183 research outputs found

    Sul rinvio del Tar Lazio alla Corte di giustizia (ordinanza n. 12962 del 2023): applicabilità dell’art. 14 della l. n. 689 del 1981 ai procedimenti antitrust?

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    Il Tar Lazio con l’ordinanza n. 12962 del 2023 ha sollevato questione pregiudiziale alla Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea affinché questa dichiari se le norme eurounitarie ostino a una normativa nazionale, quale quella discendente dall’applicazione dell’art. 14 della l. 24 novembre 1981, n. 689 “che impone all’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato di avviare il procedimento istruttorio per l’accertamento” di un abuso di posizione dominante “entro il termine decadenziale di novanta giorni, decorrente dal momento in cui l’Autorità ha la conoscenza degli elementi essenziali della violazione”. Se in linea generale si ritiene condivisibile il dubbio relativo all’applicabilità del termine decadenziale ai procedimenti antitrust, qualche perplessità riguarda i motivi del rinvio e, in particolare, la poca valorizzazione del contrasto della norma con la possibilità per l’Autorità di individuare autonomamente le proprie priorità d’intervento.In its Order No. 12962 of 2023, the Regional Administrative Court (Tar in Italian) of Lazio referred a preliminary question to the Court of Justice of the European Union for a preliminary ruling as to whether the European Union rules preclude a national provision, such as the one deriving from the application of Article 14 of Law No. 689 of 24 November 1981, which “requires the Competition and Market Authority to initiate the preliminary investigation procedure for the ascertainment” of abuse of a dominant position “within the deadline of ninety days, starting from the time when the Authority becomes aware of the essential elements of the violation”. If, in general, the doubt relating to the applicability of the lapse of time to antitrust proceedings is in principle agreeable, some questions remain regarding the rationale for the preliminary referral and, in particular, the little emphasis placed on the contrast of the rule with the possibility for the Authority to autonomously identify its own priorities for action

    The cytochrome chain of mitochondria exhibits variable H+/e− stoichiometry

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    AbstractA study is presented of the ←H+/e− stoichiometry for H+ pumping by the cytochrome chain in isolated rat liver mitochondria under level-flow and steady-state conditions. It is shown that the ←H+/e− stoichiometry for the cytochrome chain varies under the influence of the flow rate and transmembrane ΔΌH+. The rate-dependence is shown to be associated with cytochrome c oxidase, whose ←H+/e− ratio varies from 0 to 1, whilst the ←H+/c− ratio for the span covered by cytochrome c reductase is invariably 2

    Adverse events following measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccination and the case of seizures: A post marketing active surveillance in Puglia Italian region, 2017-2018

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    Since 2012, the Italian Ministry of Health has recommended to improve the surveillance of adverse events following the measles-mumps-rubella-varicella (MMRV) tetravalent vaccine that was provided in the official immunization schedule of some Italian regions for children during the second year of life. This recommendation was based on data from some surveys that showed an additional risk of seizure following the administration of this vaccine. Responding to the Ministry commitment, the Puglia Region launched, from May 2017 to November 2018, a post-marketing active surveillance program of adverse events following MMRV immunization (AEFIs). Immunized children (second year of life) were enrolled on a voluntary basis, AEFIs diaries were used, and their parents were interviewed 25 days after the immunization. There were 2540 children enrolled; 2149/2540 (84.6%) completed the post-vaccination follow-up. Of these, 992 AEFIs were registered with a reporting rate of 46.2 × 100 doses: 883/992 (89.0%) AEFIs were not serious, while 109/992 (11.0%) were serious. For serious AEFIs, the evaluation of causality assessment was performed using the algorithm proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO): 82/109 consistent causal associations to MMRV immunization were detected (reporting rate of consistent AEFIs: 3.8 × 100 follow-up). All serious AEFIs consistently associated with immunization resulted completely resolved at the follow-up. The reporting rate of seizure consistently associated with immunization was 0.05 × 100, lower than data previous published in the literature that did not report the causality assessment. Because no emerging signals were detected, our data from the active surveillance program confirmed the safety profile of the MMRV vaccine

    Fate of the predictions in Galle-Unawatuna mangroves, Sri Lanka: A validation after 10 years using satellite (IKONOS) and ground-truth data

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    Validation of earlier predictions is a challenging but significant contribution to ecological research. The present study tests the predications made 10 years ago by Dahdouh-Guebas et al. (2000) on the evolution of mangrove forest in Galle-Unawatuna, Sri Lanka. The ground inventory carried out in five Sectors covering the entire forest (Point Centred Quarter Method - PCQM) (Cintron and Schaeffer Novelli, 1984) revealed that the adult species composition is dominated by Rhizophora apiculata, Excoecaria agallocha, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and B. sexangula, with their total density of 216-267 stems 0.1ha-1 and basal area 1.19-1.44m2 0.1ha-1. However, both young and juvenile vegetation in the most Sectors was dominated solely by B. gymnorrhiza (128-869 stems and 356-1482 propagules 0.1ha-1). According to Dahdouh-Guebas et al. (2000), the transition of an E. agallocha forest into a B. gymnorrhiza dominated one or at least their co-dominance in the Sectors 1 and 2 is possible, whereas Sector 3 being dominated by adult and juvenile R. apiculata will persist. Overall, the possible transition to a Bruguiera dominated forest in Galle-Unawatuna area was forecasted. The recent decadal changes between 1994 and 2004 through the integration of IKONOS satellite imagery of 2004 with ground-truth information confirmed many of the predictions and showed dynamic shifts in young/adult vegetation by B. gymnorrhiza. Both E. agallocha and R. apiculata continue to be dominant in Sectors 2 and 3, although the adult turnover by B. gymnorrhiza has not yet occurred, probably due to the small time interval between the two investigations. Confirming in part with the earlier prediction on R. apiculata in Sector 3, present study also revealed the abundance of B. gymnorrhiza as young and juvenile vegetation. Viewing the present dynamic shifts and sheer dominance as young vegetation by B. gymnorrhiza with a mean height of 5.8m in most Sectors, it is still possible to anticipate the mangroves being dominated by this species, and actually now validates the predictions made 10 years ago. Because of apparent changes in the mangrove vegetation structure, it could be concluded that the ‘moving mosaic’ pattern of mangrove species distribution reported earlier for Galle-Unawatuna still persists

    How to improve educational behaviors for caregivers and patients having Central Venous Access Device (CVAD). a scoping review

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    Objective: Central venous access devices (CVADs) are essential to the modern management of patients with hematological malignancies and solid tumors. Educational programs play a crucial role in promoting appropriate patient actions to support patient safety during hospitalization and homecare. This review aimed to identify literature concerning educational interventions to promote patients’ actions to overcome CVAD-related problems and improve self-monitoring and self-management. Materials and Methods: Documentary evaluation of international databases, such as PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus and Cochrane. Searching for data on population, context and concept regarding CVAD self-management. The extracted data was subject to thematic analysis. The following scoping reviews were developed using the five-stage framework outlined by Arksey and O’Malley, and advanced by Levac and colleagues. Results: Of the 2802 articles identified, 19 research articles were selected in this review. Educational programs have been shown to improve CVAD self management, to decrease stress and anxiety related to their use, and to reduce the onset of complications. In addition, nurses have proven to be the professional reference figure for educational interventions. Conclusions: The results of the study lead to the conclusion that programs aimed at improving selfcare and reducing the onset of complications in patients living with chronic and debilitating diseases should be made available to a larger portion of individuals. Both generic and specific programs are needed, in the different contexts of home and hospital, for the short and long term, in order to ameliorate participants’ abilities. The results of this study should, therefore, encourage health professionals to plan, carry out, and evaluate the establishment of educational programs with patient participation

    Conceptual design of the early implementation of the NEutron Detector Array (NEDA) with AGATA

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    The NEutron Detector Array (NEDA) project aims at the construction of a new high-efficiency compact neutron detector array to be coupled with large (Formula presented.) -ray arrays such as AGATA. The application of NEDA ranges from its use as selective neutron multiplicity filter for fusion-evaporation reaction to a large solid angle neutron tagging device. In the present work, possible configurations for the NEDA coupled with the Neutron Wall for the early implementation with AGATA has been simulated, using Monte Carlo techniques, in order to evaluate their performance figures. The goal of this early NEDA implementation is to improve, with respect to previous instruments, efficiency and capability to select multiplicity for fusion-evaporation reaction channels in which 1, 2 or 3 neutrons are emitted. Each NEDA detector unit has the shape of a regular hexagonal prism with a volume of about 3.23l and it is filled with the EJ301 liquid scintillator, that presents good neutron- (Formula presented.) discrimination properties. The simulations have been performed using a fusion-evaporation event generator that has been validated with a set of experimental data obtained in the 58Ni + 56Fe reaction measured with the Neutron Wall detector array

    High intensity neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe

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    The EUROnu project has studied three possible options for future, high intensity neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe. The first is a Super Beam, in which the neutrinos come from the decay of pions created by bombarding targets with a 4 MW proton beam from the CERN High Power Superconducting Proton Linac. The far detector for this facility is the 500 kt MEMPHYS water Cherenkov, located in the FrĂ©jus tunnel. The second facility is the Neutrino Factory, in which the neutrinos come from the decay of ÎŒ+ and Ό− beams in a storage ring. The far detector in this case is a 100 kt magnetized iron neutrino detector at a baseline of 2000 km. The third option is a Beta Beam, in which the neutrinos come from the decay of beta emitting isotopes, in particular He6 and Ne18, also stored in a ring. The far detector is also the MEMPHYS detector in the FrĂ©jus tunnel. EUROnu has undertaken conceptual designs of these facilities and studied the performance of the detectors. Based on this, it has determined the physics reach of each facility, in particular for the measurement of CP violation in the lepton sector, and estimated the cost of construction. These have demonstrated that the best facility to build is the Neutrino Factory. However, if a powerful proton driver is constructed for another purpose or if the MEMPHYS detector is built for astroparticle physics, the Super Beam also becomes very attractive

    NEDA—NEutron Detector Array

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    The NEutron Detector Array, NEDA, will form the next generation neutron detection system that has been designed to be operated in conjunction with Îł-ray arrays, such as the tracking-array AGATA, to aid nuclear spectroscopy studies. NEDA has been designed to be a versatile device, with high-detection efficiency, excellent neutron-Îł discrimination, and high rate capabilities. It will be employed in physics campaigns in order to maximise the scientific output, making use of the different stable and radioactive ion beams available in Europe. The first implementation of the neutron detector array NEDA with AGATA 1π was realised at GANIL. This manuscript reviews the various aspects of NEDA
