579 research outputs found

    The Positive Impacts of a Professional Learning Community Model on Student Achievement in Small Schools

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    This study explores the impact of professional learning communities on student achievement in a small school setting. Aaron Hansen’s book, How to Develop PLCs for Singletons and Small Schools, offered a guide for arranging vertical, grade-level teams with one teacher per grade level at one private, K-8 school. The faculty engaged in high quality, effective professional development using PLC objectives and norms to analyze NWEA MAP data. They adapted instructional practices and implemented formative assessments to influence student growth in math and reading scores. Results indicate that the PLC training that took place between the Fall and Winter MAP testing cycles positively impacted student growth results from Winter to Spring tests. Research limitations are addressed in the discussion section

    Systematic Literature Review: Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat Dalam Menghadapi Bencana Gempa Bumi

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    Globally, many earthquakes have occurred. Earthquake disasters have an impact on the emergence of fatalities to large material losses. The number of victims who fell occurred due to the lack of preparedness in the community when a disaster occurred. This study aims to 1) find out the indicators used in increasing earthquake preparedness in the world, 2) find out the types of vulnerability that have an effect on earthquake disasters in the world, and 3) find out the efforts used to reduce the impact of earthquake damage in the world. This type of research is a Systematic Literature Review. The scientific articles used are from the https://link.springer.com/ site by entering the keyword "earthquake disaster preparedness" and obtaining as many as 6596 scientific articles, then selecting scientific articles using several criteria and getting the final results as many as 18 articles. The results of this study are 1) the most widely discussed indicators in the final results of reviewing scientific articles in increasing community preparedness for earthquake disasters are indicators of planning in an emergency situation because these indicators are an important part of preparedness, especially relating to evacuation, rescue and rescue, so that disaster victims can be minimized, 2) The type of vulnerability that is most widely discussed in the final results of a review of scientific articles that is influential and often influences in earthquake disasters is a type of social vulnerability. Due to social vulnerability related to the human population, society, age at which the community still lacks understanding of the threat of disasters, especially vulnerable people such as the elderly, pregnant women, children, people with disabilities. 3) Efforts used to reduce the impact of earthquake damage most discussed in the final results of scientific article reviews are non-structural efforts. Due to non-structural efforts to involve the community directly in an effort to minimize the impact caused by the earthquake by increasing knowledge, insight, training about disasters

    Fibroma of tendon sheath located within the ankle joint capsule

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    We report a very rare case of fibroma of the tendon sheath arising from the anteromedial ankle joint capsule, with no apparent connection to any tendon in the area, found in a 58-year-old patient complaining of progressive local swelling. This uncommon tumor has its usual localization in tendon sheaths, is extremely rare in joint capsules, and has never been described in this location previously. MRI showed nonuniform low signal intensity in T1- and T2-weighted images and high intensity in STIR images. The mass was completely excised by open surgery. Histopathological analysis later confirmed the diagnosis of a fibroma of the tendon sheath

    A Built-In Strategy for Containment of Transgenic Plants: Creation of Selectively Terminable Transgenic Rice

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    Plant transgenic technology has been widely utilized for engineering crops for trait improvements and for production of high value proteins such as pharmaceuticals. However, the unintended spreading of commercial transgenic crops by pollination and seed dispersal is a major concern for environmental and food safety. Simple and reliable containment strategies for transgenes are highly desirable. Here we report a novel method for creating selectively terminable transgenic rice. In this method, the gene(s) of interest is tagged with a RNA interference cassette, which specifically suppresses the expression of the bentazon detoxification enzyme CYP81A6 and thus renders transgenic rice to be sensitive to bentazon, a herbicide used for rice weed control. We generated transgenic rice plants by this method using a new glyphosate resistant 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) gene from Pesudomonas putida as the gene of interest, and demonstrated that these transgenic rice plants were highly sensitive to bentazon but tolerant to glyphosate, which is exactly the opposite of conventional rice. Field trial of these transgenic rice plants further confirmed that they can be selectively killed at 100% by one spray of bentazon at a regular dose used for conventional rice weed control. Furthermore, we found that the terminable transgenic rice created in this study shows no difference in growth, development and yield compared to its non-transgenic control. Therefore, this method of creating transgenic rice constitutes a novel strategy of transgene containment, which appears simple, reliable and inexpensive for implementation

    A Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment Using J-PARC Neutrino Beam and Hyper-Kamiokande

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    Document submitted to 18th J-PARC PAC meeting in May 2014. 50 pages, 41 figuresDocument submitted to 18th J-PARC PAC meeting in May 2014. 50 pages, 41 figuresDocument submitted to 18th J-PARC PAC meeting in May 2014. 50 pages, 41 figuresHyper-Kamiokande will be a next generation underground water Cherenkov detector with a total (fiducial) mass of 0.99 (0.56) million metric tons, approximately 20 (25) times larger than that of Super-Kamiokande. One of the main goals of Hyper-Kamiokande is the study of CPCP asymmetry in the lepton sector using accelerator neutrino and anti-neutrino beams. In this document, the physics potential of a long baseline neutrino experiment using the Hyper-Kamiokande detector and a neutrino beam from the J-PARC proton synchrotron is presented. The analysis has been updated from the previous Letter of Intent [K. Abe et al., arXiv:1109.3262 [hep-ex]], based on the experience gained from the ongoing T2K experiment. With a total exposure of 7.5 MW ×\times 107^7 sec integrated proton beam power (corresponding to 1.56×10221.56\times10^{22} protons on target with a 30 GeV proton beam) to a 2.52.5-degree off-axis neutrino beam produced by the J-PARC proton synchrotron, it is expected that the CPCP phase δCP\delta_{CP} can be determined to better than 19 degrees for all possible values of δCP\delta_{CP}, and CPCP violation can be established with a statistical significance of more than 3σ3\,\sigma (5σ5\,\sigma) for 7676% (5858%) of the δCP\delta_{CP} parameter space

    Mapping Differentiation under Mixed Culture Conditions Reveals a Tunable Continuum of T Cell Fates

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    Cell differentiation is typically directed by external signals that drive opposing regulatory pathways. Studying differentiation under polarizing conditions, with only one input signal provided, is limited in its ability to resolve the logic of interactions between opposing pathways. Dissection of this logic can be facilitated by mapping the system's response to mixtures of input signals, which are expected to occur in vivo, where cells are simultaneously exposed to various signals with potentially opposing effects. Here, we systematically map the response of naïve T cells to mixtures of signals driving differentiation into the Th1 and Th2 lineages. We characterize cell state at the single cell level by measuring levels of the two lineage-specific transcription factors (T-bet and GATA3) and two lineage characteristic cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-4) that are driven by these transcription regulators. We find a continuum of mixed phenotypes in which individual cells co-express the two lineage-specific master regulators at levels that gradually depend on levels of the two input signals. Using mathematical modeling we show that such tunable mixed phenotype arises if autoregulatory positive feedback loops in the gene network regulating this process are gradual and dominant over cross-pathway inhibition. We also find that expression of the lineage-specific cytokines follows two independent stochastic processes that are biased by expression levels of the master regulators. Thus, cytokine expression is highly heterogeneous under mixed conditions, with subpopulations of cells expressing only IFN-γ, only IL-4, both cytokines, or neither. The fraction of cells in each of these subpopulations changes gradually with input conditions, reproducing the continuous internal state at the cell population level. These results suggest a differentiation scheme in which cells reflect uncertainty through a continuously tuneable mixed phenotype combined with a biased stochastic decision rather than a binary phenotype with a deterministic decision

    Influence of pharmacogenetic variability on the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of the aurora kinase inhibitor danusertib

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    Objectives Danusertib is a serine/threonine kinase inhibitor of multiple kinases, including aurora-A, B, and C. This explorative study aims to identify possible relationships between single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes coding for drug metabolizing enzymes and transporter proteins and clearance of danusertib, to clarify the interpatient variability in exposure. In addition, this study explores the relationship between target receptor polymorphisms and toxicity of danusertib. Methods For associations with clearance, 48 cancer patients treated in a phase I study were analyzed for ABCB1, ABCG2 and FMO3 polymorphisms. Association analyses between neutropenia and drug target receptors, including KDR, RET, FLT3, FLT4, AURKB and AURKA, were performed in 30 patients treated at recommended phase II dose-levels in three danusertib phase I or phase II trials. Results No relationships between danusertib clearance and drug metabolizing enzymes and transporter protein polymorphisms were found. Only, for the one patient with FMO3 18281AA polymorphism, a significantly higher clearance was noticed, compared to patients carrying at least 1 wild type allele. No effect of target receptor genotypes or haplotypes on neutropenia was observed. Conclusions As we did not find any major correlations between pharmacogenetic variability in the studied enzymes and transporters and pharmacokinetics nor toxicity, it is unlikely that danusertib is highly susceptible for pharmacogenetic variation. Therefore, no dosing alterations of danusertib are expected in the future, based on the polymorphisms studied. However, the relationship between FMO3 polymorphisms and clearance of danusertib warrants further research, as we could study only a small group of patients

    Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays

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    The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns

    Altered branching patterns of Purkinje cells in mouse model for cortical development disorder

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    Disrupted cortical cytoarchitecture in cerebellum is a typical pathology in reeler. Particularly interesting are structural problems at the cellular level: dendritic morphology has important functional implication in signal processing. Here we describe a combinatorial imaging method of synchrotron X-ray microtomography with Golgi staining, which can deliver 3-dimensional(3-D) micro-architectures of Purkinje cell(PC) dendrites, and give access to quantitative information in 3-D geometry. In reeler, we visualized in 3-D geometry the shape alterations of planar PC dendrites (i.e., abnormal 3-D arborization). Despite these alterations, the 3-D quantitative analysis of the branching patterns showed no significant changes of the 77 ± 8° branch angle, whereas the branch segment length strongly increased with large fluctuations, comparing to control. The 3-D fractal dimension of the PCs decreased from 1.723 to 1.254, indicating a significant reduction of dendritic complexity. This study provides insights into etiologies and further potential treatment options for lissencephaly and various neurodevelopmental disorders