704 research outputs found

    Rethinking Canadian Discourses of “Reasonable Accommodation”

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    This article maps the repercussions of the use of reasonable accommodation, a recent framework referenced inside and outside Canadian courtrooms to respond to religiously framed differences. Drawing on three cases from Ontario and Quebec, we trace how the notion of reasonable accommodation—now invoked by the media and in public discourse—has moved beyond its initial legal moorings. After outlining the cases, we critique the framework with attention to its tendency to create theological arbitrators who assess reasonableness, and for how it rigidifies ‘our values’ in hierarchical ways. We propose an alternative model that focuses on navigation and negotiation and that emphasizes belonging, inclusion and lived religion

    Nanosat Intelligent Power System Development

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    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is developing a class of satellites called nano-satellites. The technologies developed for these satellites will enable a class of constellation missions for the NASA Space Science Sun-Earth Connections theme and will be of great benefit to other NASA enterprises. A major challenge for these missions is meeting significant scientific- objectives with limited onboard and ground-based resources. Total spacecraft power is limited by the small satellite size. Additionally, it is highly desirable to minimize operational costs by limiting the ground support required to manage the constellation. This paper will describe how these challenges are met in the design of the nanosat power system. We will address the factors considered and tradeoffs made in deriving the nanosat power system architecture. We will discuss how incorporating onboard fault detection and correction capability yields a robust spacecraft power bus without the mass and volume penalties incurred from redundant systems and describe how power system efficiency is maximized throughout the mission duration

    GeoOrigins: A new method and R package for trait mapping and geographic provenancing of specimens without categorical constraints

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    Biologists often seek to geographically provenance organisms using their traits. This is typically achieved by defining spatial groups using distinct patterns of trait variation. Here, we present a new spatial provenancing and trait boundary identification methodology, based on correlations between geographic and trait distances that require no a priori group assumptions. We apply this to three datasets where spatial provenance is sought: morphological rat and vole dentition data (human commensal translocation datasets); and birdsong data (cultural transmission dataset). We also present the results of cross‐validation testing. Spatial provenancing is possible with differing degrees of accuracy for each dataset, with birdsong providing the most accurate geographic origin (identifying an average spatial region of 0.22 km2 as the area of origin with 99.9% confidence). Our method has a wide range of potential applications to diverse data types—including phenotypic, genetic and cultural—to identify trait boundaries and spatially provenance the origin of unknown or translocated specimens where trait differences are geographically structured and correlated with spatial separation

    Boundaries of Semantic Distraction: Dominance and Lexicality Act at Retrieval

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    Three experiments investigated memory for semantic information with the goal of determining boundary conditions for the manifestation of semantic auditory distraction. Irrelevant speech disrupted the free recall of semantic category-exemplars to an equal degree regardless of whether the speech coincided with presentation or test phases of the task (Experiment 1) and occurred regardless of whether it comprised random words or coherent sentences (Experiment 2). The effects of background speech were greater when the irrelevant speech was semantically related to the to-be-remembered material, but only when the irrelevant words were high in output dominance (Experiment 3). The implications of these findings in relation to the processing of task material and the processing of background speech is discussed

    Digital Zooarchaeology: State of the art, challenges, prospects and synergies

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordDigital technologies are an increasingly pervasive medium for zooarchaeological scholarship, providing a means to document and preserve fragile zooarchaeological specimens, share primary data, address methodological questions, and spread the information to the wider public. During the last decade, a broad array of digital technologies has been widely applied for the creation of three-dimensional images of animal bones, with a number of freely accessible collections being developed and published online. To be beneficial for academic and non-academic audiences, the creation of these collections requires careful planning, and more attention is needed in order to ensure their longevity in the web as well as their future usability. Drawing on an online workshop, organised by the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center of The Cyprus Institute, titled “Zooarchaeology in the Digital Era”, this article aims to provide a snapshot of the current state of art, and the methods and digital tools being employed in the digitisation of animal remains. The article also raises some of the challenges that the international zooarchaeological community is facing in the era of Linked Open Data, including management, archiving, curation, storage, dissemination and communication of digital data to the scientific world and the wider public. In addition, the paper highlights the need for a stronger collaboration between archaeologists and researchers from the Digital Humanities’ sector in order to stimulate an innovative discourse and create fertile ground for the production of new scientific knowledge.European Union Horizon 202

    Synchronous diversification of Sulawesi’s iconic artiodactyls driven by recent geological events

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    The high degree of endemism on Sulawesi has previously been suggested to have vicariant origins, dating back 40 Myr ago. Recent studies, however, suggest that much of Sulawesi’s fauna assembled over the last 15 Myr. Here, we test the hypothesis that more recent uplift of previously submerged portions of land on Sulawesi promoted diversification, and that much of its faunal assemblage is much younger than the island itself. To do so, we combined palaeogeographical reconstructions with genetic and morphometric data sets derived from Sulawesi’s three largest mammals: the Babirusa, Anoa, and Sulawesi warty pig. Our results indicate that although these species most likely colonized the area that is now Sulawesi at different times (14 Myr ago to 2-3 Myr ago), they experienced an almost synchronous expansion from the central part of the island. Geological reconstructions indicate that this area was above sea level for most of the last 4 Myr, unlike most parts of the island. We conclude that emergence of land on Sulawesi (~1–2 Myr) may have allowed species to expand synchronously. Altogether, our results indicate that the establishment of the highly endemic faunal assemblage on Sulawesi was driven by geological events over the last few million years

    Expanding the genotypic spectrum of TXNL4A variants in Burn‐McKeown syndrome

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    From Wiley via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-09-06, rev-recd 2021-10-21, accepted 2021-10-23, pub-electronic 2021-11-05Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedFunder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000268; Grant(s): BB/N000358/1Funder: Health Education England Genomics Education ProgrammeFunder: Medical Research Council; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100007155; Grant(s): 1916606Funder: National Institute for Health Manchester Biomedical Research Centre; Grant(s): IS‐BRC‐1215‐20007Abstract: The developmental disorder Burn‐McKeown Syndrome (BMKS) is characterised by choanal atresia and specific craniofacial features. BMKS is caused by biallelic variants in the pre‐messenger RNA splicing factor TXNL4A. Most patients have a loss‐of‐function variant in trans with a 34‐base pair (bp) deletion (type 1 Δ34) in the promoter region. Here, we identified two patients with BMKS. One individual has a TXNL4A c.93_94delCC, p.His32Argfs *21 variant combined with a type 1 Δ34 promoter deletion. The other has an intronic TXNL4A splice site variant (c.258‐3C>G) and a type 1 Δ34 promoter deletion. We show the c.258‐3C>G variant and a previously reported c.258‐2A>G variant, cause skipping of the final exon of TXNL4A in a minigene splicing assay. Furthermore, we identify putative transcription factor binding sites within the 56 bp of the TXNL4A promoter affected by the type 1 and type 2 Δ34 and use dual luciferase assays to identify a 22 bp repeated motif essential for TXNL4A expression within this promoter region. We propose that additional variants affecting critical transcription factor binding nucleotides within the 22 bp repeated motif could be relevant to BMKS aetiology. Finally, our data emphasises the need to analyse the non‐coding sequence in individuals where a single likely pathogenic coding variant is identified in an autosomal recessive disorder consistent with the clinical presentation

    Over-expression of adenosine deaminase in mouse podocytes does not reverse puromycin aminonucleoside resistance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Edema in nephrotic syndrome results from renal retention of sodium and alteration of the permeability properties of capillaries. Nephrotic syndrome induced by puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) in rats reproduces the biological and clinical signs of the human disease, and has been widely used to identify the cellular mechanisms of sodium retention. Unfortunately, mice do not develop nephrotic syndrome in response to PAN, and we still lack a good mouse model of the disease in which the genetic tools necessary for further characterizing the pathophysiological pathway could be used. Mouse resistance to PAN has been attributed to a defect in glomerular adenosine deaminase (ADA), which metabolizes PAN. We therefore attempted to develop a mouse line sensitive to PAN through induction of normal adenosine metabolism in their podocytes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A mouse line expressing functional ADA under the control of the podocyte-specific podocin promoter was generated by transgenesis. The effect of PAN on urinary excretion of sodium and proteins was compared in rats and in mice over-expressing ADA and in littermates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We confirmed that expression of ADA mRNAs was much lower in wild type mouse than in rat glomerulus. Transgenic mice expressed ADA specifically in the glomerulus, and their ADA activity was of the same order of magnitude as in rats. Nonetheless, ADA transgenic mice remained insensitive to PAN treatment in terms of both proteinuria and sodium retention.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Along with previous results, this study shows that adenosine deaminase is necessary but not sufficient to confer PAN sensitivity to podocytes. ADA transgenic mice could be used as a background strain for further transgenesis.</p
