713 research outputs found

    On-site assessment of methods to measure gaseous emissions from biological treatment of waste

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    International audienceLandfilling of biodegradable waste must decrease to fulfil the Council Directive 99/31/EC on landfills, in order to reduce the emission of gaseous and liquid pollutants during the landfill lifetime. Therefore, pre-treatment of the organic fraction of municipal waste prior to landfilling is being developed in several countries. In France, the organic fraction is either separated and treated through selective collection of biowaste, or through mechanical sorting in the plant followed by biological treatments (anaerobic or aerobic), the refuses only being landfilled. Or the mixed waste is stabilized by an aerobic process before landfilling. These different processes emit gases which may be harmful for health or the environment (toxic, explosive, odorants, greenhouse gases...). Some of the emissions can be collected and treated through biofilters, while other gases are emitted by surfaces (typically, compost windrows) and cannot be collected unless they are enclosed. Also, the efficiency of the biofilters must be assessed. IRSTEA and INERIS have been working together for several years on the use, comparison and improvement of surface emission measurement methods, applied to biological treatment plants of solid waste. Gaseous emissions were studied on: composting process of pre-sorted organic matter from mixed waste, with a small or larger mesh and porosity, in either turned or aerated windrows, on biofilters, and on landfills which are located beside the composting plants. Depending on the ventilation air flux, different measurement methods were used: static (accumulation), dynamic or chimney type chambers, and a total cover of a biofilter with a plastic tarb. Several of these measurements were undertaken in order to evaluate the global gaseous emissions from those sites, to provide data to an environmental technology validation exercise (ETV). Measurement campaigns presented here comprise: comparison of fluxes measurement techniques, calculation of gas fluxes (CO2, CH4, NH3 and N2O) emitted from composting windrows and biofilters, calculation of biogas emission (methane + CO2) before and after a final cover was set on a landfill. Comparisons of the two first chambers have been made since 2007 on several sites (composting of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste or stabilization prior to landfilling). On the first site (non aerated windrows and small mesh) the difference between the measured fluxes was a factor of 2. This factor is rather small: differences between flux measurements using different devices can lead to differences as large as a factor of 100. More recent tests, presented here, show a better agreement: the difference between the two techniques lies within the measurement uncertainty. Comparison of surface air speed measured by two different chimney chambers lead to comparable results. During one experiment, the global air flow interpolated from chamber data was underestimated compared to input flow measurement, because of preferred pathways of the air flow along the wall of the biofilter. When the border effect is correctly taken into account, the total gas flow measured with the chimney chamber and the one measured by a total cover of the biofilter show a good agreement. Biogas surface emissions were measured with the static chamber, on a landfill which receives biologically stabilized waste. This landfill was partly uncovered, so only a part of the biogas was collected and flared. After the final cover was installed, the total biogas flow which was collected and flared was comparable to the sum of (the surface emissions + the collected biogas) without the total cover. The results presented here show that on different sites, different emission measurement methods were used, and that generally there is a good agreement between the methods, providing the care of use are respected. Advantages and care of use for the different methods, depending on the aeration conditions, have been established and some recommendations are given

    Метод паравазального эндоскопического склерозирования варикозно расширенных вен пищевода этоксисклеролом

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    Curs Chirurgie, facultatea Stomatologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Conferinţa naţională ştiinţifico-practică în domeniul otorinolaringologiei pediatrice, 30 octombrie 2009, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaThis study examines paravasal endoscopic sclerosation with 0.5% Aethoxysklerol in 66 patients aged 30-65 with hepatic cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Endoscopic paravasal sclerosation was done to produce primary and secondary prophylaxy of haemmorages. 29 patients suffered from hepatic cirrhosis in the subdegenerative stage and 37 the decompensated stage. After ESG the esophagian varices of the 2nd and 3rd degree were found in 24 patients, and in esophagean varices of the 3rd degree in 42. Cataral esophagitis was seen in 14 patients and erosive esophagitis in 52. The survival index for 6 months was 94.3%, 1 year - 80.0%, 3 years - 65.7%, and 6 years - 48.6%. The recurrence of of haemorrhage was not seen in the first six months, and in 1 year in 3.45% of the patients, in 3 years 11.5%, and 6 years 26.1%. Patients treated with paravasal endoscopic sclerosation with 0.5% Aethoxysklerol after one year showed a higher mortality rate due to gasro-esophagean causes. No complications after the endoscopic sclerosation were observed. Endoscopic sclerosation method with 0.5% Aethoxyklerol is an effective one for haemorrage profylaxy of esophagean varices.Исследование посвящено эндоскопическому склерозированию (ЭС) расширенных вен пищевода 0,5% раствором этоксисклерола у 66 больных циррозом печени и портальной гипертензией. Этой категории больных ЭС выполнено с целью профилактики первичных и вторичных кровотечений. Возраст больных колебался от 30 до 65 лет; из них 29 страдали циррозом печени в стадии субкомпенсации и 37 – циррозом печени в стадии декомпенсации. У 24 больных, при ФЭГДС, было выявлено варикозное расширение вен пишевода II-III ст. и у 42 – варикозно расширенные вены III ст. У 14 больных был выявлен катаральный эзофагит, а у 52 больных – эррозивный эзофагит. Индекс выживаемости до 6 месяцев составлял 94,3%, до 12 месяцев – 80,0%, до 3 лет – 65,7% и до 6 лет – 48,6%. До 6 месяцев рецидивов кровотечений выявлено не было, до 12 месяцев кровотечений было у 3,45% больных, до 3 лет – у 11,5% и до 6 лет – у 26,1% больных. Анализ смертности больных после ЭС этоксисклеролом в отдалëнные сроки показал, что после первого года наблюдения среди причин смерти превалируют рецидивы кровотечений из варикозно расширенных вен пишевода, связанные со снижением эффекта ЭС. Осложнений после ЭС не было выявлено. Таким образом, ЭС с использованием 0,5% раствора этоксисклерола – это надежный метод профилактики кровотечений из варикозно расширенных вен пишевода

    Хирургические методы лечения эхинококкоза печени

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    Curs Chirurgie, Facultatea stomatologie, USMF ”Nicolae Testemiţanu“The literature review presents an analysis of traditional methods of surgical treatment for liver hydatid cyst (ideal cystectomy, partial and full perichistectomy, typical and atypical liver resection) and laparoscopic methods (PAIR, resection of liver, partial and full perichistectomy, ideal cystectomy). For each of these methods the advantages and disadvantages are described as well as where their use is welcome and would decrease the rate of the postoperative complications. Laparoscopic surgical techniques used in the treatment of liver hydatid cyst has a high efficacy, but are relatively new, and needs a thorough study of theoretical and practical skills to use them.В обзоре литературы представлен анализ традиционных методов хирургического лечения эхинококкоза печени (идеальная кистэктомия, частичная и полная перикистэктомия, типичная и атипичная резекция печени) и лапароскопических методов (PAIR, резекция печени, идеальная кистэктомия, частичная и полная перикистэктомия). В работе отражены преимущества и недостатки различных методов хирургического лечения эхинококкоза печени, а также послеоперационные осложнения. Лапароскопические хирургические методы, используемые при лечении эхинококкоза печени, имеют высокую эффективность, но, являясь относительно новыми методами, требуют тщательного изучения теоретических и практических навыков их использования

    Active-distributed temperature sensing to continuously quantify vertical flow in boreholes

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    We show how a distributed borehole flowmeter can be created from armored Fiber Optic cables with the Active-Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS) method. The principle is that in a flowing fluid, the difference in temperature between a heated and unheated cable is a function of the fluid velocity. We outline the physical basis of the methodology and report on the deployment of a prototype A-DTS flowmeter in a fractured rock aquifer. With this design, an increase in flow velocity from 0.01 to 0.3 m s−1 elicited a 2.5°C cooling effect. It is envisaged that with further development this method will have applications where point measurements of borehole vertical flow do not fully capture combined spatiotemporal dynamics

    Characterizing groundwater flow and heat transport in fractured rock using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing

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    International audienceWe show how fully distributed space-time measurements with Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (FO-DTS) can be used to investigate groundwater flow and heat transport in fractured media. Heat injection experiments are combined with temperature measurements along fiber-optic cables installed in boreholes. Thermal dilution tests are shown to enable detection of cross-flowing fractures and quantification of the cross flow rate. A cross borehole thermal tracer test is then analyzed to identify fracture zones that are in hydraulic connection between boreholes and to estimate spatially distributed temperature breakthrough in each fracture zone. This provides a significant improvement compared to classical tracer tests, for which concentration data are usually integrated over the whole abstraction borehole. However, despite providing some complementary results, we find that the main contributive fracture for heat transport is different to that for a solute tracer

    The surgical treatment of hydatid liver cyst

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    Republica Moldova Curs Chirurgie Generală Facultatea Stomatologie USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introducere: Scopul studiului este aprecierea eficacității tratamentului chirurgical şi a complicațiilor intra- şi postoperatorii ale chistului hidatic hepatic. Material şi metode: În studiu au fost incluşi 46 pacienți diagnosticați cu chist hidatic al ficatului, ce s-au aflat la tratament în secțiile de chirurgie a SCC st. Chişinău şi a SCMC în perioada 2009-2011. Din cei 46 de pacienți la 35 (76,08%) s-a efectuat tratament chirurgical tradițional: Chistectomia ideală - pentru chisturi mici necomplicate în 12 cazuri; Perichistectomia parțială cu secționarea membranei perichistice şi plombarea cavității restante cu epiploon fără drenare în 6 cazuri; Perichistectomia parțială cu drenarea cavității restante şi a spațiului subdiafragmal şi subhepatic în 13 cazuri; Rezecția atipică a ficatului în 4 cazuri. Ceilalți 11(23,92%) pacienți au fost supuşi tratamentului chirurgical laparoscopic: Chistectomia ideală celioscopică - 1 caz; Perichistectomia parțială cu secționarea membranei perichistice şi plombarea cavității restante cu epiploon fără drenare - 3 cazuri; Perichistectomia parțială cu drenarea cavității restante şi a spațiului subdiafragmal şi subhepatic - 7 cazuri. Rezultate: În cadrul studiului în urma tratamentului chirurgical tradițional, complicațiile au avut o pondere de 14,28% (supurarea lojei restante 3 cazuri, biliragie-1 caz, fistula biliară dirijată-1 caz). În urma chistectomiei ideale n-au fost semnalate complicații. După intervențiile chirurgicale laparascopice complicații au avut loc în 18,18 % cazuri (supurarea lojei restante 1 caz, biliragie-1 caz). Concluzii: În cazul localizării chistului hidatic hepatic în S VII-VIII sunt preferabile intervențiile chirurgicale tradiționale, cu sau fără drenarea cavității restante. Localizarea superficială a chistului în S II-III şi S V-VI este optimală pentru utilizarea metodei laparoscopice.Introduction: The aim of the study is the evaluation of efficacy of surgical treatment and intra - and postoperative complications of hydatid liver cyst. Materials and methods: There have been included 46 patients diagnosed with hydatid liver cyst, who were treated in the surgical departements of SCC st. Chisinau and SCMC during 2009-2011. Out of those 46 patients - in 35 (76,08%) there has been applied traditional surgical treatment: Ideal cystectomy – for small uncomplicated cysts in 12 cases; Partial pericystectomy with sectioning of pericystic membrane and narrowing of residual cyst cavity with epiploon without drainage in 6 cases; Partial pericystectomy with drainage of the residual cavity and of subdiaphragmal and subhepatic spaces in 13 cases; Atypical liver resection in 4 cases.The other 11(23,92%) patients underwent laparoscopic surgical treatment: Ideal celioscopic cystectomy - 1 case; Partial pericystectomy with sectioning of pericystic membrane and narrowing of residual cyst cavity with epiploon without drainage - 3 cases; Partial pericystectomy with drainage of the residual cavity and of subdiaphragmal and subhepatic spaces - 7 cases. Results: As a consequence of traditional surgical treatment in this study, the complications had a rate of 14,28% (suppuration of remaining cavity 3 cases, bile leakage -1 case, ultrasonically guided biliary fistula - 1 case). There have not been noted complications after ideal cystectomy. After laparoscopic surgery complications appeared in 18,18 % cases (suppuration of remaining cavity 1 case, bile leakage - 1 case). Conclusions: In case of liver hydatid cyst location in S VIIVIII traditional surgery is preferred, with or without drainage of the residual cavity. Superficial cyst location in S II-III and S V-VI is optimal for the use of the laparoscopic method

    Diagnosis and treatment of mechanical jaundice

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    USMF “N. Testemițanu”, Curs chirurgie generală, Facultatea stomatologie, or. Chişinău, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Problema diagnosticului şi tratamentului icterului mecanic rămîne actuală. Metodele chirurgicale tradiționale folosite în tratamentul icterului mecanic, în deosebi, complicat cu colangită sunt urmate de letalitate sporită (10,4-40%).Scopul. Ameliorarea rezultatelor tratamentului chirurgical la pacienții cu icter mecanic.Material şi metode. Au fost analizate rezultatele diagnosticului şi tratamentului la 687 pacienți cu icter mecanic de diverse etiologii. Bărbați 175(25,5%), femei 512( 74,5%), în vîrstă de peste 60 ani au fost 50,1% pacienți. Coledocolitiaza s-a depistat la 507(73,8%), stricturi sau stenoze biliare la 77(11,2%), procese maligne la 94(13,7%) şi alte cauze la 9(1,3%). Pentru diagnostic au fost folosite USG, CPGER, CTPH, CT, fistulografia şi metodele biochimice de laborator.Tratamentul la 471 pacienți cu icter avansat, asociat la 69(13,6%) din ei cu colecistită acută, sau colangită acută severă la 57(12%) şi patologii concomitente grave la 153(32,5%) pacienți a fost devizat în etape. La prima etapă s-a efectuat decompresia biliară (endoscopică, laparoscopică, transparietohepatică ecoghidată sau radiologică). Metoda de decompresie depindea de cauza icterului mecanic. La 231 pacienți CPGER a fost urmată de PSTE cu sau fără litextracție, sau drenaj nazo-biliar. În obturarea malignă a coledocului distal, aşa cum şi în colecistita acută, la prima etapă, s-a efectuat colecistostomia laparoscopică, iar în obturarea hepaticului comun DTPH. După ameliorarea stării generale, peste 5-12 zile, a fost efectuată etapa a doua. Volumul şi metoda definitivă de restabilire a tranzitului biliar depindea de starea generală şi cauza obstrucției. La 216 pacienți s-a efectuat tratament tradițional.Concluzii: Divizarea în etape tratamentului chirurgical al icterului mecanic avansat sau complicat cu colangită acută şi insuficiență hepatică, în deosebi, la bolnavii vîrstnici, duce la micşorarea complicațiilor de la 21% pînă la 14% şi mortalității de la 12% pînă la 3,6%.Problem of diagnosis and treatment of mechanical jaundice remains current. Traditional surgical methods used in the treatment of mechanical jaundice, especially complicated by cholangitis, are followed by heavy mortality (10.4-40%).Purpose. Improving the results of surgical treatment in patients with obstructive jaundice. Material and methods. The results of diagnosis and treatment of 687 patients with obstructive jaundice of various etiologies were analyzed. There were 175 men (25.5%), 512 women (74.5%), 50.1% of patients were over 60 years old. Choledocholithiasis was detected in 507 (73.8%), biliary stricture or stenosis in 77 (11.2%), malignancy in 94 (13.7%) and other causes in 9 (1.3%). US, ERCP, PTHC, CT, Fistulography and biochemical laboratory methods were used for diagnosis. Treatment of 471 patients with advanced jaundice associated in 69 (13.6%) of them with acute cholecystitis or severe acute cholangitis in 57 (12%) and severe concomitant diseases in 153 (32.5%) patients was devised in stages. In the first stage biliary decompression (endoscopic, laparoscopic, US or X-ray guided transhepatic) was performed. Decompression method depends on the reason of mechanical jaundice. ERCP in 231 patients was followed by EPST with or without lithectomy or naso-biliary drainage. In case of malign obstruction of distal common bile duct, so as of acute cholecystitis, we performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the first stage. And in case of obstruction of the common hepatic duct transhepatic drainage was performed. After improvement of general state, the second stage was performed in 5-12 days. Definitive volume and method for restoring bile transit depended on general state and the reason of obstruction.The traditional treatment of 216 patients was performed.Conclusion: Dividing of the surgical treatment of advanced mechanical jaundice in stages, especially in elderly patients, decreases the complications from 21% to 14% and mortality from 12% to 3.6 %

    Insulin-induced remission in new-onset NOD mice is maintained by the PD-1–PD-L1 pathway

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    The past decade has seen a significant increase in the number of potentially tolerogenic therapies for treatment of new-onset diabetes. However, most treatments are antigen nonspecific, and the mechanism for the maintenance of long-term tolerance remains unclear. In this study, we developed an antigen-specific therapy, insulin-coupled antigen-presenting cells, to treat diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice after disease onset. Using this approach, we demonstrate disease remission, inhibition of pathogenic T cell proliferation, decreased cytokine production, and induction of anergy. Moreover, we show that robust long-term tolerance depends on the programmed death 1 (PD-1)–programmed death ligand (PD-L)1 pathway, not the distinct cytotoxic T lymphocyte–associated antigen 4 pathway. Anti–PD-1 and anti–PD-L1, but not anti–PD-L2, reversed tolerance weeks after tolerogenic therapy by promoting antigen-specific T cell proliferation and inflammatory cytokine production directly in infiltrated tissues. PD-1–PD-L1 blockade did not limit T regulatory cell activity, suggesting direct effects on pathogenic T cells. Finally, we describe a critical role for PD-1–PD-L1 in another powerful immunotherapy model using anti-CD3, suggesting that PD-1–PD-L1 interactions form part of a common pathway to selectively maintain tolerance within the target tissues

    Scaling of fracture systems in geological media

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