43 research outputs found

    Az aszályfű (Eleusine indica) elterjedtségének és társulástani viszonya i nak vizsgálata Budapesten

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    Munkánk során a Budapestre behurcolt, és ott egyre jobban elszaporodó aszályfű (Eleusine indica) elterjedtségével és társulástani jellemzésével foglalkoztunk. Az előfordulások felmérését 2015 második félévében végeztük. Cönológiai felvételezés a város 15 pontján történt, a kvadrátok mérete 2 m × 2 m-es, vagy 1 m × 4 m-es volt, alkalmazkodva az állományok kiterjedéséhez. A felmérés során megállapítást nyert, hogy az aszályfű ma már Budapest minden kerületében és a Duna szigetein is megtelepedett, megjelenése gyakran tömeges. A város 106 helyszínén előfordulását pontos koordinátákkal is megadtuk. Jellemző élőhelyei az erősen taposott talajfelszínek, járdaszegélyek, útburkolat-repedések és gépkocsiparkolók; terjedésében feltehetőleg fontos szerepet játszik a gépjárműforgalom. Növény-társulástani szempontból az aszályfű dominálta állományok a madárkeserűfüves taposott társulásokéval azonos élőhelyeket foglalnak el, önálló élőhelyigényére utaló jeleket nem tapasztaltunk, és felvételezett állományaiban mindig megtalálható volt a madárkeserűfű is. A megvizsgált állományok leggyakoribb kísérőfajai az alábbi három csoportba sorolhatók: (1) késő nyári, C4-es fotoszintézisű füvek (Cynodon dactylon, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eragrostis minor, Setaria pumila); (2) kimondottan taposástűrő, gyakran tőlevélrózsás kétszikűek (Polygonum aviculare, Plantago lanceolata, P. major, Taraxacum ofcinale, Trifolium repens) és (3) késő nyári, kétszikű gyomok (Amaranthus retroflexus, Erigeron canadensis, Portulaca oleracea és Tribulus terrestris)

    Extenzív szántók gyomcönológiai vizsgálata Észak-nyugat Dunántúlon = Phytosociological survey of weed communities on extensive fields in North-western Hungary

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    A Dunántúli-középhegység és a Nyugat-Magyarországi peremvidék extenzív vetéseiben a következő vegetációtípusok leírására került sor: Nyári aszpektusban bázikus-meszes vályogos talajon a Camelino-Anthemidetum caucalietosum; semleges talajon (vagy a nagyobb mérvű intenzifikációval) a Camelino-Anthemidetum typicum, savanyú talajon pedig a Camelino-Anthemidetum scleranthetosum. Ezeket a típusokat, bázikus homokon a Sisymbrio-Anthemidetum, míg savanyú homokon a Spergulo-Anthemidetum váltja fel. A szubatlantikus klíma befolyása alatt savanyú vályog- és agyagtalajokon az Aphano-Matricarietum scleranthetosum uralkodik. A Capsello-Descurainietum a növekvő intenzifikációval alakul ki a Camelino-Anthemidetum termőhelyén. A Camelino-Anthemidetum-ot őszi aszpektusban a tarlókon a Stachyo-Setarietum váltja fel, míg az Aphano-Matricarietum termőhelyén a Chenopodio-Oxalidetum a jellemző tarlószövetkezet. A kapáskultúrákban az egész vizsgált területen, bár sokszor csak nagyon elszegényedett formában az Echinochloo-Setarietum terjedt el. | In the surveyed area the following vegetation units have been distinguished: Camelino-Anthemidetum caucalidetosum as summer-association on loamy calcareous soils, Camelino-Anthemidetum typicum on neutral soils (or by larger intensification), Camelino-Anthemidetum scleranthetosum on acidic soils. These units are substituted by Sisymbrio-Anthemidetum on basic sand, while by Spergulo-Anthemidetum on acidic sand. Under the effect of Submediterranean climate Aphano-Matricarietum scleranthetosum on acidic loam and clay prevails. Capsello-Descurainietum evolves with increasing intensification in habitat of Camelino-Anthemidetum. Camelino-Anthemidetum is substituted by Stachyo-Setarietum as autumn-association on stubble fields while in the habitat of Aphano-Matricarietum, Chenopodio-Oxalidetum is the typical stubble community. In row crop fields Echinochloo-Setarietum is the most frequent association

    Scholarly Commentary: Prioritising Practice Education through Collaborations

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    The critical importance of practice education in occupational therapy to graduate outcomes and preparedness for practice is well recognised (Doherty, Stagnitti, & Schoo, 2009; Gray et al., 2012; Holmes et al., 2010) being referred to as the bridge between academic education and occupational therapy practice (Roberts, Hooper, Wood, & King, 2015). It is also the foundation on which graduates make career choices and develop as professional occupational therapists. Recognition of the importance of practice education is evidenced through a growing international collection of published research into both innovative models and the pedagogy of practice education (Roberts et al., 2015)

    Supervising role emerging placements: a CPD opportunity that supports innovation in practice

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    Supervision of occupational therapy students on placements is a challenging, but rewarding experience. There is a growing body of literature related to role emerging placements but the experiences of the occupational therapists who undertake the role of off-site supervisors are underrepresented. These placements are based in settings where there is no defined occupational therapy role and the professional supervisor is not based at the placement site. Drawing from research in two European countries with off-site supervisors the enablers and barriers of this role are presented. Supervising students with innovative occupational therapy interventions positively influenced the off-site supervisors’ professional practice. Practical guidance for those interested in this role is shared to encourage occupational therapists to pursue this rewarding role including the need for peer support while undertaking this valuable role

    Impact of mid-successional dominant species on the diversity and progress of succession in regenerating temperate grasslands

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    (i) Which species dominate mid-successional old-fields in Hungary? How does the identity of these species relate to local (patch-scale) diversity and to the progress of succession? (ii) Which species have the strongest negative impact on diversity in spontaneous old-field succession and what generalizations are possible about traits of these species? (iii) Are these species dominant or subordinate components in mature target communities? (iv) Do native or alien species have stronger effects on the diversity and progress of succession

    Checklist of Alien Vascular Plants of Hungary and Their Invasion Biological Characteristics

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    As part of the PADAPT project, the authors compiled the invasion biological database of the alien vascular flora of Hungary, which contains the nativeness, residence time, introduc- tion mode and invasion status of 878 alien or cryptogenic taxa. In the absence of adequate evidence, the classification of some species was only possible into uncertain, transitional cat- egories. The definitions of most categories are compatible with several international termi- nologies, but are primarily based on Central European traditions. Of the 560 taxa that have already been naturalised in Hungary, 85 are invasive, and 22 of them are transformer alien vascular plants. Only 5 of these transformers are included in the European list of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern ( Ailanthus altissima, Asclepias syriaca, Elodea nuttallii, Heracleum mantegazzianum and H. sosnowskyi ), which require uniform preventive interventions and treatments throughout the continent, while the rest of transformers in Hungary (e.g., Robinia pseudoacacia, Fallopia × bohemica and Solidago gigantea ) draw attention to the unique, local and/ or regional invasion biological situation of the Pannonian Basin and Central Europe

    Biological flora of Central Europe: Cyperus esculentus L

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    This paper presents information on all aspects of the biology of Cyperus esculentus L. (yellow nutsedge) and deals with its taxonomy, morphology, genetic diversity, distribution, habitat requirements, ecology and life cycle, with special emphasis on uses and cultivation, history of introduction, impact and management in Europe. C. esculentus is a tuber geophyte and most likely originates from the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. It is a variable plant and four wild-type varieties are presently recognized, in addition to a cultivated form. C. esculentus reproduces primarily by its underground tubers, although abundant seeds are produced. In temperate climates, tubers usually sprout in late spring and the plant withers at the beginning of the winter. C. esculentus is only cultivated in the València region in Spain. Invasion foci emerged across Europe at the beginning of the 1980s and at present, C. esculentus is most abundant on arable land and in ruderal habitats, followed by riverine vegetation. In heavily infested regions of Europe, C. esculentus causes substantial yield losses in field crops and although different management strategies are available, C. esculentus remains difficult to control.Follak, S.; Belz, R.; Bohren, C.; Castro, OD.; Guacchio, ED.; Pascual-Seva, N.; Schwarz, M.... (2016). Biological flora of Central Europe: Cyperus esculentus L. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 23:33-51. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2016.09.003S33512