267 research outputs found

    Ökonomie des Opfers. Literatur im Zeichen des Suizids

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    Warum bleibt im Gedächtnis nur, was nicht aufhört, weh zu tun, wie Nietzsche einmal gesagt hat? Der vorliegende Sammelband sucht Antworten darauf – im Werk und im Suizid von Autoren wie Heinrich von Kleist, Virginia Woolf, Yukio Mishima, Anne Sexton, Hermann Burger und David Foster Wallace. Es scheint einen fatalen Zusammenhang zu geben zwischen Dichtung, die den Erwartungshorizont der Zeitgenossen sprengt, und dem Suizid des Dichters – einen fatalen Zusammenhang auch von Suizid und Nachruhm eines Autors. Von individuellen Leiden abgesehen gilt: Wer monströs als Subjekt aus der Geschichte verschwindet, taucht irgendwann als Objekt von Geschichten wieder auf, erreicht Aufmerksamkeit in Nachrufen, Erzählungen, mündlicher und schriftlicher Historiografie. Dergestalt paradox ist die Ökonomie des Selbstopfers, in der sich auch eine vorgängige Anökonomie verbergen kann

    The fate of form in the Humboldtian tradition:The Formungstrieb of Georg von der Gabelentz

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    The multifaceted concept of ‘form’ plays a central tole in the linguistic work of Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835), where it is deeply entwined with aesthetic questions. H. Steinthal’s (1823–1899) interpretation of linguistic form, however, made it the servant of psychology. The Formungstrieb (drive to formation) of Georg von der Gabelentz (1840–1893) challenged Steinthal’s conception and placed a renewed emphasis on aesthetics. In this endeavour, Gabelentz drew on the work of such figures as August Friedrich Pott (1802–1887), Hans Conon von der Gabelentz (1807–1874) and William Dwight Whitney (1827–1894). In this paper, we examine Gabelentz’ Formungstrieb and place it in its historical context

    Global Diversity of Brittle Stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)

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    This review presents a comprehensive overview of the current status regarding the global diversity of the echinoderm class Ophiuroidea, focussing on taxonomy and distribution patterns, with brief introduction to their anatomy, biology, phylogeny, and palaeontological history. A glossary of terms is provided. Species names and taxonomic decisions have been extracted from the literature and compiled in The World Ophiuroidea Database, part of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Ophiuroidea, with 2064 known species, are the largest class of Echinodermata. A table presents 16 families with numbers of genera and species. The largest are Amphiuridae (467), Ophiuridae (344 species) and Ophiacanthidae (319 species). A biogeographic analysis for all world oceans and all accepted species was performed, based on published distribution records. Approximately similar numbers of species were recorded from the shelf (n = 1313) and bathyal depth strata (1297). The Indo-Pacific region had the highest species richness overall (825 species) and at all depths. Adjacent regions were also relatively species rich, including the North Pacific (398), South Pacific (355) and Indian (316) due to the presence of many Indo-Pacific species that partially extended into these regions. A secondary region of enhanced species richness was found in the West Atlantic (335). Regions of relatively low species richness include the Arctic (73 species), East Atlantic (118), South America (124) and Antarctic (126)

    Audio-Diskussion vom 18.11.2020

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    Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie

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    von J. F. Blumenbac