57 research outputs found

    The Academic Library As Meeting Space: Story Time for The Recreational Room of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UdelaR-UY)

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    i. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of the Republic implemented a recreational and care room during the month of February for the student’s, teachers’ and library staff’s children, between the ages of 5 to 12. Its purpose was to support parents with the care of the kids during the working day in school recess. The library in this context, participated with Story time. Firstly the children visited the facilities and then enjoyed listening to a story. Amongst the selected stories were “Camaleón ve los colores” by Anita Bijsterbosh and “El papá de Malena” by Helen Velando. Readings were made from the physical book. At the end children were asked what they thought of the story. Reading could be a source to appreciate different opinions. Besides, the act of reading could be considered as a space to exchange with other people. Our main objective was to establish a creative process and a link between the story (in physical format) and the listeners of the story. This experience became a space for dialogue and co presence that led to verbal and nonverbal socialization, without the possibility of pause or repetition and immediate. Therefore, the transformational power of the text can be noted. The participants\u27 motivation search through the reading and narration for the fun of them and inspire the ability or urge to do recreational activities. The text, once read, was transformed into an aesthetic fact. It explored relationships between the library and the participants and between them and the texts themselves. We wanted to create a space for innumerable possibilities of doing, being able and wanting of each participant. It was an enriching experience for the library staff that contributed to get them close with de community of the Faculty from an unusual places in our practices It was also a chance to visualize the library and spread the future collection of recreational literature

    Competencias en información en contextos de educación media pública en Montevideo, Uruguay

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    This article presents the main results and conclusions of an R&D project that aimed to recognize information skills in first-year students of public high schools in Montevideo, Uruguay, as it is understood that this moment of their educational journey serves as a turning point at the end of the primary cycle and the beginning of their schooling in secondary education. The research used a mainly quantitative methodology, in which a web form was applied with activities linked to the different information competencies expected for students of the aforementioned level and, from said form, the results were studied. The article presents the main results obtained from the activities carried out by the students. As main results, various difficulties of students are evident when determining what their information needs are, designing search strategies and evaluating and selecting information sources. It is concluded that it is necessary to integrate in a more concrete way instances of teaching and learning whose objective is the construction of competencies in information.El artículo presenta los principales resultados y conclusiones de un proyecto I+D que tuvo por objetivo reconocer competencias en información en estudiantes de primer año de liceos públicos de Montevideo, Uruguay, por entender que ese momento de su trayecto formativo oficia como punto de inflexión entre el fin del ciclo de primaria y el inicio de su escolarización en la educación media secundaria. La investigación se sirvió de una metodología principalmente cuantitativa, en la que se aplicó un formulario web con actividades vinculadas a las diferentes competencias en información esperadas para estudiantes del nivel mencionado y, a partir de las actividades realizadas por los estudiantes se procedió a estudiar los resultados. Principalmente, se evidencian diversas dificultades de los estudiantes a la hora de determinar cuáles son sus necesidades de información, de diseñar estrategias de búsqueda y de evaluar y seleccionar las fuentes de información. Se concluye que es necesario integrar de manera más concreta instancias de enseñanza y aprendizaje cuyo objetivo sea la construcción de competencias en información. &nbsp

    Information competencies for initial teacher training courses in Uruguay: proposal for the curricula based on a systematic review of the literature

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    Los cursos de grado de formación inicial del profesorado resultan ser claves para enfrentar los desafíos de la educación dentro de una sociedad actual cultural y tecnológicamente compleja. Entre estos, un profesorado atravesado por el cambio continuo y por una gran cantidad de información digital disponible. Este artículo pretende plantear una guía para el desarrollo de competencias en información a ser integrada en los planes de estudio de la formación inicial de profesores en Uruguay. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sistemática de las competencias en información y de programas para el desarrollo de las mismas. Como resultado, fue elaborada una guía que sugiere lineamientos para el desarrollo de estrategias de búsqueda, de evaluación y selección de la información, de comunicación de la información y de uso ético de la misma. La propuesta pretende así, contribuir para la sistematización del desarrollo de competencias en información para los profesores que están iniciando su formación.Initial teacher training courses are key to face the challenges of education in today's culturally and technologically complex society. Among these, a teaching profession that faces constant changes and a large amount of digital information available. This article aims to propose a guide for the development of information competencies to be integrated into the curricula of initial teacher training in Uruguay. A systematic bibliographic review of information competencies and programs for their development was carried out. As a result, a guide was elaborated suggesting guidelines for the development of strategies for search, evaluation and selection, communication and ethical use of the information. The proposal thus aims to contribute for the systematization of the development of information competencies for teachers who are beginning their training process.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Theoretical and methodological perspectives for studying the environment as a determinant of health

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    ABSTRACT: To describe some of the theoretical and methodological perspectives of the environment as a health determinant, this is a contribution from the conceptual standpoint to this complex field in constant construction and deconstruction. Methodology: the subject was reviewed through an analysis of the literature performed after finding and reading official documents and scientific papers that made it possible to structure the text around the subject. Results and discussion: throughout history, in various discourses and in individual and collective experiences, the environment has been present in the continuum of the health-disease process. Hygiene and sanitation solve the problem in a scenario where there are risks and hazards that should be identified in order to be controlled or removed. However, since the last decades of the twentieth century, the economic interests, along with the global and local environmental damage and the need to preserve health, have caused the environment to be understood, at least theoretically and methodologically, as a determinant of health. This conception in turn implies considering mankind not as the master of nature but as part of it. Conclusions: throughout time it has been observed and experienced that the anthropic interventions of humankind over nature have been disrespectful and have led it to consistently move from the status of victimizer of its surrounding to that of victim of the constructed environments. Environmental health models built with a stronger focus on health should be integrated with other disciplines for the analysis of complex situations in environmental health.RESUMEN: Describir algunas de las perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas del ambiente como determinante de la salud, como un aporte desde lo conceptual a este complejo campo en constante construcción y deconstrucción. Metodología: revisión de tema con un análisis de la literatura previa detección y consulta de documentos oficiales y artículos científicos que permitieron la estructuración del texto alrededor del tema. Resultados y discusión: a lo largo de la historia y en los diferentes discursos, vivencias individuales y colectivas, el ambiente ha estado presente en el continuo del proceso salud – enfermedad. La higiene y el saneamiento resuelven el problema en un escenario donde hay riesgos y peligros que deben ser identificados para controlarse o eliminarse. Sin embargo, desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX por intereses económicos, necesidad de conservar la salud, por los daños, problemas ambientales globales y locales, se ha dado lugar, al menos desde lo teórico y metodológico, al entendimiento del ambiente como un determinante de la salud, concepción que implica pasar del dominio y control del hombre sobre la naturaleza a entenderse como parte de ella misma. Conclusiones: a través del tiempo se ha observado y vivenciado que las intervenciones antrópicas del hombre sobre la naturaleza han sido poco respetuosas y ha pasado sistemáticamente de ser victimario de su ambiente y su entorno a ser víctima de los ambientes construidos. Los modelos de salud ambiental construidos con una mirada más desde la salud deben integrarse con otras disciplinas, para el análisis de situaciones complejas en salud ambiental

    A traçabilidade do conceito de competências em informação nos marcos de referência digitais docentes

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    Este artículo presenta la trazabilidad del concepto de competencias en información dentro de varios marcos de referencia digitales orientados a docentes. Se realizó un análisis documental basado en un relevamiento bibliográfico en el que se cruzaron los datos de los diferentes textos seleccionados. Se eligieron ocho trabajos que responden a organismos internacionales (Unesco, Unión Europea, ISTE) y a instituciones educativas nacionales de América Latina, España y Reino Unido. Se discuten las diversas terminologías que dichos marcos utilizan en relación al uso de tecnologías digitales en la educación, analizando los conceptos de competencias digitales que estos presentan e identificando los elementos propios de las competencias en información que en ellos se incluyen. Se elaboró una tabla con los aspectos comunes hallados que sirven de insumo para la discusión. Si bien en algunos marcos no figuran de forma explícita las competencias en información, se lograron identificar las siguientes: búsqueda de información, selección y evaluación crítica, y uso ético. Estas se encuentran atravesadas por la capacidad de pensar en forma crítica al momento de generar nuevo conocimiento.This article presents the traceability of the concept of information competences in several digital frameworks oriented to teachers. A documentary analysis was carried out based on a bibliographic survey where data from different selected texts were cross-checked. Eight works from international organizations (Unesco, European Union, ISTE) and national educational institutions in Latin America, Spain and the United Kingdom were selected. The different terminologies used by these frameworks in relation to the use of digital technologies in education are discussed, analyzing the concepts of digital competences that they present and identifying the elements of information competences included in them. A table was elaborated with the common aspects found that serve as input for discussion. Although some frameworks do not explicitly include information competences, the following were identified: information search, selection and critical evaluation, and ethical use. These are crossed by the ability to think critically when generating new knowledge.Este artigo apresenta a traçabilidade do conceito de competências em informação dentro de vários marcos de referência digitais docentes. Foi realizada uma análise documental baseada em uma pesquisa bibliográfica na qual se realizou um cruzamento dos dados dos diferentes textos selecionados. Foram escolhidos oito trabalhos de organizações internacionais (Unesco, União Europeia, ISTE) e instituições educacionais nacionais da América Latina, Espanha e Reino Unido. Neste trabalho são discutidas as diferentes terminologias que os marcos utilizam em relação ao uso das tecnologias digitais na educação, analisando os conceitos de competências digitais que eles apresentam e identificando os elementos próprios das competências em informação incluídos neles. Uma tabela foi elaborada com os aspectos comuns encontrados que servem como insumo para a discussão. Embora estas competências não estejam explicitamente incluídas em alguns desses marcos, as de busca de informações, seleção e avaliação crítica e uso ético são identificadas. Elas se encontram atravessadas pela capacidade de pensar de forma crítica al momento de gerar novo conheciment

    Premature ovarian failure and ovarian autoimmunity

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    Premature ovarian failure (POF) is defined as a syndrome characterized by menopause before the age of 40 yr. The patients suffer from anovulation and hypoestrogenism. Approximately 1% of women will experience menopause before the age of 40 yr. POF is a heterogeneous disorder with a multicausal pathogenesis involving chromosomal, genetic, enzymatic, infectious, and iatrogenic causes. There remains, however, a group of POF patients without a known etiology, the so-called "idiopathic" form. An autoimmune etiology is hypothesized for the POF cases with a concomitant Addison's disease and/or oophoritis. It is concluded in this review that POF in association with adrenal autoimmunity and/or Addison's disease (2-10% of the idiopathic POF patients) is indeed an autoimmune disease. The following evidence warrants this view: 1) The presence of autoantibodies to steroid-producing cells in these patients; 2) The characterization of shared autoantigens between adrenal and ovarian steroid-producing cells; 3) The histological picture of the ovaries of such cases (lymphoplasmacellular infiltrate around steroid-producing cells); 4) The existence of various autoimmune animal models for this syndrome, which underlines the autoimmune nature of the disease. There is some circumstantial evidence for an autoimmune pathogenesis in idiopathic POF patients in the absence of adrenal autoimmunity or Addison's disease. Arguments in support of this are: 1) The presence of cellular immune abnormalities in this POF patient group reminiscent of endocrine autoimmune diseases such as IDDM, Graves' disease, and Addison's disease; 2) The more than normal association with IDDM and myasthenia gravis. Data on the presence of various ovarian autoantibodies and anti-receptor antibodies in these patients are, however, inconclusive and need further evaluation. A strong argument against an autoimmune pathogenesis of POF in these patients is the nearly absent histological confirmation (the presence of an oophoritis) in these cases (< 3%). However, in animal models using ZP immunization, similar follicular depletion and fibrosis (as in the POF women) can be detected. Accepting the concept that POF is a heterogenous disorder in which some of the idiopathic forms are based on an abnormal self-recognition by th

    Case Histories Involving Tumors Appearing Spontaneously in Rats Treated and Untreated with Estrogen and FSH Injections

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    The problem undertaken in this study was to determine whether benign tumors which spontaneously appear in both rats that were untreated with estrogen and FSH and rats treated with estrogen and FSH to induce polyarteritis might be associated with changes occurring in their endocrine glands