1,769 research outputs found

    The impact of conversion to ecological recycling agriculture (ERA) on farm nitrogen budgets and production levels

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    The data used in this study is collected under BERAS Implementation project from ERA-farms in Finland in 2010 to 2012 (three years averages) and from three different production lines on ERA farms: beef, egg and milk.The data indicates the production level, the products sold and feed and other supplements purchased on the farm each year. Accordingly it has been calculated A) how much area B) how much other inputs (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus) is needed to maintain the production level. Based on these calculations it makes possible to estimate how much of these nutrients are recycledon the farm, how much of the used nitrogen is based on biological nitrogen fixation and how much non-renewable resources have been needed. This makes it possible to calculate the output-input ratio of nitrogen

    Information Aggregation in a Catastrophe Futures Markets

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    We experimentally examine a reinsurance market in which participants have differing information regarding the probability distribution over losses. The key question is whether the market equilibrium reflects traders maximizing value with respect to their different priors, or whether the equilibrium is one based on a common belief incorporating all participants’ information. When assuming subjects are expected value maximizers, we reject both full information aggregation and no information aggregation equilibria. We discover, as in past individual choice insurance experiments, that buyers under-assess the probabilities of large loss states, or alternatively, subjects assign larger utility values to losses than to comparable gains. After accounting for these decision theoretic concerns, the non-aggregation of information hypothesis explains the data better than full information aggregation.

    Building Alliances: Collaboration between CAUSA and the Rural Organizing Project in Oregon

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    This ethnography examines the components that allow quality solidarity work to happen between organizations with leadership and constituencies that are primarily people of color and primarily white, respectively. CAUSA (an immigrant rights coalition) and the Rural Organizing Project (ROP) of Oregon have developed a working relationship over ten years that has contributed to numerous victories for immigrant and farm worker rights, as well as greater consciousness among white rural activists of what it means to provide support as anti-racist allies. Because Oregon has a relatively small population (three million), and progressive organizations tend to know each other, the relationship provides an opportunity to study how such organizations manage power and historical inequalities in a manner suited for success. Ethnographer Lynn Stephen has conducted in-depth interviews with organizational leaders and members as a way to explore the history and lessons learned from the collaborative work between the two organizations. Key findings include the importance of both in-depth and sustained dialogue around the key values of work, and staff training around the issues involved with connecting to the other organization. The organizations use these techniques to build common ground. Hence, collaborative capacity can be mobilized quickly to support each other's actions as needed

    Individualization and contemporary fatherhood

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    Objective: This article explores dilemmas related to contemporary fatherhood and discusses how theories of individualization enable the understanding of social change and family life. Background: Theories on modernization argue that ongoing processes of individualization challenge researchers to reinvent key concepts in family sociology. The concept of intimate fatherhood allows for the exploration of men’s family practices and presents a basis for understanding what modernization means for contemporary parenthood. Intimate fatherhood can be further theorized through empirically sensitive approaches in the study of everyday family life. Method: Drawing on data from a mixed-method longitudinal study comprising four waves of data from the 1968 cohort in Denmark (n = 1,414), the study analyzes qualitative interviews from the second and fourth waves. Social psychological discourse analysis of the interviews is used to explore the participants' family practices. Results: The analysis examines how caring intimacy in contemporary fatherhood is interwoven in a complex entanglement with other positions related to partnering and provision. Individualization is theorized as a mode of orientation in life with reference to oneself but not counterposed to social ties and family practices signified by solidarity and togetherness. Conclusion: Individualization theory can guide analytical attention when examining contemporary fatherhood, but such analyses must remain sensitive to the complex entanglement of everyday family life

    On the road to Denmark - Swedish gambling legislation in the light of the European Union

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    Spel och dobbel är något som har funnits i de flesta kulturer i århundraden och är ett ämne där åsikter och intressen går vida isär. Trots att stora delar av världen befinner sig i en finansiell kris, fortsätter spelmarknaden att växa. I takt med att den teknologiska utvecklingen ökar, ökar även tillgängligheten av spel. Den kraftiga tillväxten inom spelsektorn, ger upphov till frågan om hur en marknad som å ena sidan kan uppfattas som moraliskt förkastlig och förknippad med negativa sociala skadeverkningar, och å andra sidan genererar betydande intäkter, ska regleras. Redan från ett tidigt skede har EU haft förhållningssättet att det är upp till varje medlemsstat att avgöra hur Spel och Dobbel ska regleras, vilket har lett till ett ”lapptäcke” av olika lagstiftningar. De nationella lagstiftningarna måste följa de fundamentala principerna i EU-rätten, vilket har tagits upp i ett flertal rättsfall. ECJ har dock gett medlemsstaternas en bred möjlighet att göra en skönsmässig bedömning angående vad som är bäst för respektive land trots klara avvikelser från de fundamentala principerna inom EU. Sverige har alltid haft en restriktiv hållning gentemot spel och dobbel, som har varit kontrollerat genom ett statligt monopol sedan 1200-talet. Det kan ifrågasättas huruvida den svenska restriktiva lagstiftningen är förenlig med EU-rätten. De svenska domstolarna har undvikit att inhämta förhandsavgöranden innan Sjöberg och Gerdinfallet, där ECJ ansåg den svenska lagstiftningen i stort vara förenlig med EU-rätten. När Högsta domstolen senare dömde i samma fall ansågs straffpåföljderna i lagstiftningen vara diskriminerande, vilket får anses skapa rättsosäkerhet. Riksrevisionen och den svenska regeringen har framfört kritik mot delar av den nuvarande lagstiftningen. De trängande frågorna är: 1) Hur skall en potentiell ny lagstiftning se ut? 2) Kan den danska licensmodellen ses som ett passande alternativ för lagstiftaren?Gambling is something that has existed in most cultures for centuries and it is a topic which is highly debated. Despite large parts of the world being in an economic crisis, the gambling sector continues to grow. With the aid of new technology the accessibility of gambling has increased immensely. This raises concern on how to regulate this delicate area, as gambling on the one hand is perceived as morally objectionable and socially harmful, yet on the other hand, gambling generates significant amounts of revenue. The EU has from an early point taken the approach that it is up to each Member State to decide the appropriate measures regarding to gambling to pursue set objectives. This discretion has led to a patchwork of regulations on the matter of gambling and especially regarding online gambling. The regulations still have to adhere to fundamental principles of EU law, which has been brought up in case law, yet the ECJ has given Member States a broad discretion in how to regulate gambling despite clear breaches of fundamental principles. Sweden has always had a restrictive stance towards gambling and has had a state controlled monopoly for gambling since the 13th century. Questions could be raised whether the Swedish restrictive legislation is coherent with EU law. Case law reveals that the Swedish Courts have refrained from requesting a preliminary ruling up to the Sjöberg and Gerdin case, where the ECJ considered the Swedish legislation to be coherent in principle. The recent judgment where the criminal sanctions were ruled to be discriminative by the Supreme Court, has caused legal uncertainty. Riksrevisionen and the Swedish Government also raised concerns with parts of the current legislation. The urgent questions are: 1) What will a potential new legislation look like? 2) Can the Danish license system prove to be a suitable alternative for the legislator

    Our Legacy of Neglect: The Longfellow Bridge and the Cost of Deferred Maintenance

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    The Longfellow Bridge, connecting Boston and Cambridge, is in bad shape, due not only to its age and the ravages of our weather, but also to a troubling and persistent lack of maintenance. Fixing the bridge, in effect paying the bill for our unwillingness to maintain it, is estimated to cost at least $180 million, with the potential for cost overruns reaching into the hundreds of millions. The neglect of the Longfellow Bridge is symptomatic of a problem that encompasses almost all the assets owned by the Commonwealth

    Update from the International Resource Network

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    The International Resource Network (IRN), the global network of researchers, activists, artists, and teachers sharing knowledge about diverse sexualities, hosted by the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, as so far had a time of reorganization and applying for future funding. Meanwhile, the local organizations and projects associated with the network continued to grow and expand

    Future humidity trends over the western United States in the CMIP5 global climate models and variable infiltration capacity hydrological modeling system

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    Global climate models predict relative humidity (RH) in the western US will decrease at a rate of about 0.1–0.6 percentage points per decade, albeit with seasonal differences (most drying in spring and summer), geographical variability (greater declines in the interior), stronger reductions for greater anthropogenic radiative forcing, and notable spread among the models. Although atmospheric moisture content increases, this is more than compensated for by higher air temperatures, leading to declining RH. Fine-scale hydrological simulations driven by the global model results should reproduce these trends. It is shown that the MT-CLIM meteorological algorithms used by the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrological model, when driven by daily Tmin, Tmax, and precipitation (a configuration used in numerous published studies), do not preserve the original global model\u27s humidity trends. Trends are biased positive in the interior western US, so that strong RH decreases are changed to weak decreases, and weak decreases are changed to increases. This happens because the MT-CLIM algorithms VIC incorporates infer an overly large positive trend in atmospheric moisture content in this region, likely due to an underestimate of the effect of increasing aridity on RH. The result could downplay the effects of decreasing RH on plants and wildfire. RH trends along the coast have a weak negative bias due to neglect of the ocean\u27s moderating influence. A numerical experiment where the values of Tdew are altered to compensate for the RH error suggests that eliminating the atmospheric moisture bias could, in and of itself, decrease runoff up to 14% in high-altitude regions east of the Sierra Nevada and Cascades, and reduce estimated Colorado River runoff at Lees Ferry up to 4% by the end of the century. It could also increase the probability of large fires in the northern and central US Rocky Mountains by 13 to 60%

    The Role of Mycorrhiza in Recycling Phosphorus in Agroecosystem

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    Suomen maatalousmaihin kertynyttä fosforia hyödynnetään tehottomasti, ja samalla muokkauskerroksen suuri fosforimäärä on alttiina huuhtoutumiselle. Arbuskelimykorritsaa (AM) hyödyntämällä on mahdollista tehostaa viljelykasvin fosforinottoa ja kasvua, ja siten vähentää fosforin huuhtoutumista. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää mykorritsan vaikutus kasvin kasvuun ja fosforinottoon karjanlantalannoituksella mineraalilannoitukseen verrattuna sekä näiden lannoitusten pitkäaikaisvaikutusta AM-sieniyhteisöihin. Jotta lannoituskäytäntöjen vaikutus mykorritsaan voitiin suhteuttaa muihin maan laatutekijöihin, näiden käytäntöjen vaikutus myös satomääriin sekä muihin maan laatumittareihin arvioitiin. Pitkäaikainen kenttäkoe perustettiin kolmelle paikkakunnalle Pohjois-Ruotsissa vuosina 1965–66. Kuusivuotinen viljelykierto koostui joko viisivuotisesta nurmesta ja ohrasta tai ohramonokulttuurista. Lannoituskäsittelyt 32-vuoden ajan olivat suositusten mukainen (NPK) ja edelliseen nähden kaksinkertainen (2NPK) mineraalilannoitus sekä karjanlantalannoitus (KL), jonka ravinnemäärä vastasi NPK -käsittelyä. Kolmen lannoituskäsittelyn vaikutusta mykorritsan tehokkuuteen kasvin kasvun ja fosforiravitsemuksen näkökulmasta tutkittiin astiakokeissa. Mykorritsasieniyhteisöjen toiminnallisten erojen selvittämiseksi tehtiin takaisin- ja ristiinsiirrostuskoe. (5 v-%) steriloitua maanäytettä NPK- ja KL -käsittelyistä siirrostettiin käsittelemättömiin maanäytteisiin, jotka olivat samoista lannoituskäsittelyistä. Mykorritsan positiivinen vaikutus kasvin kasvuun ja fosforiravitsemukseen oli suurin kun käytettiin karjanlantaa. NPK ja 2NPK -käsittelyiden välillä ei havaittu eroja. Takaisin- ja ristiinsiirrostuskokeessa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Nurmi- ja ohrasadot olivat suurimmat kun mineraalilannoitetta annettiin suosituksiin nähden kaksinkertainen määrä. Satomäärät olivat yhtä suuret tai suuremmat kun käytettiin karjanlantaa NPK –lannoituksen sijaan. Karjanlantakäsittely lisäsi maaperän kokonaishiili- ja kokonaistyppipitoisuutta verrattuna NPK -käsittelyyn, joka sisälsi saman määrän ravinteita. Samalla huuhtoutumiselle altis liukoisen fosforin pitoisuus säilyi alhaisella tasolla. Karjanlanta edisti mykorritsan toimintaedellytyksiä, ja siksi mykorritsasta saatua hyötyä fosforinotossa ja kasvuvaikutuksena mineraalilannoitteisiin verrattuna, mutta se ei vaikuttanut mykorritsasieniyhteisön toiminnallisiin ominaisuuksiin. Karjanlantalannoitus paransi mitattuja maan ominaisuuksia kokonaisuudessaan, eikä se vähentänyt satoja.In Finland most of the accumulated phosphorus in the agricultural soils is underutilized and at the same time excess phosphorus in soil is susceptible to leaching. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) has the potential to promote plant phosphorus nutrition and growth, and reduce nutrient leaching. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mycorrhizal symbiosis on plant growth and phosphorus nutrition with three different fertilization management practices. The influence of fertilization management history on field AMF population was also studied. To relate the impact on AM to impacts on other soil quality aspects, the effect of the fertilization rates on crop growth and indicators of soil functioning was evaluated. Long term field experiments established in 1965-66 on three sites in Northern Sweden were utilized. Six years’ rotation either with five grass years and a barley year or barley monoculture was treated with recommended (NPK) and double the recommended (2NPK) rate of mineral fertilisation or with farmyard manure (FYM) with a nutrient amount corresponding to the NPK –treatment for 32 years. The effect of three long term practices on the potential AM contribution to crop phosphorus nutrition and growth was studied in a bioassay. To study the impact of longterm management practices on functional properties of AMF, the sterilised soil from the field plots of NPK and FYM treatments was re- and cross-inoculated (5 v-%) with untreated field soil from each of the same treatments. Crop yields were measured in the field and field soil quality was assessed. Benefit from AM in terms of crop phosphorus nutrition and growth was greatest when manure was applied while there were no differences among the mineral fertiliser treatments. There were no statistically significant differences in the bioassay with re- and cross-inoculations. Grass and barley yields were highest when mineral NPK fertiliser was applied at double the recommended rate. Crop performed equally well or better in terms of yield with manure compared to a corresponding nutrient amount in mineral fertilizers. Manure applications seemed to increase soil carbon and nitrogen contents relative to the recommended amount of NPK, yet keeping the plant-available phosphorus concentration liable for leaching at a similarly low level. Thus, enhanced recycling of nutrients through use of farmyard manure to replace mineral NPK fertilisation favoured reliance on AM in phosphorus nutrition of crops with no trade-off in yields, simultaneously enhancing soil quality