21 research outputs found

    Added Value of Dual-Energy CT in COVID-19 Pneumopathy.

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    Teaching point: The use of dual-energy instead of conventional single-energy computed tomography pulmonary angiogram can provide additional value concerning the diagnosis of COVID-19 and its complications, especially in the detection of small pulmonary embolism

    Quantifying Fire Cycle from Dendroecological Records Using Survival Analyses

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    Quantifying fire regimes in the boreal forest ecosystem is crucial for understanding the past and present dynamics, as well as for predicting its future dynamics. Survival analyses have often been used to estimate the fire cycle in eastern Canada because they make it possible to take into account the censored information that is made prevalent by the typically long fire return intervals and the limited scope of the dendroecological methods that are used to quantify them. Here, we assess how the true length of the fire cycle, the short-term temporal variations in fire activity, and the sampling effort affect the accuracy and precision of estimates obtained from two types of parametric survival models, the Weibull and the exponential models, and one non-parametric model obtained with the Cox regression. Then, we apply those results in a case area located in eastern Canada. Our simulation experiment confirms some documented concerns regarding the detrimental effects of temporal variations in fire activity on parametric estimation of the fire cycle. Cox regressions appear to provide the most accurate and robust estimator, being by far the least affected by temporal variations in fire activity. The Cox-based estimate of the fire cycle for the last 300 years in the case study area is 229 years (CI95: 162–407), compared with the likely overestimated 319 years obtained with the commonly used exponential model

    COVID-19 dual energy CT scan for a double sided disease

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    Teaching point: The use of dual-energy instead of conventional single-energy computed tomography pulmonary angiogram can provide additional value concerning the diagnosis of COVID-19 and its complications, especially in the detection of small pulmonary embolism

    Quantifying Fire Cycle from Dendroecological Records Using Survival Analyses

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    Quantifying fire regimes in the boreal forest ecosystem is crucial for understanding the past and present dynamics, as well as for predicting its future dynamics. Survival analyses have often been used to estimate the fire cycle in eastern Canada because they make it possible to take into account the censored information that is made prevalent by the typically long fire return intervals and the limited scope of the dendroecological methods that are used to quantify them. Here, we assess how the true length of the fire cycle, the short-term temporal variations in fire activity, and the sampling effort affect the accuracy and precision of estimates obtained from two types of parametric survival models, the Weibull and the exponential models, and one non-parametric model obtained with the Cox regression. Then, we apply those results in a case area located in eastern Canada. Our simulation experiment confirms some documented concerns regarding the detrimental effects of temporal variations in fire activity on parametric estimation of the fire cycle. Cox regressions appear to provide the most accurate and robust estimator, being by far the least affected by temporal variations in fire activity. The Cox-based estimate of the fire cycle for the last 300 years in the case study area is 229 years (CI95: 162–407), compared with the likely overestimated 319 years obtained with the commonly used exponential model

    Science et développement durable : 75 ans de recherche au Sud

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    International audienceComment, depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies, la recherche scientifique contribue-t-elle au dĂ©veloppement des pays du Sud ? À travers plus de 100 succĂšs emblĂ©matiques de la recherche en partenariat, cet ouvrage nous plonge au coeur des grandes questions de dĂ©veloppement : oeuvrer pour des sociĂ©tĂ©s plus justes, lutter contre les maladies, faire face aux risques naturels, mettre en place une agriculture durable garantissant la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, prĂ©server la biodiversitĂ©, partager les savoirs... Il montre ainsi comment la recherche contribue Ă  l'amĂ©lioration des conditions de vie et Ă  la prĂ©servation de l'environnement dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement, en soulignant le rĂŽle de la science pour rĂ©pondre aux dĂ©fis du monde actuel et Ă  venir. ComposĂ© de textes courts, didactiques et richement illustrĂ©s, il s'adresse Ă  tous les publics