46 research outputs found

    PASSIOMA: Exploring Expressed Sequence Tags during Flower Development in Passiflora spp.

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    The genus Passiflora provides a remarkable example of floral complexity and diversity. The extreme variation of Passiflora flower morphologies allowed a wide range of interactions with pollinators to evolve. We used the analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) as an approach for the characterization of genes expressed during Passiflora reproductive development. Analyzing the Passiflora floral EST database (named PASSIOMA), we found sequences showing significant sequence similarity to genes known to be involved in reproductive development such as MADS-box genes. Some of these sequences were studied using RT-PCR and in situ hybridization confirming their expression during Passiflora flower development. The detection of these novel sequences can contribute to the development of EST-based markers for important agronomic traits as well as to the establishment of genomic tools to study the naturally occurring floral diversity among Passiflora species

    A Young Planetary-Mass Object in the rho Oph Cloud Core

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    We report the discovery of a young planetary-mass brown dwarf in the rho Oph cloud core. The object was identified as such with the aid of a 1.5-2.4 micron low-resolution spectrum obtained using the NIRC instrument on the Keck I telescope. Based on the COND model, the observed spectrum is consistent with a reddened (Av ~ 15-16) brown dwarf whose effective temperature is in the range 1200-1800 K. For an assumed age of 1 Myr, comparison with isochrones further constrains the temperature to ~ 1400 K and suggests a mass of ~ 2-3 Jupiter masses. The inferred temperature is suggestive of an early T spectral type, which is supported by spectral morphology consistent with weak methane absorption. Based on its inferred distance (~ 100 pc) and the presence of overlying visual absorption, it is very likely to be a rho Oph cluster member. In addition, given the estimated spectral type, it may be the youngest and least massive T dwarf found so far. Its existence suggests that the initial mass function for the rho Oph star-forming region extends well into the planetary-mass regime.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Properties of the T8.5 Dwarf Wolf 940 B

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    We present 7.5-14.2um low-resolution spectroscopy, obtained with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph, of the T8.5 dwarf Wolf 940 B, which is a companion to an M4 dwarf with a projected separation of 400 AU. We combine these data with previously published near-infrared spectroscopy and mid-infrared photometry, to produce the spectral energy distribution for the very low-temperature T dwarf. We use atmospheric models to derive the bolometric correction and obtain a luminosity of log L/Lsun = -6.01 +/- 0.05. Evolutionary models are used with the luminosity to constrain the values of effective temperature (T_eff) and surface gravity, and hence mass and age for the T dwarf. We further restrict the allowed range of T_eff and gravity using age constraints implied by the M dwarf primary, and refine the physical properties of the T dwarf by comparison of the observed and modelled spectroscopy and photometry. This comparison indicates that Wolf 940 B has a metallicity within 0.2 dex of solar, as more extreme values give poor fits to the data - lower metallicity produces a poor fit at lambda > 2um while higher metallicity produces a poor fit at lambda < 2um. This is consistent with the independently derived value of [m/H] = +0.24 +/- 0.09 for the primary star, using the Johnson & Apps (2008) M_K:V-K relationship. We find that the T dwarf atmosphere is undergoing vigorous mixing, with an eddy diffusion coefficient K_zz of 10^4 to 10^6 cm^2 s^-1. We derive an effective temperature of 585 K to 625 K, and surface gravity log g = 4.83 to 5.22 (cm s^-2), for an age range of 3 Gyr to 10 Gyr, as implied by the kinematic and H alpha properties of the M dwarf primary. The lower gravity corresponds to the lower temperature and younger age for the system, and the higher value to the higher temperature and older age. The mass of the T dwarf is 24 M_Jupiter to 45 M_Jupiter for the younger to older age limit.Comment: 24 pages which include 5 Figures and 3 Tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal July 2 201

    The Galactic Plane at faint X-ray fluxes - I: Properties and characteristics of the X-ray source population

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    We investigate the serendipitous X-ray source population revealed in XMM-Newton observations targeted in the Galactic Plane within the region 315<l<45 and |b|<2.5 deg. Our study focuses on a sample of 2204 X-ray sources at intermediate to faint fluxes, which were detected in a total of 116 XMM fields and are listed in the 2XMMi catalogue. We characterise each source as spectrally soft or hard on the basis of whether the bulk of the recorded counts have energies below or above 2 keV and find that the sample divides roughly equally (56%:44%) into these soft and hard categories. The X-ray spectral form underlying the soft sources may be represented as either a power-law continuum with Gamma~2.5 or a thermal spectrum with kT~0.5 keV, with N_H ranging from 10^{20-22} cm^{-2}. For the hard sources, a significantly harder continuum form is likely, i.e., Gamma~1 with N_H=10^{22-24} cm^{-2}. For ~50% of the hard sources, the inferred column density is commensurate with the total Galactic line-of-sight value; many of these sources will be located at significant distances across the Galaxy implying a hard band luminosity L_X>10^{32} erg/s, whereas some will be extragalactic interlopers. >90% of the soft sources have potential NIR (2MASS and/or UKIDSS) counterparts inside their error circles, consistent with the dominant soft X-ray source population being relatively nearby coronally-active stars. These stellar counterparts are generally brighter than J=16, a brightness cutoff which corresponds to the saturation of the X-ray coronal emission at L_X=10^{-3} L_{bol}. In contrast, the success rate in finding likely IR counterparts to the hard X-ray sample is no more than ~15% down to J=16 and ~25% down to J=20, set against a rapidly rising chance coincidence rate. The make-up of the hard X-ray source population, in terms of the known classes of accreting and non-accreting systems, remains uncertain.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A wide deep infrared look at the Pleiades with UKIDSS: new constraints on the substellar binary fraction and the low mass IMF

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    We present the results of a deep wide-field near-infrared survey of 12 square degrees of the Pleiades conducted as part of the UKIDSS Deep Infrared Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Galactic Cluster Survey (GCS). We have extracted over 340 high probability proper motion members down to 0.03 solar masses using a combination of UKIDSS photometry and proper motion measurements obtained by cross-correlating the GCS with data from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), the Isaac Newton (INT) and the Canada-France-Hawai'i (CFHT) telescopes. Additionally, we have unearthed 73 new candidate brown dwarf members on the basis of five band UKIDSS photometry alone. We have identified 23 substellar multiple system candidates out of 63 candidate brown dwarfs from the (Y-K,Y) and (J-K,J) colour-magnitude diagrams, yielding a binary frequency of 28-44% in the 0.075-0.030 Msun mass range. Our estimate is three times larger than the binary fractions reported from high-resolution imaging surveys of field ultracool dwarfs and Pleiades brown dwarfs. However, it is marginally consistent with our earlier ``peculiar'' photometric binary fraction of 50+/-10% presented in Pinfield et al. (2003), in good agreement with the 32-45% binary fraction derived from the recent Monte-Carlo simulations of Maxted & Jeffries (2005) and compatible with the 26+/-10% frequency recently estimated by Basri & Reiners (2006). A tentative estimate of the mass ratios from photometry alone seems to support the hypothesis that binary brown dwarfs tend to reside in near equal-mass ratio systems. (abridged)Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, 1 electronic table, 6 appendices with tables, accepted to MNRA

    Exploring pre-main sequence variables of ONC: The new variables

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    Since 2004, we have been engaged in a long-term observing program to monitor young stellar objects in the Orion Nebula Cluster. We have collected about two thousands frames in V, R, and I broad-band filters on more than two hundred nights distributed over five consecutive observing seasons. The high-quality and time-extended photometric data give us an opportunity to address various phenomena associated with young stars. The prime motivations of this project are i) to explore various manifestations of stellar magnetic activity in very young low-mass stars; ii) to search for new pre-main sequence eclipsing binaries; and iii) to look for any EXor and FUor like transient activities associated with YSOs. Since this is the first paper on this program, we give a detailed description of the science drivers, the observation and the data reduction strategies as well. In addition to these, we also present a large number of new periodic variables detected from our first five years of time-series photometric data. Our study reveals that about 72% of CTTS in our FoV are periodic, whereas, the percentage of periodic WTTS is just 32%. This indicates that inhomogeneities patterns on the surface of CTTS of the ONC stars are much more stable than on WTTS. From our multi-year monitoring campaign we found that the photometric surveys based on single-season are incapable of identifying all periodic variables. And any study on evolution of angular momentum based on single-season surveys must be carried out with caution.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS, 26 pages, 17 figures, 6 table

    Extreme infrared variables from UKIDSS-I. A concentration in star-forming regions

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    We present initial results of the first panoramic search for high-amplitude near-infrared variability in theGalactic plane.We analyse the widely separated two-epoch K-band photometry in the fifth and seventh data releases of the UKIDSS Galactic plane survey.We find 45 stars with δK > 1 mag, including two previously known OH/IR stars and a Nova. Even though the midplane is not yet included in the data set, we find the majority (66 per cent) of our sample to be within known star-forming regions (SFRs), with two large concentrations in the Serpens OB2 association (11 stars) and the Cygnus-X complex (12 stars). Sources in SFRs show spectral energy distributions that support classification as young stellar objects (YSOs). This indicates that YSOs dominate the Galactic population of high-amplitude infrared variable stars at low luminosities and therefore likely dominate the total high-amplitude population. Spectroscopic follow up of the DR5 sample shows at least four stars with clear characteristics of eruptive premain- sequence variables, two of which are deeply embedded. Our results support the recent concept of eruptive variability comprising a continuum of outburst events with different timescales and luminosities, but triggered by a similar physical mechanism involving unsteady accretion. Also, we find what appears to be one of the most variable classical Be stars. © 2014 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

    Astrometric and photometric initial mass functions from the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey: I The Pleiades

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    We present the results of a deep wide-field near-infrared survey of the entire Pleiades cluster recently released as part of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky (UKIDSS) Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS) Data Release 9 (DR9). We have identified a sample of ~1000 Pleiades cluster member candidates combining photometry in five near-infrared passbands and proper motions derived from the multiple epochs provided by the UKIDSS GCS DR9. We also provide revised membership for all previously published Pleiades low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the past decade recovered in the UKIDSS GCS DR9 Pleiades survey based on the new photometry and astrometry provided by the GCS. We find no evidence of K-band variability in the Pleiades members larger than ~0.08 mag. In addition, we infer a substellar binary frequency of 22-31% in the 0.075-0.03 Msun range for separations less than ~100 au. We employed two independent but complementary methods to derive the cluster luminosity and mass functions: a probabilistic analysis and a more standard approach consisting of stricter astrometric and photometric cuts. We found that the resulting luminosity and mass functions obtained from both methods are very similar. We derive the Pleiades mass function in the 0.6-0.03 Msun mass range and found that it is best reproduced by a log-normal representation with a mean characteristic mass of 0.24(+0.01-0.03) Msun, in agreement with earlier studies and the extrapolation of the field mass function.Comment: MNRAS, in press: 17 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables in main text, 4 additional tables in appendix. Abstract and column names in Tables 3 and 4 corrected compared to MNRAS's accepted versio

    The NEOWISE-Discovered Comet Population and the CO+CO_2 production rates

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    The 163 comets observed during the WISE/NEOWISE prime mission represent the largest infrared survey to date of comets, providing constraints on dust, nucleus size, and CO + CO_2 production. We present detailed analyses of the WISE/NEOWISE comet discoveries, and discuss observations of the active comets showing 4.6 μm band excess. We find a possible relation between dust and CO + CO_2 production, as well as possible differences in the sizes of long and short period comet nuclei