75 research outputs found

    The Viability of Interstate Collaboration in the Absence of Federal Climate Change Legislation

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    Torrefaction of biomass together with gasification in entrained-flow reactors is a new possible way of producing synthesis gas. The synthesis gas can later be used for the production of renewable liquid fuels. This is highly desirable since the transport sector consumes a high amount of fossil fuels that has to be exchanged for renewable fuels in the future. It is hard to tell if the technology above is an advantageous way or not to produce synthesis gas since it is very newly developed. A lot of obstacles exist such as the injection of the torrefied wood into the gasifier, the optimization of the ash flow down the entrained flow reactor and the high energy consumption of the drying. Investigation in the form of material and energy balances shows that the system can have as high energy efficiency as 73% and cold gas efficiency of 74% which is only slightly less then what the fluid-bed gasification has. Torrefaction and gasification developers allocate huge amount of money to develop torrefaction and entrained-flow gasification units. Interviews show that many experts believe that the technology will be commercial and used to produce renewable liquid fuels in the future

    It\u27s Not Raining Anymore

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    Interventions targeting mental health self-stigma: A review and comparison

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    OBJECTIVE: With growing awareness of the impact of mental illness self-stigma, interest has arisen in the development of interventions to combat it. The present article briefly reviews and compares interventions targeting self-stigma to clarify the similarities and important differences between the interventions. METHOD: We conducted a narrative review of published literature on interventions targeting self-stigma. RESULTS: Six intervention approaches (Healthy Self-Concept, Self-Stigma Reduction Program, Ending Self-Stigma, Narrative Enhancement and Cognitive Therapy, Coming Out Proud, and Anti-Stigma Photo-Voice Intervention) were identified and are discussed, and data is reviewed on format, group-leader backgrounds, languages, number of sessions, primary mechanisms of action, and the current state of data on their efficacy. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: We conclude with a discussion of common elements and important distinctions between the interventions and a consideration of which interventions might be best suited to particular populations or settings

    Stigma: content analysis of the representation of people with personality disorder in the U.K. popular press, 2001-2012.

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:Bowen, M. (2016). Stigma: content analysis of the representation of people with personality disorder in the U.K. popular press, 2001-2012. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1111/inm.12213. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.There is evidence that people with personality disorder are stigmatised within healthcare settings; however, little is known about the role that the media has played in the wider processes of stigmatisation. This research examines the degree to which the popular press in the United Kingdom have established a link between personality disorder and homicide, and the impact this may have had on the processes of stigmatisation. Using a content analysis approach, it was identified that there were 552 articles in the popular press, between 2001 and 2012, that made reference to personality disorder and 42% of those articles established a link with homicide. Comparison between two time periods, 2001-2006 and 2007-2012, identified that there was a significant reduction in the proportion of homicide articles (Pearson (5, n=552) = 5.64, p > .05), however, the effect size of this change was only small. These findings suggest that the press may have contributed to the processes of stigmatisation, and may have encouraged the general public to hold prejudicial attitudes towards people with a diagnosis of personality disorder

    Obesity in French Inmates: Gender Differences and Relationship with Mood, Eating Behavior and Physical Activity

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    CONTEXT: Inmates, notably women, are at greater risk for obesity and metabolic complications than the general population according to several studies from high income countries. Data regarding French correctional institutions are lacking so far. To fill this gap, we have assessed in a sample from a French prison (33 females and 18 males) the gender-specific effect of incarceration on weight and body mass index (BMI) and examined their current metabolic status. Furthermore, to reveal the possible determinants of increased obesity, we analyzed emotional vulnerability, eating behavior and physical activity using self-reported questionnaires. RESULTS: In this sample, obesity (BMI≥30 kg/m2) was already frequent in women (18.2%) but rather scarce for men (11%) at prison entry. Incarceration worsened the rate of obesity in both genders (21.2% and 16.7% respectively). At the time of study, abdominal obesity estimated through waist circumference was particularly prevalent in women (69.7%) versus men (27.8%) and metabolic syndrome was detected in 33% of female against none in male inmates. Abdominal obesity was associated with female sex (p<0.03), low physical activity (p<0.05) and eating disorder (p = 0.07) in univariate analyses. Low physical activity remained significant as an explanatory factor of higher abdominal obesity in multivariate analysis. A marked difference between genders was found for practice of physical activity with a higher proportion of women compared to men being inactive (37.9% vs. 11.8%) and fewer women being very active (17.2% vs. 41.2%). CONCLUSION: This study revealed that a significant proportion of women of this correctional institution combined established obesity, a metabolic syndrome and very little practice of physical activity which put them at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Thus, obesity should be better surveyed and treated in prison, especially for female inmates. Increased physical activity, adapted to obese women, would be the first mean to decrease obesity and gender differences

    Taking parents seriously: The experiences of parents with a son or daughter in adult medium secure forensic mental health care

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    Adult forensic mental health services provide care and treatment to individuals with complex offending and mental health histories. However little attention has been paid to the parents of those receiving care within them. This research explored the experiences of parents with an adult son or daughter with mental illness in a medium secure mental health unit. Transcripts from semi-structured interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. This led to the identification of three superordinate themes: “Something’s not right” - onset of mental distress; “It’s a terrible battle’- relating with professionals; and ‘A very sad fact of life’- caring with no end in sight were identified which together contained nine subordinate themes. The onset of the mental distress was narrated as overwhelming, frightening and confusing with experiences of violence. Services were seen as invalidating, and interactions with them characterised as a battle. Poor information and involvement was a common experience. Whilst diagnosis was a relief to some, the on-going sense of loss and burden was clear. Staying connected and hopes for the future were also described. It is clear from this study that mental health services need to do more to engage and foster trust with parents from the outset and to offer support for this group. If secure services were to view parents as ‘forensic carers’ this may help improve respect and engagement between services and carers. Services and policy makers should strive to foster high quality family involvement as part of developing social inclusion

    Alcohol and mental health: co-occurring alcohol use and mental health disorders

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    There is a strong link between alcohol use and mental health, yet research often fails to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interaction between the two aspects. In relation to treatment, alcohol and mental health services often work in a disjointed manner; likewise, policies and guidelines for the two sectors are generally developed in isolation from one another. The result of this silo mentality is that the needs of individuals with comorbid alcohol and mental health disorders, commonly referred to as “Dual Diagnosis”, are often unmet, leading to serious harmful consequences for the affected individuals, their families and society as a whole. This generates further stigma and isolation for an already vulnerable and high-risk population. The present Chapter provides an overview of the epidemiology, and the main etiological theories of co-occurring Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) and Mental Health Disorders (MHD). It is hoped that this chapter can inform treatment and policies for this population

    It\u27s Not Raining Anymore

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    The strategic procedure in case of a mass traffic accident

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    Wstęp. Od początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku liczba pojazdów zarejestrowanych w Polsce systematycznie rośnie. Pomimo zwiększonej ruchliwości pojazdów na naszych drogach spada liczba wypadków. Jednocześnie, nadal wśród wypadków komunikacyjnych częste są zdarzenia mnogie/masowe. Pamiętając o dużej ofiarochłonności takich zdarzeń duża uwagę powinno się przywiązywać do szkoleń w zakresie akcji ratunkowych w sytuacjach wypadków mnogich/masowych. Duża aktualność tematyki skłoniła autora do podjęcia badań własnych.Cel badań. Celem badań było poznanie opinii o organizacji działań ratunkowych w przypadkach zdarzeń mnogich/masowych komunikacyjnych ratowników medycznych w oparciu o badania ankietowe.Materiały i metodyka. Badania przeprowadzono w grupie 50 ratowników medycznych (10 kobiet i 40 mężczyzn) w wieku 25 – 60 lat, Stacji Ratownictwa Medycznego SP ZOZ w Chełmie i Sądeckim Pogotowiu Ratunkowym SP ZOZ w Nowym Sączu. Do badania zbiorowości incydentalnej użyto ankiety bezpośredniej, narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankietowy. Udział w badaniach był anonimowy i losowy. Badania przeprowadzane w okresie od 1 do 31 marca 2016 roku.Wyniki i wnioski. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że 34% ratowników medycznych nigdy nie brało udziału w masowym zdarzeniu komunikacyjnym, 12% nigdy nie uczestniczyło w ćwiczeniach z tej tematyki. O istnieniu dokumentu regulującego zasady postępowania na miejscu zdarzenia mnogiego/masowego wiedziało 82% ankietowanych, 92% z nich nie podało lub udzieliło odpowiedzi błędnej w przypadku podania nazwy tego dokumentu, jednocześnie 82% zadeklarowało, że zasady organizacji są przejrzyste. 48% badanych wskazywało na problemy organizacyjne podczas masowego zdarzenia komunikacyjnego, z czego 50% wskazywało problemy powstające przy współpracy podmiotów biorących udział w akcji ratunkowej. Przygotowanie indywidualne ratowników medycznych do działań ratowniczych w wypadkach mnogich/masowych komunikacyjnych zostało ocenione przez respondentów wyjątkowo korzystnie – 70% ankietowanych oceniło te umiejętności na „4” i „5” w skali pięciostopniowej, jednocześnie żaden z ankietowanych nie wystawił oceny „1”.Introduction. Since the beginning of 1990s, the number of vehicles registered in Poland has been steadily increasing. Despite the increasing traffic on our roads, the number of accidents continues to be lower and lower. However, multiple and mass casualty incidents are still frequent. Keeping in mind that casualties in such occurrences are numerous, a lot ofattention should be paid to training for medical rescue operations in multiple and mass casualty incidents. The current significance of the subject matter has encouraged the author to onduct the study.The aim of the study. The aim of the study was to conduct a questionnaire-based medical rescue workers' assessment to see how well medical rescue operations in multiple and mass casualty traffic incidents are organized.Materials and methods. The study has been conducted on a random group of 50 paramedics (10 women and 40 men) between 25 and 60 years of age working at the Medical Rescue Station at the Public Independent Healthcare Facility in in Chełm, Poland and from the Emergency Service Unit at the Public Independent Healthcare Facility in Nowy Sącz, Poland. The participants filled in an anonymous questionnaire between the 1st and the 31st of March,2016.Results and conclusions. The study has shown that 34% of medical rescue workers have never encountered a mass traffic accident at work. 12% have never participated in training concerning this subject. While 82% were aware of the existence of a document regulating the procedures at the scene of a multiple or mass casualty incidents, 92% could not name the document or named it incorrectly. At the same time, 82% declared that the proceduresare clear. 48% of participants admitted there were organization issues during mass trafficIncidents. 50% indicated there were problems occurring between professionals cooperating during a medical rescue operation. The level of individual preparation for conducting medical rescue in multiple and mass casualty incidents was considered exceptionally high: 70% of participants evaluated their skills at 4 and 5 on a 5-point scale and none of therespondents evaluated them at 1