157 research outputs found

    Educación intercultural en los centros de personas adultas en Huelva

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    El trabajo que se presenta comienza realizando una reflexión sobe la interdependencia de las relaciones socioeconómicas y culturales en un mundo global. A continuación se realiza una breve reseña histórica sobre la evolución de la Educación de Personas Adultas hasta llegar al concepto de educación permanente y formación a lo largo de toda la vida de acuerdo con la actual Ley Orgánica de Ordenación General del Sistema educativo LOGSE. De esta manera, los Centros de Educación de Personas Adultas ofrecen una respuesta formativa y educativa a la población adulta en el seno de una sociedad multicultural como la que vivimos. Se dedica un amplio apartado al reto que tiene ante sí la Administración Educativa en la formación de los Equipos Docentes para abordar la interculturalidad. Se hace amplia referencia al Plan Andaluz de Educación de Inmigrantes como pieza clave para la intervención, reconociendo que es un instrumento fundamental para abordar la labor educativa desde una perspectiva intercultural y de género. Teniendo en cuenta que cada día es más numerosa y diversa la población inmigrante que acude a los Centros de Personas Adultas, se expone la preocupación que el profesorado ha puesto de manifiesto y el proceso de formación que se viene realizando desde el curso 1995/96 en esta línea, donde la labor de la intervención pedagógica, se considera imprescindible para abordar con calidad la complejidad de la educación intercultural.This work begins making a reflexion about the interdependence of the socioeconomic and cultural relations in a global world. Then, a brief historical outline about the evolution of the adult people´s education is made in order to arrive to the concept of permanent education and the training during all the life from in accordance with the current Organic Law of General Ordinaion of the Educational System L.O.G.S.E. In this way, the adult people´s educational centres offer a formative and educative answer to the adult population of a multicultural society like this where we are living. A wide section is dedicated to the challenge that the educative administration has in training the teaching staff to tackle the interculture. A large reference is dedicated to the Andaluz Plan of the Inmigrants´Education as a key piece for the intervention, recognizing that it´s an essential instrument to face the educative labour from an intercultural perspective which also takes into account the genre. As we know, the inmigrant population who go to the adult people´s centres is more numerous each time so teacher´s preocupations about this have been exposed in this work and the teaching process which has been making from the course 1995/96 in this way where the labour of the pedagogic intervention is considered indispensable to face the complexity of the intercultural education with quality is shown too

    Estimación de la velocidad de flujo del agua en cauces efímeros no aforados a partir de datos Lidar y GPS-RTK

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    The Manning formula is one of the most used to calculate the average velocity of water flow in ungauged channels. In order to be applied, it is necessary to measure in field the hydraulic radius (RH), the slope of the water surface (S), and to obtain the roughness coefficient (n), usually through tables created for this purpose. This involves a difficult, inefficient and subjective data collection in the field. This study evaluates the possibility to obtain these parameters in a more efficient manner, reducing the time of the process and allowing to work in larger areas. To achieve these objectives, the data used in this work were: 1) digital terrain models generated from airborne LiDAR data with a density of 2 points/ m2 , acquired when the channel was dry; 2) the height of the waterline and channel geometry measurements in the field using GPS; 3) Flow measurements. With this information, the velocity (Ve) was estimated and related to the average velocity of water flow (Vc) calculated from data measured in the field. The coefficient of determination between both velocity values was 73.52%, suggesting that the proposed methodology is useful to obtain the average velocity of flow, especially in remote areas or dry riverbeds

    Observation of the B0 →ρ0ρ0 decay from an amplitude analysis of B0 → (π+π-) (π+π-) decays

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    Proton-proton collision data recorded in 2011 and 2012 by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1 , are analysed to search for the charmless B0 → ρ 0ρ 0 decay. More than 600 B0 → (π +π −)(π +π −) signal decays are selected and used to perform an amplitude analysis, under the assumption of no CP violation in the decay, from which the B0 → ρ 0ρ 0 decay is observed for the first time with 7.1 standard deviations significance. The fraction of B0 → ρ 0ρ 0 decays yielding a longitudinally polarised final state is measured to be fL = 0.745+0.048 −0.058(stat) ± 0.034(syst). The B0 → ρ 0ρ 0 branching fraction, using the B0 → φK∗ (892)0 decay as reference, is also reported as B(B0 → ρ 0ρ 0 ) = (0.94 ± 0.17(stat) ± 0.09(syst) ± 0.06(BF)) × 10−6

    Fatores prognósticos da infeção respiratória aguda baixa grave em crianças menores de 5 años na Colômbia

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    Introduction: Acute lower respiratory infection (alri: community acquired and/or bronchiolitis) is one of the main public health issues for children under five years of age. The main purpose of this research was to describe the epidemiological profile, associated factors, and prognosis of alri in two hospitals in Popayan, Colombia. Materials and Methods: This was a cohort study. We included children from 2 months to 5 years of age with diagnoses of severe alri. Sociodemographic profiles, clinical features, and prognostic factors were collected. The main outcomes under study were mortality, admission to icu, and length of stay. Multivariable analyses were performed to establish the independent contributions of prognostic factors. Results: 121 patients were included. Incidence of alri was 4% ci95% [3,3-4,7] during 6 months of follow-up. Mortality during follow-up was 0,8% (ci95% 0,l-4,4) (one patient). Thirty three percent of children required admission to icu. Median length of stay was 5 days and length of stay in icu was 4 days. Preterm birth was independently associated with icu admission (or=5,1 ci95% [l,3-20] p=0,0l9). Discussion: The incidence of severe alri was 4%. Mortality was low and length of stay was short. Factors related to the diagnosis of alri in this cohort are consistent with those reported in the national and international literature, and the only independent prognostic factor for admission to icu was preterm birth

    Quantum numbers of the X (3872 ) state and orbital angular momentum in its ρ0J /ψ decay

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    Angular correlations in B+ → X(3872)K+ decays, with X(3872) → ρ 0J/ψ, ρ 0 → π +π − and J/ψ → µ +µ −, are used to measure orbital angular momentum contributions and to determine the J P C value of the X(3872) meson. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions collected with the LHCb detector. This determination, for the first time performed without assuming a value for the orbital angular momentum, confirms the quantum numbers to be J P C = 1++. The X(3872) is found to decay predominantly through S wave and an upper limit of 4% at 95% C.L. is set on the D-wave contribution

    Desarrollo y aplicación de un escape room sobre la tabla periódica

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    En este trabajo, se describe la implementación y puesta en marcha de un juego de escape (escape room), diseñado para conmemorar el Año Internacional de la Tabla Periódica de los Elementos Químicos y destinado a estudiantes de primeros cursos universitarios en carreras técnicas, así como a estudiantes de cursos inferiores. Se pretende que, a través del juego, los participantes adquieran competencias específicas básicas de Química y competencias transversales como trabajo en grupo y creatividad y, al mismo tiempo, comprendan la dificultad que conlleva un descubrimiento científico de la magnitud de la Tabla Periódica de Mendeléyev. El escape room se ha probado con varios grupos de alumnos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid con éxito, aunque se espera su implementación más masiva durante los primeros meses del curso 2019-20. También se describen de forma cualitativa los resultados de la implementación preliminar realizada

    Cardiovascular-related proteomic changes in ECFCs exposed to the serum of COVID-19 patients

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection significantly affects the cardiovascular system, causing vascular damage and thromboembolic events in critical patients. Endothelial dysfunction represents one of the first steps in response to COVID-19 that might lead to cardiovascular complications and long-term sequelae. However, despite the enormous efforts in the last two years, the molecular mechanisms involved in such processes remain poorly understood. Herein, we analyzed the protein changes taking place in endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) after the incubation with the serum from individuals infected with COVID-19, whether asymptomatic or critical patients, by application of a label free-quantitative proteomics approach. Specifically, ECFCs from healthy individuals were incubated ex-vivo with the serum of either COVID-19 negative donors (PCR-/IgG-, n:8), COVID-19 asymptomatic donors at different infective stages (PCR+/ IgG-, n:8and PCR-/IgG+, n:8), or hospitalized critical COVID-19 patients (n:8), followed by proteomics analysis. In total, 590 proteins were differentially expressed in ECFCs in response to all infected serums. Predictive analysis highlighted several proteins like CAPN5, SURF4, LAMP2 or MT-ND1, as highly discriminating features between the groups compared. Protein changes correlated with viral infection, RNA metabolism or autophagy, among others. Remarkably, the angiogenic potential of ECFCs in response to the infected serums was impaired, and many of the protein alterations in response to the serum of critical patients were associated with cardiovascular-related pathologies.This study was supported by GLOBALCAJA-Ayuda COVID-19; and Fondo Supera COVID-19, funded by Banco Santander and CRUE universidades, Ref. IPSA-COVID-19, and the Institute of Health Carlos III, ISCIII (PI18-00427, PI20-00716), co-funded by European Regional Development “A way to make Europe”

    Effective field theory of dark matter: a global analysis

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    We present global fits of an effective field theory description of real, and complex scalar dark matter candidates. We simultaneously take into account all possible dimension 6 operators consisting of dark matter bilinears and gauge invariant combinations of quark and gluon fields. We derive constraints on the free model parameters for both the real (five parameters) and complex (seven) scalar dark matter models obtained by combining Planck data on the cosmic microwave background, direct detection limits from LUX, and indirect detection limits from the Fermi Large Area Telescope. We find that for real scalars indirect dark matter searches disfavour a dark matter particle mass below 100 GeV. For the complex scalar dark matter particle current data have a limited impact due to the presence of operators that lead to p-wave annihilation, and also do not contribute to the spin-independent scattering cross-section. Although current data are not informative enough to strongly constrain the theory parameter space, we demonstrate the power of our formalism to reconstruct the theoretical parameters compatible with an actual dark matter detection, by assuming that the excess of gamma rays observed by the Fermi Large Area Telescope towards the Galactic centre is entirely due to dark matter annihilations. Please note that the excess can very well be due to astrophysical sources such as millisecond pulsars. We find that scalar dark matter interacting via effective field theory operators can in principle explain the Galactic centre excess, but that such interpretation is in strong tension with the non-detection of gamma rays from dwarf galaxies in the real scalar case. In the complex scalar case there is enough freedom to relieve the tension

    Desarrollo de productos avanzados para la misión SEOSAT/Ingenio

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] SEOSAT/Ingenio is the future Spanish Earth Observation high spatial resolution mission in the optical domain. While Level 1 products, at-sensor geo-referenced radiances, are in an advanced phase of development under the framework of an industrial contractor, Level 2 products must be developed by the users. This fact limits the use of the satellite images only to the scientific community, restricting their use in other applications. The need to alleviate this limitation motivated this work, developed under the framework of a coordinate project, which aimed at offering a list of Level2 products to the Ingenio/SEOSAT user community. In this paper, we present the different methodologies developed to produce the proposed Level2 products, from surface reflectance at nominal sensor spatial resolution to images with higher spatial resolution or the possibility to create spatial and temporal mosaics. On the one side, for the surface reflectance product, we proposed an atmospheric correction algorithm based on using the spatial information, linked to a cloud screening algorithm and including morphological and topographic shadow corrections. On the other side, to enhance the image spatial resolution, we applied different fusion techniques using the multispectral and the panchromatic band, as well as some of the so-called “super-resolution” techniques. Finally, we provided different tools to develop spatial mosaics and temporal composites, directed to users interested on the exploitation of the Ingenio/ SEOSAT images.[ES] SEOSAT/Ingenio es la futura misión española de observación de la Tierra en el óptico en alta resolución es-pacial. Mientras que los productos de imagen a Nivel 1, radiancias geo-referenciadas a nivel de sensor, se encuentran en una fase avanzada de desarrollo existiendo para ello un contrato industrial, los productos de Nivel 2 deben ser de-sarrollados por los propios usuarios. Este hecho limita el uso de las imágenes a la comunidad científica, restringiendo sus posibles aplicaciones fuera de ésta. Así pues, bajo el marco de un proyecto coordinado y motivados por ofrecer productos de Ingenio/SEOSAT de Nivel 2 a disposición de cualquier usuario, se origina y desarrolla este trabajo. En este artículo se presentan los diferentes procesos desarrollados para la elaboración de productos a Nivel 2, desde reflectividades en superficie a la resolución nominal del sensor hasta imágenes con información espacial realzada y la posibilidad de crear mosaicos espaciales y compuestos temporales. Por una parte, en el caso de los productos de reflectividad en superficie se propone una técnica de corrección atmosférica basada en el uso de la información es-pacial, previo enmascaramiento de las nubes y una exhaustiva corrección de sombras morfológicas y/o topográficas. Por otra parte, para el realce de la información espacial, han sido evaluados diferentes métodos basados en la fusión de bandas multiespectrales con una banda pancromática así como la aplicación de técnicas llamadas de “Super-re-solución”. Finalmente, se proporcionan las herramientas necesarias para la realización de mosaicos tanto espaciales como temporales para todo tipo de usuarios interesados en la explotación de las imágenesEste artículo ha sido posible gracias al proyecto coordinado “Generación de Productos de Nivel 2 para la Misión INGENIO/SEOSAT”, ESP2013- 48458-C4-1-P, subvencionado por el Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad dentro del Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia.Sabater, N.; Ruiz-Verdú, A.; Delegido, J.; Fernández-Beltrán, R.; Latorre-Carmona, P.; Pla, F.; González-Audícana, M.... (2016). Development of advanced products for the SEOSAT/Ingenio mission. Revista de Teledetección. (47):23-40. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2016.6569SWORD234047Blesius, L., & Weirich, F. (2005). The use of the Minnaert correction for land‐cover classification in mountainous terrain. 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    Stellar kinematics across the Hubble sequence in the CALIFA survey: general properties and aperture corrections

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    We would like to thank the anonymous referee for constructive comments that helped improve some aspects of the original manuscript. We are also grateful to the DiskMass survey team for sharing their data with us for the spectral resolution tests, and to Marc Verheijen and Kyle Westfall in particular for in-depth discussions on the topic. This study makes use of the data provided by the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey (http://califa.caha.es). Based on observations collected at the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC). CALIFA is the first legacy survey being performed at Calar Alto. The CALIFA collaboration would like to thank the IAA-CSIC and MPIA-MPG as major partners of the observatory, and CAHA itself, for the unique access to telescope time and support in manpower and infrastructures. The CALIFA collaboration thanks also the CAHA staff for the dedication to this project.We present the stellar kinematic maps of a large sample of galaxies from the integral-field spectroscopic survey CALIFA. The sample comprises 300 galaxies displaying a wide range of morphologies across the Hubble sequence, from ellipticals to late-type spirals. This dataset allows us to homogeneously extract stellar kinematics up to several effective radii. In this paper, we describe the level of completeness of this subset of galaxies with respect to the full CALIFA sample, as well as the virtues and limitations of the kinematic extraction compared to other well-known integral-field surveys. In addition, we provide averaged integrated velocity dispersion radial profiles for different galaxy types, which are particularly useful to apply aperture corrections for single aperture measurements or poorly resolved stellar kinematics of high-redshift sources. The work presented in this paper sets the basis for the study of more general properties of galaxies that will be explored in subsequent papers of the survey.J. F.-B. from grant AYA2013- 48226-C3-1-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). J.F.-B. and G.v.d.V. from the FP7 Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission, via the Initial Training Network DAGAL under REA grant agreement number 289313. J.M.-A. and V.W. acknowledge support from the European Research Council Starting Grant (SEDMorph P.I. V. Wild). P.S.-B. acknowledge financial support from the BASAL CATA Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies through grant PFB-06. R.M.G.D. from grant AYA2014-57490-P. R.G.-B, R.M.G.D. and E.P. acknowledge support from the project JA-FQM-2828. C.J.W. acknowledges support through the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant 303912. L.G. from the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism’s Millennium Science Initiative through grant IC120009 awarded to The Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), and CONICYT through FONDECYT grant 3140566. I.M. from grant AYA2013-42227-P