52 research outputs found

    Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: a global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter

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    Climate change and human pressures are changing the global distribution and extent of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), which comprise half of the global river network area. IRES are characterized by periods of flow cessation, during which channel substrates accumulate and undergo physico‐chemical changes (preconditioning), and periods of flow resumption, when these substrates are rewetted and release pulses of dissolved nutrients and organic matter (OM). However, there are no estimates of the amounts and quality of leached substances, nor is there information on the underlying environmental constraints operating at the global scale. We experimentally simulated, under standard laboratory conditions, rewetting of leaves, riverbed sediments, and epilithic biofilms collected during the dry phase across 205 IRES from five major climate zones. We determined the amounts and qualitative characteristics of the leached nutrients and OM, and estimated their areal fluxes from riverbeds. In addition, we evaluated the variance in leachate characteristics in relation to selected environmental variables and substrate characteristics. We found that sediments, due to their large quantities within riverbeds, contribute most to the overall flux of dissolved substances during rewetting events (56‐98%), and that flux rates distinctly differ among climate zones. Dissolved organic carbon, phenolics, and nitrate contributed most to the areal fluxes. The largest amounts of leached substances were found in the continental climate zone, coinciding with the lowest potential bioavailability of the leached organic matter. The opposite pattern was found in the arid zone. Environmental variables expected to be modified under climate change (i.e. potential evapotranspiration, aridity, dry period duration, land use) were correlated with the amount of leached substances, with the strongest relationship found for sediments. These results show that the role of IRES should be accounted for in global biogeochemical cycles, especially because prevalence of IRES will increase due to increasing severity of drying events

    Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: A global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter

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    Climate change and human pressures are changing the global distribution and the ex‐ tent of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), which comprise half of the global river network area. IRES are characterized by periods of flow cessation, during which channel substrates accumulate and undergo physico‐chemical changes (precon‐ ditioning), and periods of flow resumption, when these substrates are rewetted and release pulses of dissolved nutrients and organic matter (OM). However, there are no estimates of the amounts and quality of leached substances, nor is there information on the underlying environmental constraints operating at the global scale. We experi‐ mentally simulated, under standard laboratory conditions, rewetting of leaves, river‐ bed sediments, and epilithic biofilms collected during the dry phase across 205 IRES from five major climate zones. We determined the amounts and qualitative character‐ istics of the leached nutrients and OM, and estimated their areal fluxes from riverbeds. In addition, we evaluated the variance in leachate characteristics in relation to selected environmental variables and substrate characteristics. We found that sediments, due to their large quantities within riverbeds, contribute most to the overall flux of dis‐ solved substances during rewetting events (56%–98%), and that flux rates distinctly differ among climate zones. Dissolved organic carbon, phenolics, and nitrate contrib‐ uted most to the areal fluxes. The largest amounts of leached substances were found in the continental climate zone, coinciding with the lowest potential bioavailability of the leached OM. The opposite pattern was found in the arid zone. Environmental vari‐ ables expected to be modified under climate change (i.e. potential evapotranspiration, aridity, dry period duration, land use) were correlated with the amount of leached sub‐ stances, with the strongest relationship found for sediments. These results show that the role of IRES should be accounted for in global biogeochemical cycles, especially because prevalence of IRES will increase due to increasing severity of drying event

    Flux de matière en étangs piscicoles extensifs : Rétention, sédimentation, exportation

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    In the first part of this thesis, we assessed the input and output of suspended matter, nitrogen and phosporus in extensively managed fishponds (North-Eastern France). Special attention was given to emptying period which was studied in six ponds with surface areas between 2 and 620 ha. The ponds are used for the production of various Cyprinidae. During the emptying operation, between 430 and 3880 kg ha-¹ of suspended matter, 9 and 74 kg ha-¹ of Kjeldahl-nitrogen and 1.2 and 14.4 kg ha-¹ of total-phosphorus were discharged from the pond. For the whole exploitation period 3615 ? 6220 kg ha-¹ of suspended matter, 66-106 kg ha-¹ of nitrogen and 1.6 ? 8.5 kg ha-¹ of phosphorus accumulated in the pond. In a second part, we assessed sedimentation fluxes in these shallow freshwater systems are rare and have often performed with unsuitable methods. In most cases, sedimentation traps mentioned in the literature are at least 25 cm high, thereby neglecting a large proportion of the water column in shallow systems. We have overcome this problem by designing a trap with a receptacle buried in the sediment. Next, 19 new traps wich made it possible to sample almost the whole water column in shallow systems were exposed on a monthly basis during 19 months in two ponds. Quantitative and qualitative temporal and spatial variation of settled particles was shown. Sedimentation rates fluctuated on a seasonal basis. They were minimum in spring and maximum in summer. These fluctuations were linked to the high primary production, to decaying of submersed macrophytes and of blue-green algae. Interference by fish farmer at various times of the year also caused sudden high sedimentation rates (> 200 g.m-².j-¹). Sedimentation in the fish ponds was controled by natural mechanisms partly similar to those that occur in lakes, and by mechanisms specific to shallow systems and to aquatic systems managed by manDans la première partie de cette thèse, les entrées et sorties de matière en suspension, azote et phosphore ont été étudiées en étangs de pisciculture extensive. Une attention particulière a été portée à la période de vidange qui a été étudiée dans six étangs de surface comprise entre 2 et 620 ha. Les étangs sont utilisés pour la production de Cyprinidés. Durant l'opération de vidange, entre 430 et 3880 kg ha [puissance] -1 de matière en suspension, 9 et 74 kg ha [puissance] -1 d'azote Kjeldahl et 1,2 et 14,4 kg ha [puissance] -1 de phosphore total ont été exportés de l'étang. Pour l'ensemble de la période d'exploitation 615-6220 kg ha [puissance] -1 de matière en suspension, 66-106 kg ha [puissance] -1 d'azote et 1,6-8,5 kg ha [puissance] -1 de phosphore ont été accumulés dans les étangs. Dans une seconde partie, les flux de sédimentation ont été estimés dans ces milieux peu profonds. Les études du taux de sédimentation en milieux aquatiques peu profonds sont rares et utilisent souvent des méthodes inadaptées. Dans de nombreux cas, les trappes à sédiments mentionnées dans la littérature ont au minimum 25 cm de haut. Par conséquent, une large proportion de la colonne d'eau est négligée. Ce problème a été résolu en développant une trappe munie d'un réceptacle enfoncé dans les sédiments. Ensuite, 19 nouvelles trappes ont été exposées mensuellement dans deux étangs durant 19 mois. Une variation spatiale et temporelle du taux de sédimentation a été montrée. La sédimentation varie selon un cycle saisonnier. Ces fluctuations sont liées à la production primaire, à la dégradation des macrophytes et à la dégénérescence des fleurs d'eau à cyanobactéries. L'activité du pisciculteur à différentes périodes de l'année est également une source de variations soudaines du taux de sédimentation (> 200 g.m-².j [puissance] -1). La sédimentation en étang piscicole est contrôlée par des mécanismes naturels en partie similaires à ceux se produisant en lac, par des processus spécifiques aux milieux peu profonds et aux milieux anthropisé

    Contrasted effects of an anti-cyanobacterial ultrasound device on the non-target freshwater invertebrate species Gammarus roeseli

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    International audienceThe aim of this work was to investigate the effects of an anti-cyanobacterial ultrasound device (supplied by an electrical power of 15 W and emitting at 23 and 46 kHz) on the widespread freshwater amphipod species Gammarus roeseli. First, laboratory scale experiments in 8-L glass tanks showed that an ultrasound exposure of 2 h and 40 min was sufficient to produce 50% mortality, along with a 6.5 °C water temperature increase. Avoiding excessive heating by using a water-cooling and recirculation system permitted an exposure time of 29 h for the same mortality rate. A potential relationship between temperature's rise and amphipod mortality was hence highlighted. Moreover, the use of plastic mesh bag (0.5 mm mesh size) as a physical barrier has not shown any lethal effects of ultrasound exposure. Furthermore, the induction of GPx or GST activity as oxidative stress biomarkers was not observed. This could be explained by reduced ultrasound intensity inside the mesh bags. Thus, according to these results, the tested ultrasound system is not expected to be acutely harmful in the field

    Flux de matière en étangs piscicoles extensifs (Rétention, sédimentation, exportation)

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    METZ-SCD (574632105) / SudocRENNES-INSA (352382210) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Copper mobilization affected by weather conditions in a stormwater detention system receiving runoff waters from vineyard soils ( Champagne, France )

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    International audienceCopper, a priority substance on the EU-Water Framework Directive list, is widely used to protect grapevines against fungus diseases. Many vineyards being located on steep slopes, large amounts of Cu could be discharged in downstream systems by runoff water. The efficiency of stormwater detention basins to retain copper in a vineyard catchment was estimated. Suspended solids, dissolved (Cudiss) and total Cu (Cutot) concentrations were monitored in runoff water, upstream, into and downstream from a detention pond. Mean Cutot concentrations in entering water was 53.6 μg/L whereas it never exceeded 2.4 μg/L in seepage. Cutot concentrations in basin water (>100 μg/L in 24% of the samples) exceeded LC50 values for several aquatic animals. Copper was principally sequestered by reduced compounds in the basin sediments (2/3 of Cutot). Metal sequestration was reversible since sediment resuspension resulted in Cu remobilization. Wind velocity controlled resuspension, explained 70% of Cudiss variability and could help predicting Cu mobilization. Copper in stormwater basin is efficiently retained but can be released during windy events or after dredging

    Numerical modelling of vertical suspended solids concentrations and irradiance in a turbid shallow system (Vaccares, Se France)

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    International audienceIn shallow ecosystems, the short temporal variability of available underwater irradiance is considered a major process controlling submerged macrophytes development. Mechanistic models that estimate photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) in shallow ecosystems at very short time scales are needed for use in predicting submerged macrophyte growth and persistence. We coupled a 2D horizontal circulation model with, first, a 1D vertical numerical model of suspended solid (SS) re-suspension, diffusion and settling, and next, with a model of vertical extinction of irradiance, previously validated at the same site. The study site was the Vaccare's lagoon (France) where a large data set of high frequency bottom irradiance and SS concentration were available. SS and irradiance measurements were conducted at a vertical study station, monitored over a 6 month period (from December 1995 to May 1996) characterized by wide-ranging wind velocities (1.5-18 ms-1). In addition, grain-size analyses conducted over the whole lagoon, allowed adaptation of the 1D numerical model to the silt-sized (7 lm) and clay-sized (0.3 lm) fractions that prevail in the local sediment. First, model results showed that about 60% of the variance in bottom irradiance time series can be explained by our deterministic formulations, thus representing the same level of efficiency than those already obtained by a stochastic model previously developed with the same data set. Second, model results showed that the fit of the model to the field data (SS concentrations and bottom irradiance) depended mainly on storm occurrence and season (winter or spring). Finally, model results suggested that the underwater irradiance regime was controlled by seasonal succession of the horizontal circulation of turbid water in the lagoon, with increased solids concentrations in winter, followed by submerged canopy development and decreased solids concentrations in spring

    Pesticide pressure and fish farming in barrage pond in Northeastern France Part I: site characterization and water quality

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    International audienceFish farming in barrage pond is a rearing system commonly used worldwide. Obtaining good water quality is essential to improve sustainability of these ecosystems, both for health of fish consumers and environmental considerations. However, ponds are often located in agricultural landscape, but few study reports impact of pesticide pressure on these ecosystems. This study characterizes five sites in Northeastern France. This work establishes an initial framework for pesticide monitoring with the aim to improve understanding of the fate of pesticides in ponds. This framework is based on surveys indicating managements and Geographical Information System (GIS) for five ponds and their watersheds (sites: C-0, C-25, C-45, C-75 and C-85) and completes with some analysis of a large spectrum of pesticide residues in surface waters. Watersheds show a gradient of crop proportion ranging from 0% to 82% of the watershed area, mainly rapeseed, wheat, barley and maize. Ponds were representative of local Northeastern France management. Many pesticides, and also nutrients, were measured in water with concentrations varying between sites and seasons. The sum of quantified molecules ranged from 0.17 mu g/l for site C-0 (March) to 8.81 mu g/l for site C-25 (October). Concentrations of metaldehyde, quinmerac, isoproturon and bentazon were sometimes above 1 mu g/l. There is a strong connection between pond and watershed, due to water supply throughout the fish production cycle. Sites with small pond/big watershed are the most exposed to acute contamination a few days after spraying because water discharges are not diluted