126 research outputs found

    The Electrochemistry of Simple Inorganic Molecules in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids

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    The electrochemistry of simple inorganic compounds in room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) is reviewed and some new work in this area is presented. This paper focuses on the comparison between electrochemical behaviour in RTILs and in conventional aprotic solvents. Some compounds (iodides, O2, NO2, SO2, NH3) display similar reactions and mechanisms in RTILs as in aprotic solvents (as is observed for organic compounds). However other species (nitrates, PCl3, POCl3) show remarkably different behaviour to traditional solvents. This makes RTILs very promising media for the study of inorganic compounds, and highlights the need for more investigations in this exciting area

    Generator-collector voltammetry at dual-plate gold-gold microtrench electrodes as diagnostic tool in ionic liquids

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    Ionic liquids provide high viscosity solvent environments with interesting voltammetric characteristics and new electrochemical mechanisms. Here, a gold-gold dual-plate microtrench electrode is employed in generator-collector mode to enhance viscosity-limited currents in ionic liquids due to fast feedback within small inter-electrode gaps (5 μm inter-electrode gap, 27 μm microtrench depth) and to provide a mechanistic diagnosis tool. Three redox systems in the ionic liquid BMIm+BF4− are investigated: (i) ferrocene oxidation, (ii) oxygen reduction, and (iii) 2-phenyl-naphthyl-1,4-dione reduction. Both transient and steady state voltammetric responses are compared. Asymmetric diffusion processes, reaction intermediates, and solubility changes in the ionic liquid are revealed.A. J. G and F. M. gratefully acknowledge the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/I028706/1) for financial support. M. A. M. and J. I. also thank the financial support from MICINN-FEDER (Spain) through the project CTQ2013-48280-C3-3-R

    Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Formate at Low Overpotential using a Superbase Ionic Liquid

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    A new low-energy pathway is reported for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate and syngas at low overpotentials, utilizing a reactive ionic liquid as the solvent. The superbasic tetraalkyl phosphonium ionic liquid [P66614 ][124Triz] is able to chemisorb CO2 through equimolar binding of CO2 with the 1,2,4-triazole anion. This chemisorbed CO2 can be reduced at silver electrodes at overpotentials as low as 0.17 V, forming formate. In contrast, physically absorbed CO2 within the same ionic liquid or in ionic liquids where chemisorption is impossible (such as [P66614 ][NTf2 ]) undergoes reduction at significantly increased overpotentials, producing only CO as the product

    Electrochemical Oxidation and Sensing of Methylamine Gas in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids

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    The electrochemical behaviour of methylamine gas in several room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs), [C2mim][NTf2], [C4mim][NTf2], [C6mim][FAP], [C4mpyrr][NTf2], [C4mim][BF4], and [C4mim][PF6] has been investigated on a Pt microelectrode using cyclic voltammetry. A broad oxidation wave at approximately 3 V, two reduction peaks and another oxidation peak was observed. A complicated mechanism is predicted based on the voltammetry obtained, with ammonia gas as a likely by-product. The currents obtained suggest that methylamine has a high solubility in RTILs, which is important for gas sensing applications. The analytical utility of methylamine was then studied in [C4mpyrr][NTf2] and [C2mim][NTf2]. A linear calibration graph with an R2 value of 0.99 and limits of detection of 33 and 34 ppm were obtained respectively, suggesting that RTILs are favourable non-volatile solvents for the electrochemical detection of highly toxic methylamine gas

    Recent advances in the use of ionic liquids for electrochemical sensing

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    Ionic Liquids are salts that are liquid at (or just above) room temperature. They possess several advantageous properties (e.g. high intrinsic conductivity, wide electrochemical windows, low volatility, high thermal stability and good solvating ability), which make them ideal as non-volatile electrolytes in electrochemical sensors. This mini-review article describes the recent uses of ionic liquids in electrochemical sensing applications (covering the last 3 years) in the context of voltammetric sensing at solid/liquid, liquid/liquid interfaces and carbon paste electrodes, as well as their use in gas sensing, ion-selective electrodes, and for detecting biological molecules, explosives and chemical warfare agents. A comment on the future direction and challenges in this field is also presented

    Void-Assisted Ion-Paired Proton Transfer at Water-Ionic Liquid Interfaces.

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    At the water-trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate ([P14,6,6,6 ][FAP]) ionic liquid interface, the unusual electrochemical transfer behavior of protons (H(+) ) and deuterium ions (D(+) ) was identified. Alkali metal cations (such as Li(+) , Na(+) , K(+) ) did not undergo this transfer. H(+) /D(+) transfers were assisted by the hydrophobic counter anion of the ionic liquid, [FAP](-) , resulting in the formation of a mixed capacitive layer from the filling of the latent voids within the anisotropic ionic liquid structure. This phenomenon could impact areas such as proton-coupled electron transfers, fuel cells, and hydrogen storage where ionic liquids are used as aprotic solvents

    Continuous electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide into formate using a tin cathode: comparison with lead cathode

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    Electrochemical reduction has been pointed out as a promising method for CO2valorisation into useful chemicals. This paper studies the influence of key variables on the performance of an experimental system for continuous electro-reduction of CO2 to formate, when a tin plate is used as working electrode. Particular emphasis is placed on comparing the performance of Sn and Pb as cathodes. As was previously found with Pb, the influence of current density (“j”) using Sn was particularly noteworthy, and when j was raised up to a limit value of 8.5 mA cm−2, important increases of the rate of formate production were observed at the expense of lowering the Faradaic efficiency. However, unlike what was found with Pb, the performance using Sn improved when the electrolyte flow rate/electrode area ratio was increased within the range studied (0.57–2.3 mL min−1 cm−2). In this way, the use of Sn as cathode allowed achieving rates of formate production that were 25% higher than the maximum rates obtained with Pb, together with Faradaic efficiencies close to 70%, which were 15 points higher than those with Pb. These results reinforce the interest in Sn as electrode material in the electro-reduction of CO2 to formate.This work was conducted under the framework of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Project ENE2010-14828

    Ionic liquids in the electrochemical valorisation of CO2

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    The development of electrochemical processes for using captured CO2 in the production of valuable compounds appears as an attractive alternative to recycle CO2 and, at the same time, to store electricity from intermittent renewable sources. Among the different innovative attempts that are being investigated to improve these processes, the application of ionic liquids (ILs) has received growing attention in recent years. This paper presents a unified discussion of the significant work that involves the utilisation of ILs for the valorisation of CO2 by means of electrochemical routes. We discuss studies in which CO2 is used as one of the reactants to electrosynthesise value-added products, among which dimethyl carbonate has been the focus of particular attention in the literature. Approaches based on the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to convert it into products without the use of other carbon-based reactants are also reviewed, highlighting the remarkable improvements that the use of ILs has allowed in the CO2 electroreduction to CO. The review emphasises on different aspects related to process design, including the nature of IL anions and cations that have been used, the working conditions, the electrocatalytic materials, the electrode configurations, or the design of electrochemical cells, as well as discussing the most relevant observations, results and figures of merit that the participation of ILs has allowed to achieve in these processes. Several conclusions are finally proposed to highlight crucial challenges and recommendations for future research in this area.The financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project CTQ2013-48280-C3-1-R is gratefully acknowledged. J. Albo particularly thanks Juan de la Cierva program (JCI-2012-12073)