73 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis of Competency Frameworks for Youth Workers in the Out-of-School Time Field

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    Research suggests that the quality of out-of-school time (OST) programs is related to positive youth outcomes and skilled staff are a critical component of high quality programming. This descriptive case study of competency frameworks for youth workers in the OST field demonstrates how experts and practitioners characterize a skilled youth worker. A comparative analysis of 11 competency frameworks is conducted to identify a set of common core competencies. A set of 12 competency areas that are shared by existing frameworks used in the OST field are identified. The age of youth being served, descriptions of mastery for each competency area, an emphasis on developing mid-level managers, and incorporating research emerge as factors that should be addressed in future competency frameworks

    A bridge between worlds: understanding network structure to understand change strategy

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    A number of scholars are exploring district and site relations in organizational change efforts in the larger policy context of No Child Left Behind. These studies suggest the importance of the central office as a support to the work of reform and offer strategies for building relations between district offices and sites in order to implement and sustain change efforts. What is frequently overlooked in these studies is that organizational change efforts are often socially constructed. Therefore, examining the underlying social networks may provide insight into structures that support or constrain efforts at change. This exploratory case study uses social network analysis and interviews to examine the communication and knowledge network structures of central office and site leaders in an ‘in need of improvement’ district facing sanctions under No Child Left Behind. Findings indicate sparse ties among and between school site and central office administrators, as well as a centralized network structure that may constrain the exchange of complex information and ultimately inhibit efforts at change


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    Collection of Case Examples of Renewable Energy Utilization in School Facilities –Thermal Utilization-

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    1.趣旨・経緯 ・地球温暖化対策は,世界の国々が総力を上げて取り組むべき最重要課題の一つであり,低炭素社会に向けた取組をより一層推進することが求められています。   このような状況の中,平成23年3月に東日本大震災が発生し,震災以降は電力供給が大幅に減少し,学校施設においても従前以上に省エネルギー対策を講じる ことが求められているため,既存施設を含め環境を考慮した学校施設(エコスクール)の整備を一層推進することが必要となっています。 2.事例集の概要 ・本事例集では,災害時に避難所となる学校施設の使用を考慮した,再生可能エネルギー技術について検討し,再生可能エネルギーのうち,熱利用分野(地中熱 利用,雪氷熱利用,バイオマス熱利用,太陽熱利用)について整理を行いました。 ・本事例集では,再生可能エネルギーの熱利用分野の種別ごとに,概要や特徴・留意点等のほか,事例紹介において整備・維持管理等に係る経費の一例を示 し,CO2排出量や室内環境の改善に伴う効果について考察しています。本報告書は平成26年2月にとりまとめられた日本語版を英訳したものである