461 research outputs found

    Social media in marketing research : Theoretical bases, methodological aspects, and thematic focus

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    The widespread use of social media as a marketing tool during the last decade has been responsible for attracting a significant volume of academic research, which, however, can be described as highly fragmented to yield clear directions and insights. We systematically synthesize and critically evaluate extant knowledge of social media marketing extracted from 418 articles published during the period 2009–2021. In doing so, we use an organizing framework focusing on five key areas of social media marketing research, namely, social media as a promotion and selling outlet, social media as a communication and branding channel, social media as a monitoring and intelligence source, social media as a customer relationship management and value cocreation platform, and social media as a general marketing and strategic tool. Within each of these areas, we provide important theoretical, methodological, and thematic insights, as well as future research directions. We also offer useful managerial implications derived from the articles reviewed.© 2022 The Authors. Psychology & Marketing published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The Role of Exporters’ Emotional Intelligence in Building Foreign Customer Relationships

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    Despite the critical importance of emotional intelligence in effectively interacting with other people, its role has been overlooked in scholarly research on cross-border interorganizational relationships. Drawing on Emotion Regulation Theory, we propose a model that conceptualizes links among exporters’ emotional intelligence, key behavioral dimensions characterizing the atmosphere of the relationship with import buyers, and the resulting relational performance. We test the model with data collected from 262 Greek exporters using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that higher levels of exporter emotional intelligence enhances communication and social bonding with the importer, while diminishing distance and conflict in their working relationship. Relational performance is positively influenced by communication and social bonding, but negatively affected by distance and conflict. The results also reveal the moderating effect of both opportunism and interpartner incompatibility on the association between the exporter’s emotional intelligence and the behavioral atmosphere of the relationship with import buyers

    Assessing the greenness of environmental advertising claims made by multinational industrial firms

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    Growing skepticism about green advertisements calls for a thorough investigation of the environmental claims made by firms. This is particularly important in the context of industrial and international markets, where research on the subject is virtually non-existent. By employing legitimacy theory, this article develops several research hypotheses linking various dimensions of environmental claims made in green advertisements (i.e., focal points, evaluation areas, leverage aspects, driving forces) with advertising greenness (i.e., shallow, moderate, deep). It then tests these hypotheses with data obtained from a content analysis of 383 green magazine advertisements by multinational firms producing industrial goods. In accord with legitimacy theory, the results indicate that, the stronger the greenness of an advertisement: (a) the greater the use of focal points relating to a product, processes, image, and facts; (b) the more specific, strong, substantive, and acceptable are the issues raised; (c) the higher the employment of rational, emotional, and moral points to leverage environmental matters; and (d) the sharper the driving forces relating to the planet and its flora, fauna, and human entities. Several important conclusions, managerial implications, and directions for future research are derived from these findings

    The impact of proximity on consumer fair trade engagement and purchasing behavior : the moderating role of empathic concern and hypocrisy

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    The article reports the findings of an empirical study among consumers, regarding the impact of physical, social, and psychological proximity on their engagement to the fair trade idea and purchasing behavior. Based on a random sample of 211 British and 112 Indian consumers and using structural equation modeling, it was found that high levels of physical, social, and psychological proximity leads to high consumer fair trade engagement. Moreover, consumer fair trade engagement was confirmed to have a positive impact on fair trade purchasing behavior. Furthermore, consumer empathic concern was found to positively moderate the association between proximity and consumer fair trade engagement, while the opposite was true with regard to consumer hypocrisy. Finally, consumer nationality was found to have a control effect on physical, social, and psychological proximity, with the latter felt stronger among Indian, as opposed to British consumers

    Antecedents and outcomes of consumer environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviour

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    With the intensification of problems relating to the environment, a growing number of consumers are becoming more ecologically conscious in their preferences and purchases of goods. This paper presents the results of a study conducted among 500 Cypriot consumers, focusing on the factors that shape consumer environmental attitudes and behaviour, as well as on the resulting outcomes. The findings confirmed that both the inward and outward environmental attitudes of a consumer are positively influenced by his/her degree of collectivism, long-term orientation, political involvement, deontology, and law obedience, but have no connection with liberalism. The adoption of an inward environmental attitude was also found to be conducive to green purchasing behaviour that ultimately leads to high product satisfaction. On the other hand, an outward environmental attitude facilitates the adoption of a general environmental behaviour, which is responsible for greater satisfaction with life. The findings of the study have important implications for shaping effective company offerings to consumers in target markets, as well as formulating appropriate policies at the governmental level to enhance environmental sensitivity among citizens

    Economic liberalization and the antecedents of top management teams: evidence from Turkish 'big' business

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    There has been an increased interest in the last two decades in top management teams (TMTs) of business firms. Much of the research, however, has been US-based and concerned primarily with TMT effects on organizational outcomes. The present study aims to expand this literature by examining the antecedents of top team composition in the context of macro-level economic change in a late-industrializing country. The post-1980 trade and market reforms in Turkey provided the empirical setting. Drawing upon the literatures on TMT and chief executive characteristics together with punctuated equilibrium models of change and institutional theory, the article develops the argument that which firm-level factors affect which attributes of TMT formations varies across the early and late stages of economic liberalization. Results of the empirical investigation of 71 of the largest industrial firms in Turkey broadly supported the hypotheses derived from this premise. In the early stages of economic liberalization the average age and average organizational tenure of TMTs were related to the export orientation of firms, whereas in later stages, firm performance became a major predictor of these team attributes. Educational background characteristics of teams appeared to be under stronger institutional pressures, altering in different ways in the face of macro-level change

    Identidad étnica y redes personales entre jóvenes de Sarajevo

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    After fieldwork conducted among young people in Sarajevo, we found a relation between the discourses sustained by them and the ethnic categories they use to classify people and to identify themselves. Also we have found that people self-affiliated as "Bosnians" play an important role in the network of multiethnic relationships, in which strong ties, surprisingly, are still very important. Finally we found a relationship between the composition of personal networks and the ethnic discourses that are maintained.Después de un trabajo de campo realizado con un grupo de jóvenes en Sarajevo, hemos constatado la existencia de una relación entre los discursos que sostienen y las categorías étnicas que utilizan tanto para clasificar a los demás como para auto-identificarse. Asimismo hemos encontrado que los jóvenes que se autodenominan "Bosnios" juegan un rol importante en la red de relaciones multiétnicas, en la que los lazos fuertes, sorprendentemente, son muy importantes. Finalmente hemos hallado una relación entre la composición de las redes personales y los discursos étnicos que se sostienen. Vivimos, o creemos vivir, en múltiples "comunidades", imaginadas o no. Al mismo tiempo, el individuo y no el lugar, la familia o el grupo, se sitúa en el centro de la vida social y de las comunicaciones (Cf. Wellman, 2001). En este contexto, inducido por el avance del capitalismo flexible (Castells, 1996), pensamos que para entender adecuadamente la identidad o identidades postuladas por los individuos es necesario estudiar las redes personales y su dinámica. Desde esta perspectiva no podemos hablar de "etnias" o "multietnicidad" sin más precisiones, pues son conceptos basados en una concepción esencialista y estática de la identidad individual. El concepto de "sociedad multiétnica" es utilizado de una manera engañosamente progresista y objetiva, pues lo que en realidad legitima es la existencia de diferencias esenciales entre personas, alejando en lugar de acercar. Sin embargo, somos plenamente conscientes que los discursos esencialistas de la identidad étnica son omnipresentes, con enormes efectos políticos e individuales. Que planteemos que la concepción esencialista de la identidad sea inapropiada desde un punto de vista académico, no significa que ésta no se utilice políticamente y por lo tanto tenga consecuencias formidables en las relaciones sociales. Precisamente el estudio de las redes personales nos permite situarnos en una perspectiva que no utiliza con pretensiones analíticas conceptos "folk", como son los de "etnia", "pueblo" o "nación", sino que los sitúa en el terreno de los discursos sustentados por los actores (y los estados y medios de comunicación) y nos permite contextualizarlos mediante conceptos etic, es decir, impuestos por los investigadores. Sólo así podemos superar las tautologías que abundan en los discursos étnicos

    International trade and domestic competition: Evidence from Belgium

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    We investigate the effect of domestic market competition on firm-level export intensity. We employ a comprehensive dataset of Belgian firms from 2005–2008, when the fall in the number of firms engaged in trade was accompanied by a growing amount of transactions. The resulting increase in the domestic concentration of Belgian firms has sparked numerous debates, since the direction of causality between domestic market structure and export performance is unclear. We apply the fractional logit estimator and control for both self-selection and simultaneity bias. We find that a positive linkage exists between the level of competition and export intensity

    How does export compliance influence the internationalization of firms:Is it a thread or an opportunity?

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    Internationalization is a complex process, in which firms face various challenges that may lead to opportunities or threads. One of these challenges is export compliance. The objective of this paper is to disentangle the nature of export compliance and its function in international entrepreneurship. This study outlines a perspective on the export control system, discusses the most relative legislation, reveals the consequences of non-compliance and provides a case study and finally explains the function of export compliance in the international activities of firms