517 research outputs found

    Survival Of Aids Patients In The Southeast And South Of Brazil: Analysis Of The 1998-1999 Cohort [sobrevida De Pacientes Com Aids Das Regiões Sudeste E Sul Do Brasil: Análise Da Coorte De 1998-1999]

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate survival time for AIDS patients 13 years and older in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, according to socio-demographic, clinical, and epidemiological characteristics. The sample was selected from all cases diagnosed in 1998 and 1999 and notified to the Epidemiological Surveillance System of the National STD/AIDS Program. Use of a questionnaire allowed analyzing 2,091 patient charts. Based on the Kaplan-Meier method, estimated survival was at least 108 months after diagnosis in 59.5% of patients in the Southeast and 59.3% in the South. Cox regression models showed, in both regions, an increase in survival in patients on antiretroviral therapy, those classified as AIDS cases according to the CD4 T-cell criterion, females, and those with more schooling. Other factors associated with longer survival in the Southeast were: white skin color, no history of tuberculosis since the AIDS diagnosis, negative hepatitis B serology, and access to a multidisciplinary health team. In the South, age below 40 years was associated with longer survival.27SUPPL. 1S79S92Fonseca, M.G.P., Bastos, F.I., Twenty-five years of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil: Principal epidemiological findings, 1980-2005 (2007) Cad Saúde Pública, (23 SUPPL 3), pp. S333-S344Boletim Epidemiológico AIDST 2008, 1. , Ministério da Saúde, Ano(2004) Critérios De Definição De Casos De AIDS Em Adultos E Crianças, , Ministério da Saúde, Brasília: Ministério da SaúdeDourado, I., Veras, M.A.S.M., Barreira, D., Brito, A.M., Tendências da epidemia de AIDS no Brasil após a terapia antirretroviral (2006) Rev Saúde Pública, (SUPPL 40), pp. 9-17Casseb, J., Fonseca, L.A., Veiga, A.P., Almeida, A., Bueno, A., Ferez, A.C., AIDS incidence and mortality in a hospital based cohort of HIV-1 seropositive patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy in São Paulo, Brazil (2003) AIDS Patient Care STDS, 17, pp. 447-452Crum, N.F., Riffemburg, R.H., Wegner, S., Agan, B.K., Tasker, S.A., Spooner, K.M., Comparison of causes of death and mortality rates among HIV infected persons: Analysis of the pre, early, and late HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) eras (2006) J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 41, pp. 194-200Santos, N.J.S., Tayra, A., Silva, S.R., Buchala, C.M., Laurenti, R., A AIDS no estado de São Paulo: As mudanças no perfil da epidemia e perspectivas da vigilância epidemiológica (2002) Rev Bras Epidemiol, 5, pp. 286-310Messeri, P., Lee, G., Abramson, D.M., Aidala, A., Chiasson, M.A., Jessop, D.J., Antiretroviral therapy and declining AIDS mortality in New York City (2003) Med Care, 41, pp. 512-521Vellozi, C., Brooks, J.T., Bush, T.J., Conley, L.J., Henry, K., Carperter, C.C.J., The study to understand the natural history of HIV and AIDS in the era of effective therapy (SUN Study) (2009) Am J Epidemiol, 169, pp. 642-652Quinn, T.C., HIV epidemiology and the effects of antiviral therapy on long term consequences (2008) AIDS, (22 SUPPL 3), pp. S7-S12Targets and Commitments Made By the Member-States At the United Nation General Assembly Special Session On HIV/AIDS, , http//www.unaids.org/en/dataanalysis/monitoringcountryprogress/2010progr essreportssubmittedbycountries/brazil_2010_country_progress_report_en.pd f, Brazilian Ministry of Health, accessed on Jul/2010Chequer, P., Hearst, N., Hudes, E.S., Castilho, E., Rutherford, G., Loures, L., Determinants of survival in adult Brazilian AIDS patients, 1982-1989.The Brazilian State AIDS Program Co-ordinators (1992) AIDS, 6, pp. 483-487Marins, J.R., Jamal, L.E., Chen, S.Y., Barros, M.B., Hudes, E.S., Barbosa, A.A., Dramatic improvement in survival among adult Brazilian AIDS patients (2003) AIDS, 17, pp. 1675-1682Collet, D., (2003) Modeling Survival Data In Medical Research, , 2nd Ed. Boca Raton: Chapman & HallEpidemiology of HIV/AIDS, United States, 1981-2005 (2006) MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 55, pp. 589-592. , Centers for Disease Control and PreventionWong, K.H., Chan, K.C., Lee, S.S., Delayed progression to death and to AIDS in a Hong Kong cohort of patients with advanced HIV type 1 disease during the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (2004) Clin Infect Dis, 39, pp. 853-860Gadelha, A.J., Accacio, N., Costa, R.L.B., Galhardo, M.C., Cotrim, M.R., Souza, R.V., Morbidity and survival in advanced AIDS in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2002) Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo, 44, pp. 179-186Hacker, M.A., Petersen, M.L., Enriquez, M., Bastos, F.I., Highly active antiretroviral therapy in Brazil: The challenge of universal access in a context of social inequality (2004) Rev Panam Salud Pública, 16, pp. 78-83Krishnan, S., Dunbar, M.S., Minnis, A.M., Medlin, C.A., Gerdts, C.E., Padian, N.S., Poverty, gender inequalities and women's risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS (2008) Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1136, pp. 101-110Antunes, J.L.F., Waldman, E.A., Borrel, C., Is it possible to reduce AIDS death without reinforcing socioeconomic inequalities in health? 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Socioeconomic status and survival of persons with AIDS before and after introduction of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (2000) Epidemiology, 11, pp. 496-501. , Rapiti EPrograma Nacional DST E AIDS, , http://www.aids.gov.br/cgi/deftohtm.exe?tabnet/aids.def, Ministério da Saúde, accessed on 26/Aug/2009Giovanetti, M.C., Santos, N.J.S., Westin, C.P., Darré, D., Gianna, M.C., A implantação do quesito cor/raça nos serviços de DST/AIDS no Estado de São Paulo (2007) Saúde Soc, 16, pp. 163-170Fry, P.H., Monteiro, S., Maio, M.C., Bastos, F.I., Santos, R.V., AIDS tem cor ou raça? Interpretação de dados e formulação de políticas de saúde no Brasil (2007) Cad Saúde Pública, 23, pp. 497-523Batista, L.E., (2002) Mulheres E Homens Negros: Saúde, Doença E Morte [Doctoral Dissertation], , Araraquara: Fa-culdade de Ciências e Letras, Universidade Estadual PaulistaFonseca, M.G.P., Lucena, F.F.A., Souza, A., Bastos, F.I., AIDS mortality, "race or color", and social inequality in a context of universal access to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in Brazil, 1999- 2004 (2007) Cad Saúde Pública, (23 SUPPL 3), pp. S445-S455Marins, J.R.P., (2004) Estudo De Sobrevida Dos Pacientes De AIDS Segundo Escolaridade, Co-infecção Hepatite C E Tuberculose. Coorte Brasileira 1995-1996 [Doctoral Dissertation], , Campinas: Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Estadual de CampinasFerreira, M.S., Borges, A.S., Avanços no tratamento da hepatite pelo vírus B (2007) Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 40, pp. 451-462Mussini, C., Manzardo, C., Johnson, M., Monforte, A., Uberti-Foppa, C., Antinori, A., Patients presenting with AIDS in the HAART era: A collaborative cohort analysis (2008) AIDS, 22, pp. 2461-2469Nemes, M.I.B., Alencar, T.M.D., (2008) Equipe Qualiaids. Avaliação Da Assistência Ambulatorial Aos Adultos Vivendo Com HIV/AIDS, , Qualiaids. Relatório 2007/2008. Brasília: Ministério da SaúdeMelchior, R., Nemes, M.I.B., Basso, C.R.B., Castanheira, E.R.L., Alves, M.T.S.B., Buchalla, C.M., Avaliação da estrutura organizacional assistência ambulatorial em HIV/AIDS no Brasil (2006) Rev Saúde Pública, 40, pp. 143-15

    Survival of patients with AIDS and association with level of education level and race/skin color in South and Southeast Brazil: a cohort study, 1998-1999

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    Analisar a sobrevida de pessoas com aids e sua associação com escolaridade e raça/cor da pele. Coorte de diagnosticados entre 1998 e 1999, nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil, com análise de sobrevida (método de Kaplan--Meier), estratificada por escolaridade e raça/cor da pele; a análise multivariada foi realizada mediante regressão de Cox. Foram incluídas 2.091 pessoas com sobrevida em 60 meses, a percentuais de 65% entre brancos e 62% entre pretos/pardos; o uso irregular de antirretrovirais (HR=11,2 - IC95%8,8;14,2) e a idade ≥60 anos (HR=2,5 - IC95%1,4;4,4) foram relacionados com menor sobrevida; escolaridade >8 anos (HR=0,4 - IC95%0,3;0,6) e sexo feminino (HR=0,6 - IC95%0,5;0,8) relacionaram-se positivamente com sobrevida; os menos escolarizados tiveram sobrevida menor. Menor escolaridade sobrepôs-se às diferenças de raça/cor da pele, quando relacionada à sobrevida; tais desigualdades explicaram as diferenças observadas, mesmo com políticas de acesso universal aos antirretrovirais. Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida; Sobrevivência (Saúde Pública); Análise de Sobrevida; Escolaridade; Origem Étnica e Saúde281To analyze the survival of people with AIDS and association with schooling and race/skin color. METHODS: this was a retrospective cohort study of people diagnosed with AIDS between 1998 and 1999, in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil. We used survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier method), stratified by schooling and race/skin color and multivariate analysis was performed using Cox regression. RESULTS: the study included 2,091 people who had survived at 60 months, with 65% survival among White participants and 62% among Black/brown participants. Irregular use of antiretroviral (HR=11.2 - 95%CI8.8;14.2), and age ≥60 years (HR=2.5 - 95%CI1.4;4.4) were related to lower survival; schooling >8 years (HR=0.4 - 95%CI0.3;0.6) and being female (HR=0.6 - 95%CI0.5;0.8) were positively related to survival; those with less schooling had lower survival. CONCLUSION: lower schooling levels overlap race/skin color differences in relation to survival; these inequalities explain the differences found, despite the policies on universal access to antiretroviral.OBJETIVO: analisar a sobrevida de pessoas com aids e sua associação com escolaridade e raça/cor da pele. MÉTODOS: coorte de diagnosticados entre 1998 e 1999, nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil, com análise de sobrevida (método de Kaplan--Meier), estratificada por escolaridade e raça/cor da pele; a análise multivariada foi realizada mediante regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: foram incluídas 2.091 pessoas com sobrevida em 60 meses, a percentuais de 65% entre brancos e 62% entre pretos/pardos; o uso irregular de antirretrovirais (HR=11,2 - IC95%8,8;14,2) e a idade ≥60 anos (HR=2,5 - IC95%1,4;4,4) foram relacionados com menor sobrevida; escolaridade >8 anos (HR=0,4 - IC95%0,3;0,6) e sexo feminino (HR=0,6 - IC95%0,5;0,8) relacionaram-se positivamente com sobrevida; os menos escolarizados tiveram sobrevida menor. CONCLUSÃO: menor escolaridade sobrepôs-se às diferenças de raça/cor da pele, quando relacionada à sobrevida; tais desigualdades explicaram as diferenças observadas, mesmo com políticas de acesso universal aos antirretrovirais.OBJETIVO: analizar la sobrevida de personas con sida y su asociación con escolaridad y raza/color de la piel. MÉTODOS: cohorte de diagnosticados entre 1998 y 1999, en las regiones Sur y Sudeste de Brasil, con análisis de supervivencia (Kaplan-Meier), estratificados por educación y raza/color de la piel; el análisis multivariante se realizó con regresión de Cox. RESULTADOS: fueron incluidas 2.091 personas con sobrevida de 60 meses, a porcentuales de 65% entre blancos y 62% entre negros/pardos; el uso irregular de antirretrovirales (HR=11,2 - IC95%8,8;14,2) y la edad ≥60 años (HR=2,5 - IC95%1,4;4,4) se relacionaron con una menor sobrevida; escolaridad >8 años (HR=0,4 - IC95%0,3;0,6) y sexo femenino (HR=0,6 - IC95%0,5;0,8) se relacionaron positivamente con sobrevida; los menos escolarizados tuvieron sobrevida menor. CONCLUSIÓN: menor escolaridad se superpuso a las diferencias de raza/color de la piel referida, cuando relacionada a la supervivencia; tales desigualdades explicaron las diferencias observadas, aún con políticas de acceso universal a antirretrovirales

    πΞ\pi\Xi phase shifts and CP Violation in ΩπΞ{\Omega\to\pi\Xi} Decay

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    In the study of CP violation signals in {\O}\to\pi\Xi nonleptonic decays, the strong JJ=3/2 PP and DD phase shifts for the πΞ\pi\Xi final-state interactions are needed. These phases are calculated using an effective Lagrangian model, including Ξ\Xi, Ξ\Xi^*(1530), ρ\rho and the σ\sigma-term, in the intermediate states. The σ\sigma-term is calculated in terms of the scalar form factor of the baryon.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Screening polymeric ionic liquids for chromatography-based purification of bacteriophage M13

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    M13 bacteriophage is a key instrument in phage display applications, as well as a possible antibacterial therapeutic agent due to its highly restrictive bacterial pathogenesis, and other applications. The traditional phage purification process is usually achieved by gradient ultracentrifugation or a combination of precipitation, centrifugation and microfiltration. These approaches easily lead to long process times, high operational costs, phage aggregation and consequent product loss (approximately 60%). This work is thus focused on an alternative potential large-scale process to achieve high yield and purity while minimizing the operational costs. Electrostatic-based separation processes are also common biomolecules purification techniques. Although anion exchange chromatography has been used before to purify several viral particles, this technique has been poorly reported for the purification of M13 phage. In a recent work, our group has demonstrated the use of a predominant anion exchange process, where a polymeric ionic liquid (PIL) was used as an alternative separation matrix for M13 bacteriophage. In this work, a variety of system parameters was studied, including chemical structure of the cation and the anion, the crosslinker nature and its concentration, either in batch adsorption/elution or chromatographic operation mode. The PIL-based chromatographic operation mode revealed to be a suitable separation process for M13 from directly filtered E. coli supernatant, reaching over 70% M13 recovery and 4.6 purification factor in a single step. To our knowledge, this is the first time that PILs have been reported as separation agents for bioproducts from complex mixtures.publishe

    Altered glucose homeostasis and hepatic function in obese mice deficient for both kinin receptor genes

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    The Kallikrein-Kinin System (KKS) has been implicated in several aspects of metabolism, including the regulation of glucose homeostasis and adiposity. Kinins and des-Arg-kinins are the major effectors of this system and promote their effects by binding to two different receptors, the kinin B2 and B1 receptors, respectively. To understand the influence of the KKS on the pathophysiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM), we generated an animal model deficient for both kinin receptor genes and leptin (obB1B2KO). Six-month-old obB1B2KO mice showed increased blood glucose levels. Isolated islets of the transgenic animals were more responsive to glucose stimulation releasing greater amounts of insulin, mainly in 3-month-old mice, which was corroborated by elevated serum C-peptide concentrations. Furthermore, they presented hepatomegaly, pronounced steatosis, and increased levels of circulating transaminases. This mouse also demonstrated exacerbated gluconeogenesis during the pyruvate challenge test. The hepatic abnormalities were accompanied by changes in the gene expression of factors linked to glucose and lipid metabolisms in the liver. Thus, we conclude that kinin receptors are important for modulation of insulin secretion and for the preservation of normal glucose levels and hepatic functions in obese mice, suggesting a protective role of the KKS regarding complications associated with obesity and T2DM

    Prevalência e fatores associados à prática de esportes individuais e coletivos em adolescentes pertencentes a uma coorte de nascimentos

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    O presente estudo investigou a prática de esportes individuais e coletivos e fatores associados em jovens com idade média de 11 anos, pertencentes a uma coorte de nascimentos. Informações dos jovens e de suas mães foram coletadas por meio de questionários. O desfecho foi dividido em prática de esportes individuais e coletivos. Uma análise por meio de regressão de Poisson foi conduzida para estabelecer os fatores associados à prática esportiva, obedecendo a um modelo conceitual de análise com as variáveis independentes hierarquizadas. Um total de 4350 jovens foi estudado. A prática de esportes coletivos foi menor nas meninas - 68,1% (IC95% 66,2 - 70,0) em comparação aos meninos - 82,1% (IC95% 80,5 - 83,7). Nos esportes individuais, a prevalência foi de 12,9% (IC95% 11,6 - 14,4) e 18,9% (IC95% 17,3 - 20,6) em meninas e meninos, respectivamente. Entre as meninas, a prática de esportes individuais relacionou-se diretamente com nível econômico e inversamente com assistir televisão. Nos meninos este desfecho associou-se com estudar em escolas privadas e ter mães fisicamente ativas. Em esportes coletivos, a prática foi menor naqueles que despendem maior tempo assistindo TV. Em ambos os sexos houve uma relação direta entre o uso regular do vídeo-game e a prática de esportes. Políticas públicas devem considerar os diferentes aspectos relacionados à prática esportiva e atender a disparidades socioeconômicas no acesso a diferentes modalidades esportivas. Além disso, o maior acesso a diferentes locais de práticas esportivas, bem como o incentivos de pais, amigos e ambiente escolar devem ser fortalecidos.The present study investigated individual and collective sports practice and associated factors among adolescents with a mean age of 11 years, belonging to a birth cohort study. Information on the adolescents and on their mothers were obtained through questionnaires. The outcome variable was divided into practice of individual and collective sports. Poisson regression models were used in order to determine the factors associated with sports practice, following a hierarchical framework. A total of 4350 adolescents were interviewed. Practice of collective sports was less frequent among girls - 68.1% (95%CI 66.2 - 70.0) in comparison to boys- 82.1% (95%CI 80.5 - 83.7). Regarding individual sports, the prevalence was 12.9% (95%CI 11.6 - 14.4) and 18.9% (95%CI 17.3 - 20.6) in girls and boys, respectively. Among girls, individual sports practice was directly associated with socioeconomic level and inversely with television viewing. Among boys, the outcome was associated with studying in private schools and having an active mother. In terms of collective sports, the practice was less frequent among those with high level of television viewing. In both sexes, a direct association was observed between videogame playing and sports practice. Public policies should consider the different aspects related to sports practice and consider socioeconomic inequalities in sports practice

    Anisotropic flow of charged hadrons, pions and (anti-)protons measured at high transverse momentum in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=2.76 TeV

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    The elliptic, v2v_2, triangular, v3v_3, and quadrangular, v4v_4, azimuthal anisotropic flow coefficients are measured for unidentified charged particles, pions and (anti-)protons in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Results obtained with the event plane and four-particle cumulant methods are reported for the pseudo-rapidity range η<0.8|\eta|<0.8 at different collision centralities and as a function of transverse momentum, pTp_{\rm T}, out to pT=20p_{\rm T}=20 GeV/cc. The observed non-zero elliptic and triangular flow depends only weakly on transverse momentum for pT>8p_{\rm T}>8 GeV/cc. The small pTp_{\rm T} dependence of the difference between elliptic flow results obtained from the event plane and four-particle cumulant methods suggests a common origin of flow fluctuations up to pT=8p_{\rm T}=8 GeV/cc. The magnitude of the (anti-)proton elliptic and triangular flow is larger than that of pions out to at least pT=8p_{\rm T}=8 GeV/cc indicating that the particle type dependence persists out to high pTp_{\rm T}.Comment: 16 pages, 5 captioned figures, authors from page 11, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/186