338 research outputs found

    How hard is the euro area core? A wavelet analysis of growth cycles in Germany, France and Italy

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    Using recent advances in time-varying spectral methods, this research analyses the growth cycles of the core of the euro area in terms of frequency content and phasing of cycles. The methodology uses the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and also Hilbert wavelet pairs in the setting of a non-decimated discrete wavelet transform in order to analyse bivariate time series in terms of conventional frequency domain measures from spectral analysis. The findings are that coherence and phasing between the three core members of the euro area (France, Germany and Italy) have increased since the launch of the euro

    Nonstationarities of regional climate model biases in European seasonal mean temperature and precipitation sums

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    Bias correcting climate models implicitly assumes stationarity of the correction function. This assumption is assessed for regional climate models in a pseudo reality for seasonal mean temperature and precipitation sums. An ensemble of regional climate models for Europe is used, all driven with the same transient boundary conditions. Although this model-dependent approach does not assess all possible bias non-stationarities, conclusions can be drawn for the real world. Generally, biases are relatively stable, and bias correction on average improves climate scenarios. For winter temperature, bias changes occur in the Alps and ice covered oceans caused by a biased forcing sensitivity of surface albedo; for summer temperature, bias changes occur due to a biased sensitivity of cloud cover and soil moisture. Precipitation correction is generally successful, but affected by internal variability in arid climates. As model sensitivities vary considerably in some regions, multi model ensembles are needed even after bias correction. Key Points: - Bias correction in general improves future climate simulations - Cloud cover, soil moisture and albedo changes may cause temperature bias changes - Precipitation biases in arid regions are affected by internal variabilit

    Extreme Precipitation in an Atmosphere General Circulation Model: Impact of Horizontal and Vertical Model Resolution

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    To investigate the influence of atmospheric model resolution on the representation of daily precipitation extremes, ensemble simulations with the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5 at different horizontal (T213 to T31) and vertical (L31 to L19) resolutions and forced with observed sea surface temperatures and sea ice concentrations have been carried out for 01/1982 - 09/2010. All results have been compared with the highest resolution, which has been validated against observations. Resolution affects both the representation of physical processes and the averaging of precipitation across grid boxes. The latter, in particular, smoothes out localized extreme events. These effects have been disentangled by averaging precipitation simulated at the highest resolution to the corresponding coarser grid. Extremes are represented by seasonal maxima, modeled by the generalized extreme value distribution. Effects of averaging and representation of physical processes vary with region and season. In the tropical summer hemisphere, extreme precipitation is reduced by up to 30% due to the averaging effect, and a further 65% owing to a coarser representation of physical processes. Towards mid- to high latitudes, the latter effect reduces to 20%; in the winter hemisphere it vanishes towards the poles. A strong drop is found between T106 and T63 in the convection dominated tropics. At the lowest resolution, northern hemisphere winter precipitation extremes, mainly caused by large scale weather systems, are in general represented reasonably well. Coarser vertical resolution causes an equatorward shift of maximum extreme precipitation in the tropics. The impact of vertical resolution on mean precipitation is less pronounced; for horizontal resolution it is negligible

    Reply to Comment on "Cosmic rays, carbon dioxide, and climate"

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    In our analysis [Rahmstorf et al., 2004], we arrived at two main conclusions: the data of Shaviv and Veizer [2003] do not show a significant correlation of cosmic ray flux (CRF) and climate, and the authors' estimate of climate sensitivity to CO2 based on a simple regression analysis is questionable. After careful consideration of Shaviv and Veizer's comment, we want to uphold and reaffirm these conclusions. Concerning the question of correlation, we pointed out that a correlation arose only after several adjustments to the data, including shifting one of the four CRF peaks and stretching the time scale. To calculate statistical significance, we first need to compute the number of independent data points in the CRF and temperature curves being correlated, accounting for their autocorrelation. A standard estimate [Quenouille, 1952] of the number of effective data points is urn:x-wiley:00963941:media:eost14930:eost14930-math-0001 where N is the total number of data points and r1, r2 are the autocorrelations of the two series. For the curves of Shaviv and Veizer [2003], the result is NEFF = 4.8. This is consistent with the fact that these are smooth curves with four humps, and with the fact that for CRF the position of the four peaks is determined by four spiral arm crossings or four meteorite clusters, respectively; that is, by four independent data points. The number of points that enter the calculation of statistical significance of a linear correlation is (NEFF− 2), since any curves based on only two points show perfect correlation; at least three independent points are needed for a meaningful result

    Changes in the annual cycle of heavy precipitation across the British Isles within the 21st century

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    We investigate future changes in the annual cycle of heavy daily precipitation events across the British Isles in the periods 2021–2060 and 2061–2100, relative to present day climate. Twelve combinations of regional and global climate models forced with the A1B scenario are used. The annual cycle is modelled as an inhomogeneous Poisson process with sinusoidal models for location and scale parameters of the generalized extreme value distribution. Although the peak times of the annual cycle vary considerably between projections for the 2061–2100 period, a robust shift towards later peak times is found for the south-east, while in the north-west there is evidence for a shift towards earlier peak times. In the remaining parts of the British Isles no changes in the peak times are projected. For 2021–2060 this signal is weak. The annual cycle’s relative amplitude shows no robust signal, where differences in projected changes are dominated by global climate model differences. The relative contribution of anthropogenic forcing and internal climate variability to changes in the relative amplitude cannot be identified with the available ensemble. The results might be relevant for the development of adequate risk-reduction strategies, for insurance companies and for the management and planning of water resource

    Detrended fluctuation analysis for fractals and multifractals in higher dimensions

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    One-dimensional detrended fluctuation analysis (1D DFA) and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (1D MF-DFA) are widely used in the scaling analysis of fractal and multifractal time series because of being accurate and easy to implement. In this paper we generalize the one-dimensional DFA and MF-DFA to higher-dimensional versions. The generalization works well when tested with synthetic surfaces including fractional Brownian surfaces and multifractal surfaces. The two-dimensional MF-DFA is also adopted to analyze two images from nature and experiment and nice scaling laws are unraveled.Comment: 7 Revtex pages inluding 11 eps figure

    Epochs of Phase Coherence between ENSO and Indian Monsoon

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    We present a modern method used in nonlinear time series analysis to investigate the relation of two oscillating systems with respect to their phases, independently of their amplitudes. We study the difference of the phase dynamics between El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Monsoon on inter‐annual time scales. We identify distinct epochs, especially two intervals of phase coherence, 1886–1908 and 1964–1980, corroborating earlier findings from a new point of view. A significance test shows that the coherence is very unlikely to be the result of stochastic fluctuations. We also detect so far unknown periods of coupling which are invisible to linear methods. These findings suggest that the decreasing correlation during the last decades might be a typical epoch of the ENSO/Monsoon system having occurred repeatedly. The high time resolution of the method enables us to present an interpretation of how volcanic radiative forcing could cause the coupling. us to present an interpretation of how volcanic radiative forcing could cause the coupling

    Higher probability of compound flooding from precipitation and storm surge in Europe under anthropogenic climate change

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    In low-lying coastal areas, the co-occurrence of high sea level and precipitation resulting in large runoff may cause compound flooding (CF). When the two hazards interact, the resulting impact can be worse than when they occur individually. Both storm surges and heavy precipitation, as well as their interplay, are likely to change in response to global warming. Despite the CF relevance, a comprehensive hazard assessment beyond individual locations is missing, and no studies have examined CF in the future. Analyzing co-occurring high sea level and heavy precipitation in Europe, we show that the Mediterranean coasts are experiencing the highest CF probability in the present. However, future climate projections show emerging high CF probability along parts of the northern European coast. In several European regions, CF should be considered as a potential hazard aggravating the risk caused by mean sea level rise in the future

    Validation of the present day annual cycle in heavy precipitation over the British Islands simulated by 14 RCMs

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    The representation of the annual cycle of heavy daily precipitation events across the United Kingdom within 14 regional climate models (RCMs) and the European observation data set (E-OBS) over the 1961-2000 period is investigated. We model extreme precipitation as an inhomogeneous Poisson process with a non-stationary threshold and use a sinusoidal model for the location and scale parameter of the corresponding generalized extreme value distribution and a constant shape parameter. First we fit the statistical model to the UK Met Office 5 km gridded precipitation data set (UKMO). Second the statistical model is fitted to 14 reanalysis driven 25 km resolution RCMs from the ENSEMBLES project and to E-OBS. The resulting characteristics from the RCMs and from E-OBS are compared with those from UKMO. We study the peak time of the annual cycle of the monthly return levels, the relative amplitude of their annual cycle and the relative bias of their absolute values. We show that the performance of the RCMs depends strongly on the region. The RCMs show deficits in modeling the characteristics of the annual cycle, especially in modeling its relative amplitude and mainly in Eastern England. However the peak time of the annual cycle is adequately simulated by most RCMs. E-OBS exhibits considerable biases in the absolute values of all monthly return levels, but the relative amplitude and the phase of the annual cycle of heavy precipitation are well represented. Our results imply that studies which rely on the explicit annual cycle of simulated heavy precipitation should be carefully considered

    Process-conditioned bias correction for seasonal forecasting: a case-study with ENSO in Peru

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    This work assesses the suitability of a first simple attempt for process-conditioned bias correction in the context of seasonal forecasting. To do this, we focus on the northwestern part of Peru and bias correct 1- and 4-month lead seasonal predictions of boreal winter (DJF) precipitation from the ECMWF System4 forecasting system for the period 1981–2010. In order to include information about the underlying large-scale circulation which may help to discriminate between precipitation affected by different processes, we introduce here an empirical quantile–quantile mapping method which runs conditioned on the state of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), which is accurately predicted by System4 and is known to affect the local climate. Beyond the reduction of model biases, our results show that the SOI-conditioned method yields better ROC skill scores and reliability than the raw model output over the entire region of study, whereas the standard unconditioned implementation provides no added value for any of these metrics. This suggests that conditioning the bias correction on simple but well-simulated large-scale processes relevant to the local climate may be a suitable approach for seasonal forecasting. Yet, further research on the suitability of the application of similar approaches to the one considered here for other regions, seasons and/or variables is needed.This work has received funding from the MULTI-SDM project (MINECO/FEDER, CGL2015-66583-R). The authors are grateful to SENAMHI for the observational data, which are publicly available from http://www.senamhi.gob.pe/?p=data-historica, and to the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), for the access to the System4 seasonal forecasting hindcast