumption that extensive glacier formed in the mountain range during the Early-/ Middle Weichselian. Cosmogenic isotope (10Be) dating of boulders resting on morainic ridges and sandur deposits collected as part of this study and also in the ICEHUS-project (2007 and 2009) imply that there was a significant glacier advance from glaciers that originated in the mountain chain during the Late Weichselian, and a later, but smaller advance probably during the Holocene. This contradicts earlier studies that have concluded that glaciers were probably not much larger during the Late Weichselian than today, and that they maintained about the same size as at present throughout the Holocene.

    Tengsl sykurneyslu, andlegrar líðan og skynjaðrar orku

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    Sugar consumption has a correlation with obesity, numerous physiological and psychological illnesses, and has been found to be potentially addictive. It has also been found that sugar consumption can change the brain neurochemistry, especially when consumed in excessive quantities. Sugar consumption has been linked to a variety of psychological issues, such as stress, major depression, psychological distress, and suicidal ideation. Nevertheless, research on the association between sugar consumption and mental well-being are immensely scarce. Furthermore, no studies were found concerning sugar consumption and perceived energy. The current study assessed the association between sugar consumption and mental well-being as well as perceived energy. Participants were 300, thereof 239 females and 60 males. Participants answered a questionnaire about their dietary habits and well-being. Correlation was found between sugar consumption and stress and perceived energy. Evaluation of physical shape, stress symptoms, and perceived energy were found to predict sugar consumption. However, sugar consumption did not predict mental-well being or perceived energy. The results of the study, strengths and weaknesses are discussed, as well as future research.Sykurneysla hefur fylgni við offitu, fjölda líkamlegra og andlegra sjúkdóma, og er mögulega ávanabindandi. Sýnt hefur verið fram á að sykurneysla geti breytt taugaefnafræði heilans, sérstaklega þegar hans er neytt í miklum mæli. Sykurneysla hefur verið tengd við fjölda andlegra kvilla, eins og streitu, þunglyndi, sálfræðilegar þjáningar og sjálfsvígshugsanir. Engu að síður eru rannsóknir á sykurneyslu og andlegri líðan einstaklega fágætar. Enn fremur fundust engar rannsóknir á sykurneyslu og skynjaðri orku. Þátttakendur voru 300 talsins, þar af 239 konur og 60 karlar. Þátttakendur svöruðu spurningalista hvað varðaði mataræði þeirra og líðan. Fylgni fannst á milli sykurneyslu og streitu og skynjaðrar orku. Mat á líkamlegu formi, streitueinkenni og skynjuð orka spáðu fyrir um sykurneyslu. Hins vegar spáði sykurneysla ekki fyrir um andlega líðan eða skynjaða orku. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar eru ræddar, sem og styrkleikar hennar og veikleikar, ásamt umræðu um frekari rannsóknir