81 research outputs found

    Short-term effects of deep ploughing on soil C stocks following renewal of a dairy pasture in New Zealand

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    In New Zealand’s high producing permanent pastures the topsoil constitutes a large reservoir of soil organic carbon (SOC), which shows a marked stratification with depth. As consequence, sub-surface layers can contain 10 times less carbon than the surface soil. In permanent pastures with high carbon inputs, the formation and decomposition of these surface SOC stocks are often at equilibrium and C storage shows little change over time. Pastoral based dairy systems utilising ryegrass plus clover cultivars require renewal every 7-10 years to avoid reversion to less productive grasses. This may involve spring cultivation (either no-till, shallow till or full cultivation), summer forage cropping and autumn re-grassing. It has been hypothesised that SOC stocks can be increased by inverting the soil profile at pasture renewal through infrequent (once in 25-30 years) deep mouldboard ploughing (up to 30 cm depth). Increased C sequestration occurs when the new grass quickly rebuilds SOC stocks in the new topsoil (exposed low C sub-soil) at a rate faster than the decomposition of SOC in the rich former topsoil transferred to depth (now below 15 cm). However, benefits form accelerated C storage may be offset if crop and pasture production is adversely affected by the ploughing event (e.g., as result of compaction or excessive drainage). Hence, the aim of this work was to assess the short-term effects of infrequent inversion tillage of long-term New Zealand pastoral-based dairy soils under summer crop management and autumn re-grassing. An imperfectly drained Typic Fragiaqualf under dairy grazing was deep ploughed (approx. 25 cm) and re-sown with turnip in October 2016; other treatments included were shallow (< 10 cm) cultivation and no-till. The site was core sampled (0-40 cm) before cultivation and after 5 months of turnip growth to assess changes in SOC. Plant growth, herbage quality, and nutrient leaching were monitored during the 5-month period; root growth was assessed at the end of the crop rotation. Full cultivation transferred SOC below 10 cm depth, as expected. Soil bulk density decreased whereas root mass increased (10-20 cm depth; P < 0.05) under deep cultivation only. Besides, losses of mineral N were attenuated under deep tillage, resulting in a relative increase in crop yield. The potential for infrequent inversion tillage increasing soil C sequestration as a greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation tool is currently being tested at other sites in New Zealand

    Real and virtual biological science living laboratory for science teachers' formation : promoting global scientific literacy and critical thinking for sustainable development

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    Global attempts to renew scientific education aim to stop the decline of young people's interest in science and technology, and to promote the development of citizens' scientific literacy for sustainable development. Among other changes, these aims require the adaptation of K12 Biological Science Teacher’s training to meet the new objectives. Scientific literacy involves knowing science and how knowledge is developed and validated, recognizing the interactions between science, technology and society, that is, the nature of science (NoS; a set of meta-scientific contents that encompass historical, epistemological and sociological aspects of science with great value for scientific education). It also involves grasping of cognitive skills underlying critical thinking (CT; a set of cognitive abilities, including self-regulation and metacognitive processes) and creative problem solving. Therefore, scientific literacy contributes to making informed decisions, facilitating the participation of citizens in situations and dilemmas of scientific tenor. In addition, CT is closely related to the performance of educators in their professional work. Particularly, in the teaching of science, CT skills favour and enhance the learning of concepts and theories linked not only to science but also to the NoS. Considering the current conditions of middle-higher K12 Biological Science Teachers’ formation and classrooms´ limitations in our country and the region, we propose a pilot project aiming to promote the transformation of initial teachers´ training, seeking to improve the development of CT skills and to deepen NoS comprehension. It will involve the immersion of K12 Biological Science Teacher students in Biological Science Living Physical and "mirror" Virtual Reality Laboratories. These laboratories will be equipped with "do it yourself" (DIY), "do it with others" (DIWO) and "bring your own device" (BYOD) technologies for the implementation of research-type activities framed in the philosophy of the "fabrication laboratories". The virtual platform will also comprise a library with didactic resources under permissive licenses to ensure a broader impact. Within these environments, K12 Biological Science Teacher students will engage in the creation of didactic units involving problem solving and knowledge building in parallel to deeper understanding of scientific processes. We also hope to promote the creativity and innovation of the participants, and the appropriation of DIY/DIWO/BYOD and virtual reality technologies as educational resources in the classroom and everyday life. Thanks to the virtual environment, this approach would also allow to reach both National and International K12 Biological Science Teacher students and graduate Biological Science Teachers. Considering the universal access to the Internet and free access to educational platforms in several countries, we also hope to impact on the non-formal and informal Biological Science education and contribute to achieving quality education for all (Objective # 4 of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030, UNESCO) beyond geographical and cultural barriers. This pilot project will be implemented by an interinstitutional, multidisciplinary and international team. It will capitalize on confluent groups´ previous experience and complementary strengths in Science didactics (particularly biology), engineering, arts, virtual reality, fabrication, as well as open hardware and open software culture. The experimental approach corresponds to a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with control groups, and formative and summative evaluation. As a result of the implementation of this educational innovation we expect to contribute to the improvement of Biological Science Teachers students´ CT skills and promote their active involvement in practical activities that should enhance their professional activity

    Molecular characterization of the thermally labile fraction of biochar by hydropyrolysis and pyrolysis-GC/MS

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    Agroenvironmental benefits and limitations of biochar in soil applications require a full understanding of the stability and fate of the various carbon fractions. Analytical hydropyrolysis (HyPy) enables the determination of the stable black carbon (BCHyPy) and thermally labile (semi-labile; non-BCHyPy) fractions in biochar and soil samples. The non-BCHyPy fraction can be analysed at a molecular level by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In the present study, HyPy was applied to the characterisation of biochars produced from pine wood, beech wood and corn digestate with the same pyrolysis unit at low (340–400 °C) and high (600 °C) temperatures. Results were compared with those from Py-GC-MS. HyPy provided consistent information concerning the thermal stability of biochar samples, with BCHyPy levels related with the relative abundance of the charred fraction estimated by Py-GC-MS and the hydrogen/carbon (H/C) ratios. The non-BCHyPy fractions were featured by the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from two to seven rings, including alkylated derivatives up to C4. Partially hydrogenated PAHs were also detected. The yields of non-BCHyPy were higher for those biochars produced at lower temperatures and always more abundant than the levels of solvent-extractable PAHs. The methylated/parent PAH ratios from HyPy and Py-GC-MS exhibited lower values for the most charred biochar. The observed differences in the abundance of the stable fraction and the molecular chemistry of the semi-labile fraction can be usefully utilised to drive the process conditions to the desired properties of the resulting biochars and to predict the impact of biochar amendment to soil organic pools. The concentrations of priority PAHs in the semi-labile fraction was evaluated in the mg g−1 level suggesting that it could be an important fraction of the polyaromatic carbon pool in soil

    Carbon sequestration potential and physicochemical properties differ between wildfire charcoals and slow-pyrolysis biochars

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    Pyrogenic carbon (PyC), produced naturally (wildfire charcoal) and anthropogenically (biochar), is extensively studied due to its importance in several disciplines, including global climate dynamics, agronomy and paleosciences. Charcoal and biochar are commonly used as analogues for each other to infer respective carbon sequestration potentials, production conditions, and environmental roles and fates. The direct comparability of corresponding natural and anthropogenic PyC, however, has never been tested. Here we compared key physicochemical properties (elemental composition, δ13C and PAHs signatures, chemical recalcitrance, density and porosity) and carbon sequestration potentials of PyC materials formed from two identical feedstocks (pine forest floor and wood) under wildfire charring- and slow-pyrolysis conditions. Wildfire charcoals were formed under higher maximum temperatures and oxygen availabilities, but much shorter heating durations than slow-pyrolysis biochars, resulting in differing physicochemical properties. These differences are particularly relevant regarding their respective roles as carbon sinks, as even the wildfire charcoals formed at the highest temperatures had lower carbon sequestration potentials than most slow-pyrolysis biochars. Our results challenge the common notion that natural charcoal and biochar are well suited as proxies for each other, and suggest that biochar’s environmental residence time may be underestimated when based on natural charcoal as a proxy, and vice versa

    Status, sources and contamination levels of organochlorine pesticide residues in urban and agricultural areas: a preliminary review in central–southern Italian soils

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    Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are synthetic chemicals commonly used in agricultural activities to kill pests and are persistent organic pollutants (POPs). They can be detected in different environmental media, but soil is considered an important reservoir due to its retention capacity. Many different types of OCPs exist, which can have different origins and pathways in the environment. It is therefore important to study their distribution and behaviour in the environment, starting to build a picture of the potential human health risk in different contexts. This study aimed at investigating the regional distribution, possible sources and contamination levels of 24 OCP compounds in urban and rural soils from central and southern Italy. One hundred and forty-eight topsoil samples (0–20 cm top layer) from 78 urban and 70 rural areas in 11 administrative regions were collected and analysed by gas chromatography–electron capture detector (GC–ECD). Total OCP residues in soils ranged from nd (no detected) to 1043 ng/g with a mean of 29.91 ng/g and from nd to 1914 ng/g with a mean of 60.16 ng/g in urban and rural area, respectively. Endosulfan was the prevailing OCP in urban areas, followed by DDTs, Drins, Methoxychlor, HCHs, Chlordane-related compounds and HCB. In rural areas, the order of concentrations was Drins > DDTs > Methoxychlor > Endosulfans > HCHs > Chlordanes > HCB. Diagnostic ratios and robust multivariate analyses revealed that DDT in soils could be related to historical application, whilst (illegal) use of technical DDT or dicofol may still occur in some urban areas. HCH residues could be related to both historical use and recent application, whilst there was evidence that modest (yet significant) application of commercial technical HCH may still be happening in urban areas. Drins and Chlordane compounds appeared to be mostly related to historical application, whilst Endosulfan presented a complex mix of results, indicating mainly historical origin in rural areas as well as potential recent applications on urban areas. Contamination levels were quantified by Soil Quality Index (SoQI), identifying high levels in rural areas of Campania and Apulia, possibly due to the intensive nature of some agricultural practices in those regions (e.g., vineyards and olive plantations). The results from this study (which is in progress in the remaining regions of Italy) will provide an invaluable baseline for OCP distribution in Italy and a powerful argument for follow-up studies in contaminated areas. It is also hoped that similar studies will eventually constitute enough evidence to push towards an institutional response for more adequate regulation as well as a full ratification of the Stockholm Convention

    Biochar: pyrogenic carbon for agricultural use: a critical review.

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    O biocarvão (biomassa carbonizada para uso agrícola) tem sido usado como condicionador do solo em todo o mundo, e essa tecnologia é de especial interesse para o Brasil, uma vez que tanto a ?inspiração?, que veio das Terras Pretas de Índios da Amazônia, como o fato de o Brasil ser o maior produtor mundial de carvão vegetal, com a geração de importante quantidade de resíduos na forma de finos de carvão e diversas biomassas residuais, principalmente da agroindústria, como bagaço de cana, resíduos das indústrias de madeira, papel e celulose, biocombustíveis, lodo de esgoto etc. Na última década, diversos estudos com biocarvão têm sido realizados e atualmente uma vasta literatura e excelentes revisões estão disponíveis. Objetivou-se aqui não fazer uma revisão bibliográfica exaustiva, mas sim uma revisão crítica para apontar alguns destaques na pesquisa sobre biochar. Para isso, foram selecionados alguns temaschave considerados críticos e relevantes e fez-se um ?condensado? da literatura pertinente, mais para orientar as pesquisas e tendências do que um mero olhar para o passad