175 research outputs found

    Helium in Double-Detonation Models of Type Ia Supernovae

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    The double-detonation explosion model has been considered a candidate for explaining astrophysical transients with a wide range of luminosities. In this model, a carbon-oxygen white dwarf star explodes following detonation of a surface layer of helium. One potential signature of this explosion mechanism is the presence of unburned helium in the outer ejecta, left over from the surface helium layer. In this paper we present simple approximations to estimate the optical depths of important He I lines in the ejecta of double-detonation models. We use these approximations to compute synthetic spectra, including the He I lines, for double-detonation models obtained from hydrodynamical explosion simulations. Specifically, we focus on photospheric-phase predictions for the near-infrared 10830 \AA~and 2 ÎŒ\mum lines of He I. We first consider a double detonation model with a luminosity corresponding roughly to normal SNe Ia. This model has a post-explosion unburned He mass of 0.03 M⊙M_{\odot} and our calculations suggest that the 2 ÎŒ\mum feature is expected to be very weak but that the 10830 \AA~feature may have modest opacity in the outer ejecta. Consequently, we suggest that a moderate-to-weak He I 10830 \AA~feature may be expected to form in double-detonation explosions at epochs around maximum light. However, the high velocities of unburned helium predicted by the model (∌19,000\sim 19,000~km~s−1^{-1}) mean that the He I 10830 \AA~feature may be confused or blended with the C I 10690~\AA~line forming at lower velocities. We also present calculations for the He I 10830 \AA~and 2 ÎŒ\mum lines for a lower mass (low luminosity) double detonation model, which has a post-explosion He mass of 0.077 M⊙M_{\odot}. In this case, both the He I features we consider are strong and can provide a clear observational signature of the double-detonation mechanism.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    Spectral luminosity indicators in SNe Ia - Understanding the R(SiII) line strength ratio and beyond

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    SNe Ia are good distance indicators because the shape of their light curves, which can be measured independently of distance, varies smoothly with luminosity. This suggests that SNe Ia are a single family of events. Similar correlations are observed between luminosity and spectral properties. In particular, the ratio of the strengths of the SiII \lambda 5972 and \lambda 6355 lines, known as R(SiII), was suggested as a potential luminosity indicator. Here, the physical reasons for the observed correlation are investigated. A Monte-Carlo code is used to construct a sequence of synthetic spectra resembling those of SNe with different luminosities near B maximum. The influence of abundances and of ionisation and excitation conditions on the synthetic spectral features is investigated. The ratio R(SiII) depends ssentially on the strength of SiII \lambda 5972, because SiII \lambda 6355 is saturated. In less luminous objects, SiII \lambda 5972 is stronger because of a rapidly increasing SiII/SiIII ratio. Thus, the correlation between R(SiII) and luminosity is the effect of ionisation balance. The SiII \lambda 5972 line itself may be the best spectroscopic luminosity indicator for SNe Ia, but all indicators discussed show scatter which may be related to abundance distributions.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Exploring the spectroscopic diversity of Type Ia Supernovae

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    The velocities and equivalent widths (EWs) of a set of absorption features are measured for a sample of 28 well-observed Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) covering a wide range of properties. The values of these quantities at maximum are obtained through interpolation/extrapolation and plotted against the decline rate, and so are various line ratios. The SNe are divided according to their velocity evolution into three classes defined in a previous work of Benetti et al.: low velocity gradient (LVG), high velocity gradient (HVG) and FAINT. It is found that all the LVG SNe have approximately uniform velocities at B maximum, while the FAINT SNe have values that decrease with increasing Delta m_15(B), and the HVG SNe have a large spread. The EWs of the Fe-dominated features are approximately constant in all SNe, while those of Intermediate mass element (IME) lines have larger values for intermediate decliners and smaller values for brighter and FAINT SNe. The HVG SNe have stronger Si II 6355-A lines, with no correlation with Delta m_15(B). It is also shown that the Si II 5972 A EW and three EW ratios, including one analogous to the R(Si II) ratio introduced by Nugent et al., are good spectroscopic indicators of luminosity. The data suggest that all LVG SNe have approximately constant kinetic energy, since burning to IME extends to similar velocities. The FAINT SNe may have somewhat lower energies. The large velocities and EWs of the IME lines of HVG SNe appear correlated with each other, but are not correlated with the presence of high-velocity features in the Ca II infrared triplet in the earliest spectra for the SNe for which such data exist.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figures, updated (typo and style corrections). MNRAS, in pres

    Multi-layered Spectral Formation in SNe Ia Around Maximum Light

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    We use the radiative transfer code PHOENIX to study the line formation of the wavelength region 5000-7000 Angstroms. This is the region where the SNe Ia defining Si II feature occurs. This region is important since the ratio of the two nearby silicon lines has been shown to correlate with the absolute blue magnitude. We use a grid of LTE synthetic spectral models to investigate the formation of line features in the spectra of SNe Ia. By isolating the main contributors to the spectral formation we show that the ions that drive the spectral ratio are Fe III, Fe II, Si II, and S II. While the first two strongly dominate the flux transfer, the latter two form in the same physical region inside of the supernova. We also show that the naive blackbody that one would derive from a fit to the observed spectrum is far different than the true underlying continuum.Comment: 35 pages, 15 figures, ApJ (2008) 684 in pres

    Diversity of Decline-Rate-Corrected Type Ia Supernova Rise Times: One Mode or Two?

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    B-band light-curve rise times for eight unusually well-observed nearby Type Ia supernovae (SNe) are fitted by a newly developed template-building algorithm, using light-curve functions that are smooth, flexible, and free of potential bias from externally derived templates and other prior assumptions. From the available literature, photometric BVRI data collected over many months, including the earliest points, are reconciled, combined, and fitted to a unique time of explosion for each SN. On average, after they are corrected for light-curve decline rate, three SNe rise in 18.81 +- 0.36 days, while five SNe rise in 16.64 +- 0.21 days. If all eight SNe are sampled from a single parent population (a hypothesis not favored by statistical tests), the rms intrinsic scatter of the decline-rate-corrected SN rise time is 0.96 +0.52 -0.25 days -- a first measurement of this dispersion. The corresponding global mean rise time is 17.44 +- 0.39 days, where the uncertainty is dominated by intrinsic variance. This value is ~2 days shorter than two published averages that nominally are twice as precise, though also based on small samples. When comparing high-z to low-z SN luminosities for determining cosmological parameters, bias can be introduced by use of a light-curve template with an unrealistic rise time. If the period over which light curves are sampled depends on z in a manner typical of current search and measurement strategies, a two-day discrepancy in template rise time can bias the luminosity comparison by ~0.03 magnitudes.Comment: As accepted by The Astrophysical Journal; 15 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Explanatory material rearranged and enhanced; Fig. 4 reformatte

    Spectral modelling of the "Super-Chandra" Type Ia SN 2009dc - testing a 2 M_sun white dwarf explosion model and alternatives

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    Extremely luminous, super-Chandrasekhar (SC) Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are as yet an unexplained phenomenon. We analyse a well-observed SN of this class, SN 2009dc, by modelling its photospheric spectra with a spectral synthesis code, using the technique of 'Abundance Tomography'. We present spectral models based on different density profiles, corresponding to different explosion scenarios, and discuss their consistency. First, we use a density structure of a simulated explosion of a 2 M_sun rotating C-O white dwarf (WD), which is often proposed as a possibility to explain SC SNe Ia. Then, we test a density profile empirically inferred from the evolution of line velocities (blueshifts). This model may be interpreted as a core-collapse SN with an ejecta mass ~ 3 M_sun. Finally, we calculate spectra assuming an interaction scenario. In such a scenario, SN 2009dc would be a standard WD explosion with a normal intrinsic luminosity, and this luminosity would be augmented by interaction of the ejecta with a H-/He-poor circumstellar medium. We find that no model tested easily explains SN 2009dc. With the 2 M_sun WD model, our abundance analysis predicts small amounts of burning products in the intermediate-/high-velocity ejecta (v > 9000 km/s). However, in the original explosion simulations, where the nuclear energy release per unit mass is large, burned material is present at high v. This contradiction can only be resolved if asymmetries strongly affect the radiative transfer or if C-O WDs with masses significantly above 2 M_sun exist. In a core-collapse scenario, low velocities of Fe-group elements are expected, but the abundance stratification in SN 2009dc seems 'SN Ia-like'. The interaction-based model looks promising, and we have some speculations on possible progenitor configurations. However, radiation-hydro simulations will be needed to judge whether this scenario is realistic at all.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, published in MNRAS. V2: several small corrections (typos, style

    Type Ic supernova of a 22 M⊙ progenitor

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic) are a sub-class of core-collapse SNe that exhibit no helium or hydrogen lines in their spectra. Their progenitors are thought to be bare carbon-oxygen cores formed during the evolution of massive stars that are stripped of their hydrogen and helium envelopes sometime before collapse. SNe Ic present a range of luminosities and spectral properties, from luminous GRB-SNe with broad-lined spectra to less luminous events with narrow-line spectra. Modelling SNe Ic reveals a wide range of both kinetic energies, ejecta masses, and 56Ni masses. To explore this diversity and how it comes about, light curves and spectra are computed from the ejecta following the explosion of an initially 22 M⊙ progenitor that was artificially stripped of its hydrogen and helium shells, producing a bare CO core of ∌5 M⊙, resulting in an ejected mass of ∌4 M⊙, which is an average value for SNe Ic. Four different explosion energies are used that cover a range of observed SNe. Finally, 56Ni and other elements are artificially mixed in the ejecta using two approximations to determine how element distribution affects light curves and spectra. The combination of different explosion energy and degree of mixing produces spectra that roughly replicate the distribution of nearpeak spectroscopic features of SNe Ic. High explosion energies combined with extensive mixing can produce red, broad-lined spectra, while minimal mixing and a lower explosion energy produce bluer, narrow-lined spectra

    Time-dependent radiative transfer with PHOENIX

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    Aims. We present first results and tests of a time-dependent extension to the general purpose model atmosphere code PHOENIX. We aim to produce light curves and spectra of hydro models for all types of supernovae. Methods. We extend our model atmosphere code PHOENIX to solve time-dependent non-grey, NLTE, radiative transfer in a special relativistic framework. A simple hydrodynamics solver was implemented to keep track of the energy conservation of the atmosphere during free expansion. Results. The correct operation of the new additions to PHOENIX were verified in test calculations. Conclusions. We have shown the correct operation of our extension to time-dependent radiative transfer and will be able to calculate supernova light curves and spectra in future work.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    The Outermost Ejecta of Type Ia Supernovae

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    The properties of the highest velocity ejecta of normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are studied via models of very early optical spectra of 6 SNe. At epochs earlier than 1 week before maximum, SNe with a rapidly evolving Si II 6355 line velocity (HVG) have a larger photospheric velocity than SNe with a slowly evolving Si II 6355 line velocity (LVG). Since the two groups have comparable luminosities, the temperature at the photosphere is higher in LVG SNe. This explains the different overall spectral appearance of HVG and LVG SNe. However, the variation of the Ca II and Si II absorptions at the highest velocities (v >~ 20,000 km/s) suggests that additional factors, such as asphericity or different abundances in the progenitor white dwarf, affect the outermost layers. The C II 6578 line is marginally detected in 3 LVG SNe, suggesting that LVG undergo less intense burning. The carbon mass fraction is small, only less than 0.01 near the photosphere, so that he mass of unburned C is only <~ 0.01 Msun. Radioactive 56Ni and stable Fe are detected in both LVG and HVG SNe. Different Fe-group abundances in the outer layers may be one of the reasons for spectral diversity among SNe Ia at the earliest times. The diversity among SNe Ia at the earliest phases could also indicate an intrinsic dispersion in the width-luminosity relation of the light curve.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
