9 research outputs found

    Hypoxia induces an early primitive streak signature, enhancing spontaneous elongation and lineage representation in gastruloids

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    The cellular microenvironment, together with intrinsic regulators, shapes stem cell identity and differentiation capacity. Mammalian early embryos are exposed to hypoxia in vivo and appear to benefit from hypoxic culture in vitro. Yet, how hypoxia influences stem cell transcriptional networks and lineage choices remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the molecular effects of acute and prolonged hypoxia on embryonic and extra-embryonic stem cells as well as the functional impact on differentiation potential. We find a temporal and cell type-specific transcriptional response including an early primitive streak signature in hypoxic embryonic stem cells mediated by HIF1α. Using a 3D gastruloid differentiation model, we show that hypoxia-induced T expression enables symmetry breaking and axial elongation in the absence of exogenous WNT activation. When combined with exogenous WNT activation, hypoxia enhances lineage representation in gastruloids, as demonstrated by highly enriched signatures of gut endoderm, notochord, neuromesodermal progenitors and somites. Our findings directly link the microenvironment to stem cell function and provide a rationale supportive of applying physiological conditions in models of embryo development

    A LINE1-Nucleolin partnership regulates early development and ESC identity

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    Transposable elements represent nearly half of mammalian genomes and are generally described as parasites, or "junk DNA." The LINE1 retrotransposon is the most abundant class and is thought to be deleterious for cells, yet it is paradoxically highly expressed during early development. Here, we report that LINE1 plays essential roles in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and pre-implantation embryos. In ESCs, LINE1 acts as a nuclear RNA scaffold that recruits Nucleolin and Kap1/Trim28 to repress Dux, the master activator of a transcriptional program specific to the 2-cell embryo. In parallel, LINE1 RNA mediates binding of Nucleolin and Kap1 to rDNA, promoting rRNA synthesis and ESC self-renewal. In embryos, LINE1 RNA is required for Dux silencing, synthesis of rRNA, and exit from the 2-cell stage. The results reveal an essential partnership between LINE1 RNA, Nucleolin, Kap1, and peri-nucleolar chromatin in the regulation of transcription, developmental potency, and ESC self-renewal

    Nuclear architecture organized by Rif1 underpins the replication-timing program

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    DNA replication is temporally and spatially organized in all eukaryotes, yet the molecular control and biological function of the replication-timing program are unclear. Rif1 is required for normal genome-wide regulation of replication timing, but its molecular function is poorly understood. Here we show that in mouse embryonic stem cells, Rif1 coats late-replicating domains and, with Lamin B1, identifies most of the late-replicating genome. Rif1 is an essential determinant of replication timing of non-Lamin B1-bound late domains. We further demonstrate that Rif1 defines and restricts the interactions between replication-timing domains during the G1 phase, thereby revealing a function of Rif1 as organizer of nuclear architecture. Rif1 loss affects both number and replication-timing specificity of the interactions between replication-timing domains. In addition, during the S phase, Rif1 ensures that replication of interacting domains is temporally coordinated. In summary, our study identifies Rif1 as the molecular link between nuclear architecture and replication-timing establishment in mammals