5,261 research outputs found

    Fixos da saúde e fluxos na difusão e atendimento de pacientes com Covid-19 em São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil

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    Este trabalho discute a dinâmica de difusão da Covid-19 no Maranhão a partir dos fluxos desencadeados durante a pandemia, por pessoas buscando atendimento em São Luís. Discute também a seletividade com que o território maranhense é usado por empresas de saúde, resultando em zonas de densidade, como São Luís, e zonas de rarefação, como a maior parte dos demais centros do estado. Na pandemia, essa particularidade regional gerou fluxos de pessoas em busca de diagnóstico e tratamento, ampliando áreas de contágio e fragilizando o sistema de saúde. Metodologicamente, o trabalho analisa a distribuição de equipamentos médico-hospitalares e de fixos da saúde para discutir a mobilidade de pessoas, agravada pela pandemia. Os dados advêm sobretudo do Sistema de Informações de Saúde e do Cadastro Nacional dos Estabelecimentos de Saúde do Brasil (ambos do Datasus, Ministério da Saúde) e da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Maranhão. Os resultados indicam que a Covid-19 intensificou fluxo de pessoas para São Luís, ampliando a área de contágio e o número de óbitos na capital.This work aims to discuss the dynamics of the spread of covid-19 in Maranhão from the flows triggered, during the pandemic, by people seeking care in São Luís. density, like São Luís, and rarefaction zones, like most of the other centers of the state. In the pandemic, this regional particularity generated flows of people in search of diagnosis and treatment, expanding areas of contagion and weakening the health system. Methodologically, the work analyzes the distribution of medical and hospital equipment and fixed health equipment to discuss the mobility of people, aggravated by the pandemic. The data come mainly from the Health Information System and the National Registry of Health Establishments in Brazil (both from Datasus, Ministry of Health) and from the State Department of Health of Maranhão.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo discutir la dinámica de propagación de Covid-19 en Maranhão a partir de los flujos desencadenados, durante la pandemia, por personas que buscan atención en São Luís: densidad, como São Luís, y zonas de rarefacción, como la mayoría de los otros centros de el estado. En la pandemia, esta particularidad regional generó flujos de personas en busca de diagnóstico y tratamiento, ampliando las áreas de contagio y debilitando el sistema de salud. Metodológicamente, el trabajo analiza la distribución de equipos médicos y hospitalarios y equipos fijos de salud para discutir la movilidad de las personas, agravada por la pandemia. Los datos provienen principalmente del Sistema de Información en Salud y del Registro Nacional de Establecimientos de Salud de Brasil (ambos del Datasus, Ministerio de Salud) y de la Secretaría de Estado de Salud de Maranhão. Los resultados indican que la Covid-19 intensificó el flujo de personas hacia São Luís, ampliando el área de contagio y el número de muertos en la capital

    AuditModel: A Model for Representation of Continuous Audit Processes Based on ISO 19011

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    Objective of the study: The objective of this article is to propose a model of representation of audit processes that allows its automation, this model is based on ISO 19011, a standard recommended by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). Methodology / approach: A study was carried out on the standardization of continuous audit processes. ISO 19011 was used as a reference to define the elements of the proposed model. After an analysis in the sections of the standard, sections 05 (establishing objectives of the audit program) and section 06 (conducting the audit) were selected to compose this work. Originality / relevance: The article contains quantitative data related to the performance of audits in Brazil and some limitations for carrying out audits. Through the model, the work makes up for the deficiency of the existence of documentation that helps the understanding, by software developers, auditors and companies, of how an audit should be carried out. It is expected to facilitate the development of audit software with the proposed model. Main results: 14 elements are specified, classified in 4 domains, which together make up the model for representing audit processes. A process is mapped and the specified elements are used to show how the audit processes are to be employed. Theoretical / methodological contributions: It seems feasible to use the methodology in different organizations, it is enough to understand the proposed model, internally map the processes to be audited and apply the concepts described in this work as an example

    Spatial differences between stars and brown dwarfs: a dynamical origin?

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    We use NN-body simulations to compare the evolution of spatial distributions of stars and brown dwarfs in young star-forming regions. We use three different diagnostics; the ratio of stars to brown dwarfs as a function of distance from the region's centre, RSSR\mathcal{R}_{\rm SSR}, the local surface density of stars compared to brown dwarfs, ΣLDR\Sigma_{\rm LDR}, and we compare the global spatial distributions using the ΛMSR\Lambda_{\rm MSR} method. From a suite of twenty initially statistically identical simulations, 6/20 attain RSSR<<1\mathcal{R}_{\rm SSR} << 1 andand ΣLDR<<1\Sigma_{\rm LDR} << 1 andand ΛMSR<<1\Lambda_{\rm MSR} << 1, indicating that dynamical interactions could be responsible for observed differences in the spatial distributions of stars and brown dwarfs in star-forming regions. However, many simulations also display apparently contradictory results - for example, in some cases the brown dwarfs have much lower local densities than stars (ΣLDR<<1\Sigma_{\rm LDR} << 1), but their global spatial distributions are indistinguishable (ΛMSR=1\Lambda_{\rm MSR} = 1) and the relative proportion of stars and brown dwarfs remains constant across the region (RSSR=1\mathcal{R}_{\rm SSR} = 1). Our results suggest that extreme caution should be exercised when interpreting any observed difference in the spatial distribution of stars and brown dwarfs, and that a much larger observational sample of regions/clusters (with complete mass functions) is necessary to investigate whether or not brown dwarfs form through similar mechanisms to stars.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Quantitative Evidence for an Intrinsic Age Spread in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    Aims. We present a study of the distribution of stellar ages in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) based on accurate HST photometry taken from the HST Treasury Program observations of the ONC utilizing the most recent estimate of the cluster's distance (Menten et al. 2007). We investigate the presence of an intrinsic age spread in the region and a possible trend of age with the spatial distribution. Methods. We estimate the extinction and accretion luminosity towards each source by performing synthetic photometry on an empirical calibration of atmospheric models (Da Rio et al. 2010) using the package Chorizos (Maiz-Apellaniz 2004). The position of the sources in the HR-diagram is compared with different theoretical isochrones to estimate the mean cluster age and age dispersion. Through Monte Carlo simulations we quantify the amount of intrinsic age spread in the region, taking into account uncertainties on the distance, spectral type, extinction, unresolved binaries, accretion and photometric variability. Results. According to Siess et al. (2000) evolutionary models the mean age of the Cluster is 2.2 Myr with a scatter of few Myrs. With Monte Carlo simulations we find that the observed age spread is inconsistent with a coeval stellar population, but is in agreement with a star formation activity between 1.5 and 3.5 Myrs. We also observe light evidence for a trend of ages with spatial distribution.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Massive Galaxy in its Core Formation Phase Three Billion Years After the Big Bang

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    Most massive galaxies are thought to have formed their dense stellar cores at early cosmic epochs. However, cores in their formation phase have not yet been observed. Previous studies have found galaxies with high gas velocity dispersions or small apparent sizes but so far no objects have been identified with both the stellar structure and the gas dynamics of a forming core. Here we present a candidate core in formation 11 billion years ago, at z=2.3. GOODS-N-774 has a stellar mass of 1.0x10^11 Msun, a half-light radius of 1.0 kpc, and a star formation rate of 90[+45-20]Msun/yr. The star forming gas has a velocity dispersion 317+-30 km/s, amongst the highest ever measured. It is similar to the stellar velocity dispersions of the putative descendants of GOODS-N-774, compact quiescent galaxies at z~2 and giant elliptical galaxies in the nearby Universe. Galaxies such as GOODS-N-774 appear to be rare; however, from the star formation rate and size of the galaxy we infer that many star forming cores may be heavily obscured, and could be missed in optical and near-infrared surveys.Comment: To appear in Natur

    The Extended Main-Sequence Turn-off Clusters of the Large Magellanic Cloud - Missing links in Globular Cluster Evolution

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    Recent observations of intermediate age (1 - 3 Gyr) massive star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have revealed that the majority possess bifurcated or extended main-sequence turn-off (EMSTO) morphologies. This effect can be understood to arise from subsequent star formation amongst the stellar population with age differences between constituent stars amounting to 50 - 300 Myr. Age spreads of this order are similarly invoked to explain the light element abundance variations witnessed in ancient globular clusters. In this paper we explore the proposition that the clusters exhibiting the EMSTO phenomenon are a general phase in the evolution of massive clusters, one that naturally leads to the particular chemical properties of the ancient globular cluster population. We show that the isolation of EMSTO clusters to intermediate ages is the consequence of observational selection effects. In our proposed scenario, the EMSTO phenomenon is identical to that which establishes the light element abundance variations that are ubiquitous in the ancient globular cluster population. Our scenario makes a strong prediction: EMSTO clusters will exhibit abundance variations in the light elements characteristic of the ancient GC population.Comment: ApJ accepted. 33 pages, 5 figure

    Assessment of Stellar Stratification in Three Young Star Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    (abridged) We present a comprehensive study of stellar stratification in young star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We apply our recently developed effective radius method for the assessment of stellar stratification on imaging data obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys of three young LMC clusters to characterize the phenomenon and develop a comparative scheme for its assessment in such clusters. The clusters of our sample, NGC 1983, NGC 2002 and NGC 2010, are selected on the basis of their youthfulness, and their variety in appearance, structure, stellar content, and surrounding stellar ambient. Our photometry is complete for magnitudes down to m_814 ~ 23 mag, allowing the calculation of the structural parameters of the clusters, the estimation of their ages and the determination of their stellar content. Our study shows that each cluster in our sample demonstrates stellar stratification in a quite different manner and at different degree from the others. Specifically, NGC 1983 shows to be partially segregated only for the faintest stars of the cluster, NGC 2002 shows evidence of strong stellar stratification for both bright and faint stars, and NGC 2010 is found not to be segregated. For the parametrization of the phenomenon of stellar stratification and its quantitative comparison among these clusters, we propose the slope derived from the change in the effective radius over the corresponding magnitude range as indicative parameter of the degree of stratification in the clusters. A positive value of this slope indicates mass segregation in the cluster, while a negative or zero value signifies the lack of the phenomenon.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Vol. 709 (2010), pp. 263-277 Version with low-Resolution gray-scaled figures. Version with full resolution color figures available from http://rapidshare.com/files/328406139/Gouliermis_2010.ApJ.709.pd

    Proposta de sequência didática para a leitura de fake news sob a perspectiva do pensamento crítico

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    This article presents part of a Master's thesis in Applied Linguistics, whose subject comprises the development of critical thinking (Lipman, 1995) through the reading of fake news. The theme of this study includes the presentation of a didactic sequence proposal for reading fake news, in order to offer students criteria for the identification of false news. This study was justified due to the students' interest in building more linguistic and discursive strategies for the identification of false news. Thus, the objective of this article is to propose a didactic sequence for reading fake news, in order to exercise in the student a thought model based on criteria used to identify false news. As a methodological procedure for the delimitation of criteria, qualitative-interpretative research was chosen. The authors who provide theoretical support for this study include Lipman (1995; 1997), Vigotsky (2009), Lopes-Rossi (2006), Downes (1995), among others. As a result, we were able to define that the generic properties and the fallacious arguments present in fake news can serve as criteria for the recognition of false news.Este artigo apresenta parte de uma dissertação de Mestrado em Linguística Aplicada, cujo assunto compreende o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico (Lipman, 1995) por meio da leitura de fake news. O tema deste estudo abrange a apresentação de uma proposta de sequência didática para a leitura de fake news, de modo a oferecer aos discentes critérios para a identificação de notícias falsas. Tal estudo justificou-se devido ao interesse dos alunos em construir mais estratégias linguísticas e discursivas para a identificação de notícias falsas. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste artigo é propor uma sequência didática para a leitura de fake news, de modo a exercitar no aluno um modelo de pensamento pautado em critérios utilizados para a identificação de notícias falsas. Como procedimento metodológico para a delimitação de critérios, foi escolhida a pesquisa qualitativa-interpretativa. Os autores que oferecem suporte teórico para este estudo abrangem Lipman (1995; 1997), Vigotsky (2009), Lopes-Rossi (2006), Downes (1995), entre outros. Como resultados, pudemos delimitar que as propriedades genéricas e os argumentos falaciosos presentes nas fake news podem servir como critérios para o reconhecimento de notícias falsas

    Testing the universality of star formation - I. Multiplicity in nearby star-forming regions

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    We have collated multiplicity data for five clusters (Taurus, Chamaeleon I, Ophiuchus, IC348, and the Orion Nebula Cluster). We have applied the same mass ratio (flux ratios of delta K <= 2.5) and primary mass cuts (~0.1-3.0 Msun) to each cluster and therefore have directly comparable binary statistics for all five clusters in the separation range 62-620 au, and for Taurus, Chamaeleon I, and Ophiuchus in the range 18-830 au. We find that the trend of decreasing binary fraction with cluster density is solely due to the high binary fraction of Taurus, the other clusters show no obvious trend over a factor of nearly 20 in density. With N-body simulations we attempt to find a set of initial conditions that are able to reproduce the density, morphology and binary fractions of all five clusters. Only an initially clumpy (fractal) distribution with an initial total binary fraction of 73 per cent (17 per cent in the range 62-620 au) is able to reproduce all of the observations (albeit not very satisfactorily). Therefore, if star formation is universal the initial conditions must be clumpy and with a high (but not 100 per cent) binary fraction. This could suggest that most stars, including M-dwarfs, form in binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 19 pages, 22 figure

    Genotype, development and tissue-derived variation of cell-wall properties in the lignocellulosic energy crop Miscanthus

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Species and hybrids of the genus Miscanthus contain attributes that make them front-runners among current selections of dedicated bioenergy crops. A key trait for plant biomass conversion to biofuels and biomaterials is cell-wall quality; however, knowledge of cell-wall composition and biology in Miscanthus species is limited. This study presents data on cell-wall compositional changes as a function of development and tissue type across selected genotypes, and considers implications for the development of miscanthus as a sustainable and renewable bioenergy feedstock. METHODS: Cell-wall biomass was analysed for 25 genotypes, considering different developmental stages and stem vs. leaf compositional variability, by Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy and lignin determination. In addition, a Clostridium phytofermentans bioassay was used to assess cell-wall digestibility and conversion to ethanol. KEY RESULTS: Important cell-wall compositional differences between miscanthus stem and leaf samples were found to be predominantly associated with structural carbohydrates. Lignin content increased as plants matured and was higher in stem tissues. Although stem lignin concentration correlated inversely with ethanol production, no such correlation was observed for leaves. Leaf tissue contributed significantly to total above-ground biomass at all stages, although the extent of this contribution was genotype-dependent. CONCLUSIONS: It is hypothesized that divergent carbohydrate compositions and modifications in stem and leaf tissues are major determinants for observed differences in cell-wall quality. The findings indicate that improvement of lignocellulosic feedstocks should encompass tissue-dependent variation as it affects amenability to biological conversion. For gene–trait associations relating to cell-wall quality, the data support the separate examination of leaf and stem composition, as tissue-specific traits may be masked by considering only total above-ground biomass samples, and sample variability could be mostly due to varying tissue contributions to total biomass