54 research outputs found

    Facteurs de risque de chutes chez les aßnés vivant dans la communauté et ayant recours aux services de soutien à domicile : covariables dépendantes du temps et événements récurrents

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    Les chutes chez les personnes ĂągĂ©es reprĂ©sentent un problĂšme majeur. Il n’est donc pas Ă©tonnant que l’identification des facteurs qui en accroissent le risque ait mobilisĂ© autant d’attention. Les aĂźnĂ©s plus fragiles ayant besoin de soutien pour vivre dans la communautĂ© sont nĂ©anmoins demeurĂ©s le parent pauvre de la recherche, bien que, plus rĂ©cemment, les autoritĂ©s quĂ©bĂ©coises en aient fait une cible d’intervention prioritaire. Les Ă©tudes d’observation prospectives sont particuliĂšrement indiquĂ©es pour Ă©tudier les facteurs de risque de chutes chez les personnes ĂągĂ©es. Leur identification optimale est cependant compliquĂ©e par le fait que l’exposition aux facteurs de risque peut varier au cours du suivi et qu’un mĂȘme individu peut subir plus d’un Ă©vĂ©nement. Il y a 20 ans, des chercheurs ont tentĂ© de sensibiliser leurs homologues Ă  cet Ă©gard, mais leurs efforts sont demeurĂ©s vains. On continue aujourd’hui Ă  faire peu de cas de ces considĂ©rations, se concentrant sur la proportion des personnes ayant fait une chute ou sur le temps Ă©coulĂ© jusqu’à la premiĂšre chute. On Ă©carte du coup une quantitĂ© importante d’information pertinente. Dans cette thĂšse, nous examinons les mĂ©thodes en usage et nous proposons une extension du modĂšle de risques de Cox. Nous illustrons cette mĂ©thode par une Ă©tude des facteurs de risque susceptibles d’ĂȘtre associĂ©s Ă  des chutes parmi un groupe de 959 personnes ĂągĂ©es ayant eu recours aux services publics de soutien Ă  domicile. Nous comparons les rĂ©sultats obtenus avec la mĂ©thode de Wei, Lin et Weissfeld Ă  ceux obtenus avec d’autres mĂ©thodes, dont la rĂ©gression logistique conventionnelle, la rĂ©gression logistique groupĂ©e, la rĂ©gression binomiale nĂ©gative et la rĂ©gression d’Andersen et Gill. L’investigation est caractĂ©risĂ©e par des prises de mesures rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es des facteurs de risque au domicile des participants et par des relances tĂ©lĂ©phoniques mensuelles visant Ă  documenter la survenue des chutes. Les facteurs d’exposition Ă©tudiĂ©s, qu’ils soient fixes ou variables dans le temps, comprennent les caractĂ©ristiques sociodĂ©mographiques, l’indice de masse corporelle, le risque nutritionnel, la consommation d’alcool, les dangers de l’environnement domiciliaire, la dĂ©marche et l’équilibre, et la consommation de mĂ©dicaments. La quasi-totalitĂ© (99,6 %) des usagers prĂ©sentaient au moins un facteur Ă  haut risque. L’exposition Ă  des risques multiples Ă©tait rĂ©pandue, avec une moyenne de 2,7 facteurs Ă  haut risque distincts par participant. Les facteurs statistiquement associĂ©s au risque de chutes incluent le sexe masculin, les tranches d’ñge infĂ©rieures, l’histoire de chutes antĂ©rieures, un bas score Ă  l’échelle d’équilibre de Berg, un faible indice de masse corporelle, la consommation de mĂ©dicaments de type benzodiazĂ©pine, le nombre de dangers prĂ©sents au domicile et le fait de vivre dans une rĂ©sidence privĂ©e pour personnes ĂągĂ©es. Nos rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent cependant que les mĂ©thodes courantes d’analyse des facteurs de risque de chutes – et, dans certains cas, de chutes nĂ©cessitant un recours mĂ©dical – crĂ©ent des biais apprĂ©ciables. Les biais pour les mesures d’association considĂ©rĂ©es proviennent de la maniĂšre dont l’exposition et le rĂ©sultat sont mesurĂ©s et dĂ©finis de mĂȘme que de la maniĂšre dont les mĂ©thodes statistiques d’analyse en tiennent compte. Une derniĂšre partie, tout aussi innovante que distincte de par la nature des outils statistiques utilisĂ©s, complĂšte l’ouvrage. Nous y identifions des profils d’aĂźnĂ©s Ă  risque de devenir des chuteurs rĂ©currents, soit ceux chez qui au moins deux chutes sont survenues dans les six mois suivant leur Ă©valuation initiale. Une analyse par arbre de rĂ©gression et de classification couplĂ©e Ă  une analyse de survie a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’existence de cinq profils distinctifs, dont le risque relatif varie de 0,7 Ă  5,1. Vivre dans une rĂ©sidence pour aĂźnĂ©s, avoir des antĂ©cĂ©dents de chutes multiples ou des troubles de l’équilibre et consommer de l’alcool sont les principaux facteurs associĂ©s Ă  une probabilitĂ© accrue de chuter prĂ©cocement et de devenir un chuteur rĂ©current. Qu’il s’agisse d’activitĂ© de dĂ©pistage des facteurs de risque de chutes ou de la population ciblĂ©e, cette thĂšse s’inscrit dans une perspective de gain de connaissances sur un thĂšme hautement d’actualitĂ© en santĂ© publique. Nous encourageons les chercheurs intĂ©ressĂ©s par l’identification des facteurs de risque de chutes chez les personnes ĂągĂ©es Ă  recourir Ă  la mĂ©thode statistique de Wei, Lin et Weissfeld car elle tient compte des expositions variables dans le temps et des Ă©vĂ©nements rĂ©currents. Davantage de recherches seront par ailleurs nĂ©cessaires pour dĂ©terminer le choix du meilleur test de dĂ©pistage pour un facteur de risque donnĂ© chez cette clientĂšle.Falls in the elderly represent a major problem. It is therefore not surprising that the identification of factors that may increase the risk of falls has received much attention. Frailer seniors who need support to live in the community remained nonetheless poorly documented, although more recently, the QuĂ©bec authorities have given high priority to interventions that target this population. Risk factors for falls are usually identified by observational prospective studies. Their optimal identification is however complicated by the fact that exposure may vary during the follow-up, and that an individual may experience more than one event. Twenty years ago, some researchers attempted to sensitize their peers in this respect, but their efforts were vain. Researchers continue today to neglect these considerations and to use improper statistical techniques, focusing on the proportion of fallers or the time to first fall. In doing so, we discard a significant amount of relevant information. In this thesis, we review the existing methods and propose a Cox hazards extension. We apply it in the study of potential fall-risk factors associated with 959 community-dwelling seniors using home-care services. Finally, we compare the results of the proposed Wei, Lin, & Weissfeld (WLW) method with those of several other techniques, notably the conventional logistic regression, the pooled logistic regression, the negative binomial regression and the Andersen & Gill regression. At baseline and every six months thereafter, participants were visited at home in order to ascertain information about potential risk factors. Falls were monitored by use of a calendar and monthly phone calls. Baseline exposure variables and updated time-varying exposures include socio-demographic characteristics, BMI, nutritional risk, gait and balance, alcohol consumption, home hazards, and medications. Almost all (99.6%) of participants showed at least one high risk factor. Exposure to multiple risks was frequent, with an average of 2.7 different high-risk factors per participant. The risk factors significantly associated to the risk of falling include male sex, age, history of falling, Berg balance score, BMI, use of benzodiazepines, number of home hazards and residential facility for seniors. Results demonstrate that the usual methods of analyzing risk factors for falling (any sort of fall as well as those leading to medical consultations) are inappropriate, as they produce considerable biases relative to the WLW model using time-dependent covariates. Bias for the considered effect measures comes from the manner in which the observed data (both measured exposures and health outcomes) was measured and defined as well as the way in which the statistical analysis took into account this information. An additional part of the thesis was undertaken to identify risk profiles of subjects regarding the recurrence of falling, defined as participants who reported at least two falls within six months of initial assessment at entry in the study. A classification and regression tree analysis classified the population into five groups differing in risk of recurrent falling, based on history of falls in the three months prior to the initial interview, Berg balance score, type of housing, and usual alcohol consumption in the six months preceding study entry. The relative risks varied from 0.7 to 5.1. A subsequent survival analysis showed that the length of time before becoming a recurrent faller varies among risk profiles. This thesis discusses highly topical subjects about a target population and a fall-risk screening activity which are priorities in the public health sector in QuĂ©bec. We encourage researchers interested in the identification of risk of falls among the elderly to use the statistical method of Wei, Lin and Weissfeld because it takes into account updated time-varying exposures and multiple events. More research will be necessary to determine the best screening test for a given risk-factor in this setting and population

    Analyse causale de facteurs anthropométriques, biochimiques, alimentaires et comportementaux sur les caroténoïdes plasmatiques d'une population ùgée

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    High-throughput functional metagenomics for the discovery of glycan metabolizing pathways

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    Glycans are widely distributed in nature. Produced by almost all organisms, they are involved in numerous cellular processes, such as energy supply and storage, cell structuration, protein maturation and signalling, and cell recognition. Glycans are thus key elements mediating the interactions between mammals, plants, bacteria, fungi and even viruses. They also represent a reliable source of carbon for microbes, which have developed complex strategies to face their structural diversity and to harvest them. However between 70 and 99% of these microorganisms are still uncultured, while they represent a goldmine for the discovery of new enzymes. In order to boost their identification and characterization, a functional metagenomic approach was developed, based on the design of various high-throughput, robust and sensitive screening strategies. The functional potential of Gbp of metagenomic DNA from various origins was explored, revealing dozens of novel enzyme families and functions. Integration of biochemical, structural, meta-omic and omic data allowed us to decipher, from the molecular to the ecosystemic scale, novel mechanisms of plant, microbial and mammal glycan metabolization. These new metabolic pathways involve batteries of glycoside-hydrolases, glycoside-phosphorylases and sugar transporters. These fascinating proteins appear as new targets to control host-microbe interactions. They also constitute very efficient biotechnological tools for biorefineries and synthetic biology

    Prevalence of Convergence Insufficiency-Type Symptomatology in Parkinson’s Disease

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    This article has been published in a revised form in Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences https://doi.org/10.1017/cjn.2017.39 This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © The Canadian Journal of Neurological SciencesBackground: Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) often present with visual symptoms (e.g., difficulty in reading, double vision) that can also be found in convergence insufficiency (CI). Our objective was to estimate the prevalence of CI-type visual symptomatology in individuals with PD, in comparison with controls. Methods: Participants ≄50 years with (n=300) and without (n=300) PD were recruited. They were administered the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS–15) over the phone. A score of ≄21 on the CISS–15, considered positive for CI-type symptomatology, served as the cutoff. Data from individuals (n=87 with, n=94 without PD) who were approached but who reported having a known oculovisual condition were analysed separately. Student’s t test and chi-square at the 0.05 level were employed for statistical significance. Results: A total of 29.3% of participants with versus 7.3% without PD presented with a score of ≄21 on the CISS–15 (p=0.001). Of the participants having a known oculovisual condition, 39.1% with versus 19.1% without PD presented with a score of ≄21 on the CISS–15 (p=0.01). Conclusions: The prevalence of CI-type visual symptoms is higher in individuals with versus without PD whether or not they have a coexisting oculovisual condition. These results suggest that PD per se places individuals with the disease at greater risk of visual symptomatology. These results further underline the importance of providing regular eye exams for individuals with PD.This work was supported by the Comité aviseur pour la recherche clinique (CAREC) at the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (IUGM), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR: MOP-123462) and the Canadian Optometric Education Trust Fund (COETF)

    Quality of care assessment in geriatric evaluation and management units: construction of a chart review tool for a tracer condition

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The number of elderly people requiring hospital care is growing, so, quality and assessment of care for elders are emerging and complex areas of research. Very few validated and reliable instruments exist for the assessment of quality of acute care in this field. This study's objective was to create such a tool for Geriatric Evaluation and Management Units (GEMUs).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The methodology involved a reliability and feasibility study of a retrospective chart review on 934 older inpatients admitted in 49 GEMUs during the year 2002–2003 for fall-related trauma as a tracer condition. Pertinent indicators for a chart abstraction tool, the Geriatric Care Tool (GCT), were developed and validated according to five dimensions: access to care, comprehensiveness, continuity of care, patient-centred care and appropriateness. Consensus methods were used to develop the content. Participants were experts representing eight main health care professions involved in GEMUs from 19 different sites. Items associated with high quality of care at each step of the multidisciplinary management of patients admitted due to falls were identified. The GCT was tested for intra- and inter-rater reliability using 30 medical charts reviewed by each of three independent and blinded trained nurses. Kappa and agreement measures between pairs of chart reviewers were computed on an item-by-item basis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three quarters of 169 items identifying the process of care, from the case history to discharge planning, demonstrated good agreement (kappa greater than 0.40 and agreement over 70%). Indicators for the appropriateness of care showed less reliability.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Content validity and reliability results, as well as the feasibility of the process, suggest that the chart abstraction tool can gather standardized and pertinent clinical information for further evaluating quality of care in GEMU using admission due to falls as a tracer condition. However, the GCT should be evaluated in other models of acute geriatric units and new strategies should be developed to improve reliability of peer assessments in characterizing the quality of care for elderly patients with complex conditions.</p

    Short-term geriatric assessment units: 30 years later

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The increasing number of hospitalized elderly persons has greatly challenged decision makers to reorganize services so as to meet the needs of this clientele. Established progressively over the last 30 years, the short-term Geriatric Assessment Unit (GAU) is a specialized care program, now implemented in all the general hospital centres in Quebec. Within the scope of a broader reflection upon the appropriate care delivery for elderly patients in our demographic context, there is a need to revisit the role of GAU within the hospital and the continuum of care. The objective of this project is to describe the range of activities offered by Quebec GAU and the resources available to them.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 2004, 64 managers of 71 GAU answered a mail questionnaire which included 119 items covering their unit's operation and resources in 2002-2003. The clinical and administrative characteristics of the clientele admitted during this period were obtained from the provincial database Med-Echo. The results were presented according to the geographical location of GAU, their size, their university academic affiliation, the composition of their medical staff, and their clinical care profile.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, GAU programs admitted 9% of all patients aged 65 years and older in the surveyed year. GAU patients presented one or more geriatric syndromes, including dementia. Based on their clientele, three distinct clinical care profiles of GAU were identified. Only 19% of GAU were focused on geriatric assessment and acute care management; 23% mainly offered rehabilitation care, and the others offered a mix of both types. Thus, there was a significant heterogeneity in GAU's operation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The GAU is at the cutting edge of geriatric services in hospital centres. Given the scarcity of these resources, it would be appropriate to better target the clientele that may benefit from them. Standardizing and promoting GAU's primary role in acute care must be reinforced. In order to meet the needs of the frail elderly not admitted in GAU, alternative care models centered on prevention of functional decline must be applied throughout all hospital wards.</p

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C
