326 research outputs found

    Fatty acid characterization of cyanobacterial strains isolated from vela lake and mondego river rice fields (central-western, Portugal)

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    It is know that cyanobacterial taxonomic groups are characterized by particular lipid patterns that can be used as their biological markers. The present study examined the fatty acid composition of nostocacean heterocystous cyanobacterial strains isolated from Central-western Portuguese freshwater shallow water bodies, namely Vela Lake and rice fields from Mondego River Basin. Morphological characterization showed that strains from Vela Lake belonged to Aphanizomenon gracile (strains UADFA16 and UADFA18), Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (strain UADFA15) and Anabaena cf. solitaria (strain UADFA14) species, whereas rice field strains belonged to Anabaena cylindrica (strain UTAD_A212) and Nostoc muscorum (strain UTAD_N213). Biochemical characterization inferred from lipid analysis showed that predominant fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) in the lipids of the strains were palmitic, oleic and α-linolenic, with trace amounts of myristic and C20 polyunsaturated FAMEs. To our knowledge, there is almost no information about lipid composition in freshwater cyanobacterial species living in different habitats in Portugal. Therefore, this limnological study is a contribution to our investigation on freshwater diazotrophic cyanobacteria

    Contribución para la caracterización bioclimática del Norte de Portugal. La transición florística atlántico-mediterránea.

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    Contribución para la caracterización bioclimática del norte de Portugal. La transición florística atlántico-mediterránea. Este trabajo se incluye en la serie de trabajos ya iniciados por Crespí et al. (2001), con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento bioclimático del Norte de Portugal, a través de la información florística presente. En este sentido, y para proceder a una posible cartografia de las áreas biogeográficas naturales desde una perspectiva termopluviométrica, son ahora introducidos 39 nuevos táxones para la relación ya existente. Los táxones analizados en esta aportación son: Anthemis triumfetti f. flosculosa, Arnica montana subsp. atlantica, Aster aragonensis, Carduus bourgeanus, Carduus carpetanus, Carduus platypus subsp. platypus, Carduus platypus var. granatensis, Carduus pycnocephalus, Centaurea cyanus, Centaurea geresensi, Centaurea herminii subsp. herminii, Centaurea langeana, Centaurea rivularis, Centaurea triumfetti subsp. lingulata, Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp.flaveola, Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp. pulverulenta, Leuzea rhaponticoides, Phalacrocarpum hoffmannseggii, Santolina rosmarinifolia, Santolina semidentata, Arbutus unedo, Cistus ladanifer, Cistus laurifolius, Cistus populifolius, Cistus psilosepalus, Cistus salvifolius, Erica arborea, Erica australis, Erica ciliaris, Erica cinerea, Erica lusitanica, Erica scoparia, Erica tetralix, Erica umbellata, Halimium lasianthum subsp alyssoides, Halimium lasianthum subsp lasianthum, Halimium ocymoides, Halimium umbellatum subsp umbellatum, Halimium umbellatum subsp. viscosum. De modo a poder alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, se procede a la aplicación de una rutina programática multivariada, basada en un sistema de información geográfico (SIG), a partir del cual cada uno de los táxones estudiados es georeferenciado sobre cartografía ambiental (confeccionada y publicada por el Instituto para a Conservação da Natureza, del Ministerio del Ambiente portugués), comparándola después con las caracterizaciones fitoclimáticas de Franco (1994) y de Costa et al. (1998). Los resultados obtenidos confirman no sólo un acusado efecto gradual de transición entre el área de influencia bioclimática atlántica y la mediterránea, como además la existencia de una tendencia de comportamiento fitoclimático intermedio, no considerada hasta el momento en las caracterizaciones bioclimáticas ya publicadas.Approach on the climatic characterization for Northern of Portugal. The atlanticmediterranean floristic transition. Thirty-nine specific and infraspecific taxa with different occurrences in the continental portuguese area are referred in the present work. In the light of these behaviours, the climatic and geomorphological variability of the North of Portugal has been important environmental factors to explain the floristic diversity in this part of the country. In this case, the taxa analysed are: Anthemis triumfetti f. flosculosa, Arnica montana subsp. atlantica, Aster aragonensis, Carduus bourgeanus, Carduus carpetanus, Carduus platypus subsp. platypus, Carduus platypus var.granatensis, Carduus pycnocephalus, Centaurea cyanus, Centaurea geresensi, Centaurea herminii subsp. herminii, Centaurea langeana, Centaurea rivularis, Centaurea triumfetti subsp. lingulata, Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp. flaveola, Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp. pulverulenta, Leuzea rhaponticoides, Phalacrocarpum hoffmannseggii, Santolina rosmarinifolia, Santolina semidentata, Arbutus unedo, Cistus ladanifer, Cistus laurifolius, Cistus populifolius, Cistus psilosepalus, Cistus salvifolius, Erica arborea, Erica australis, Erica ciliaris, Erica cinerea, Erica lusitanica, Erica scoparia, Erica tetralix, Erica umbellata, Halimium lasianthum subsp alyssoides, Halimium lasianthum subsp lasianthum, Halimium ocymoides, Halimium umbellatum subsp umbellatum, Halimium umbellatum subsp. viscosum. Because of the appropriate management of the floristic richness, a multivariate statistic routine is applied on a Geographical Informatic System (GIS) the chorological, geomorphological and climatic characterization for each one are described in this paper. The geological substrate and the altitudinal classes are focused for the geomorphological approach, as well as two biogeographic classifications are used to correlate the occurrence of the taxa and their bioclimatic preferences. In the light of this analytical scheme, every taxa is geo-referenced upon an environmental cartography (elaborated by the Instituto para a Conservação da Natureza), compared with the Franco´s (1994) and Costa´s et al. (1998) phytoclimatic characterizations. The results obtained are pointing out the floristic progressive differentiation between the atlantic bioclimatic influence and the mediterranean one, as well as the existence of an intermediate bioclimatic tendency which had never been considered so far

    Redshift and stellar mass dependence of intrinsic shapes of disc-dominated galaxies from COSMOS observations below z = 1.0

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    The high abundance of disc galaxies without a large central bulge challenges predictions of current hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation. We aim to shed light on the formation of these objects by studying the redshift and mass dependence of their intrinsic 3D shape distributions in the COSMOS galaxy survey below redshift z = 1.0. This distribution is inferred from the observed distribution of 2D shapes, using a reconstruction method which we test using hydrodynamic simulations. Our tests reveal a moderate bias for the inferred average disc circularity and relative thickness, but a large bias on the dispersion of these quantities. Applying the reconstruction method on COSMOS data, we find variations of the average disc circularity and relative thickness with redshift of around ~1 per cent and ~10 per cent, respectively, which is comparable to the error estimates on these quantities. The average relative disc thickness shows a significant mass dependence which can be accounted for by the scaling of disc radius with galaxy mass. We conclude that our data provides no evidence for a strong dependence of the average circularity and absolute thickness of disc-dominated galaxies on redshift and mass that is significant with respect to the statistical uncertainties in our analysis. These findings are expected in the absence of disruptive merging or feedback events that would affect galaxy shapes. They hence support a scenario where present-day discs form early ( z > 1.0) and subsequently undergo a tranquil evolution in isolation. However, more data and a better understanding of systematics are needed to reaffirm our results

    The Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey: narrow-band image photometry

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    PAUCam is an innovative optical narrow-band imager mounted at the William Herschel Telescope built for the Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS). Its set of 40 filters results in images that are complex to calibrate, with specific instrumental signatures that cannot be processed with traditional data reduction techniques. In this paper, we present two pipelines developed by the PAUS data management team with the objective of producing science-ready catalogues from the uncalibrated raw images. The NIGHTLY pipeline takes care of entire image processing, with bespoke algorithms for photometric calibration and scatter-light correction. The Multi-Epoch and Multi-Band Analysis pipeline performs forced photometry over a reference catalogue to optimize the photometric redshift (photo-z) performance. We verify against spectroscopic observations that the current approach delivers an inter-band photometric calibration of 0.8 per cent across the 40 narrow-band set. The large volume of data produced every night and the rapid survey strategy feedback constraints require operating both pipelines in the Port d’Informació Cientifica data centre with intense parallelization. While alternative algorithms for further improvements in photo-z performance are under investigation, the image calibration and photometry presented in this work already enable state-of-the-art photo-z down to iAB = 23.0

    The PAU Survey: Narrow-band image photometry

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    PAUCam is an innovative optical narrow-band imager mounted at the William Herschel Telescope built for the Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS). Its set of 40 filters results in images that are complex to calibrate, with specific instrumental signatures that cannot be processed with traditional data reduction techniques. In this paper we present two pipelines developed by the PAUS data management team with the objective of producing science-ready catalogues from the uncalibrated raw images. The Nightly pipeline takes care of all image processing, with bespoke algorithms for photometric calibration and scatter-light correction. The Multi-Epoch and Multi-Band Analysis (MEMBA) pipeline performs forced photometry over a reference catalogue to optimize the photometric redshift performance. We verify against spectroscopic observations that the current approach delivers an inter-band photometric calibration of 0.8% across the 40 narrow-band set. The large volume of data produced every night and the rapid survey strategy feedback constraints require operating both pipelines in the Port d'Informaci\'o Cientifica data centre with intense parallelization. While alternative algorithms for further improvements in photo-z performance are under investigation, the image calibration and photometry presented in this work already enable state-of-the-art photometric redshifts down to iAB=23.0.Comment: 32 pages, 26 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies of Spanish Listed Firms and Controlling Shareholders’ Representatives

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    This article aims at analyzing how controlling shareholders’ representatives on boards affect corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies (disclosing CSR matters) in Spain, a context characterized by high ownership concentration, one-tier boards, little board independence, weak legal protection for investors, and the presence of large shareholders, especially institutional shareholders. Furthermore, among controlling shareholders’ representatives, we can distinguish between those appointed by insurance companies and banks and those appointed by mutual funds, investment funds, and pension funds. The effect of these categories of directors on CSR strategies is, therefore, also analyzed. Our findings suggest that controlling shareholders’ representatives have a positive effect on CSR strategies, as do directors appointed by investment funds, pension funds, and mutual funds, while directors appointed by banks and insurance companies have no impact on CSR strategies. This analysis offers new insights into the role played by certain types of directors on CSR strategies

    The PAU Survey & Euclid: Improving broad-band photometric redshifts with multi-task learning

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    Current and future imaging surveys require photometric redshifts (photo-z) to be estimated for millions of galaxies. Improving the photo-z quality is a major challenge to advance our understanding of cosmology. In this paper, we explore how the synergies between narrow-band photometric data and large imaging surveys can be exploited to improve broad-band photometric redshifts. We use a multi-task learning (MTL) network to improve broad-band photo-z estimates by simultaneously predicting the broad-band photo-z and the narrow-band photometry from the broad-band photometry. The narrow-band photometry is only required in the training field, which enables better photo-z predictions also for the galaxies without narrow-band photometry in the wide field. This technique is tested with data from the Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS) in the COSMOS field. We find that the method predicts photo-z that are 14% more precise down to magnitude i_AB<23, while reducing the outlier rate by 40% with respect to the baseline network mapping broad-band colours to only photo-zs. Furthermore, MTL significantly reduces the photo-z bias for high-redshift galaxies, improving the redshift distributions for tomographic bins with z>1. Applying this technique to deeper samples is crucial for future surveys like \Euclid or LSST. For simulated data, training on a sample with i_AB <23, the method reduces the photo-z scatter by 15% for all galaxies with 24<i_AB<25. We also study the effects of extending the training sample with photometric galaxies using PAUS high-precision photo-zs, which further reduces the photo-z scatter.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figure

    Euclid preparation: V. Predicted yield of redshift 7<z<9 quasars from the wide survey

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    We provide predictions of the yield of 7 < z < 9 quasars from the Euclid wide survey, updating the calculation presented in the Euclid Red Book in several ways. We account for revisions to the Euclid near-infrared filter wavelengths; we adopt steeper rates of decline of the quasar luminosity function (QLF; Φ) with redshift, Φ ∝ 10k(z−6) , k = −0.72, and a further steeper rate of decline, k = −0.92; we use better models of the contaminating populations (MLT dwarfs and compact early-type galaxies); and we make use of an improved Bayesian selection method, compared to the colour cuts used for the Red Book calculation, allowing the identification of fainter quasars, down to JAB ∼ 23. Quasars at z > 8 may be selected from Euclid OY JH photometry alone, but selection over the redshift interval 7 < z < 8 is greatly improved by the addition of z-band data from, e.g., Pan-STARRS and LSST. We calculate predicted quasar yields for the assumed values of the rate of decline of the QLF beyond z = 6. If the decline of the QLF accelerates beyond z = 6, with k = −0.92, Euclid should nevertheless find over 100 quasars with 7.0 < z < 7.5, and ∼ 25 quasars beyond the current record of z = 7.5, including ∼ 8 beyond z = 8.0. The first Euclid quasars at z > 7.5 should be found in the DR1 data release, expected in 2024. It will be possible to determine the bright-end slope of the QLF, 7 < z < 8, M1450 < −25, using 8 m class telescopes to confirm candidates, but follow-up with JWST or E-ELT will be required to measure the faint-end slope. Contamination of the candidate lists is predicted to be modest even at JAB ∼ 23. The precision with which k can be determined over 7 < z < 8 depends on the value of k, but assuming k = −0.72 it can be measured to a 1σ uncertainty of 0.07

    Euclid preparation: V. Predicted yield of redshift 7 < z < 9 quasars from the wide survey

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    We provide predictions of the yield of 7 8 may be selected from Euclid OY JH photometry alone, but selection over the redshift interval 7 7.5 should be found in the DR1 data release, expected in 2024. It will be possible to determine the bright-end slope of the QLF, 7 < z < 8, M1450 < −25, using 8 m class telescopes to confirm candidates, but follow-up with JWST or E-ELT will be required to measure the faint-end slope. Contamination of the candidate lists is predicted to be modest even at JAB ∼ 23. The precision with which k can be determined over 7 < z < 8 depends on the value of k, but assuming k = −0.72 it can be measured to a 1σ uncertainty of 0.07