72 research outputs found

    Investigaciones taxonómicas en Malva cretica s.l. (Malvaceae)

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    A morphometric analysis has been carried out for the first time in order to investigate the variability of the infraspecific taxa included in the steno-Mediterranean Malva cretica s.l., i.e. M. Cretica subsp. althaeoides, M. cretica subsp. cretica, and the poorly-known M. Cretica var. montana, described from southern Italy. According to our results, M. cretica subsp. althaeoides and subsp. cretica are worth of taxonomic recognition at subspecies rank and occupy respectively the western and the central-eastern sectors of the species range. Concerning M. Cretica var. montana, characterized by some intermediate features, it should be included in M. Cretica subsp. cretica.Se ha realizado, por primera vez, un análisis morfométrico con el fin de investigar la variación morfológica de los táxones infraespecíficos actualmente reconocidos en Malva cretica s.l., i.e. subsp. cretica y subsp. althaeoides, incluyendo la poco conocida var. montana del sur de Italia. Según nuestros resultados, la subsp. althaeoides y la subsp. cretica merecen el rango de subespecie y ocupan respectivamente los sectores occidentales y centro-orientales del área de distribución de la especie. Respecto a M. Cretica var. montana, caracterizada por algunos rasgos intermedios, debe ser incluida en M. Cretica subsp. cretica

    Genetic diversity and origin of the rare, narrow endemic Asperula crassifolia (Rubiaceae)

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    We examined the patterns of genetic variation in the narrow endemic Asperula crassifolia (Campania, southern Italy), taking into account the schizoendemic distribution of the Mediterranean members of Asperula sect. Cynanchicae. We obtained plastid DNA sequences of the rps16 intron and the trnC-petN intergenic spacer for several members of A. sect. Cynanchicae, for three living populations (48 individuals) and ten herbarium specimens of A. crassifolia. We also analysed nSSR data for A. crassifolia, to infer population diversity and differentiation. Our results suggest that the centre of diversity of A. crassifolia is the island of Capri, where A. crassifolia harbours four different ptDNA haplotypes, two of which are shared with other species of sect. Cynanchicae. Microsatellite analyses revealed low levels of genetic diversity for the mainland population (Nerano, Sorrentine Peninsula) and the neighbouring Sirenusae islets. Diversity in A. crassifolia is mainly explained by ancestral variation and recent divergence. Rarity in A. crassifolia is a natural condition; however, we express concern for the small census population size as it might trigger further rarefaction

    Variability and Nativeness in the Mediterranean Taxa: Divergence and Phylogeography of Genista etnensis (Fabaceae) Inferred from Nuclear and Plastid Data

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    Genista etnensis is a remarkable and well-known tree endemic to Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica (Mediterranean Basin). Nevertheless, its morphological variability and its native status throughout its range need to be further investigated. In this study, we aim to clarify some aspects of this infraspecific variability by molecular means. Sequences of one nuclear and five plastid markers were analyzed under maximum parsimony by using TCS software. Plastid data were also timecalibrated under a Bayesian Inference framework. Plastid data revealed strong isolation between the populations from the Cyrno-Sardinian biogeographical province, which are also the most diverse and presumably the most archaic, and those from Sicily and Southern Italy (in this latter area, the species is naturalized). The calibration analysis indicates that the last common ancestor between G. etnensis and its sister group G. fasselata dates back to the middle Pliocene or slightly later, when sclerophyllous Mediterranean vegetation spread, whereas G. etnensis itself might have originated in the middle Pleistocene. The current, rather unusual distribution of G. etnensis could be explained by long-range seed dispersal from the western part of the range or by anthropogenic introduction into Sicily, with extinctions of transported haplotypes in the region of origin. Interestingly, the Vesuvius population, introduced from Sicily in recent times and locally naturalized, shows private genotypes, and was richer in both genotypes and haplotypes than the Sicilian ones

    What is in your cup of tea? DNA Verity Test to characterize black and green commercial teas

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    In this study, we used several molecular techniques to develop a fast and reliable protocol (DNA Verity Test, DVT) for the characterization and confirmation of the species or taxa present in herbal infusions. As a model plant for this protocol, Camellia sinensis, a traditional tea plant, was selected due to the following reasons: its historical popularity as a (healthy) beverage, its high selling value, the importation of barely recognizable raw product (i.e., crushed), and the scarcity of studies concerning adulterants or contamination. The DNA Verity Test includes both the sequencing of DNA barcoding markers and genotyping of labeled-PCR DNA barcoding fragments for each sample analyzed. This protocol (DVT) was successively applied to verify the authenticity of 32 commercial teas (simple or admixture), and the main results can be summarized as follows: (1) the DVT protocol is suitable to detect adulteration in tea matrices (contaminations or absence of certified ingredients), and the method can be exported for the study of other similar systems; (2) based on the BLAST analysis of the sequences of rbcL+matK±rps7-trnV(GAC) chloroplast markers, C. sinensis can be taxonomically characterized; (3) rps7-trnV(GAC) can be employed to discriminate C. sinensis from C. pubicosta; (4) ITS2 is not an ideal DNA barcode for tea samples, reflecting potential incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization/introgression phenomena in C. sinensis taxa; (5) the genotyping approach is an easy, inexpensive and rapid pre-screening method to detect anomalies in the tea templates using the trnH(GUG)-psbA barcoding marker; (6) two herbal companies provided no authentic products with a contaminant or without some of the listed ingredients; and (7) the leaf matrices present in some teabags could be constituted using an admixture of different C. sinensis haplotypes and/or allied species (C. pubicosta)

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 17

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records and status changes from casual to naturalized for Italy or for Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Callianthe, Chamaecyparis, Chamaeiris, Cotoneaster, Erigeron, Freesia, Hemerocallis, Juglans, Kalanchoë, Ludwigia, Nassella, Paulownia, Physocarpus, Pistia, Saccharum, Setaria, and Vachellia. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as supplementary material

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 14

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as Suppl. materia

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 14

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as Suppl. material

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    Biological flora of Central Europe: Cyperus esculentus L

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    This paper presents information on all aspects of the biology of Cyperus esculentus L. (yellow nutsedge) and deals with its taxonomy, morphology, genetic diversity, distribution, habitat requirements, ecology and life cycle, with special emphasis on uses and cultivation, history of introduction, impact and management in Europe. C. esculentus is a tuber geophyte and most likely originates from the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. It is a variable plant and four wild-type varieties are presently recognized, in addition to a cultivated form. C. esculentus reproduces primarily by its underground tubers, although abundant seeds are produced. In temperate climates, tubers usually sprout in late spring and the plant withers at the beginning of the winter. C. esculentus is only cultivated in the València region in Spain. Invasion foci emerged across Europe at the beginning of the 1980s and at present, C. esculentus is most abundant on arable land and in ruderal habitats, followed by riverine vegetation. In heavily infested regions of Europe, C. esculentus causes substantial yield losses in field crops and although different management strategies are available, C. esculentus remains difficult to control.Follak, S.; Belz, R.; Bohren, C.; Castro, OD.; Guacchio, ED.; Pascual-Seva, N.; Schwarz, M.... (2016). Biological flora of Central Europe: Cyperus esculentus L. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 23:33-51. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2016.09.003S33512

    Ageratina adenophora (Asteraceae) nova tujerodna vrsta v flori Italije in opazovanja o njenih okoljskih grožnjah

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    Ageratina adenophora is recorded for the first time in Italy (Campania region). Its naturalization status and ecology are discussed, also providing a morphological comparison with the related taxa (both occurring in Italy) A. ligustrina and Eupatorium cannabinum. Some remarks on potential threats for habitat and native flora are provided as well.Pojavljanje vrste Ageratina adenophora smo zabeležili prvič v Italiji (regija Campania). Obravnavamo njen status naturalizacije in ekologijo, obenem pa podajamo tudi morfološko primerjavo s sorodnima vrstama A. ligustrina in Eupatorium cannabinum, ki se pojavljata v Italiji. Dodatno smo izpostavili potencialno ogroženost habitatov in avtohtone flore