121 research outputs found

    The employment rate in university sports students of different courses of physical training faculty

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    The article deals with the employment rate of students in sports, as a prerequisite for healthy lifestyle. Shows that at the Faculty of Physical Education of T. G. Shevchenko State Chernihov National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) in participations in the line-up of national teams at regional level and above are involved graduate students and of 2 course, and minimal quantity of 3 coursesВ статье рассматривается степень занятости студентов спортом как предпосылка ведения ими здорового образа жизни. Показывается, что на факультете физического воспитания Черниговского национального педагогического университета имени Т. Г. Шевченко (Украина) в наибольшей степени в составе сборных команд на уровне области и выше задействованы студенты магистратуры и 2 курса, а в наименьшей – 3 курс

    Асиметрії гемостаза як показник фізіологічної адаптації на дію навколишнього зовнішнього середовища

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    As it is demonstrated in experiments on rats, polarized ligt influence on head right and left hemispheres cause different degreed reactions from blood coagulation and fibrinolysis side. This difference is conected with polarized light action to peroxidative lipid oxidation (PIO) reactions course, antioxidative enzymes aitivity, brain hemispheres procoagulant and fibrinolytic features. They are unegual in different hemispheres and this asymmetry is supported (enforced) by polarized light action. Polarized light is haemostasis asymmetries modulator in brain hemispheres that is, probably, adaptation reaction under physiological conditions directed to normal (asymmetrical) interrelations creation betwen them.У експериментах на щурах показано, що дії поляризованим світлом на праву і ліву половину голови викликають різну ступень реакції з боку згортання крові і фібриноліза. Ця різниця пов’язана з впливом поляризованого світла на перебіг реакцій перекисного окислення ліпідів (ПОЛ), активність антіоксидантних ферментів, прокоагулянтних і фібринолітичних властивостей півкуль мозку. У різних півкулях вони неоднакові і ця їх асиметрія підтримується (посилюється) дією поляризованого світла. Поляризоване світло є модулятором асиметрій гемостаза в півкулях мозку, що, мабуть, є реакцією адаптації у фізіологічних умовах, що спрямована на створення нормальних (асиметричних) взаємостосунків між ними

    Does the Madden-Julian Oscillation influence aerosol variability?

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    We investigate the modulation of aerosols by the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) using multiple, global satellite aerosol products: aerosol index (AI) from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) on Nimbus-7, and aerosol optical thickness (AOT) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on Terra and Aqua and the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on NOAA satellites. A composite MJO analysis indicates that large variations in the TOMS AI and MODIS/AVHRR AOT are found over the equatorial Indian and western Pacific Oceans where MJO convection is active, as well as the tropical Africa and Atlantic Ocean where MJO convection is weak but the background aerosol level is high. A strong inverse linear relationship between the TOMS AI and rainfall anomalies, but a weaker, less coherent positive correlation between the MODIS/AVHRR AOT and rainfall anomalies, were found. The MODIS/AVHRR pattern is consistent with ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network data. These results indicate that the MJO and its associated cloudiness, rainfall, and circulation variability systematically influence the variability in remote sensing aerosol retrieval results. Several physical and retrieval algorithmic factors that may contribute to the observed aerosol-rainfall relationships are discussed. Preliminary analysis indicates that cloud contamination in the aerosol retrievals is likely to be a major contributor to the observed relationships, although we cannot exclude possible contributions from other physical mechanisms. Future research is needed to fully understand these complex aerosol-rainfall relationships

    Business cooperation technology between a swimming coach-instructor and parents of infants

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    The experimental program for the development of swimming skills in infants with the help of our proposed online pedagogical technology of cooperation between an instructor and parents to improve their health-improving competencies has shown greater efficiency compared to the traditional program. And it can be recommended for use in health-improving swimming centers for infants and in children’s clinic

    International Cooperation as a Tool to Improve the Quality of Construction Education in the Tambov Region

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    В российском законодательстве в сфере образования четко определены цели международного сотрудничества, развитие которого необходимо для повышения уровня интернационализации высшего учебного заведения и, как следствие, улучшения качества подготовки высококвалифицированных специалистов. В статье описан опыт организации международной деятельности в Тамбовском государственном техническом университете на примере реализации проекта “MARUEEB”, направленного на разработку образовательной программы по подготовке магистров в области энергоэффективного строительства. Раскрываются основные этапы проекта, включающие анализ результатов анкетирования работодателей, разработку содержательной части программы, академическую мобильность преподавателей, а также межвузовское взаимодействие в подготовке учебно-методического обеспечения образовательного процесса. Отмечается, что опыт зарубежных вузов-партнеров и производственных компаний в области энергосбережения способствует расширению профессиональных компетенций выпускников ТГТУ.The objectives of international cooperation in the field of education are clearly defined in Russian legislation. It contributes to increasing the level of internationalization of universities and improving the quality of training. The article de-scribes the experience of organization of international activities in Tambov State Technical University by the example of the implementation of the project “MARUEEB”. It is aimed at developing an educational program for the preparation of masters in the field of energy-efficient construction. The main stages of the project are described: the analysis of the results of the survey of employers, the development of the content of the study program, the academic mobility of teachers and the interaction of universities in the preparation of textbooks for the educational process. It is noted that the experience of foreign partner-universities and production companies in the field of energy efficiency contributes to the expansion of professional competencies of graduates of TSTU

    The internal structure of poly(methyl methacrylate) latexes in nonpolar solvents

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    Hypothesis: Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) latexes in nonpolar solvents are an excellent model system to understand phenomena in low dielectric media, and understanding their internal structure is critical to characterizing their performance in both fundamental studies of colloidal interactions and in potential industrial applications. Both the PMMA cores and the poly(12-hydroxystearic acid) (PHSA) shells of the latexes are known to be penetrable by solvent and small molecules, but the relevance of this for the properties of these particles is unknown. Experiments: These particles can be prepared in a broad range of sizes, and two PMMA latexes dispersed in n-dodecane (76 and 685 nm in diameter) were studied using techniques appropriate to their size. Small-angle scattering (using both neutrons and X-rays) was used to study the small latexes, and analytical centrifugation was used to study the large latexes. These studies enabled the calculation of the core densities and the amount of solvent in the stabilizer shells for both latexes. Both have consequences on interpreting measurements using these latexes. Findings: The PHSA shells are highly solvated (∼85% solvent by volume), as expected for effective steric stabilizers. However, the PHSA chains do contribute to the intensity of neutron scattering measurements on concentrated dispersions and cannot be ignored. The PMMA cores have a slightly lower density than PMMA homopolymer, which shows that only a small free volume is required to allow small molecules to penetrate into the cores. Interestingly, the observations are essentially the same, regardless of the size of the particle; these are general features of these polymer latexes. Despite the latexes being used as a model physical system, the internal chemical structure is complex and must be fully considered when characterizing them

    Corncrake conservation genetics at a European scale: the impact of biogeographical and anthropological processes

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    Understanding patterns of genetic structure, gene flow and diversity across a species range is required if we are to determine the genetic status and viability of small peripheral populations. This is especially crucial in species distributed across a large range where spatial heterogeneity makes it difficult to predict the distribution of genetic diversity. Although biogeographical models provide expectations of how spatially structured genetic variation may be at the range scale, human disturbance may cause strong deviations from these theoretical predictions. In this study, we investigated genetic structure and demography at a pan-European scale, in the corncrake Crex crex, a grassland bird species strongly affected by agricultural changes. We assessed population structure and genetic diversity, as well as demographic trends and direction of gene flow, in and among 15 contemporary populations of this species. Analyses revealed low genetic structure across the entire range with high levels of genetic diversity in all sites. However, we found some evidence that the westernmost populations were, to a very limited extent, differentiated from the rest of the European population. Demographic trends showed that population numbers have decreased in western Europe and remained constant across eastern Europe. Results may also suggest asymmetric gene flow from eastern to western populations. In conclusion, we suggest that the most likely scenario is that contrasting demographic regimes between eastern and western populations, driven by heterogeneous human activity, has caused asymmetric gene flow that has buffered small peripheral populations against genetic diversity loss, but also erased any genetic structure that may have existed. Our study highlight the need of coordinated actions at the European scale to preserve source populations and ensure the maintenance of reproductive productivity in the most threatened sites, in order to avoid losing any adaptive potential and too strongly relying on sink source populations whose future is uncertain