99 research outputs found

    Pre-registration of CT pulmonary volumetric image data

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    Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá predregistráciou pľúcnych objemových CT obrazových dát. Predregistrácia je riešená metódou fázovej korelácie pri rozklade 3D obrazu na 2D rezy usporiadané za sebou. Práca ďalej popisuje geometrické transformácie, interpolácie, výpočet podobnostných kritérií, optimalizáciu registrácie obrazu a proces samotnej registrácie obrazu. Predregistračný softvér je navrhnutý v programovom prostredí MATLAB^®, kde prebieha predregistrácia 3D reálnych CT obrazových dát s dôrazom na rýchlosť procesu.This bachelor thesis is dealing with pre-registration of CT pulmonary volumetric image data. Pre-registration is solved by phase correlation method, which decomposes 3D images into 2D slices arranged in a row. It further describes the geometric transformations, interpolation, calculations of similarity criteria, optimization of registration of images and the image registration process itself. The pre-registration software runs in MATLAB^®, which works with 3D images of real CT image data with an emphasis on process speed.

    Palaeolimnological evidence for an east-west climate see-saw in the Mediterranean since AD 900

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    During the period of instrumental records, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) has strongly influenced inter-annual precipitation variations in the western Mediterranean, while some eastern parts of the basin have shown an anti-phase relationship in precipitation and atmospheric pressure. Here we explore how the NAO and other atmospheric circulation modes operated over the longer timescales of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LIA). High-resolution palaeolimnological evidence from opposite ends of the Mediterranean basin, supplemented by other palaeoclimate data, is used to track shifts in regional hydro-climatic conditions. Multiple geochemical, sedimentological, isotopic and palaeoecological proxies from Estanya and Montcortés lakes in northeast Spain and Nar lake in central Turkey have been cross-correlated at decadal time intervals since AD 900. These dryland lakes capture sensitively changes in precipitation/evaporation (P/E) balance by adjustments in water level and salinity, and are especially valuable for reconstructing variability over decadal-centennial timescales. Iberian lakes show lower water levels and higher salinities during the 11th to 13th centuries synchronous with the MCA and generally more humid conditions during the 'LIA' (15th-19th centuries). This pattern is also clearly evident in tree-ring records from Morocco and from marine cores in the western Mediterranean Sea. In the eastern Mediterranean, palaeoclimatic records from Turkey, Greece and the Levant show generally drier hydro-climatic conditions during the LIA and a wetter phase during the MCA. This implies that a bipolar climate see-saw has operated in the Mediterranean for the last 1100. years. However, while western Mediterranean aridity appears consistent with persistent positive NAO state during the MCA, the pattern is less clear in the eastern Mediterranean. Here the strongest evidence for higher winter season precipitation during the MCA comes from central Turkey in the northeastern sector of the Mediterranean basin. This in turn implies that the LIA/MCA hydro-climatic pattern in the Mediterranean was determined by a combination of different climate modes along with major physical geographical controls, and not by NAO forcing alone, or that the character of the NAO and its teleconnections have been non-stationary. © 2011 Elsevier B.V

    Comparing flood mortality in Portugal and Greece (Western and Eastern Mediterranean)

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    For the first time flood mortality is analysed and compared between a Western (Portugal) and an Eastern Mediterranean country (Greece). Flood fatalities are examined and compared in terms of frequency, temporal evolution, spatial distribution, deadliest flood types, gender of the victims, circumstances surrounding fatalities, and individual and societal risk. A common flood fatalities database was formed for the period 1960–2010 by merging the DISASTER database for Portugal and the Greek database. Individual flood cases generated more deaths in Greece than in Portugal (excluding an outlier flash flood event in the latter). Despite some fluctuations evidence of a gradual decrease in fatality numbers were recorded for both countries. Since the 1980's the number of flood cases with multiple fatalities has been gradually declining, due to changes in qualitative characteristics of mortality. Flood fatalities predominantly occur during autumn in Greece and during winter in Portugal. In both Greece and Portugal flash floods were responsible for more than 80% of the total mortality. The main metropolitan areas of each country were found to be hotspots of flood mortality; a trend connected, with the higher population density along the coastal areas combined with the expansion of urban fabric towards floodprone areas. Gender distribution of fatalities indicates that males are more vulnerable in both countries. The circumstances surrounding fatalities showed that fatalities occurring inside buildings have been gradually reducing in time, while vehicle-related deaths have been rising, showing that individuals hold an active role when they voluntarily enter in floodwaters during a flood.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vegetation responses to abrupt climatic changes during the Last Interglacial Complex (Marine Isotope Stage 5) at Tenaghi Philippon, NE Greece

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    The discovery that climate variability during the Last Glacial shifted rapidly between climate states has intensified efforts to understand the distribution, timing and impact of abrupt climate change under a wide range of boundary conditions. In contribution to this, we investigate the nature of abrupt environmental changes in terrestrial settings of the Mediterranean region during the Last Interglacial Complex (Marine Isotope Stage [MIS] 5) and explore the relationships of these changes to high-latitude climate events. We present a new, temporally highly resolved (mean: 170 years) pollen record for the Last Interglacial Complex from Tenaghi Philippon, north-east Greece. The new pollen record, which spans the interval from 130,000 to 65,000 years ago, forms part of an exceptionally long polleniferous sediment archive covering the last 1.35 million years. The pollen data reveal an interglacial followed by alternating forest and steppe phases representing the interstadials and stadials of the Early Glacial. Superimposed on these millennial-scale changes is evidence of persistent sub-millennial-scale variability. We identify ten high-amplitude abrupt events in the pollen record, characterised by rapid contractions of closed forest to open steppe environment and interpreted to indicate major changes in moisture availability and temperature. The contractions in forest cover on millennial timescales appear associated with cooling events in the Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic and Greenland regions, linked to the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) cycles of the Early Glacial. On sub-millennial timescales, the pattern of changes in forest cover at Tenaghi Philippon display a structure similar to the pattern of short-lived precursor and rebound-type events detected in the Greenland ice-core record. Our findings indicate that persistent, high-amplitude environmental variability occurred throughout the Early Glacial, on both millennial and submillennial timescales. Furthermore, the similarity of the pattern of change between Tenaghi Philippon and Greenland on sub-millennial timescales suggests that teleconnections between the high-latitudes and the Mediterranean region operate on sub-millennial timescales and that some terrestrial archives, such as Tenaghi Philippon, are particularly sensitive recorders of these abrupt climate changes

    Dynamik der Wasserbilanz von Zypern - Aktueller Zustand und Einflüsse des Klimawandels

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    A completely revised and enhanced version of the water balance model MODBIL of the regional water balance dynamics of Cyprus was developed for this study. The model is based on a physical, process-oriented, spatially distributed concept and is applied for the calculation of all important water balance components of the island for the time period of 1961-2004. The calibrated results are statistically analysed and visualised for the whole island area, and evaluated with respect to the renewability of natural water resources. Climate variability and changes of the past decades are analysed with regard to their influence on water balances. A further part of the study focusses on the simulation of impacts of potential climate change. The water balances are simulated under changing climatic conditions on the base of theoretical precipitation, temperature and relative humidity changes and the revealed impacts on the water balances and renewable resources are discussed. Furthermore, a first principal water balance scenario is developed for the assessment of the regional hydrological changes expected for Cyprus by the end of the 21st century. The scenarios are based on recently calculated climate change assessments for this part of the Mediterranean, under an assumed further increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.Eine vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Version des Wasserhaushaltsmodells MODBIL ist für die Untersuchung des Wasserhaushalts auf Zypern entwickelt worden. Auf der Basis dieses physikalischen, prozessorientierten und flächendifferenzierten Modells werden alle wesentlichen Wasserhaushaltskomponenten für die gesamte Insel im Zeitraum 1961-2004 berechnet, die Ergebnisse statistisch und visuell ausgewertet sowie hinsichtlich der Erneuerbarkeit der natürlichen Wasserressourcen bewertet. Weiterhin erfolgt die Untersuchung von Klimavariabilität und Trends der letzten Jahrzehnte und deren Einfluss auf die Wasserbilanzen. Im zweiten Teil dieser Studie werden Auswirkungen potentieller Klimaänderungen anhand simulierter Wasserbilanzen unter veränderten Niederschlags-, Temperatur-, und Luftfeuchtebedingungen ermittelt und hinsichtlich deren Einfluss auf die erneuerbaren Wasserressourcen beurteilt. Abschließend folgt eine erste prinzipielle Simulation der hydrologischen Veränderungen, die für Zypern bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts zu erwarten sind. Diese Simulation basiert auf aktuellen Klimawandelabschätzungen für diese Teilregion des Mittelmeerraumes unter Verwendung eines Szenarios fortschreitender Zunahme von Treibhausgasen in der Atmosphäre

    Zur Heilung der angeborenen Harnblasen- und Harnröhrenspalte

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