283 research outputs found

    The DEAD-box helicase Ded1 from yeast is an mRNP cap-associated protein that shuttles between the cytoplasm and nucleus

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    International audienceThe DEAD-box helicase Ded1 is an essential yeast protein that is closely related to mammalian DDX3 and to other DEAD-box proteins involved in developmental and cell cycle regulation. Ded1 is considered to be a translation-initiation factor that helps the 40S ribosome scan the mRNA from the 5 7-methylguanosine cap to the AUG start codon. We used IgG pull-down experiments, mass spectrom-etry analyses, genetic experiments, sucrose gradients , in situ localizations and enzymatic assays to show that Ded1 is a cap-associated protein that actively shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. NanoLC-MS/MS analyses of purified complexes show that Ded1 is present in both nuclear and cytoplasmic mRNPs. Ded1 physically interacts with purified components of the nuclear CBC and the cytoplasmic eIF4F complexes, and its enzymatic activity is stimulated by these factors. In addition, we show that Ded1 is genetically linked to these factors. Ded1 comigrates with these proteins on sucrose gradients, but treatment with rapamycin does not appreciably alter the distribution of Ded1; thus, most of the Ded1 is in stable mRNP complexes. We conclude that Ded1 is an mRNP cofactor of the cap complex that may function to remodel the different mRNPs and thereby regulate the expression of the mRNAs

    Heterologous expression of a plant uracil transporter in yeast: improvement of plasma membrane targeting in mutants of the Rsp5p ubiquitin protein ligase.

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    Plasma membrane proteins involved in transport processes play a crucial role in cell physiology. On account of these properties, these molecules are ideal targets for development of new therapeutic and agronomic agents. However, these proteins are of low abundance, which limits their study. Although yeast seems ideal for expressing heterologous transporters, plasma membrane proteins are often retained in intracellular compartments. We tried to find yeast mutants potentially able to improve functional expression of a whole set of heterologous transporters. We focused on Arabidopsis thaliana ureide transporter 1 (AtUPS1), previously cloned by functional complementation in yeast. Tagged versions of AtUPS1 remain mostly trapped in the endoplasmic reticulum and were able to reach slowly the plasma membrane. In contrast, untagged AtUPS1 is rapidly delivered to plasma membrane, where it remains in stable form. Tagged and untagged versions of AtUPS1 were expressed in cells deficient in the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p, involved in various stages of the intracellular trafficking of membrane-bound proteins. rsp5 mutants displayed further plasma membrane stabilization of untagged AtUPS1, and improved steady state amounts of tagged versions of AtUPS1. rsp5 cells are thus powerful tools to solve the many problems inherent in heterologous expression of membrane proteins in yeast, including ER retention

    Formation of the postmitotic nuclear envelope from extended ER cisternae precedes nuclear pore assembly

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    During mitosis, the nuclear envelope merges with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and nuclear pore complexes are disassembled. In a current model for reassembly after mitosis, the nuclear envelope forms by a reshaping of ER tubules. For the assembly of pores, two major models have been proposed. In the insertion model, nuclear pore complexes are embedded in the nuclear envelope after their formation. In the prepore model, nucleoporins assemble on the chromatin as an intermediate nuclear pore complex before nuclear envelope formation. Using live-cell imaging and electron microscope tomography, we find that the mitotic assembly of the nuclear envelope primarily originates from ER cisternae. Moreover, the nuclear pore complexes assemble only on the already formed nuclear envelope. Indeed, all the chromatin-associated Nup 107–160 complexes are in single units instead of assembled prepores. We therefore propose that the postmitotic nuclear envelope assembles directly from ER cisternae followed by membrane-dependent insertion of nuclear pore complexes

    Trafficking of Siderophore Transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Intracellular Fate of Ferrioxamine B Conjugates

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    We have studied the intracellular trafficking of Sit1 [ferrioxamine B (FOB) transporter] and Enb1 (enterobactin transporter) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins. Enb1 was constitutively targeted to the plasma membrane. Sit1 was essentially targeted to the vacuolar degradation pathway when synthesized in the absence of substrate. Massive plasma membrane sorting of Sit1 was induced by various siderophore substrates of Sit1, and by coprogen, which is not a substrate of Sit1. Thus, different siderophore transporters use different regulated trafficking processes. We also studied the fate of Sit1-mediated internalized siderophores. Ferrioxamine B was recovered in isolated vacuolar fractions, where it could be detected spectrophotometrically. Ferrioxamine B coupled to an inhibitor of mitochondrial protoporphyrinogen oxidase (acifluorfen) could not reach its target unless the cells were disrupted, confirming the tight compartmentalization of siderophores within cells. Ferrioxamine B coupled to a fluorescent moiety, FOB-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, used as a Sit1-dependent iron source, accumulated in the vacuolar lumen even in mutants displaying a steady-state accumulation of Sit1 at the plasma membrane or in endosomal compartments. Thus, the fates of siderophore transporters and siderophores diverge early in the trafficking process

    Live imaging of single nuclear pores reveals unique assembly kinetics and mechanism in interphase

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    Recruitment of nuclear pore complex (NPC) components during interphase occurs in a different order and with slower kinetics than during postmitotic NPC assembly, suggesting the two processes are regulated by distinct mechanisms

    Biogenesis of the Signal Recognition Particle (Srp) Involves Import of Srp Proteins into the Nucleolus, Assembly with the Srp-Rna, and Xpo1p-Mediated Export

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    The signal recognition particle (SRP) targets nascent secretory proteins to the ER, but how and where the SRP assembles is largely unknown. Here we analyze the biogenesis of yeast SRP, which consists of an RNA molecule (scR1) and six proteins, by localizing all its components. Although scR1 is cytoplasmic in wild-type cells, nuclear localization was observed in cells lacking any one of the four SRP “core proteins” Srp14p, Srp21p, Srp68p, or Srp72p. Consistently, a major nucleolar pool was detected for these proteins. Sec65p, on the other hand, was found in both the nucleoplasm and the nucleolus, whereas Srp54p was predominantly cytoplasmic. Import of the core proteins into the nucleolus requires the ribosomal protein import receptors Pse1p and Kap123p/Yrb4p, which might, thus, constitute a nucleolar import pathway. Nuclear export of scR1 is mediated by the nuclear export signal receptor Xpo1p, is distinct from mRNA transport, and requires, as evidenced by the nucleolar accumulation of scR1 in a dis3/rrp44 exosome component mutant, an intact scR1 3′ end. A subset of nucleoporins, including Nsp1p and Nup159p (Rat7p), are also necessary for efficient translocation of scR1 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. We propose that assembly of the SRP requires import of all SRP core proteins into the nucleolus, where they assemble into a pre-SRP with scR1. This particle can then be targeted to the nuclear pores and is subsequently exported to the cytoplasm in an Xpo1p-dependent way