10 research outputs found

    Perspectives for community‑driven tourism in Cape Verde

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    none2In developing countries, most of the time, tourism is characterised by an exogenous variable. Instead of reducing social issues, not only does this characteristic feature increase them but it also has negative repercussions on a cultural level and on the environment, with complete disregard for the key principles of sustainable development. Local communities are not usually able to interpret the potential for tourism development since they do not share common core needs with it. Consequently, the underlying needs of international tourism flows are neither interpreted nor understood. In this paper, the proposed strategy is community‑based tourism. Its core can be found in the integral mapping and management of every single component of Cape Verdean tourism that is given in the most interesting areas in terms of environment, landscape, and culture on the island. The development of identifying social and cultural traits plays a fundamental role when considering the balance between the tourist’s needs and expectations, and the needs of the host population.Simone Bozzato, Fabio PolliceBozzato, Simone; Pollice, Fabi

    Perspectives for community‑driven tourism in Cape Verde

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    In developing countries, most of the time, tourism is characterised by an exogenous variable. Instead of reducing social issues, not only does this characteristic feature increase them but it also has negative repercussions on a cultural level and on the environment, with complete disregard for the key principles of sustainable development. Local communities are not usually able to interpret the potential for tourism development since they do not share common core needs with it. Consequently, the underlying needs of international tourism flows are neither interpreted nor understood. In this paper, the proposed strategy is community‑based tourism. Its core can be found in the integral mapping and management of every single component of Cape Verdean tourism that is given in the most interesting areas in terms of environment, landscape, and culture on the island. The development of identifying social and cultural traits plays a fundamental role when considering the balance between the tourist’s needs and expectations, and the needs of the host population

    Turismo e tecnologia. Molteplici narrazioni, dallo smart tourism all'esperienzialità creativa

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    Il rapporto tra turismo e tecnologia pone alla geografia una serie di questioni che, interpretate sotto la lente delle narrazioni – qui da intendersi non solo come prodotto, ma anche come processo – si configurano come vere e proprie traiettorie tematiche che meritano cogenti approfondimenti analitici, anche alla luce del radicamento di orientamenti funzionali alla transizione sostenibile del turismo (Grin et al. 2010) tanto nelle agende politiche quanto nelle strategie di mercato. In primis, il ruolo sempre più rilevante delle tecnologie digitali nella governance e nella pianificazione determina una narrazione peculiare del turismo laddove il paradigma della smartness diviene centrale nell’ambito della programmazione e gestione di una destinazione turistica. In tale narrazione, le tecnologie digitali assumono un ruolo centrale funzionale alla mitigazione degli impatti derivanti dall’eccessiva pressione turistica, oltre che al rafforzamento del sistema di offerta attraverso l’efficientamento dei servizi e il raggiungimento di una gamma variegata di target. In secondo luogo, la transizione sostenibile del turismo ha comportato un’evoluzione dell’esperienza turistica in tutte le sue fasi, evidenziando l’emergere di nuove sensibilità e spinte, anche tecnologiche, che hanno generato narrazioni turistiche “altre”, anche ad opera degli stessi “turisti‐protagonisti”. In questo quadro, la narrazione diviene un percorso sistemico e di co-creazione delle esperienze, che consentono di coinvolgere a livello fisico, emozionale, spirituale, sociale e intellettuale chi ne prende parte. Questo anche e soprattutto attraverso la crescente pervasività delle piattaforme digitali, che, come osservano Romano et al. (2023) fungono da veri e propri intermediari tra lo spazio dei flussi (dei dati generati dagli utenti) e lo spazio dei luoghi. Pertanto, gli strumenti digitali tendono a configurarsi piuttosto quali veri e propri attanti (Kitchin et al. 2016) in grado di determinare modalità e obiettivi del processo narrativo, con evidenti ricadute sull’indirizzo programmatico della destinazione turistica in termini di strutturazione delle filiere e dei prodotti turistici, nonché di attrazione dei flussi, fino a determinare le traiettorie dell’esperienza turistica, dalla fase di pianificazione a quella della rielaborazione del vissuto

    Spontaneous Rectal Perforation in a Patient with SARS–CoV-2 Infection

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is mostly perceived as a respiratory disease. However, there is increasing evidence of patients showing gastrointestinal symptoms, with increasing rates of presentation according to the severity of the disease. In a few cases, the abdominal involvement of COVID-19 resulted in spontaneous bowel perforation. Here, we present in detail the first case of rectal perforation in a patient with COVID-19

    MicroRNAs Related to TACE Treatment Response: A Review of the Literature from a Radiological Point of View

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    Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common cancer in the world. Patients with intermediate stage (Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer, B stage) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have been able to benefit from TACE (transarterial chemoembolization) as a treatment option. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), i.e., a subclass of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), participate in post-transcriptional gene regulation processes and miRNA dysfunction has been associated with apoptosis resistance, cellular proliferation, tumor genesis, and progression. Only a few studies have investigated the role of miRNAs as biomarkers predicting TACE treatment response in HCC. Here, we review the studies’ characteristics from a radiological point of view, also correlating data with radiological images chosen from the cases of our institution

    Measurement and simulations of high-energy neutrons through a various thickness of concrete and steel shields using activation detectors at CHARM and CSBF

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    A shielding experiment using activation detectors was performed at the CERN High-energy AcceleRator Mixed-field (CHARM) facility and the CERN Shielding Benchmark Facility (CSBF). The protons (24 GeV/c) were bombarded into a 50-cm-thick copper target, and the released neutrons were transmitted through various shields located vertically upward from the target. Ordinary concrete slabs of 40- to 160-cm thicknesses and steel slabs of 20- to 80-cm thicknesses were installed by changing the material and the thickness of the shield. Activation detectors of bismuth, indium, aluminum, and graphite were variously placed in these shields and activated by high energy neutrons. From the radionuclide production rate in the activation detectors, the attenuation profiles through the various shielding materials were obtained for the reactions of 209Bi(n,xn)210-xBi(x = 4–9), 115In(n,n’)115mIn, 27Al(n,α)24Na, and 12C(n,2n)11C. Estimated attenuation lengths of high energy neutrons through concrete and steel were compared with cited data and discussed. Monte Carlo simulations using FLUKA, PHITS, and GEANT4 were also performed as benchmark calculations, and they agreed with the experimental data, generally within a factor of 2

    Visual versus verbal contents at the title pages of czech weekly magazines

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    The thesis is concerned in the relationship between the words and images. It tries to describe a several relevant approaches of semiothics and it concerns in the basis princip of the method of history of art, iconography. Both of this methodolical approaches then tries to put together and it shows their cohesion and indiscerptibility through the new term of semiography. This methodological approach is apply on the five chosen title pages of major czech magazines. The teoretical results and evan the results of empirical analyses try to be use in the discursus of visual culture/ visual studies. The new scientific platform for understanding images as an integral part of our everyday lives

    Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests

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