18 research outputs found

    Tradução, adaptação e exploração de propriedades psicrométricas da Escala de Adição ao Trabalho Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS)

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    The Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) evaluates the workaholism from a theoretical model of two dimensions: Working Excessively and Working Compulsively. The current study aims the factorial validity and internal consistency of the scale in its two versions (original and reduced). The study comprised a sample of 324 multifunctional workers in Porto Alegre metropolitan area, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Data were subjected to Confirmatory Factor Analysis, showing that the short version of 10 items was the best fi t to the theoretical model. Furthermore, the results indicate that the scale offers factorial validity and consistency to assess the appropriate internal work in addition to Brazilian workers, confirming previous studies on Dutch, Spanish and Japanese samples. Finally, it is suggested to establish a set of studies of this psychosocial phenomenon, including diverse work contexts and introducing new designs to increase their knowledge. Key words: workaholism, validity of tests, confirmatory factor analysis.A Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) avalia a adição ao trabalho a partir de um modelo teórico de duas dimensões: Trabalho Excessivo e Trabalho Compulsivo. Este artigo analisa a validade fatorial e consistência interna da escala nas suas duas versões (original e reduzida). O estudo contempla uma amostra multifuncional, composta de 324 trabalhadores de Porto Alegre e Região Metropolitana (RS). Os dados foram submetidos a Analise Fatorial Confirmatória. Os resultados evidenciam que a versão reduzida de 10 itens foi a que melhor se ajustou ao modelo teórico. Ilustram, ainda, que a escala reduzida oferece validade fatorial e consistência interna adequada para avaliar a adição ao trabalho em profissionais brasileiros, confirmando estudos realizados anteriormente com amostras holandesas, espanholas e japonesas. Sugere-se, portanto, a construção de uma agenda de estudos atinente a esse fenômeno psicossocial, incluindo contextos laborais diversificados e introduzindo novos delineamentos para ampliação de seu conhecimento. Palavras-chave: adição ao trabalho, validade de testes, analise fatorial confirmatória

    The meaning, antecedents and outcomes of employee engagement: a narrative evidence synthesis

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    The claim that high levels of engagement can enhance organizational performance and individual well-being has not previously been tested through a systematic review of the evidence. To bring coherence to the diffuse body of literature on engagement, the authors conducted a systematic synthesis of narrative evidence involving 214 studies focused on the meaning, antecedents and outcomes of engagement. The authors identified six distinct conceptualizations of engagement, with the field dominated by the Utrecht Group’s ‘work engagement’ construct and measure, and by the theorization of engagement within the ‘job demands–resources’ framework. Five groups of factors served as antecedents to engagement: psychological states; job design; leadership; organizational and team factors; and organizational interventions. Engagement was found to be positively associated with individual morale, task performance, extra-role performance and organizational performance, and the evidence was most robust in relation to task performance. However, there was an over-reliance on quantitative, cross-sectional and self-report studies within the field, which limited claims of causality. To address controversies over the commonly used measures and concepts in the field and gaps in the evidence-base, the authors set out an agenda for future research that integrates emerging critical sociological perspectives on engagement with the psychological perspectives that currently dominate the field

    Engaged, workaholic, burned-out or just 9-to-5? Toward a typology of employee well-being

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    The aim of this study was to establish a typology of employee well-being, together with its psychosocial antecedents and consequences. Results obtained with a sample of 786 full-time employees from different occupational sectors show four types of employee well-being: 9-to-5 or relaxed, work engaged or enthusiastic, workaholic or tense, and burned-out or fatigued, each having different relationships with job and personal characteristics. This study provides evidence of a parsimonious, theory-based classification of employee well-being and contributes to the existing literature about work investment because meaningful relations were found between various types of employee well-being, and heavy and soft work investors.status: publishe

    * (Mostra collettiva). Facoltà di Architettura-Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Commissione Cultura / Seconda edizione della mostra ‘Progetto Roma’ sul tema “La Facoltà di Architettura e la città del 2000”, allestita presso la sede di via Gramsci 53, dal 2 luglio al 31 luglio 1997.

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    * Inaugurazione mostra: 2.7.1997, ore 18.00. * Alla mostra, è stato presentato il progetto sperimentale “Studio per un’architettura costituentesi come ‘opera aperta’, 1993”. * E’ stato predisposto un volume-catalogo di AA.VV. (Ministero AA.EE / Università degli Studi di Roma - Facoltà di Architettura, Progettare Roma. La facoltà di Architettura e la città del 2000; Mostra e catalogo a cura di Maria Cecilia Mosconi, Ed. Gangemi, Roma 1998. * La mostra, assumendo carattere itinerante, ha avuto le seguenti repliche: - Beyrouth, Libano (26 novembre - 8 dicembre 1997, Alba - Sin El Fil). Per l’occasione è stato predisposto un volumetto-catalogo di AA.VV. (Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Libano / Accademie Libanaise des Beaux Arts / Università di Roma “La Sapienza” - Facoltà di Architettura; a cura di Patricia Barakat-El Asmar e Jean-Pierre El Asmar). - Damasco, Siria (2 - 12 marzo 1998). - Bucarest, Romania (10 dicembre 1998 - 10 gennaio 1999). - Tunisi, Tunisia (17 - 26 aprile 1999). - Algeri, Algeria (23 giugno - 23 luglio 1999). - Rabat, Marocco (15 - 30 dicembre 1999)