513 research outputs found

    Sur quelques Cystoidées cités par les Drs. J. Almera et M.Faura dans l'Ordovicien de Barcelone

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    Con motivo de la elaboración del Mapa Geológico de Cataluña a escala 1:40.000, subvencionado por la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Barcelona, a partir de 1886, dirigida por el Dr. J. Almera con la colaboración del Dr. M. Faura i Sans, fueron recogidos numerosos fósiles paleozoicos en la Provincia de Barcelona, entre los cuales figuraban algunos ejemplares de Cystoideos que fueron clasificados como Echinosphaerites cf. balticus EICHW., por Barrois (1891), procedentes de las localidades de Montcada, El Papiol, Gracia y Aiguafreda, actualmente inaccesibles en su mayor parte. Estos ejemplares estuvieron depositados en el Museo Geológico del Seminano Conciliar de Barcelona hasta 1918, en que fueron trasladados al Museo Geológico Municipal en el Parque de la Ciudadela.Dentro de nuestro plan de estudio y revisión de los Cystoideos de España hemos considerado necesario proceder a la revisión de estos fósiles, estudiados hace más de 70 años y que últimamente hemos podido localizar en las colecciones de los dos Museos mencionados, pues todo parecía indicar que su clasificación no era correcta, ya que últimamente se ha podido comprobar que la especie Heliocrinites (Echinosphaerites) balticus (EIcHw.), no existe en nuestra Peninsula.Todos los ejemplares revisados son placas aisladas de Cystoideos, conservadas como moldes externos sobre pizarras, por haberse disuelto las placas posteriormente a su fosilización.Uno de los ejemplares pertenece a las colecciones del Seminario Conciliar, procede de Montcada, ya fue determinado por Almera como Echinosphaerites sp; posteriormente como Oocystis? por el Dr. Via Boada, y se trata realmente del molde externo de una placa de Caryocrinites (=Oocystis) aff. europaeus QUENSTEDT.Los demás ejemplares proceden de las colecciones del Museo Municipal de Barcelona, y son también Caryocrinites, aunque aparecían en las etiquetas como Echinosphaerites aff. balticus. Probablemente corresponden al Caryocrinites rugatus (FORBES).Por lo que se refiere al nivel estratigráfico en que fueron recogidos los ejemplares, parece ser más bien Ashgill en vez de Caradoc

    Epileptic networks in focal cortical dysplasia revealed using electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging.

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    Surgical treatment of focal epilepsy in patients with focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is most successful if all epileptogenic tissue is resected. This may not be evident on structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), so intracranial electroencephalography (icEEG) is needed to delineate the seizure onset zone (SOZ). EEG-functional MRI (fMRI) can reveal interictal discharge (IED)-related hemodynamic changes in the irritative zone (IZ). We assessed the value of EEG-fMRI in patients with FCD-associated focal epilepsy by examining the relationship between IED-related hemodynamic changes, icEEG findings, and postoperative outcome

    The Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort model: Why does it find the results that it finds?

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    It is claimed the hierarchical-age–period–cohort (HAPC) model solves the age–period–cohort (APC) identification problem. However, this is debateable; simulations show situations where the model produces incorrect results, countered by proponents of the model arguing those simulations are not relevant to real-life scenarios. This paper moves beyond questioning whether the HAPC model works, to why it produces the results it does. We argue HAPC estimates are the result not of the distinctive substantive APC processes occurring in the dataset, but are primarily an artefact of the data structure—that is, the way the data has been collected. Were the data collected differently, the results produced would be different. This is illustrated both with simulations and real data, the latter by taking a variety of samples from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data used by Reither et al. (Soc Sci Med 69(10):1439–1448, 2009) in their HAPC study of obesity. When a sample based on a small range of cohorts is taken, such that the period range is much greater than the cohort range, the results produced are very different to those produced when cohort groups span a much wider range than periods, as is structurally the case with repeated cross-sectional data. The paper also addresses the latest defence of the HAPC model by its proponents (Reither et al. in Soc Sci Med 145:125–128, 2015a). The results lend further support to the view that the HAPC model is not able to accurately discern APC effects, and should be used with caution when there appear to be period or cohort near-linear trends

    Revealing Historic Invasion Patterns and Potential Invasion Sites for Two Non-Native Plant Species

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    The historical spatio-temporal distribution of invasive species is rarely documented, hampering efforts to understand invasion dynamics, especially at regional scales. Reconstructing historical invasions through use of herbarium records combined with spatial trend analysis and modeling can elucidate spreading patterns and identify susceptible habitats before invasion occurs. Two perennial species were chosen to contrast historic and potential phytogeographies: Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), introduced intentionally across the US; and mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), introduced largely accidentally to coastal areas. Spatial analysis revealed that early in the invasion, both species have a stochastic distribution across the contiguous US, but east of the 90th meridian, which approximates the Mississippi River, quickly spread to adjacent counties in subsequent decades. In contrast, in locations west of the 90th meridian, many populations never spread outside the founding county, probably a result of encountering unfavorable environmental conditions. Regression analysis using variables categorized as environmental or anthropogenic accounted for 24% (Japanese knotweed) and 30% (mugwort) of the variation in the current distribution of each species. Results show very few counties with high habitat suitability (≥80%) remain un-invaded (5 for Japanese knotweed and 6 for mugwort), suggesting these perennials are reaching the limits of large-scale expansion. Despite differences in initial introduction loci and pathways, Japanese knotweed and mugwort demonstrate similar historic patterns of spread and show declining rates of regional expansion. Invasion mitigation efforts should be concentrated on areas identified as highly susceptible that border invaded regions, as both species demonstrate secondary expansion from introduction loci

    Longitudinal maturation of auditory cortical function during adolescence

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    Cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that the cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) changes substantially in amplitude and latency from childhood to adulthood, suggesting that these aspects of the CAEP continue to mature through adolescence. However, no study to date has longitudinally followed maturation of these CAEP measures through this developmental period. Additionally, no study has examined the trial-to-trial variability of the CAEP during adolescence. Therefore, we longitudinally tracked changes in the latency, amplitude, and variability of the P1, N1, P2, and N2 components of the CAEP in 68 adolescents from age 14 years to age 17 years. Latency decreased for N1 and N2, and did not change for P1 or P2. Amplitude decreased for P1 and N2, increased for N1, and did not change for P2. Variability decreased with age for all CAEP components. These findings provide longitudinal support for the view that the human auditory system continues to mature through adolescence. Continued auditory system maturation through adolescence suggests that CAEP neural generators remain plastic during this age range and potentially amenable to experience-based enhancement or deprivation

    Combined U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope analyses by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS : methodology and applications

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    O sistema isotópico Lutécio-Hafnio representa uma das ferramentas mais recentes e poderosas para estudos isotópicos e geocronológicos. Análises combinadas in situ de U-Pb e Lu-Hf sobre zircão pelo LA-MC-ICP-MS permitem caracterizar isotopicamente o magma onde ele cristalizou, fornecendo valiosas informações para estudos de proveniência de sedimento e de evolução crustal. Nesse trabalho descrevemos a sistemática de Lu-Hf pelo LA-MC-ICP-MS implantada no laboratório de Geocronologia da Universidade de Brasília e reportamos os resultados obtidos de repetidas análises de três padrões de zircão: GJ-1 = 0.282022 ± 11 (2SD, n=56), Temora 2 = 0.282693 ± 14 (2SD, n=25) and UQ-Z = 0.282127 ± 33 (2SD, n=11). Foi também caracterizada arazão isotópica 176Hf/177Hf(0.282352 ± 22, 2SD, n=14) de um zircão usado como padrão interno do laboratório. Como aplicação geológica, analisamos dois zircões complexos selecionados a partir de uma amostra de migmatito da Província de Borborema, NE do Brasil. Sobre a base dos dados U-Pb e Lu-Hf foram identificados em ambos os zircões dois eventos de cristalização. Um evento mais antigo de 2.05 Ga nos núcleos herdados, representa um evento magmático Paleoproterozoico bem conhecido na Província Borborema. Um segundo evento de ~ 575 Ma, reconhecido nas bordas, representa um evento magmático-metamórfico Neoproterozóico (Brasiliano). ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Lutetium-Hafnium isotopic system represents one of the most innovative and powerful tools for geochronology and isotopic studies. Combined U-Pb and Lu-Hf in situ analyses on zircon by LA-MC-ICP-MS permit to characterize isotopically the host magma from which it crystallized furnishing significant information for sediment provenance and crustal evolution studies. In this paper e describe the Lu-Hf systematic by LA-MC-ICP-MS developed in the laboratory of Geochronology of the University of Brasilia and report the results obtained by repeated analyses of 176Hf/177Hf isotopic ratio of three zircon standards: GJ-1 = 0.282022 ± 11 (n=56), Temora 2 = 0.282693 ± 14 (n=25) and UQZ = 0.282127 ± 33 (n=11). The 176Hf/177Hf ratio (0.282352 ± 22, n=14) of gem quality zircon used as in-house standard have been also characterized. As a geological application, we analyzed two complex zircons selected from a migmatitic rocks from the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. On the basis of U-Pb and Lu-Hf data, two main crystallization events have been identified in both studied zircons. An older event at ca. 2.05 Ga recognized in the inherited cores represents a well-characterized paleoproterozoic magmatic event that affected the whole Borborema Province. A second crystallization event at ~ 575 Ma, recognized at the rims, represents a Neoproterozoic (Brazilian) high grade metamorphic-magmatic event

    Interictal Functional Connectivity of Human Epileptic Networks Assessed by Intracerebral EEG and BOLD Signal Fluctuations

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    In this study, we aimed to demonstrate whether spontaneous fluctuations in the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal derived from resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) reflect spontaneous neuronal activity in pathological brain regions as well as in regions spared by epileptiform discharges. This is a crucial issue as coherent fluctuations of fMRI signals between remote brain areas are now widely used to define functional connectivity in physiology and in pathophysiology. We quantified functional connectivity using non-linear measures of cross-correlation between signals obtained from intracerebral EEG (iEEG) and resting-state functional MRI (fMRI) in 5 patients suffering from intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Functional connectivity was quantified with both modalities in areas exhibiting different electrophysiological states (epileptic and non affected regions) during the interictal period. Functional connectivity as measured from the iEEG signal was higher in regions affected by electrical epileptiform abnormalities relative to non-affected areas, whereas an opposite pattern was found for functional connectivity measured from the BOLD signal. Significant negative correlations were found between the functional connectivities of iEEG and BOLD signal when considering all pairs of signals (theta, alpha, beta and broadband) and when considering pairs of signals in regions spared by epileptiform discharges (in broadband signal). This suggests differential effects of epileptic phenomena on electrophysiological and hemodynamic signals and/or an alteration of the neurovascular coupling secondary to pathological plasticity in TLE even in regions spared by epileptiform discharges. In addition, indices of directionality calculated from both modalities were consistent showing that the epileptogenic regions exert a significant influence onto the non epileptic areas during the interictal period. This study shows that functional connectivity measured by iEEG and BOLD signals give complementary but sometimes inconsistent information in TLE