76 research outputs found
Contrasting styles of (U)HP rock exhumation along the Cenozoic Adria-Europe plate boundary (Western Alps, Calabria, Corsica)
Since the first discovery of ultrahigh pressure (UHP) rocks 30 years ago in the Western Alps, the mechanisms for exhumation of (U)HP terranes worldwide are still debated. In the western Mediterranean, the presently accepted model of synconvergent exhumation (e.g., the channel-flow model) is in conflict with parts of the geologic record. We synthesize regional geologic data and present alternative exhumation mechanisms that consider the role of divergence within subduction zones. These mechanisms, i.e., (i) the motion of the upper plate away from the trench and (ii) the rollback of the lower plate, are discussed in detail with particular reference to the Cenozoic Adria-Europe plate boundary, and along three different transects (Western Alps, Calabria-Sardinia, and Corsica-Northern Apennines). In the Western Alps, (U)HP rocks were exhumed from the greatest depth at the rear of the accretionary wedge during motion of the upper plate away from the trench. Exhumation was extremely fast, and associated with very low geothermal gradients. In Calabria, HP rocks were exhumed from shallower depths and at lower rates during rollback of the Adriatic plate, with repeated exhumation pulses progressively younging toward the foreland. Both mechanisms were active to create boundary divergence along the Corsica-Northern Apennines transect, where European southeastward subduction was progressively replaced along strike by Adriatic northwestward subduction. The tectonic scenario depicted for the Western Alps trench during Eocene exhumation of (U)HP rocks correlates well with present-day eastern Papua New Guinea, which is presented as a modern analog of the Paleogene Adria-Europe plate boundary
The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase
The Athena X-ray Integral Unit (X-IFU) is the high resolution X-ray
spectrometer, studied since 2015 for flying in the mid-30s on the Athena space
X-ray Observatory, a versatile observatory designed to address the Hot and
Energetic Universe science theme, selected in November 2013 by the Survey
Science Committee. Based on a large format array of Transition Edge Sensors
(TES), it aims to provide spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy, with a
spectral resolution of 2.5 eV (up to 7 keV) over an hexagonal field of view of
5 arc minutes (equivalent diameter). The X-IFU entered its System Requirement
Review (SRR) in June 2022, at about the same time when ESA called for an
overall X-IFU redesign (including the X-IFU cryostat and the cooling chain),
due to an unanticipated cost overrun of Athena. In this paper, after
illustrating the breakthrough capabilities of the X-IFU, we describe the
instrument as presented at its SRR, browsing through all the subsystems and
associated requirements. We then show the instrument budgets, with a particular
emphasis on the anticipated budgets of some of its key performance parameters.
Finally we briefly discuss on the ongoing key technology demonstration
activities, the calibration and the activities foreseen in the X-IFU Instrument
Science Center, and touch on communication and outreach activities, the
consortium organisation, and finally on the life cycle assessment of X-IFU
aiming at minimising the environmental footprint, associated with the
development of the instrument. Thanks to the studies conducted so far on X-IFU,
it is expected that along the design-to-cost exercise requested by ESA, the
X-IFU will maintain flagship capabilities in spatially resolved high resolution
X-ray spectroscopy, enabling most of the original X-IFU related scientific
objectives of the Athena mission to be retained. (abridged).Comment: 48 pages, 29 figures, Accepted for publication in Experimental
Astronomy with minor editin
The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase
The Athena X-ray Integral Unit (X-IFU) is the high resolution X-ray spectrometer studied since 2015 for flying in the mid-30s on the Athena space X-ray Observatory. Athena is a versatile observatory designed to address the Hot and Energetic Universe science theme, as selected in November 2013 by the Survey Science Committee. Based on a large format array of Transition Edge Sensors (TES), X-IFU aims to provide spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy, with a spectral resolution of 2.5 eV (up to 7 keV) over a hexagonal field of view of 5 arc minutes (equivalent diameter). The X-IFU entered its System Requirement Review (SRR) in June 2022, at about the same time when ESA called for an overall X-IFU redesign (including the X-IFU cryostat and the cooling chain), due to an unanticipated cost overrun of Athena. In this paper, after illustrating the breakthrough capabilities of the X-IFU, we describe the instrument as presented at its SRR (i.e. in the course of its preliminary definition phase, so-called B1), browsing through all the subsystems and associated requirements. We then show the instrument budgets, with a particular emphasis on the anticipated budgets of some of its key performance parameters, such as the instrument efficiency, spectral resolution, energy scale knowledge, count rate capability, non X-ray background and target of opportunity efficiency. Finally, we briefly discuss the ongoing key technology demonstration activities, the calibration and the activities foreseen in the X-IFU Instrument Science Center, touch on communication and outreach activities, the consortium organisation and the life cycle assessment of X-IFU aiming at minimising the environmental footprint, associated with the development of the instrument. Thanks to the studies conducted so far on X-IFU, it is expected that along the design-to-cost exercise requested by ESA, the X-IFU will maintain flagship capabilities in spatially resolved high resolution X-ray spectroscopy, enabling most of the original X-IFU related scientific objectives of the Athena mission to be retained. The X-IFU will be provided by an international consortium led by France, The Netherlands and Italy, with ESA member state contributions from Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, with additional contributions from the United States and Japan.The French contribution to X-IFU is funded by CNES, CNRS and CEA. This work has been also supported by ASI (Italian Space Agency) through the Contract 2019-27-HH.0, and by the ESA (European Space Agency) Core Technology Program (CTP) Contract No. 4000114932/15/NL/BW and the AREMBES - ESA CTP No.4000116655/16/NL/BW. This publication is part of grant RTI2018-096686-B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by âERDF A way of making Europeâ. This publication is part of grant RTI2018-096686-B-C21 and PID2020-115325GB-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033
Death and the Societies of Late Antiquity
Ce volume bilingue, comprenant un ensemble de 28 contributions disponibles en français et en anglais (dans leur version longue ou abrĂ©gĂ©e), propose dâĂ©tablir un Ă©tat des lieux des rĂ©flexions, recherches et Ă©tudes conduites sur le fait funĂ©raire Ă lâĂ©poque tardo-antique au sein des provinces de lâEmpire romain et sur leurs rĂ©gions limitrophes, afin dâouvrir de nouvelles perspectives sur ses Ă©volutions possibles. Au cours des trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, les transformations considĂ©rables des mĂ©thodologies dĂ©ployĂ©es sur le terrain et en laboratoire ont permis un renouveau des questionnements sur les populations et les pratiques funĂ©raires de lâAntiquitĂ© tardive, pĂ©riode marquĂ©e par de multiples changements politiques, sociaux, dĂ©mographiques et culturels. Lâapparition de ce qui a Ă©tĂ© initialement dĂ©signĂ© comme une « Anthropologie de terrain », qui fut le dĂ©but de la dĂ©marche archĂ©othanatologique, puis le rĂ©cent dĂ©veloppement dâapproches collaboratives entre des domaines scientifiques divers (archĂ©othanatologie, biochimie et gĂ©ochimie, gĂ©nĂ©tique, histoire, Ă©pigraphie par exemple) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cisives pour le renouvellement des problĂ©matiques dâĂ©tude : rĂ©vision dâanciens concepts comme apparition dâaxes dâanalyse inĂ©dits. Les recherches rassemblĂ©es dans cet ouvrage sont articulĂ©es autour de quatre grands thĂšmes : lâĂ©volution des pratiques funĂ©raires dans le temps, lâidentitĂ© sociale dans la mort, les ensembles funĂ©raires en transformation (organisation et topographie) et les territoires de lâempire (du cĆur aux marges). Ces Ă©tudes proposent un rĂ©examen et une rĂ©vision des donnĂ©es, tant anthropologiques quâarchĂ©ologiques ou historiques sur lâAntiquitĂ© tardive, et rĂ©vĂšlent, Ă cet Ă©gard, une mosaĂŻque de paysages politiques, sociaux et culturels singuliĂšrement riches et complexes. Elles accroissent nos connaissances sur le traitement des dĂ©funts, lâemplacement des aires funĂ©raires ou encore la structure des sĂ©pultures, en rĂ©vĂ©lant une diversitĂ© de pratiques, et permettent au final de relancer la rĂ©flexion sur la maniĂšre dont les sociĂ©tĂ©s tardo-antiques envisagent la mort et sur les Ă©lĂ©ments permettant dâidentifier et de dĂ©finir la diversitĂ© des groupes qui les composent. Elles dĂ©montrent ce faisant que nous pouvons vĂ©ritablement apprĂ©hender les structures culturelles et sociales des communautĂ©s anciennes et leurs potentielles transformations, Ă partir de lâĂ©tude des pratiques funĂ©raires.This bilingual volume proposes to draw up an assessment of the recent research conducted on funerary behavior during Late Antiquity in the provinces of the Roman Empire and on their borders, in order to open new perspectives on its possible developments. The considerable transformations of the methodologies have raised the need for a renewal of the questions on the funerary practices during Late Antiquity, a period marked by multiple political, social, demographic and cultural changes. The emergence field anthropology, which was the beginning of archaeothanatology, and then the recent development of collaborative approaches between various scientific fields (archaeothanatology, biochemistry and geochemistry, genetics, history, epigraphy, for example), have been decisive. The research collected in this book is structured around four main themes: Evolution of funerary practices over time; Social identity through death; Changing burial grounds (organisation and topography); Territories of the Empire (from the heart to the margins). These studies propose a review and a revision of the data, both anthropological and archaeological or historical on Late Antiquity, and reveal a mosaic of political, social, and cultural landscapes singularly rich and complex. In doing so, they demonstrate that we can truly understand the cultural and social structures of ancient communities and their potential transformations, based on the study of funerary practices
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