34 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of low-sulphur-tolerant mutants of Arabidopsis

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    Sulphur is an essential element for plant growth and development as well as for defence against biotic and abiotic stresses. Increasing sulphate utilization efficiency (SUE) is an important issue for crop improvement. Little is known about the genetic determinants of sulphate utilization efficiency. No gain-of-function mutants with improved SUE have been reported to date. Here the isolation and characterization of two low-sulphur-tolerant mutants, sue3 and sue4 are reported using a high-throughput genetic screen where a ‘sulphur-free’ solid medium was devised to give the selection pressure necessary to suppress the growth of the wild-type seedlings. Both mutants showed improved tolerance to low sulphur conditions and well-developed root systems. The mutant phenotype of both sue3 and sue4 was specific to sulphate deficiency and the mutants displayed enhanced tolerance to heavy metal and oxidative stress. Genetic analysis revealed that sue3 was caused by a single recessive nuclear mutation while sue4 was caused by a single dominant nuclear mutation. The recessive locus in sue3 is the previously identified VirE2-interacting Protein 1. The dominant locus in sue4 is a function-unknown locus activated by the four enhancers on the T-DNA. The function of SUE3 and SUE4 in low sulphur tolerance was confirmed either by multiple mutant alleles or by recapitulation analysis. Taken together, our results demonstrate that this genetic screen is a reasonable approach to isolate Arabidopsis mutants with improved low sulphur tolerance and potentially with enhanced sulphate utilization efficiency. The two loci identified in sue3 and sue4 should assist in understanding the molecular mechanisms of low sulphur tolerance

    Nuclear localised more sulphur accumulation1 epigenetically regulates sulphur homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Sulphur (S) is an essential element for all living organisms. The uptake, assimilation and metabolism of S in plants are well studied. However, the regulation of S homeostasis remains largely unknown. Here, we report on the identification and characterisation of the more sulphur accumulation1 (msa1-1) mutant. The MSA1 protein is localized to the nucleus and is required for both S adenosylmethionine (SAM) production and DNA methylation. Loss of function of the nuclear localised MSA1 leads to a reduction in SAM in roots and a strong S-deficiency response even at ample S supply, causing an over- accumulation of sulphate, sulphite, cysteine and glutathione. Supplementation with SAM suppresses this high S phenotype. Furthermore, mutation of MSA1 affects genome-wide DNA methylation, including the methylation of S-deficiency responsive genes. Elevated S accumulation in msa1-1 requires the increased expression of the sulphate transporter genes SULTR1;1 and SULTR1;2 which are also differentially methylated in msa1-1. Our results suggest a novel function for MSA1 in the nucleus in regulating SAM biosynthesis and maintaining S homeostasis epigenetically via DNA methylation

    Iron-Dependent Callose Deposition Adjusts Root Meristem Maintenance to Phosphate Availability

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    SummaryPlant root development is informed by numerous edaphic cues. Phosphate (Pi) availability impacts the root system architecture by adjusting meristem activity. However, the sensory mechanisms monitoring external Pi status are elusive. Two functionally interacting Arabidopsis genes, LPR1 (ferroxidase) and PDR2 (P5-type ATPase), are key players in root Pi sensing, which is modified by iron (Fe) availability. We show that the LPR1-PDR2 module facilitates, upon Pi limitation, cell-specific apoplastic Fe and callose deposition in the meristem and elongation zone of primary roots. Expression of cell-wall-targeted LPR1 determines the sites of Fe accumulation as well as callose production, which interferes with symplastic communication in the stem cell niche, as demonstrated by impaired SHORT-ROOT movement. Antagonistic interactions of Pi and Fe availability control primary root growth via meristem-specific callose formation, likely triggered by LPR1-dependent redox signaling. Our results link callose-regulated cell-to-cell signaling in root meristems to the perception of an abiotic cue

    Inhibition of 5 \u27-methylthioadenosine metabolism in the Yang cycle alters polyamine levels, and impairs seedling growth and reproduction in Arabidopsis

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    The methionine or Yang cycle recycles Met from 5\u27-methylthioadenosine (MTA) which is produced from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) as a by-product of ethylene, polyamines, and nicotianamine (NA) synthesis. MTA nucleosidase is encoded by two genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, MTN1 and MTN2. Analysis of T-DNA insertion mutants and of wt revealed that MTN1 provides approximately 80% of the total MTN activity. Severe knock down of MTN enzyme activity in the mtn1-1 and mtn1-2 allelic lines resulted in accumulation of SAM/dSAM (decarboxylated SAM) and of MTA in seedlings grown on MTA as sulfur source. While ethylene and NA synthesis were not altered in mtn1-1 and mtn1-2 seedlings grown on MTA, putrescine and spermine were elevated. By contrast, mtn2-1 and mtn2-2 seedlings with near wt enzyme activity had wt levels of SAM/dSAM, MTA, and polyamines. In addition to the metabolic phenotypes, mtn1-1 and mtn1-2 seedlings were growth retarded, while seedlings of wt, mtn2-1, and mtn2-2 showed normal growth on 500 mu m MTA. The double knock down mutant mtn1-1/mtn2-1 was sterile. In conclusion, the data presented identify MTA as a crucial metabolite that acts as a regulatory link between the Yang cycle and polyamine biosynthesis and identifies MTA nucleosidase as a crucial enzyme of the Yang cycle

    Development of strategies for genetic manipulation and fine-tuning of a chloroplast retrograde signal 3′-phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphate

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    Homeostasis of metabolism and regulation of stress-signaling pathways are important for plant growth. The metabolite 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphate (PAP) plays dual roles as a chloroplast retrograde signal during drought and high light stress, as well as a toxic by-product of secondary sulfur metabolism, and thus, its levels are regulated by the chloroplastic phosphatase, SAL1. Constitutive PAP accumulation in sal1 mutants improves drought tolerance but can impair growth and alter rosette morphology. Therefore, it is of interest to derive strategies to enable controlled and targeted PAP manipulation that could enhance drought tolerance while minimizing the negative effects on plant growth. We systematically tested the potential and efficiency of multiple established transgenic manipulation tools in altering PAP levels in Arabidopsis. Dexamethasone (dex)-inducible silencing of SAL1 via hpRNAi [pOpOff:SAL1hpRNAi] yielded reduction in SAL1 transcript and protein levels, yet failed to significantly induce PAP accumulation. Surprisingly, this was not due to insufficient silencing of the inducible system, as constitutive silencing using a strong promoter to drive hpRNAi and amiRNA targeting the SAL1 transcript also failed to increase PAP content or induce a sal1-like plant morphology despite significantly reducing the SAL1 transcript levels. In contrast, using dex-inducible expression of SAL1 cDNA to complement an Arabidopsis sal1 mutant successfully modulated PAP levels and restored rosette growth in a dosage-dependent manner. Results from this inducible complementation system indicate that plants with intermediate PAP levels could have improved rosette growth without compromising its drought tolerance. Additionally, preliminary evidence suggests that SAL1 cDNA driven by promoters of genes expressed specifically during early developmental stages such as ABA-Insensitive 3 (ABI3) could be another potential strategy for studying and optimizing PAP levels and drought tolerance while alleviating the negative impact of PAP on plant growth in sal1. Thus, we have identified ways that can allow future dissection into multiple aspects of stress and developmental regulation mediated by this chloroplast signal

    Canales de calcio como blanco de interés farmacológico

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    Calcium channels are membrane proteins that constitute the most important route for the entry of the calcium ion (Ca2+) into the cell. When opened, they allow selective ion entrance, starting a variety of processes such as muscular contraction, endocrine secretion and neurotransmitters release, among others. These proteins are classified in three categories according to their structural and functional properties: (i) Receptor-operated calcium channels (ROCC), (ii) Channels activated by physical parameters (Transient Receptor Potential or TRP-channels) and (iii) Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs), the latter being the most studied due to its presence in excitable cells. Given the importance of Ca2+ in the cellular physiology, the calcium channels constitute targets for pharmacological action for multiple treatments, and therefore, they are object of study for the development of new medicaments. The objective of this review is to explain the importance of the channels of Ca2 + from a pharmacological projection, by exploring the articles published, bearing in mind topics related to the structure of the channels Ca2+, properties of their biophysics, cellular location, functioning and their pharmacological interaction.Los canales de calcio son proteínas de membrana que constituyen la vía más importante para el ingreso del ion calcio (Ca2+) a la célula. Al abrirse, permiten el ingreso selectivo del ion, iniciando una variedad de procesos como contracción muscular, secreción endocrina y liberación de neurotransmisores, entre otros. Estas proteínas se agrupan en tres categorías de acuerdo con sus propiedades estructurales y funcionales: (i) Canales de Ca2+ operados por interacción receptor-ligando (ROCC), (ii) Canales activados por parámetros físicos (Transient Receptor Potencial, TRP) y (iii) Canales de Calcio dependientes de voltaje (VDCCs), siendo estos últimos los más estudiados debido a su presencia en células excitables. Dada la importancia de Ca2+ en la fisiología celular, los canales de Ca2+ constituyen un punto de acción farmacológica importante para múltiples tratamientos y, por tanto, son objeto de estudio para el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos. El objetivo de esta revisión es explicar la importancia de los canales de Ca2+ desde una proyección farmacológica, a partir de la exploración documental de artículos publicados hasta la fecha teniendo en cuenta temas relacionados con la estructura de los canales Ca2+, sus propiedades biofísicas, localización celular, funcionamiento y su interacción farmacológica