801 research outputs found

    Abundance stratification in Type Ia supernovae - V. SN 1986G bridging the gap between normal and subluminous SNe Ia

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    A detailed spectroscopic analysis of SN 1986G has been performed. SN 1986G `bridges the gap' between normal and sub luminous type Ia supernova (SNe Ia). The abundance tomography technique is used to determine the abundance distribution of the elements in the ejecta. SN 1986G was found to be a low energy Chandrasekhar mass explosion. Its kinetic energy was 70% of the standard W7 model (0.9x1051^{51}erg). Oxygen dominates the ejecta from the outermost layers down to \sim9000kms1^{-1} , intermediate mass elements (IME) dominate from \sim 9000kms1^{-1} to \sim 3500kms1^{-1} with Ni and Fe dominating the inner layers <<\sim 3500kms1^{-1}. The final masses of the main elements in the ejecta were found to be, O=0.33M, IME=0.69M, stable NSE=0.21M, 56^{56}Ni=0.14M. An upper limit of the carbon mass is set at C=0.02M. The spectra of SN1986G consist of almost exclusively singly ionised species. SN1986G can be thought of as a low luminosity extension of the main population of SN Ia, with a large deflagration phase that produced more IMEs than a standard SN Ia.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, update

    Luminosity distributions of Type Ia Supernovae

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    We have assembled a dataset of 165 low redshift, z<z<0.06, publicly available type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). We produce maximum light magnitude (MBM_{B} and MVM_{V}) distributions of SNe Ia to explore the diversity of parameter space that they can fill. Before correction for host galaxy extinction we find that the mean MBM_{B} and MVM_{V} of SNe Ia are 18.58±0.07-18.58\pm0.07mag and 18.72±0.05-18.72\pm0.05mag respectively. Host galaxy extinction is corrected using a new method based on the SN spectrum. After correction, the mean values of MBM_{B} and MVM_{V} of SNe Ia are 19.10±0.06-19.10\pm0.06 and 19.10±0.05-19.10\pm0.05mag respectively. After correction for host galaxy extinction, `normal' SNeIa (Δm15(B)<1.6\Delta m_{15}(B)<1.6mag) fill a larger parameter space in the Width-Luminosity Relation (WLR) than previously suggested, and there is evidence for luminous SNe Ia with large Δm15(B)\Delta m_{15}(B). We find a bimodal distribution in Δm15(B)\Delta m_{15}(B), with a pronounced lack of transitional events at Δm15(B)\Delta m_{15}(B)=1.6 mag. We confirm that faster, low-luminosity SNe tend to come from passive galaxies. Dividing the sample by host galaxy type, SNe Ia from star-forming (S-F) galaxies have a mean MB=19.20±0.05M_{B}=-19.20 \pm 0.05 mag, while SNe Ia from passive galaxies have a mean MB=18.57±0.24M_{B}=-18.57 \pm 0.24 mag. Even excluding fast declining SNe, `normal' (MB<18M_{B}<-18 mag) SNe Ia from S-F and passive galaxies are distinct. In the VV-band, there is a difference of 0.4± \pm 0.13 mag between the median (MVM_{V}) values of the `normal' SN Ia population from passive and S-F galaxies. This is consistent with (15±\sim 15 \pm 10)% of `normal' SNe Ia from S-F galaxies coming from an old stellar population

    Spectral Consequences of Deviation from Spherical Composition Symmetry in Type Ia Supernovae

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    We investigate the prospects for constraining the maximum scale of clumping in composition that is consistent with observed Type Ia supernova flux spectra. Synthetic spectra generated without purely spherical composition symmetry indicate that gross asymmetries make prominent changes to absorption features. Motivated by this, we consider the case of a single unblended line forming in an atmosphere with perturbations of different scales and spatial distributions. Perturbations of about 1% of the area of the photodisk simply weaken the absorption feature by the same amount independent of the line of sight. Conversely, perturbations of about 10% of the area of the photodisk introduce variation in the absorption depth which does depend on the line of sight. Thus, 1% photodisk area perturbations may be consistent with observed profile homogeneity but 10% photodisk area perturbations can not. Based on this, we suggest that the absence of significant variation in the depths of Si II 6355 absorption features in normal Type Ia spectra near maximum light indicates that any composition perturbations in these events are quite small. This also constrains future three-dimensional explosion models to produce ejecta profiles with only small scale inhomogeneities.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    The diversity of Type Ia Supernovae: evidence for systematics?

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    The photometric and spectroscopic properties of 26 well observed Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) were analyzed with the aim to explore SNIa diversity. The sample includes (Branch-)normal SNe as well as extreme events like SNe 1991T and 1991bg, while the truly peculiar SNIa, SN2000cx and SN2002cx are not included in our sample . A statistical treatment reveals the existence of three different groups. The first group (FAINT) consists of faint SNeIa similar to SN1991bg, with low expansion velocities and rapid evolution of SiII velocity. A second group consists of ``normal'' SNeIa, also with high temporal velocity gradient (HVG), but with brighter mean absolute magnitude =-19.3 and higher expansion velocities than the FAINT SNe. The third group includes both ``normal'' and SN1991T-like SNeIa: these SNe populate a narrow strip in the SiII velocity evolution plot, with a small velocity gradient (SVG), but have absolute magnitudes similar to HVGs. While the FAINT and HVG SNeIa together seem to define a relation between RSi(II) and Dm15(B), the SVG ones either do not conform with that relation or define a new, looser one. The RSi(II) pre-maximum evolution of HVGs is strikingly different from that of SVGs. The impact of this evidence on the understanding of SNIa diversity, in terms of explosion mechanisms, degree of ejecta mixing, and ejecta-CSM interaction, is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication to ApJ; few referee's comments adde

    Breaking the color-reddening degeneracy in type Ia supernovae

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    A new method to study the intrinsic color and luminosity of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is presented. A metric space built using principal component analysis (PCA) on spectral series SNe Ia between -12.5 and +17.5 days from B maximum is used as a set of predictors. This metric space is built to be insensitive to reddening. Hence, it does not predict the part of color excess due to dust-extinction. At the same time, the rich variability of SN Ia spectra is a good predictor of a large fraction of the intrinsic color variability. Such metric space is a good predictor of the epoch when the maximum in the B-V color curve is reached. Multivariate Partial Least Square (PLS) regression predicts the intrinsic B band light-curve and the intrinsic B-V color curve up to a month after maximum. This allows to study the relation between the light curves of SNe Ia and their spectra. The total-to-selective extinction ratio RV in the host-galaxy of SNe Ia is found, on average, to be consistent with typical Milky-Way values. This analysis shows the importance of collecting spectra to study SNe Ia, even with large sample publicly available. Future automated surveys as LSST will provide a large number of light curves. The analysis shows that observing accompaning spectra for a significative number of SNe will be important even in the case of "normal" SNe Ia.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Optical studies of SN 2009jf: A type Ib supernova with an extremely slow decline and aspherical signature

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    Optical UBVRIUBVRI photometry and medium resolution spectroscopy of the type Ib supernova SN 2009jf, during the period 15\sim -15 to +250days with respect to the BB maximum are reported. The light curves are broad, with an extremely slow decline. The early post-maximum decline rate in the VV band is similar to SN 2008D, however, the late phase decline rate is slower than other studied type Ib supernovae. With an absolute magnitude of MV=17.96±0.19M_{V} = -17.96\pm0.19 magnitude at peak, SN 2009jf is a normally bright supernova. The peak bolometric luminosity and the energy deposition rate via 56^{56}Ni \rightarrow 56^{56}Co chain indicate that 0.170.03+0.03\sim {0.17}^{+0.03}_{-0.03} M_{\odot} of 56^{56}Ni was ejected during the explosion. He\,I 5876 \AA\ line is clearly identified in the first spectrum of day 15\sim -15, at a velocity of 16000\sim 16000 km sec1^{-1}. The [O\,I] 6300-6364 \AA\ line seen in the nebular spectrum has a multi-peaked and asymmetric emission profile, with the blue peak being stronger. The estimated flux in this line implies \ga 1.34 M_\odot oxygen was ejected. The slow evolution of the light curves of SN 2009jf indicates the presence of a massive ejecta. The high expansion velocity in the early phase and broader emission lines during the nebular phase suggest it to be an explosion with a large kinetic energy. A simple qualitative estimate leads to the ejecta mass of Mej=49_{\rm ej} = 4-9 M_\odot, and kinetic energy EK=38×1051_{\rm K} = 3-8 \times 10^{51} erg. The ejected mass estimate is indicative of an initial main-sequence mass of \ga 20- 25 M_\odot.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spectra of supernovae in the nebular phase

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    When supernovae enter the nebular phase after a few months, they reveal spectral fingerprints of their deep interiors, glowing by radioactivity produced in the explosion. We are given a unique opportunity to see what an exploded star looks like inside. The line profiles and luminosities encode information about physical conditions, explosive and hydrostatic nucleosynthesis, and ejecta morphology, which link to the progenitor properties and the explosion mechanism. Here, the fundamental properties of spectral formation of supernovae in the nebular phase are reviewed. The formalism between ejecta morphology and line profile shapes is derived, including effects of scattering and absorption. Line luminosity expressions are derived in various physical limits, with examples of applications from the literature. The physical processes at work in the supernova ejecta, including gamma-ray deposition, non-thermal electron degradation, ionization and excitation, and radiative transfer are described and linked to the computation and application of advanced spectral models. Some of the results derived so far from nebular-phase supernova analysis are discussed.Comment: Book chapter for 'Handbook of Supernovae,' edited by Alsabti and Murdin, Springer. 51 pages, 14 figure

    X-Ray, UV, and Optical Observations of Supernova 2006bp with Swift: Detection of Early X-Ray Emission

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    We present results on the X-ray and optical/UV emission from the type IIP SN 2006bp and the interaction of the SN shock with its environment, obtained with the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and UV/Optical Telescope (UVOT) on-board the Swift observatory. SN 2006bp is detected in X-rays at a 4.5 sigma level of significance in the merged XRT data from days 1 to 12 after the explosion. If the X-ray luminosity of (1.8+/-0.4)E39 ergs/s is caused by interaction of the SN shock with circumstellar material (CSM), deposited by a stellar wind from the progenitor's companion star, a mass-loss rate of ~E-05 M_sun/yr is inferred. The mass-loss rate is consistent with the non-detection in the radio with the VLA on days 2, 9, and 11 after the explosion and characteristic of a red supergiant progenitor with a mass around 12-15 M_sun prior to the explosion. In combination with a follow-up XMM-Newton observation obtained on day 21 after the explosion, an X-ray rate of decline with index 1.2+/-0.6 is inferred. Since no other SN has been detected in X-rays prior to the optical peak and since type IIP SNe have an extended 'plateau' phase in the optical, we discuss the scenario that the X-rays might be due to inverse Compton scattering of photospheric optical photons off relativistic electrons produced in circumstellar shocks. However, due to the high required value of the Lorentz factor (~10-100) we conclude that Inverse Compton scattering is an unlikely explanation for the observed X-ray emission. The fast evolution of the optical/ultraviolet spectral energy distribution and the spectral changes observed with Swift reveal the onset of metal line-blanketing and cooling of the expanding photosphere during the first few weeks after the outburst.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Two Type Ic supernovae in low-metallicity, dwarf galaxies: diversity of explosions

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    We present BVRI photometry and optical spectroscopy of two Type Ic supernovae SN 2007bg and SN 2007bi discovered in wide-field, non-targeted surveys and associated with sub-luminous blue dwarf galaxies. Neither SNe 2007bg nor 2007bi were found in association with an observed GRB, but are found to inhabit similar low-metallicity environments as GRB associated supernovae. The radio-bright SN 2007bg is hosted by an extremely sub-luminous galaxy of magnitude MB = -12.4+/-0.6 mag with an estimated oxygen abundance of 12+log(O/H) = 8.18+/-0.17. The lightcurve of SN 2007bg displays one of the fastest post-maximum decline rates of all broad-lined Type Ic supernovae known to date and, when combined with its high expansion velocities, a high kinetic energy to ejected mass ratio (E_K/Mej ~ 2.7). We show that SN 2007bi is possibly the most luminous Type Ic known, reaching a peak magnitude of MR ~ 21.3 mag and displays a remarkably slow decline, following the radioactive decay rate of 56Co to 56Fe throughout the course of its observed lifetime. From a simple model of the bolometric light curve of SN 2007bi we estimate a total ejected 56Ni mass of M_Ni = 3.5 - 4.5 solar masses, the largest 56Ni mass measured in the ejecta of a supernova to date. There are two models that could explain the high luminosity and large ejected 56Ni mass. One is a pair-instability supernova (PISN) which has been predicted to occur for massive stars at low metallicities. We measure the host galaxy metallicity of SN 2007bi to be 12 + log(O/H) = 8.15+/-0.15 which is somewhat high to be consistent with the PISN model. An alternative is the core-collapse of a C+O star of 20 - 40 solar masses which is the core of a star of originally 50 - 100 solar masses. (Abridged)Comment: Minor changes. 19 pages, 21 Figures. Accepted by A&

    Photometric and spectroscopic observations, and abundance tomography modelling of the Type Ia supernova SN 2014J located in M82

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    Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the nearby Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) SN 2014J are presented. Spectroscopic observations were taken −8 to +10 d relative to Bband maximum, using FRODOSpec, a multipurpose integral-field unit spectrograph. The observations range from 3900 to 9000 Å. SN 2014J is located in M82 which makes it the closest SN Ia studied in at least the last 28 yr. It is a spectroscopically normal SN Ia with high-velocity features.Wemodel the spectra of SN 2014J with a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code, using the abundance tomography technique. SN 2014J is highly reddened, with a host galaxy extinction of E(B − V) = 1.2 (RV = 1.38). It has a �m15(B) of 1.08 ± 0.03 when corrected for extinction. As SN 2014J is a normal SN Ia, the density structure of the classical W7 model was selected. The model and photometric luminosities are both consistent with B-band maximum occurring on JD 245 6690.4 ± 0.12. The abundance of the SN 2014J behaves like other normal SN Ia, with significant amounts of silicon (12 per cent by mass)and sulphur (9 per cent by mass) at high velocities (12 300 km s−1) and the low-velocity ejecta (v < 6500 km s−1) consists almost entirely of 56Ni. Key words: radiative transfer – techniques: spectroscopic – supernovae: general – supernovae: individual: SN 2014J