1,926 research outputs found

    Knowing what we count : a comment on Guo

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    Guo (2011) points to problems arising from different approaches to estimating the proportions of floras that are native or alien, specifically those across and within various regions. This results in inconsistency of numbers reported from internal administrative units by underestimating the numbers of species that are alien to the region and overestimating native species richness. Resulting species numbers and proportions for smaller units within large countries, or whole continents, can be seriously biased if only species alien to the larger unit as a whole are considered alien, while all other species are considered native

    The distribution of range sizes of native and alien plants in four European countries and the effects of residence time

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    Aim Do the statistical distributions of range sizes of native and alien species differ? If so, is this because of residence time effects? And can such effects indicate an average time to a maximum? Location Ireland, Britain, Germany and the Czech Republic. Methods The data are presence or absence of higher plants in mapping units of 100 km2 (Ireland and Britain) or c. 130 km2 (Germany and the Czech Republic) in areas varying from 79 to 357 thousand km2. Logit transforms of range sizes so defined were tested for normality, and examined by ANOVA, and by loess, ordinary least square (OLS) and reduced major axis regressions. Results Current range sizes, in logits, are near normally distributed. Those of native plants are larger than those of naturalized neophytes (plants introduced since 1500 ad) and much larger than those of casual neophytes. Archaeophytes (introduced earlier) have range sizes slightly larger than natives, except in Ireland. Residence time, the time since an invasive species arrived in the wild at a certain place, affects range sizes. The relationships of the range of naturalized neophytes to residence time are effectively straight in all four places, showing no significant curvature or asymptote back to 1500, though there are few records between 1500 and 1800. The relationships have an r2 of only about 10%. Both OLS regressions and reduced major axes can be used to estimate the time it takes for the range of a naturalized neophyte to reach a maximum. Main conclusions Established neophytes have smaller range size distributions than natives probably because many have not yet reached their maximum. We estimate it takes at least 150 years, possibly twice that, on average, for the maximum to be reached in areas of the order of 105 km2. Policy needs to allow for the variation in rates of spread and particularly the long time needed to fill ranges. Most naturalized neophytes are still expanding their ranges in Europe

    Alien plants in urban nature reserves : from red-list species to future invaders?

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    Urban reserves, like other protected areas, aim to preserve species richness but conservation efforts in these protected areas are complicated by high proportions of alien species. We examined which environmental factors determine alien species presence in 48 city reserves of Prague, Czech Republic. We distinguished between archaeophytes, i.e. alien species introduced since the beginning of Neolithic agriculture up to 1500 A. D., and neophytes, i.e. modern invaders introduced after that date, with the former group separately analysed for endangered archaeophytes (listed as C1 and C2 categories on national red list). Archaeophytes responded positively to the presence of arable land that was in place at the time of the reserve establishment, and to a low altitudinal range. In addition to soil properties, neophytes responded to recent human activities with the current proportion of built-up area in reserves serving as a proxy. Endangered archaeophytes, with the same affinity for past arable land as other archaeophytes, were also supported by the presence of current shrubland in the reserve. This suggests that for endangered archaeophytes it may have been difficult to adapt to changing agricultural practices, and shrublands might act as a refugium for them. Forty-six of the 155 neophytes recorded in the reserves are classified as invasive. The reserves thus harbour 67% of the 69 invasive neophytes recorded in the country, and particularly worrisome is that many of the most invasive species are shrubs and trees, a life form that is known to account for widespread invasions with high impacts. Our results thus strongly suggest that in Prague nature reserves there is a high potential for future invasions

    Potential phytotoxic and shading effects of invasive Fallopia (Polygonaceae) taxa on the germination of dominant native species

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    Two species of the genus Fallopia (F. sachalinensis, F. japonica, Polygonaceae) native to Asia, and their hybrid (F. ×bohemica), belong to the most noxious plant invaders in Europe. They impact highly on invaded plant communities, resulting in extremely poor native species richness. The low number of native species in invaded communities points to the possible existence of mechanisms suppressing their germination. In this study we assessed, under laboratory conditions, whether there are phytotoxic effects of the three Fallopia congeners on seed germination of three target species: two native species commonly growing in habitats that are often invaded by Fallopia taxa (Urtica dioica, Calamagrostis epigejos), and Lepidium sativum, a species commonly used in allelopathic bioassays as a control. Since Fallopia taxa form dense stands with high cover, we included varying light conditions as an additional factor, to simulate the effects of shading by leaf canopy on germination. The effects of aqueous extracts (2.5%, 5.0%, and 0% as a control) from dry leaves and rhizomes of the Fallopia congeners on germination of the target species were thus studied under two light regimes, simulating full daylight (white light) and light filtered through canopy (green light), and in dark as a control regime. Rhizome extracts did not affect germination. Light treatments yielded inconclusive results, indicating that poor germination and establishment of species in invaded stands is unlikely to be caused by shading alone. However, we found a pronounced phytotoxic effect of leaf extracts of Fallopia taxa, more so at 5.0% than 2.5% extract concentration. Fallopia sachalinensis exerted the largest negative effect on the germination of Urtica dioica, F. ×bohemica on that of C. epigejos, and F. japonica had invariably the lowest inhibitory effect on all test species. The weak phytotoxic effect of F. japonica corresponds to the results of previous studies that found this species to be generally a weaker competitor than its two congeners. Although these results do not necessarily provide direct evidence for allelopathic effects in the field, we demonstrate the potential phytotoxic effect of invasive Fallopia taxa on the germination of native species. This suggests that allelopathy may play a role in the impact of Fallopia invasion on species diversity of invaded communities

    Potential phytotoxic and shading effects of invasive Fallopia (Polygonaceae) taxa on the germination of dominant native species

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    Two species of the genus Fallopia (F. sachalinensis, F. japonica, Polygonaceae) native to Asia, and their hybrid (F. ×bohemica), belong to the most noxious plant invaders in Europe. They impact highly on invaded plant communities, resulting in extremely poor native species richness. The low number of native species in invaded communities points to the possible existence of mechanisms suppressing their germination. In this study we assessed, under laboratory conditions, whether there are phytotoxic effects of the three Fallopia congeners on seed germination of three target species: two native species commonly growing in habitats that are often invaded by Fallopia taxa (Urtica dioica, Calamagrostis epigejos), and Lepidium sativum, a species commonly used in allelopathic bioassays as a control. Since Fallopia taxa form dense stands with high cover, we included varying light conditions as an additional factor, to simulate the effects of shading by leaf canopy on germination. The effects of aqueous extracts (2.5%, 5.0%, and 0% as a control) from dry leaves and rhizomes of the Fallopia congeners on germination of the target species were thus studied under two light regimes, simulating full daylight (white light) and light filtered through canopy (green light), and in dark as a control regime. Rhizome extracts did not affect germination. Light treatments yielded inconclusive results, indicating that poor germination and establishment of species in invaded stands is unlikely to be caused by shading alone. However, we found a pronounced phytotoxic effect of leaf extracts of Fallopia taxa, more so at 5.0% than 2.5% extract concentration. Fallopia sachalinensis exerted the largest negative effect on the germination of Urtica dioica, F. ×bohemica on that of C. epigejos, and F. japonica had invariably the lowest inhibitory effect on all test species. The weak phytotoxic effect of F. japonica corresponds to the results of previous studies that found this species to be generally a weaker competitor than its two congeners. Although these results do not necessarily provide direct evidence for allelopathic effects in the field, we demonstrate the potential phytotoxic effect of invasive Fallopia taxa on the germination of native species. This suggests that allelopathy may play a role in the impact of Fallopia invasion on species diversity of invaded communities

    Alien Plants Introduced by Different Pathways Differ in Invasion Success: Unintentional Introductions as a Threat to Natural Areas

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the dimensions of pathways of introduction of alien plants is important for regulating species invasions, but how particular pathways differ in terms of post-invasion success of species they deliver has never been rigorously tested. We asked whether invasion status, distribution and habitat range of 1,007 alien plant species introduced after 1500 A.D. to the Czech Republic differ among four basic pathways of introduction recognized for plants. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Pathways introducing alien species deliberately as commodities (direct release into the wild; escape from cultivation) result in easier naturalization and invasion than pathways of unintentional introduction (contaminant of a commodity; stowaway arriving without association with it). The proportion of naturalized and invasive species among all introductions delivered by a particular pathway decreases with a decreasing level of direct assistance from humans associated with that pathway, from release and escape to contaminant and stowaway. However, those species that are introduced via unintentional pathways and become invasive are as widely distributed as deliberately introduced species, and those introduced as contaminants invade an even wider range of seminatural habitats. CONCLUSIONS: Pathways associated with deliberate species introductions with commodities and pathways whereby species are unintentionally introduced are contrasting modes of introductions in terms of invasion success. However, various measures of the outcome of the invasion process, in terms of species' invasion success, need to be considered to accurately evaluate the role of and threat imposed by individual pathways. By employing various measures we show that invasions by unintentionally introduced plant species need to be considered by management as seriously as those introduced by horticulture, because they invade a wide range of seminatural habitats, hence representing even a greater threat to natural areas

    Phragmites australis as a model organism for studying plant invasions

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    © 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. The cosmopolitan reed grass Phragmites australis (Poaceae) is an intensively studied species globally with a substantial focus in the last two decades on its invasive populations. Here we argue that P. australis meets the criteria to serve as a model organism for studying plant invasions. First, as a dominant species in globally important wetland habitats, it has generated significant pre-existing research, demonstrating a high potential for funding. Second, this plant is easy to grow and use in experiments. Third, it grows abundantly in a wide range of ecological systems and plant communities, allowing a broad range of research questions to be addressed. We formalize the designation of P. australis as a model organism for plant invasions in order to encourage and standardize collaborative research on multiple spatial scales that will help to integrate studies on the ecology and evolution of P. australis invasive populations, their response to global environmental change, and implications for biological security. Such an integrative framework can serve as guidance for studying invasive plant species at the population level and global spatial scale

    Is CO2 fertilization responsible for plant growth enhancement across different biomes?

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    Production of plant biomass depends on abiotic and biotic factors, these factors vary across biomes. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the abiotic factors. The effect of this factor on plant is intensively studied. Current climate changes includes global warming, that is influenced mainly by anthropogenic activity (burning fossil fuels and the consequent increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane etc.). Due to the increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, plants likely increase their growth, photosynthetic activity, decrease their stomatal conductance and the rate of transpiration. Increasing concentration of CO2 can thus have a positive impact on plants. The FACE method monitores plant reactions to enhanced concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in natural environment. The response of plants to increasing concentration of carbon dioxide is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors, which vary across biomes, and also by the type of plant metabolism (C3 and C4 metabolism). Plants with C3 metabolism react to increased concentrations of carbon dioxide immediately, but this response is diminished as they acclimatize over the years. In contrast, plants with C4 metabolism react with a delay, but there is not such a...Produkce rostlinné biomasy závisí na abiotických a biotických faktorech, tyto faktory se liší napříč biomy. Jedním z abiotických faktorů je koncentrace oxidu uhličitého v atmosféře, jejíž vývoj je intenzivně sledován. V současné době probíhají klimatické změny, které zahrnují především globální oteplování a příčinou těchto změn je převážně antropogenní činnost (spalování fosilních paliv a následné navyšování koncentrace skleníkových plynů oxidu uhličitého, methanu atd.). Vlivem zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého v atmosféře může docházet k navýšení nárůstu rostlinné biomasy, fotosyntetické aktivity, snižování stomatální vodivosti a míry transpirace a má tedy globálně pozitivní dopad na rostliny. Metoda FACE umožňuje sledování reakcí rostlin na zvýšenou koncentraci oxidu uhličitého v atmosféře v přirozeném prostředí. Reakce rostlin na zvyšování koncentrace oxidu uhličitého je ovlivněna biotickými a abiotickým faktory, které se mění napříč biomy a také druhem metabolismu rostlin (C3 a C4 metabolismus). Rostliny s C3 metabolismem vystavené zvýšené koncentraci oxidu uhličitého reagují okamžitě, ale postupem času dochází k aklimatizaci, kdy se reakce na zvýšenou koncentraci oxidu uhličitého snižuje. Naopak rostliny s C4 metabolismem reagují se zpožděním, ale nedochází zde k tak vysoké míře...Department of EcologyKatedra ekologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    The generic impact scoring system (GISS): a standardized tool to quantify the impacts of alien species

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    Alien species can exert negative environmental and socio-economic impacts. Therefore, administrations from different sectors are trying to prevent further introductions, stop the spread of established species, and apply or develop programs to mitigate their impact, to contain the most harmful species, or to eradicate them if possible. Often it is not clear which of the numerous alien species are most important in terms of damage, and therefore, impact scoring systems have been developed to allow a comparison and thus prioritization of species. Here, we present the generic impact scoring system (GISS), which relies on published evidence of environmental and socio-economic impact of alien species. We developed a system of 12 impact categories, for environmental and socio-economic impact, comprising all kinds of impacts that an alien species may exert. In each category, the intensity of impact is quantified by a six-level scale ranging from 0 (no impact detectable) to 5 (the highest impact possible). Such an approach, where impacts are grouped based on mechanisms for environmental impacts and receiving sectors for socio-economy, allows for cross-taxa comparisons and prioritization of the most damaging species. The GISS is simple and transparent, can be conducted with limited funds, and can be applied to a large number of alien species across taxa and environments. Meanwhile, the system was applied to 349 alien animal and plant species. In a comparison with 22 other impact assessment methods, the combination of environmental and socio- economic impact, as well as the possibility of weighting and ranking of the scoring results make GISS the most broadly applicable system