22 research outputs found
Trajectory Energy Management Systems for eVTOL Vehicles: Modeling, Simulation and Testing
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2022
- Field of study
Presented at AIAA AVIATION Forum 2022The rise of electric aircraft propulsion methods, the increased use of automated and integrated flight control systems, and the envisioned use of personal Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) vehicles in urban environments lead to novel technical and regulatory challenges for aircraft manufacturers, certification authorities and operators. The combination of electric propulsion, where energy reserves and powertrain performance are highly sensitive to the environment, and VTOL, where the aircraft cannot simply glide to an emergency landing, generates the need for Trajectory Energy Management (TEM). The TEM task involves the manipulation of flight and propulsion controls to achieve a planned flight profile. The TEM system must provide the pilot or automated control system with guidance cues to achieve a planned flight profile, to maintain an energy-optimal trajectory, to avoid deviations from the flight plan causing increases in energy and power consumption, and to mitigate the risk of energy completion. As the pilot must manage both the energy source and flight dynamics energy state, the TEM system must provide sufficient information to the pilot, so that the pilot can perform the mission. This research is intended to define some requirements for energy management such that the pilot can safely accomplish an intended profile and land with enough energy reserves. These requirements must be defined based on prototype algorithm development, simulation results, and flight test data
Il meticciato nell'Italia contemporanea. Storia, memorie e cultura di massa.
- Author
- Abbeele
- Abbott
- Abreu
- Adams
- Adler
- Agamben
- Agamben
- AlgarÃn
- Alonso
- Andrade
- Andrews
- Anonymous
- Anson
- Antin
- Antin
- Anzaldúa
- Arendt
- Arondekar
- Ashworth
- Assunção
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Avellar
- Aydemir
- Baier
- Barnes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Bartlett
- Bataille
- Bataille
- Beauvoir
- Beauvoir
- Beckson
- Belasco
- Bell
- Benton
- Benveniste
- Bernard
- Bernardi
- Bersani
- Bersani
- Blanchot
- Bogdan
- Bois
- Bourdieu
- Boyle
- Bredbeck
- Briggs
- Bronson
- Brown
- Bud
- Bunzl
- Burroughs
- Burton
- Burton
- Buscombe
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Caleb
- Califia
- Camille
- Campbell
- Campos
- Cante
- Cappock
- Caputi
- Carol
- Carrillo
- Carter
- Cartmell
- Casavini
- Certeau
- Champagne
- Champagne
- Charcot
- Chun
- Clare
- Clay
- Clover
- Cocca
- Cohen
- Colligan
- Cook
- Cornell
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Coutt
- Crimp
- Cross
- Crowley
- Cvetkovich
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danto
- Danto
- Darwin
- Davidson
- Davis
- De Simone
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Debord
- Debord
- Decena
- Deitcher
- Delany
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Dennis
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dines
- Dines
- Donato
- Downing
- Doyle
- Duany
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dworkin
- D’Emilio
- Echard
- Eco
- Edelman
- Eigo
- Elias
- Ellis
- Elman
- Emerson
- Ernaux
- Escoffier
- Fairholt
- Falkon
- Fanon
- Farrer
- Feipel
- Ferguson
- Fiedler
- Fiedler
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Findlay
- Fischel
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freitas
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Fryer
- Gallop
- Gallop
- Gamson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Genet
- Gerard
- Gertzman
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gilman
- Ginsberg
- Glass
- Glass
- Goldman
- Gontarski
- Gorfinkel
- Gorfinkel
- Gornick
- Gray
- Green
- Guillory
- Gurney
- Gurney
- Hacking
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Hall
- Hall
- Halperin
- Halperin
- Hanson
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hart
- Haver
- Haynes
- Heins
- Herring
- Herring
- Hersh
- Hoang
- Hoang
- Hoare
- Hodges
- Hoff
- Holland
- Hopkins
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Indiana
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jameson
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Juffer
- Juhasz
- Julien
- Kalha
- Kalha
- Kane
- Kant
- Katz
- Kearney
- Keehnen
- Kendrick
- Kerekes
- Kertess
- Kierkegaard
- Kincaid
- Kipnis
- Kleinhans
- Kleinhans
- Klossowski
- Klossowski
- Krafft-Ebing
- Kulick
- LaBelle
- Lacy
- Ladenson
- Laplanche
- Laplanche
- Lauman
- Lazo
- Legman
- Legman
- Legman
- Lehman
- Lehman
- Lester
- Levin
- Levine
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Liszt
- Litvak
- Lockhart
- Lockhart
- Loftus
- Love
- Lély
- MacKinnon
- MacKinnon
- Madison
- Manoff
- Mapplethorpe
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marder
- Marquet
- Marquet
- Massumi
- McCracken
- McElroy
- McGann
- Meeker
- Mendes
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Merewether
- Meyer
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Mitchell
- Mohr
- Molz
- Money
- Moon
- Moore
- Moore
- Myles
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nelson
- Newmahr
- Newman
- Nicholson
- Nye
- Olson
- Olster
- Osborne
- Osterweil
- O’Donnell
- O’Reilly
- O’Toole
- Paige
- Patai
- Patterson
- Paul
- Paulhan
- Peniston
- Penley
- Pershing
- Peters
- Petley
- Petley
- Pietri
- Pomeroy
- Quignard
- Quinn
- RamÃrez de Arellano
- Rancière
- Ranganathan
- Rembar
- Retort
- Ricco
- Roberts
- Rocha
- Rodriguez
- Roque RamÃrez
- Rose
- Rubin
- Russo
- Réage
- Sacco
- Sade
- Sanders
- Santiago
- Sartre
- Saussure
- Scarry
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schell
- Schmied
- Schweik
- Scott
- Scott
- Seaver
- Seaver
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Shaw
- Shelley
- Shively
- Sigel
- Singer
- Slade
- Slade
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sonenschein
- Soto-Crespo
- Souza Nunes Martins
- Spencer
- Spicer
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Spring
- Spring
- St. Jorre
- Stadler
- Stadler
- Stavans
- Steedman
- Steffen
- Stevens
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stine
- Stockton
- Stoler
- Strout
- Strub
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Szogyi
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thurschwell
- Turner
- Underwager
- Upchurch
- Vismann
- Wainhouse
- Warner
- Warner
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Weber
- Weiss
- White
- Wilde
- Wilde
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Wizisla
- Wolk
- Wollheim
- Wortis
- Wypijewski
- Yamashiro
- Yudell
- Zhou
- Ziegler-Graham
- Ziolkowski
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- place:Verona
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
L'idea diffusa degli "italiani brava gente" e della diversit\ue0 della nostra storia rispetto alla storia USA, segnata da razzismo istituzionale, si fonda sul silenziamento del passato coloniale e razzista italiano. Il ripudio della categoria di razza da parte dell'Italia repubblicana e la smentita scientifica dell'esistenza biologica della categoria non hanno cancellato la presenza della razza, formazione storico-culturale che paradossalmente esiste e non esiste. Priva di referenti oggettivi nella realt\ue0, la razza produce in essa effetti significativi, opera sia come categoria sociale e strumento di esclusione, sia come costruzione simbolica e istanza identitaria. A fronte del silenziamento del meticciato storico nell'uso pubblico della storia e nella memoria nazionali del secondo dopoguerra, il saggio sottolinea la presenza diffusa del meticciato nei prodotti della cultura di massa italiani contemporanei e ne indaga i significati con gli strumenti degli studi critici sulla razza e in prospettiva comparata tra Italia e Stati Uniti
Evaluation of the interactive effects of air exposure duration and water temperature on the condition and survival of angled and released fish
- Author
- Anderson
- Andrew J. Gingerich
- Arlinghaus
- Arlinghaus
- Barreto
- Barthel
- Bartholomew
- Black
- Boutilier
- Caleb T. Hasler
- Conover
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cory D. Suski
- Danylchuk
- Danylchuk
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Dempson
- Diodati
- Dunmall
- Ferguson
- Fry
- Heath
- Heath
- Kieffer
- Killen
- Kyle C. Hanson
- Michael R. Donaldson
- Mitton
- Muoneke
- Muoneke
- Pelletier
- Prosser
- Robert Arlinghaus
- Ross
- Schreck
- Schreer
- Schreer
- Somero
- Steven J. Cooke
- Suski
- Suski
- Suski
- Sutterlin
- Thompson
- Thorstad
- Tufts
- Wilde
- Wilkie
- Wilkie
- Wood
- Wood
- Zar
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
An Intracellular Peptidyl-Prolyl cis/trans Isomerase Is Required for Folding and Activity of the Staphylococcus aureus Secreted Virulence Factor Nuclease
- Author
- Alonzo
- Alonzo
- Alonzo
- Anastacia R. Parks
- Andy Weiss
- Becher
- Bose
- Bose
- Cahoon
- Caleb A. Burke
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cho
- Fey
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Göthel
- Göthel
- Heikkinen
- Hempel
- Hermans
- Herrler
- Hodel
- Hoffmann
- Jousselin
- Jousselin
- Kiedrowski
- Kofron
- Kolar
- Kontinen
- Kreiswirth
- Lindsey N. Shaw
- Liu
- Lyon
- Lyon
- Ma
- Maki
- Mann
- Moormeier
- Nikki M. Meyer
- Olsen
- Olson
- Richard E. Wiemels
- Rivera
- Ronan K. Carroll
- Schallenberger
- Schilcher
- Spaan
- Stephanie M. Cech
- Stewart
- Sullivan
- Thammavongsa
- Tucker
- Tucker
- Tucker
- Tucker
- Valentino
- Veeraraghavan
- Victor J. DiRita
- Vitikainen
- White
- Wilde
- Zhang
- Ãœnal
- Publication venue
- 'American Society for Microbiology'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Funeral Poverty
- Author
- &
- Admin Ohio
- Admin Okla
- Admin R Mont
- Admin R Or
- Ala See
- Ann
- Ann M Murphy
- Ann Stat
- Anthony Martin
- Ariz Rev Stat
- Cal Bus
- Caleb Wilde
- Code Ark
- Code Ga
- Code Ga
- Connecticut Arizona
- D C See
- David E Harrington
- David E Harrington &
- David E Harrington &
- David Foos
- David Foos
- David Foos
- Del Ann
- Del Code Ann
- Dorit Rubinstein Reiss
- E Uwe
- Fla
- G Reimbursement
- Gen Conn
- Gen Conn
- Gen Mass
- Harrington
- Haw
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Ind
- Iowa Code �
- J Victoria
- Jonathan Shorman
- Ky
- La Admin Code
- La Rev Stat
- Laura Taylor
- Leanne Potts
- Lisa Carlson &
- Lisa Carlson &
- Lynda Neuenschwander
- Marilyn Bowden
- Marilyn Bowden
- Marilyn Bowden
- Mich Comp Laws
- Mich Comp Laws
- Michael Clarke
- Michael Mohr
- Michael Mohr
- Michael Mohr
- Michael Waters
- Minn
- Minn
- Miss Ann
- Mona Chalabi
- Mont
- N C Gen
- N D Admin
- N D Cent
- N H
- N H R Admin
- N J Admin
- N J Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N Y Comp
- N Y Pub
- Neb
- Nev
- Occ Tex
- Pat Mckeough
- Perianne Boring
- Ralf Heckenbach
- Report To
- Rev Ky
- Rev Me
- Rev Mo
- Robert Patrick
- Ron Burley
- S C Ann
- S D Laws �
- See Anthony Martin
- Selena Maranjian
- Shawna-Gay White
- Stat
- Tanya D See Generally
- Tanya Marsh
- Tanya Marsh
- Tanya Marsh
- Tanya Marsh
- Tanya Marsh
- Tanya Marsh
- Tanya Marsh
- Tanya See
- Tenn Ann
- Tracy E Smith
- Tracy E Smith
- Utah
- Utah Admin
- Va
- Victoria J. Haneman
- W Va
- W Va
- Wash Admin Code �
- Wis
- Wyo
- Wyo
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2020
- Field of study
Pornography as a Utilitarian Social Structure
- Author
- Abbeele
- Abbott
- Abreu
- Adams
- Adler
- Agamben
- Agamben
- AlgarÃn
- Alonso
- Andrade
- Andrews
- Anonymous
- Anson
- Antin
- Antin
- Anzaldúa
- Arendt
- Arondekar
- Ashworth
- Assunção
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Avellar
- Aydemir
- Baier
- Barnes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Bartlett
- Bataille
- Bataille
- Beauvoir
- Beauvoir
- Beckson
- Belasco
- Bell
- Benton
- Benveniste
- Bernard
- Bernardi
- Bersani
- Bersani
- Blanchot
- Bogdan
- Bois
- Bourdieu
- Boyle
- Bredbeck
- Briggs
- Bronson
- Brown
- Bud
- Bunzl
- Burroughs
- Burton
- Burton
- Buscombe
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Caleb
- Califia
- Camille
- Campbell
- Campos
- Cante
- Cappock
- Caputi
- Carol
- Carrillo
- Carter
- Cartmell
- Casavini
- Certeau
- Champagne
- Champagne
- Charcot
- Chun
- Clare
- Clay
- Clover
- Cocca
- Cohen
- Colligan
- Cook
- Cornell
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Coutt
- Crimp
- Cross
- Crowley
- Cvetkovich
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danto
- Danto
- Darwin
- Davidson
- Davis
- De Simone
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Debord
- Debord
- Decena
- Deitcher
- Delany
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Dennis
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dines
- Dines
- Donato
- Downing
- Doyle
- Duany
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dworkin
- D’Emilio
- Echard
- Eco
- Edelman
- Eigo
- Elias
- Ellis
- Elman
- Emerson
- Ernaux
- Escoffier
- Fairholt
- Falkon
- Fanon
- Farrer
- Feipel
- Ferguson
- Fiedler
- Fiedler
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Findlay
- Fischel
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freitas
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Fryer
- Gallop
- Gallop
- Gamson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Genet
- Gerard
- Gertzman
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gilman
- Ginsberg
- Glass
- Glass
- Goldman
- Gontarski
- Gorfinkel
- Gorfinkel
- Gornick
- Gray
- Green
- Guillory
- Gurney
- Gurney
- Hacking
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Hall
- Hall
- Halperin
- Halperin
- Hanson
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hart
- Haver
- Haynes
- Heins
- Herring
- Herring
- Hersh
- Hoang
- Hoang
- Hoare
- Hodges
- Hoff
- Holland
- Hopkins
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Indiana
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jameson
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Juffer
- Juhasz
- Julien
- Kalha
- Kalha
- Kane
- Kant
- Katz
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- Keehnen
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- Kerekes
- Kertess
- Kierkegaard
- Kincaid
- Kipnis
- Kleinhans
- Kleinhans
- Klossowski
- Klossowski
- Krafft-Ebing
- Kulick
- LaBelle
- Lacy
- Ladenson
- Laplanche
- Laplanche
- Lauman
- Lazo
- Legman
- Legman
- Legman
- Lehman
- Lehman
- Lester
- Levin
- Levine
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Liszt
- Litvak
- Lockhart
- Lockhart
- Loftus
- Love
- Lély
- MacKinnon
- MacKinnon
- Madison
- Manoff
- Mapplethorpe
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marder
- Marquet
- Marquet
- Massumi
- McCracken
- McElroy
- McGann
- Meeker
- Mendes
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Merewether
- Meyer
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Mitchell
- Mohr
- Molz
- Money
- Moon
- Moore
- Moore
- Myles
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nelson
- Newmahr
- Newman
- Nicholson
- Nye
- Olson
- Olster
- Osborne
- Osterweil
- O’Donnell
- O’Reilly
- O’Toole
- Paige
- Patai
- Patterson
- Paul
- Paulhan
- Peniston
- Penley
- Pershing
- Peters
- Petley
- Petley
- Pietri
- Pomeroy
- Quignard
- Quinn
- RamÃrez de Arellano
- Rancière
- Ranganathan
- Rembar
- Retort
- Ricco
- Roberts
- Rocha
- Rodriguez
- Roque RamÃrez
- Rose
- Rubin
- Russo
- Réage
- Sacco
- Sade
- Sanders
- Santiago
- Sartre
- Saussure
- Scarry
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schell
- Schmied
- Schweik
- Scott
- Scott
- Seaver
- Seaver
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Shaw
- Shelley
- Shively
- Sigel
- Singer
- Slade
- Slade
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sonenschein
- Soto-Crespo
- Souza Nunes Martins
- Spencer
- Spicer
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Spring
- Spring
- St. Jorre
- Stadler
- Stadler
- Stavans
- Steedman
- Steffen
- Stevens
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stine
- Stockton
- Stoler
- Strout
- Strub
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Szogyi
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thurschwell
- Turner
- Underwager
- Upchurch
- Vismann
- Wainhouse
- Warner
- Warner
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Weber
- Weiss
- White
- Wilde
- Wilde
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Wizisla
- Wolk
- Wollheim
- Wortis
- Wypijewski
- Yamashiro
- Yudell
- Zhou
- Ziegler-Graham
- Ziolkowski
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
The Opening of Kobena, Cecilia, Robert, Linda, Juana, Hoang, and the Others
- Author
- Abbeele
- Abbott
- Abreu
- Adams
- Adler
- Agamben
- Agamben
- AlgarÃn
- Alonso
- Andrade
- Andrews
- Anonymous
- Anson
- Antin
- Antin
- Anzaldúa
- Arendt
- Arondekar
- Ashworth
- Assunção
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Avellar
- Aydemir
- Baier
- Barnes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Bartlett
- Bataille
- Bataille
- Beauvoir
- Beauvoir
- Beckson
- Belasco
- Bell
- Benton
- Benveniste
- Bernard
- Bernardi
- Bersani
- Bersani
- Blanchot
- Bogdan
- Bois
- Bourdieu
- Boyle
- Bredbeck
- Briggs
- Bronson
- Brown
- Bud
- Bunzl
- Burroughs
- Burton
- Burton
- Buscombe
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Caleb
- Califia
- Camille
- Campbell
- Campos
- Cante
- Cappock
- Caputi
- Carol
- Carrillo
- Carter
- Cartmell
- Casavini
- Certeau
- Champagne
- Champagne
- Charcot
- Chun
- Clare
- Clay
- Clover
- Cocca
- Cohen
- Colligan
- Cook
- Cornell
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Coutt
- Crimp
- Cross
- Crowley
- Cvetkovich
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danto
- Danto
- Darwin
- Davidson
- Davis
- De Simone
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Debord
- Debord
- Decena
- Deitcher
- Delany
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Dennis
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dines
- Dines
- Donato
- Downing
- Doyle
- Duany
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dworkin
- D’Emilio
- Echard
- Eco
- Edelman
- Eigo
- Elias
- Ellis
- Elman
- Emerson
- Ernaux
- Escoffier
- Fairholt
- Falkon
- Fanon
- Farrer
- Feipel
- Ferguson
- Fiedler
- Fiedler
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Findlay
- Fischel
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freitas
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Fryer
- Gallop
- Gallop
- Gamson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Genet
- Gerard
- Gertzman
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gilman
- Ginsberg
- Glass
- Glass
- Goldman
- Gontarski
- Gorfinkel
- Gorfinkel
- Gornick
- Gray
- Green
- Guillory
- Gurney
- Gurney
- Hacking
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Hall
- Hall
- Halperin
- Halperin
- Hanson
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hart
- Haver
- Haynes
- Heins
- Herring
- Herring
- Hersh
- Hoang
- Hoang
- Hoare
- Hodges
- Hoff
- Holland
- Hopkins
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Indiana
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jameson
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Juffer
- Juhasz
- Julien
- Kalha
- Kalha
- Kane
- Kant
- Katz
- Kearney
- Keehnen
- Kendrick
- Kerekes
- Kertess
- Kierkegaard
- Kincaid
- Kipnis
- Kleinhans
- Kleinhans
- Klossowski
- Klossowski
- Krafft-Ebing
- Kulick
- LaBelle
- Lacy
- Ladenson
- Laplanche
- Laplanche
- Lauman
- Lazo
- Legman
- Legman
- Legman
- Lehman
- Lehman
- Lester
- Levin
- Levine
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Liszt
- Litvak
- Lockhart
- Lockhart
- Loftus
- Love
- Lély
- MacKinnon
- MacKinnon
- Madison
- Manoff
- Mapplethorpe
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marder
- Marquet
- Marquet
- Massumi
- McCracken
- McElroy
- McGann
- Meeker
- Mendes
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Merewether
- Meyer
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Mitchell
- Mohr
- Molz
- Money
- Moon
- Moore
- Moore
- Myles
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nelson
- Newmahr
- Newman
- Nicholson
- Nye
- Olson
- Olster
- Osborne
- Osterweil
- O’Donnell
- O’Reilly
- O’Toole
- Paige
- Patai
- Patterson
- Paul
- Paulhan
- Peniston
- Penley
- Pershing
- Peters
- Petley
- Petley
- Pietri
- Pomeroy
- Quignard
- Quinn
- RamÃrez de Arellano
- Rancière
- Ranganathan
- Rembar
- Retort
- Ricco
- Roberts
- Rocha
- Rodriguez
- Roque RamÃrez
- Rose
- Rubin
- Russo
- Réage
- Sacco
- Sade
- Sanders
- Santiago
- Sartre
- Saussure
- Scarry
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schell
- Schmied
- Schweik
- Scott
- Scott
- Seaver
- Seaver
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Shaw
- Shelley
- Shively
- Sigel
- Singer
- Slade
- Slade
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sonenschein
- Soto-Crespo
- Souza Nunes Martins
- Spencer
- Spicer
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Spring
- Spring
- St. Jorre
- Stadler
- Stadler
- Stavans
- Steedman
- Steffen
- Stevens
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stine
- Stockton
- Stoler
- Strout
- Strub
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Szogyi
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thurschwell
- Turner
- Underwager
- Upchurch
- Vismann
- Wainhouse
- Warner
- Warner
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Weber
- Weiss
- White
- Wilde
- Wilde
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Wizisla
- Wolk
- Wollheim
- Wortis
- Wypijewski
- Yamashiro
- Yudell
- Zhou
- Ziegler-Graham
- Ziolkowski
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Big Black Beauty
- Author
- Abbeele
- Abbott
- Abreu
- Adams
- Adler
- Agamben
- Agamben
- AlgarÃn
- Alonso
- Andrade
- Andrews
- Anonymous
- Anson
- Antin
- Antin
- Anzaldúa
- Arendt
- Arondekar
- Ashworth
- Assunção
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Avellar
- Aydemir
- Baier
- Barnes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Bartlett
- Bataille
- Bataille
- Beauvoir
- Beauvoir
- Beckson
- Belasco
- Bell
- Benton
- Benveniste
- Bernard
- Bernardi
- Bersani
- Bersani
- Blanchot
- Bogdan
- Bois
- Bourdieu
- Boyle
- Bredbeck
- Briggs
- Bronson
- Brown
- Bud
- Bunzl
- Burroughs
- Burton
- Burton
- Buscombe
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Caleb
- Califia
- Camille
- Campbell
- Campos
- Cante
- Cappock
- Caputi
- Carol
- Carrillo
- Carter
- Cartmell
- Casavini
- Certeau
- Champagne
- Champagne
- Charcot
- Chun
- Clare
- Clay
- Clover
- Cocca
- Cohen
- Colligan
- Cook
- Cornell
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Coutt
- Crimp
- Cross
- Crowley
- Cvetkovich
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danto
- Danto
- Darwin
- Davidson
- Davis
- De Simone
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Debord
- Debord
- Decena
- Deitcher
- Delany
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Dennis
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dines
- Dines
- Donato
- Downing
- Doyle
- Duany
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dworkin
- D’Emilio
- Echard
- Eco
- Edelman
- Eigo
- Elias
- Ellis
- Elman
- Emerson
- Ernaux
- Escoffier
- Fairholt
- Falkon
- Fanon
- Farrer
- Feipel
- Ferguson
- Fiedler
- Fiedler
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Findlay
- Fischel
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freitas
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Fryer
- Gallop
- Gallop
- Gamson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Genet
- Gerard
- Gertzman
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gilman
- Ginsberg
- Glass
- Glass
- Goldman
- Gontarski
- Gorfinkel
- Gorfinkel
- Gornick
- Gray
- Green
- Guillory
- Gurney
- Gurney
- Hacking
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Hall
- Hall
- Halperin
- Halperin
- Hanson
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hart
- Haver
- Haynes
- Heins
- Herring
- Herring
- Hersh
- Hoang
- Hoang
- Hoare
- Hodges
- Hoff
- Holland
- Hopkins
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Indiana
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jameson
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Juffer
- Juhasz
- Julien
- Kalha
- Kalha
- Kane
- Kant
- Katz
- Kearney
- Keehnen
- Kendrick
- Kerekes
- Kertess
- Kierkegaard
- Kincaid
- Kipnis
- Kleinhans
- Kleinhans
- Klossowski
- Klossowski
- Krafft-Ebing
- Kulick
- LaBelle
- Lacy
- Ladenson
- Laplanche
- Laplanche
- Lauman
- Lazo
- Legman
- Legman
- Legman
- Lehman
- Lehman
- Lester
- Levin
- Levine
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Liszt
- Litvak
- Lockhart
- Lockhart
- Loftus
- Love
- Lély
- MacKinnon
- MacKinnon
- Madison
- Manoff
- Mapplethorpe
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marder
- Marquet
- Marquet
- Massumi
- McCracken
- McElroy
- McGann
- Meeker
- Mendes
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Merewether
- Meyer
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Mitchell
- Mohr
- Molz
- Money
- Moon
- Moore
- Moore
- Myles
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nelson
- Newmahr
- Newman
- Nicholson
- Nye
- Olson
- Olster
- Osborne
- Osterweil
- O’Donnell
- O’Reilly
- O’Toole
- Paige
- Patai
- Patterson
- Paul
- Paulhan
- Peniston
- Penley
- Pershing
- Peters
- Petley
- Petley
- Pietri
- Pomeroy
- Quignard
- Quinn
- RamÃrez de Arellano
- Rancière
- Ranganathan
- Rembar
- Retort
- Ricco
- Roberts
- Rocha
- Rodriguez
- Roque RamÃrez
- Rose
- Rubin
- Russo
- Réage
- Sacco
- Sade
- Sanders
- Santiago
- Sartre
- Saussure
- Scarry
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schell
- Schmied
- Schweik
- Scott
- Scott
- Seaver
- Seaver
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Shaw
- Shelley
- Shively
- Sigel
- Singer
- Slade
- Slade
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sonenschein
- Soto-Crespo
- Souza Nunes Martins
- Spencer
- Spicer
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Spring
- Spring
- St. Jorre
- Stadler
- Stadler
- Stavans
- Steedman
- Steffen
- Stevens
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stine
- Stockton
- Stoler
- Strout
- Strub
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Szogyi
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thurschwell
- Turner
- Underwager
- Upchurch
- Vismann
- Wainhouse
- Warner
- Warner
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Weber
- Weiss
- White
- Wilde
- Wilde
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Wizisla
- Wolk
- Wollheim
- Wortis
- Wypijewski
- Yamashiro
- Yudell
- Zhou
- Ziegler-Graham
- Ziolkowski
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Snuff and Nonsense
- Author
- Abbeele
- Abbott
- Abreu
- Adams
- Adler
- Agamben
- Agamben
- AlgarÃn
- Alonso
- Andrade
- Andrews
- Anonymous
- Anson
- Antin
- Antin
- Anzaldúa
- Arendt
- Arondekar
- Ashworth
- Assunção
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Avellar
- Aydemir
- Baier
- Barnes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Bartlett
- Bataille
- Bataille
- Beauvoir
- Beauvoir
- Beckson
- Belasco
- Bell
- Benton
- Benveniste
- Bernard
- Bernardi
- Bersani
- Bersani
- Blanchot
- Bogdan
- Bois
- Bourdieu
- Boyle
- Bredbeck
- Briggs
- Bronson
- Brown
- Bud
- Bunzl
- Burroughs
- Burton
- Burton
- Buscombe
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Caleb
- Califia
- Camille
- Campbell
- Campos
- Cante
- Cappock
- Caputi
- Carol
- Carrillo
- Carter
- Cartmell
- Casavini
- Certeau
- Champagne
- Champagne
- Charcot
- Chun
- Clare
- Clay
- Clover
- Cocca
- Cohen
- Colligan
- Cook
- Cornell
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Coutt
- Crimp
- Cross
- Crowley
- Cvetkovich
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danto
- Danto
- Darwin
- Davidson
- Davis
- De Simone
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Debord
- Debord
- Decena
- Deitcher
- Delany
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Dennis
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dines
- Dines
- Donato
- Downing
- Doyle
- Duany
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dworkin
- D’Emilio
- Echard
- Eco
- Edelman
- Eigo
- Elias
- Ellis
- Elman
- Emerson
- Ernaux
- Escoffier
- Fairholt
- Falkon
- Fanon
- Farrer
- Feipel
- Ferguson
- Fiedler
- Fiedler
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Findlay
- Fischel
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freitas
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Fryer
- Gallop
- Gallop
- Gamson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Genet
- Gerard
- Gertzman
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gilman
- Ginsberg
- Glass
- Glass
- Goldman
- Gontarski
- Gorfinkel
- Gorfinkel
- Gornick
- Gray
- Green
- Guillory
- Gurney
- Gurney
- Hacking
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Hall
- Hall
- Halperin
- Halperin
- Hanson
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hart
- Haver
- Haynes
- Heins
- Herring
- Herring
- Hersh
- Hoang
- Hoang
- Hoare
- Hodges
- Hoff
- Holland
- Hopkins
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Indiana
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jameson
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Juffer
- Juhasz
- Julien
- Kalha
- Kalha
- Kane
- Kant
- Katz
- Kearney
- Keehnen
- Kendrick
- Kerekes
- Kertess
- Kierkegaard
- Kincaid
- Kipnis
- Kleinhans
- Kleinhans
- Klossowski
- Klossowski
- Krafft-Ebing
- Kulick
- LaBelle
- Lacy
- Ladenson
- Laplanche
- Laplanche
- Lauman
- Lazo
- Legman
- Legman
- Legman
- Lehman
- Lehman
- Lester
- Levin
- Levine
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Liszt
- Litvak
- Lockhart
- Lockhart
- Loftus
- Love
- Lély
- MacKinnon
- MacKinnon
- Madison
- Manoff
- Mapplethorpe
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marder
- Marquet
- Marquet
- Massumi
- McCracken
- McElroy
- McGann
- Meeker
- Mendes
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Merewether
- Meyer
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Mitchell
- Mohr
- Molz
- Money
- Moon
- Moore
- Moore
- Myles
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nelson
- Newmahr
- Newman
- Nicholson
- Nye
- Olson
- Olster
- Osborne
- Osterweil
- O’Donnell
- O’Reilly
- O’Toole
- Paige
- Patai
- Patterson
- Paul
- Paulhan
- Peniston
- Penley
- Pershing
- Peters
- Petley
- Petley
- Pietri
- Pomeroy
- Quignard
- Quinn
- RamÃrez de Arellano
- Rancière
- Ranganathan
- Rembar
- Retort
- Ricco
- Roberts
- Rocha
- Rodriguez
- Roque RamÃrez
- Rose
- Rubin
- Russo
- Réage
- Sacco
- Sade
- Sanders
- Santiago
- Sartre
- Saussure
- Scarry
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schell
- Schmied
- Schweik
- Scott
- Scott
- Seaver
- Seaver
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Shaw
- Shelley
- Shively
- Sigel
- Singer
- Slade
- Slade
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sonenschein
- Soto-Crespo
- Souza Nunes Martins
- Spencer
- Spicer
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Spring
- Spring
- St. Jorre
- Stadler
- Stadler
- Stavans
- Steedman
- Steffen
- Stevens
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stine
- Stockton
- Stoler
- Strout
- Strub
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Szogyi
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thurschwell
- Turner
- Underwager
- Upchurch
- Vismann
- Wainhouse
- Warner
- Warner
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Weber
- Weiss
- White
- Wilde
- Wilde
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Wizisla
- Wolk
- Wollheim
- Wortis
- Wypijewski
- Yamashiro
- Yudell
- Zhou
- Ziegler-Graham
- Ziolkowski
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Butts, Bundas
- Author
- Abbeele
- Abbott
- Abreu
- Adams
- Adler
- Agamben
- Agamben
- AlgarÃn
- Alonso
- Andrade
- Andrews
- Anonymous
- Anson
- Antin
- Antin
- Anzaldúa
- Arendt
- Arondekar
- Ashworth
- Assunção
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Attwood
- Avellar
- Aydemir
- Baier
- Barnes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Barthes
- Bartlett
- Bataille
- Bataille
- Beauvoir
- Beauvoir
- Beckson
- Belasco
- Bell
- Benton
- Benveniste
- Bernard
- Bernardi
- Bersani
- Bersani
- Blanchot
- Bogdan
- Bois
- Bourdieu
- Boyle
- Bredbeck
- Briggs
- Bronson
- Brown
- Bud
- Bunzl
- Burroughs
- Burton
- Burton
- Buscombe
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Caleb
- Califia
- Camille
- Campbell
- Campos
- Cante
- Cappock
- Caputi
- Carol
- Carrillo
- Carter
- Cartmell
- Casavini
- Certeau
- Champagne
- Champagne
- Charcot
- Chun
- Clare
- Clay
- Clover
- Cocca
- Cohen
- Colligan
- Cook
- Cornell
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Cornog
- Coutt
- Crimp
- Cross
- Crowley
- Cvetkovich
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danner
- Danto
- Danto
- Darwin
- Davidson
- Davis
- De Simone
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Dean
- Debord
- Debord
- Decena
- Deitcher
- Delany
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Dennis
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dines
- Dines
- Donato
- Downing
- Doyle
- Duany
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dworkin
- D’Emilio
- Echard
- Eco
- Edelman
- Eigo
- Elias
- Ellis
- Elman
- Emerson
- Ernaux
- Escoffier
- Fairholt
- Falkon
- Fanon
- Farrer
- Feipel
- Ferguson
- Fiedler
- Fiedler
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Fillion
- Findlay
- Fischel
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freitas
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Fryer
- Gallop
- Gallop
- Gamson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Garland-Thomson
- Genet
- Gerard
- Gertzman
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gilman
- Ginsberg
- Glass
- Glass
- Goldman
- Gontarski
- Gorfinkel
- Gorfinkel
- Gornick
- Gray
- Green
- Guillory
- Gurney
- Gurney
- Hacking
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Halberstam
- Hall
- Hall
- Halperin
- Halperin
- Hanson
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hart
- Haver
- Haynes
- Heins
- Herring
- Herring
- Hersh
- Hoang
- Hoang
- Hoare
- Hodges
- Hoff
- Holland
- Hopkins
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Indiana
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jameson
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Juffer
- Juhasz
- Julien
- Kalha
- Kalha
- Kane
- Kant
- Katz
- Kearney
- Keehnen
- Kendrick
- Kerekes
- Kertess
- Kierkegaard
- Kincaid
- Kipnis
- Kleinhans
- Kleinhans
- Klossowski
- Klossowski
- Krafft-Ebing
- Kulick
- LaBelle
- Lacy
- Ladenson
- Laplanche
- Laplanche
- Lauman
- Lazo
- Legman
- Legman
- Legman
- Lehman
- Lehman
- Lester
- Levin
- Levine
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Leyland
- Liszt
- Litvak
- Lockhart
- Lockhart
- Loftus
- Love
- Lély
- MacKinnon
- MacKinnon
- Madison
- Manoff
- Mapplethorpe
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marder
- Marquet
- Marquet
- Massumi
- McCracken
- McElroy
- McGann
- Meeker
- Mendes
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Merewether
- Meyer
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Mitchell
- Mohr
- Molz
- Money
- Moon
- Moore
- Moore
- Myles
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nancy
- Nelson
- Newmahr
- Newman
- Nicholson
- Nye
- Olson
- Olster
- Osborne
- Osterweil
- O’Donnell
- O’Reilly
- O’Toole
- Paige
- Patai
- Patterson
- Paul
- Paulhan
- Peniston
- Penley
- Pershing
- Peters
- Petley
- Petley
- Pietri
- Pomeroy
- Quignard
- Quinn
- RamÃrez de Arellano
- Rancière
- Ranganathan
- Rembar
- Retort
- Ricco
- Roberts
- Rocha
- Rodriguez
- Roque RamÃrez
- Rose
- Rubin
- Russo
- Réage
- Sacco
- Sade
- Sanders
- Santiago
- Sartre
- Saussure
- Scarry
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schell
- Schmied
- Schweik
- Scott
- Scott
- Seaver
- Seaver
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Shaw
- Shelley
- Shively
- Sigel
- Singer
- Slade
- Slade
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sonenschein
- Soto-Crespo
- Souza Nunes Martins
- Spencer
- Spicer
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Spring
- Spring
- St. Jorre
- Stadler
- Stadler
- Stavans
- Steedman
- Steffen
- Stevens
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stine
- Stockton
- Stoler
- Strout
- Strub
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Symonds
- Szogyi
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thurschwell
- Turner
- Underwager
- Upchurch
- Vismann
- Wainhouse
- Warner
- Warner
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Waugh
- Weber
- Weiss
- White
- Wilde
- Wilde
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wiseman
- Wizisla
- Wolk
- Wollheim
- Wortis
- Wypijewski
- Yamashiro
- Yudell
- Zhou
- Ziegler-Graham
- Ziolkowski
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study