9 research outputs found

    Economic analysis

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je provést ekonomickou analýzu firmy Ringier Axel Springer a.s. v letech 2006-2011. Ekonomická analýza bude provedena na základě zhodnocení ekonomické a finanční situace firmy. Prostřednictvím těchto zhodnocení půjde rozpoznat, jak si firma na trhu stojí, a stanovit návrhy, které by měly vylepšit její nynější situaci. Diplomová práce je rozdělena na dvě části -- teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část se skládá z pojmů (definic), které je nutné znát, neboť jsou později aplikovány v praktické části. Praktická část obsahuje základní informace o organizaci Ringier Axel Springer a.s. (a to jak o její minulosti, tak i současnosti). Dalším bodem této části je samotná analýza organizace Ringier Axel Springer a.s., kde bude docházet k analyzování jednotlivých vypočtených ukazatelů. Na závěr praktické části bude zhodnocen celkový stav společnosti a stanoveny návrhy pro vylepšení její výkonnosti.The aim of the Master's thesis is to perform an economic analysis of the Ringier Axel Springer company in the years 2006-2011. The analysis will be based on evaluation of the economic and financial situation of the company. These evaluations will reveal the position of the company in the market, thus making it possible to provide suggestions aimed at improving the current situation. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consists of terms (definitions) that it is important to know because they are later applied in the practical part. The practical part provides basic information about the Ringier Axel Springer company (both about its past and its present) and continues with the actualanalysis of the company , where the individual indicators are analyzed. This part of the thesis will be concluded by evaluating the overall condition of the company and suggesting ways to improve its performance

    Education and development of managers

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of education and development of business managers in company Internet a.s. The bachelor's thesis aims at analysing individual phases of educational system in company Internet a.s. and subsequently assess their positives and negatives and then propose elimination of possible deficiencies. The thesis is divided into two parts -- theoretical and practical. The first part includes an explication of the basic notions connected with education and development of managers, then individual phases of system of education, methods and forms of education. The second part focuses upon concrete enterprise. It involves characterisation of enterprise and demands on competence and abilities of manager. The practical section also includes analysis of individual phases of system of education and development in enterprise Internet a.s. and describtion of positives and negatives of individual phases of system of education and suggestion eliminating their deficiencies

    Targeting Human Thrombus by Liposomes Modified with Anti-Fibrin Protein Binders

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    Development of tools for direct thrombus imaging represents a key step for diagnosis and treatment of stroke. Nanoliposomal carriers of contrast agents and thrombolytics can be functionalized to target blood thrombi by small protein binders with selectivity for fibrin domains uniquely formed on insoluble fibrin. We employed a highly complex combinatorial library derived from scaffold of 46 amino acid albumin-binding domain (ABD) of streptococcal protein G, and ribosome display, to identify variants recognizing fibrin cloth in human thrombus. We constructed a recombinant target as a stretch of three identical fibrin fragments of 16 amino acid peptide of the Bβ chain fused to TolA protein. Ribosome display selection followed by large-scale Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) screening provided four protein variants preferentially binding to insoluble form of human fibrin. The most specific binder variant D7 was further modified by C-terminal FLAG/His-Tag or double His-tag for the attachment onto the surface of nanoliposomes via metallochelating bond. D7-His-nanoliposomes were tested using in vitro flow model of coronary artery and their binding to fibrin fibers was demonstrated by confocal and electron microscopy. Thus, we present here the concept of fibrin-targeted binders as a platform for functionalization of nanoliposomes in the development of advanced imaging tools and future theranostics

    Hypromellose – A traditional pharmaceutical excipient with modern applications in oral and oromucosal drug delivery

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