305 research outputs found

    Understanding Behavioral Sources of Process Variation Following Enterprise System Deployment

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    This paper extends the current understanding of the time-sensitivity of intent and usage following large-scale IT implementation. Our study focuses on perceived system misfit with organizational processes in tandem with the availability of system circumvention opportunities. Case study comparisons and controlled experiments are used to support the theoretical unpacking of organizational and technical contingencies and their relationship to shifts in user intentions and variation in work-processing tactics over time. Findings suggest that managers and users may retain strong intentions to circumvent systems in the presence of perceived task-technology misfit. The perceived ease with which this circumvention is attainable factors significantly into the timeframe within which it is attempted, and subsequently impacts the onset of deviation from prescribed practice and anticipated dynamics

    Employee Involvement and Pay at U.S. and Canadian Auto Suppliers

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    We use survey data and field research to investigate the effects of employee involvement practices on outcomes for blue-collar workers in the auto supply industry. We find these practices raise wages by 3-5%. The causal mechanism linking involvement and wages appears to be most consistent with efficiency wage theories, and least consistent with compensating differences. We find no evidence that employee involvement affects plants? survival or employment growth.MIT International Motor Vehicle Program and the Case Western Reserve University Center for Regional Economic Issue

    Tie Me Up!: An Empirical Investigation of Perceived Tie Characteristics on Prospective Connections

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    How do social networks motivate people to connect not only to their previously existing friends but also to novel or blind new contacts? We report the results of an experiment to identify the value that participants give to alternative network characteristics when deciding to connect to a social network. We focus on network tie characteristics because they represent information that potentially can be automated and provided without compromising privacy policies. Our experiment employed q-methodology to capture participants’ subjective values as they evaluated potential connections described by their tie strength, variety, and quantity, three important tie characteristics. We identify four distinct groups of individuals in terms of value. Our findings suggest social networks should include network characteristics to encourage joining and blind ties. They also suggest that current social network interfaces and research need to be augmented to address network tie characteristics

    Can involving clients in simulation studies help them solve their future problems? A transfer of learning experiment

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    It is often stated that involving the client in operational research studies increases conceptual learning about a system which can then be applied repeatedly to other, similar, systems. Our study provides a novel measurement approach for behavioural OR studies that aim to analyse the impact of modelling in long term problem solving and decision making. In particular, our approach is the first to operationalise the measurement of transfer of learning from modelling using the concepts of close and far transfer, and overconfidence. We investigate learning in discrete-event simulation (DES) projects through an experimental study. Participants were trained to manage queuing problems by varying the degree to which they were involved in building and using a DES model of a hospital emergency department. They were then asked to transfer learning to a set of analogous problems. Findings demonstrate that transfer of learning from a simulation study is difficult, but possible. However, this learning is only accessible when sufficient time is provided for clients to process the structural behaviour of the model. Overconfidence is also an issue when the clients who were involved in model building attempt to transfer their learning without the aid of a new model. Behavioural OR studies that aim to understand learning from modelling can ultimately improve our modelling interactions with clients; helping to ensure the benefits for a longer term; and enabling modelling efforts to become more sustainable

    Learning from discrete-event simulation: Exploring the high involvement hypothesis

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    Discussion of learning from discrete-event simulation often takes the form of a hypothesis stating that involving clients in model building provides much of the learning necessary to aid their decisions. Whilst practitioners of simulation may intuitively agree with this hypothesis they are simultaneously motivated to reduce the model building effort through model reuse. As simulation projects are typically limited by time, model reuse offers an alternative learning route for clients as the time saved can be used to conduct more experimentation. We detail a laboratory experiment to test the high involvement hypothesis empirically, identify mechanisms that explain how involvement in model building or model reuse affect learning and explore the factors that inhibit learning from models. Measurement of learning focuses on the management of resource utilisation in a case study of a hospital emergency department and through the choice of scenarios during experimentation. Participants who reused a model benefitted from the increased experimentation time available when learning about resource utilisation. However, participants who were involved in model building simulated a greater variety of scenarios including more validation type scenarios early on. These results suggest that there may be a learning trade-off between model reuse and model building when simulation projects have a fixed budget of time. Further work evaluating client learning in practice should track the origin and choice of variables used in experimentation; studies should also record the methods modellers find most effective in communicating the impact of resource utilisation on queuing

    Assessing the Relative Performance of Nurses Using Data Envelopment Analysis Matrix (DEAM)

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    Assessing employee performance is one of the most important issue in healthcare management services. Because of their direct relationship with patients, nurses are also the most influential hospital staff who play a vital role in providing healthcare services. In this paper, a novel Data Envelopment Analysis Matrix (DEAM) approach is proposed for assessing the performance of nurses based on relative efficiency. The proposed model consists of five input variables (including type of employment, work experience, training hours, working hours and overtime hours) and eight output variables (the outputs are amount of hours each nurse spend on each of the eight activities including documentation, medical instructions, wound care and patient drainage, laboratory sampling, assessment and control care, follow-up and counseling and para-clinical measures, attendance during visiting and discharge suction) have been tested on 30 nurses from the heart department of a hospital in Iran. After determining the relative efficiency of each nurse based on the DEA model, the nurses’ performance were evaluated in a DEAM format. As results the nurses were divided into four groups; superstars, potential stars, those who are needed to be trained effectively and question marks. Finally, based on the proposed approach, we have drawn some recommendations to policy makers in order to improve and maintain the performance of each of these groups. The proposed approach provides a practical framework for hospital managers so that they can assess the relative efficiency of nurses, plan and take steps to improve the quality of healthcare delivery

    The Effect of Language Differences and National Culture on Operational Process Compliance

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    With increasing frequency, firms are locating their operations in disparate countries with distinct national cultures and languages. This study develops and empirically tests hypotheses relating an operation\u27s process compliance performance to (1) the presence of a language difference between the location of the operation and that of headquarters and (2) the national culture of the location of the operation and that of headquarters. Employing an international sample of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants located primarily in Western nations, the analysis reveals that a language difference between the location of a plant and the firm\u27s headquarters is consistently related to decreased process compliance at the plant level. Regarding national culture, only limited evidence of a direct relationship between national cultural dimensions (at either the plant or headquarters location) and process compliance exists. However, the analysis does suggest that cultural congruence between the location of the plant and that of headquarters can relate to improved compliance performance. Such a relationship depends on the specific national cultural dimension studied. While these results are obtained in a specific manufacturing setting, they potentially have implications for process compliance in any global operation