253 research outputs found

    Where Have All the Spiders Gone? Observations of a Dramatic Population Density Decline in the Once Very Abundant Garden Spider, Araneus diadematus (Araneae: Araneidae), in the Swiss Midland

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    Aerial web-spinning spiders (including large orb-weavers), as a group, depend almost entirely on flying insects as a food source. The recent widespread loss of flying insects across large parts of western Europe, in terms of both diversity and biomass, can therefore be anticipated to have a drastic negative impact on the survival and abundance of this type of spider. To test the putative importance of such a hitherto neglected trophic cascade, a survey of population densities of the European garden spider Araneus diadematus-a large orb-weaving species-was conducted in the late summer of 2019 at twenty sites in the Swiss midland. The data from this survey were compared with published population densities for this species from the previous century. The study verified the above-mentioned hypothesis that this spider's present-day overall mean population density has declined alarmingly to densities much lower than can be expected from normal population fluctuations (0.7% of the historical values). Review of other available records suggested that this pattern is widespread and not restricted to this region. In conclusion, the decline of this once so abundant spider in the Swiss midland is evidently revealing a bottom-up trophic cascade in response to the widespread loss of flying insect prey in recent decades


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    The current regulatory framework for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) is changing and now requires manufacturers to disclose the environmental performance of their products. This means that manufacturers must perform a life cycle analysis (LCA) on their entire range of products. An LCA is a recognized and standardized methodology for assessing the environmental impact of activities. However, communicating this information to consumers is challenging because it can be complicated.Despite this challenge, there is currently no common standard for communicating environmental information to consumers. The objective of this study is to explore the best practices for conveying environmental information. To achive this, a review of current environmental labeling approaches and recommendations available in the literature is conducted. Additionally, consumer requirements are collected and analyzed through a questionnaire that employs both quantitative and qualitative methods. The information collected is then used to develop the best practices for implementing environmental labeling for EEE

    Strength of forest edge effects on litter-dwelling macro-arthropods across Europe is influenced by forest age and edge properties

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    International audienceAim: Forests are highly fragmented across Western Europe, making forest edges im ‐portant features in many agricultural landscapes. Forest edges are subject to strong abiotic gradients altering the forest environment and resulting in strong biotic gradi ‐ents. This has the potential to change the forest's capacity to provide multiple eco ‐system services such as nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration and natural pest control. Soil organisms play a key role in this perspective; however, these taxa are rarely considered in forest edge research.Location: A latitudinal gradient of 2,000 km across Western Europe.Methods: We sampled six dominant taxa of litter‐dwelling macro‐arthropods (car ‐abid beetles, spiders, harvestmen, centipedes, millipedes and woodlice) in forest edges and interiors of 192 forest fragments in 12 agricultural landscapes. We related their abundance and community composition to distance from the edge and the inter ‐action with forest age, edge orientation and edge contrast (contrast between land use types at either side of the edge).Results: Three out of six macro‐arthropod taxa have higher activity‐density in forest edges compared to forest interiors. The abundance patterns along forest edge‐to‐in‐terior gradients interacted with forest age. Forest age and edge orientation also influ ‐enced within‐fragment compositional variation along the forest edge‐to‐interior gradient. Edge contrast influenced abundance gradients of generalist predators. In general, older forest fragments, south‐oriented edges and edges along structurally more continuous land use (lower contrast between forest and adjacent land use) re ‐sulted in stronger edge‐to‐interior gradients while recent forests, north‐oriented edges and sharp land use edges induced similarity between forest edge and interior along the forest edge‐to‐interior gradients in terms of species activity‐density and composition.Main conclusions: Edge effects on litter‐dwelling macro‐arthropods are anticipated to feedback on important ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, carbon se ‐questration and natural pest control from small forest fragments

    XM02 is superior to placebo and equivalent to Neupogenℱ in reducing the duration of severe neutropenia and the incidence of febrile neutropenia in cycle 1 in breast cancer patients receiving docetaxel/doxorubicin chemotherapy

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    Abstract Background Recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSFs) such as Filgrastim are used to treat chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. We investigated a new G-CSF, XM02, and compared it to Neupogenℱ after myelotoxic chemotherapy in breast cancer (BC) patients. Methods A total of 348 patients with BC receiving docetaxel/doxorubicin chemotherapy were randomised to treatment with daily injections (subcutaneous 5 ÎŒg/kg/day) for at least 5 days and a maximum of 14 days in each cycle of XM02 (n = 140), Neupogenℱ (n = 136) or placebo (n = 72). The primary endpoint was the duration of severe neutropenia (DSN) in cycle 1. Results The mean DSN in cycle 1 was 1.1, 1.1, and 3.9 days in the XM02, Neupogenℱ, and placebo group, respectively. Superiority of XM02 over placebo and equivalence of XM02 with Neupogenℱ could be demonstrated. Toxicities were similar between XM02 and Neupogenℱ. Conclusion XM02 was superior to placebo and equivalent to Neupogenℱ in reducing DSN after myelotoxic chemotherapy. Trial Registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN02270769</p

    Heritability and Artificial Selection on Ambulatory Dispersal Distance in Tetranychus urticae: Effects of Density and Maternal Effects

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    Dispersal distance is understudied although the evolution of dispersal distance affects the distribution of genetic diversity through space. Using the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, we tested the conditions under which dispersal distance could evolve. To this aim, we performed artificial selection based on dispersal distance by choosing 40 individuals (out of 150) that settled furthest from the home patch (high dispersal, HDIS) and 40 individuals that remained close to the home patch (low dispersal, LDIS) with three replicates per treatment. We did not observe a response to selection nor a difference between treatments in life-history traits (fecundity, survival, longevity, and sex-ratio) after ten generations of selection. However, we show that heritability for dispersal distance depends on density. Heritability for dispersal distance was low and non-significant when using the same density as the artificial selection experiments while heritability becomes significant at a lower density. Furthermore, we show that maternal effects may have influenced the dispersal behaviour of the mites. Our results suggest primarily that selection did not work because high density and maternal effects induced phenotypic plasticity for dispersal distance. Density and maternal effects may affect the evolution of dispersal distance and should be incorporated into future theoretical and empirical studies

    Genetics of Dispersal

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    Dispersal is a process of central importance for the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of populations and communities, because of its diverse consequences for gene flow and demography. It is subject to evolutionary change, which begs the question, what is the genetic basis of this potentially complex trait? To address this question, we (i) review the empirical literature on the genetic basis of dispersal, (ii) explore how theoretical investigations of the evolution of dispersal have represented the genetics of dispersal, and (iii) discuss how the genetic basis of dispersal influences theoretical predictions of the evolution of dispersal and potential consequences. Dispersal has a detectable genetic basis in many organisms, from bacteria to plants and animals. Generally, there is evidence for significant genetic variation for dispersal or dispersal-related phenotypes or evidence for the micro-evolution of dispersal in natural populations. Dispersal is typically the outcome of several interacting traits, and this complexity is reflected in its genetic architecture: while some genes of moderate to large effect can influence certain aspects of dispersal, dispersal traits are typically polygenic. Correlations among dispersal traits as well as between dispersal traits and other traits under selection are common, and the genetic basis of dispersal can be highly environment-dependent. By contrast, models have historically considered a highly simplified genetic architecture of dispersal. It is only recently that models have started to consider multiple loci influencing dispersal, as well as non-additive effects such as dominance and epistasis, showing that the genetic basis of dispersal can influence evolutionary rates and outcomes, especially under non-equilibrium conditions. For example, the number of loci controlling dispersal can influence projected rates of dispersal evolution during range shifts and corresponding demographic impacts. Incorporating more realism in the genetic architecture of dispersal is thus necessary to enable models to move beyond the purely theoretical towards making more useful predictions of evolutionary and ecological dynamics under current and future environmental conditions. To inform these advances, empirical studies need to answer outstanding questions concerning whether specific genes underlie dispersal variation, the genetic architecture of context-dependent dispersal phenotypes and behaviours, and correlations among dispersal and other traits.Peer reviewe

    Dispersal: a matter of scale

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    Population density around the natal site is often invoked as an explanation for variation in dispersal distance, with the expectation that competition for limiting resources, coupled with increased intra‐specific aggression at high densities, should drive changes in dispersal distances. However, tests of the density‐dependent dispersal hypothesis in long‐lived vertebrates have yielded mixed results. Furthermore, conclusions from dispersal studies may depend on the spatial and temporal scales at which density and dispersal patterns are examined, yet multi‐scale studies of dispersal are rare. Here, we present the findings of a long‐term study examining factors influencing natal dispersal distances for the non‐migratory population of Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) in the British Isles across distinct spatial and temporal scales. Our smallest scale study included Peregrines ringed as nestlings and subsequently recaptured alive in south Scotland–north England, an area that was intensively studied during the time periods 1974–1982 and 2002–2016. Second, we examined dispersal patterns of birds ringed as nestlings in south Scotland–north England, but subsequently recaptured alive or recovered dead anywhere in the British Isles. Finally, we examined the natal dispersal patterns for Peregrines ringed and recaptured or recovered anywhere in the British Isles from 1964 to 2016. Consistent with prior findings, females dispersed farther than males across all scales. However, the patterns of dispersal were strongly scale dependent. Specifically, we found a lack of a discernible relationship between index of density and dispersal distance in the limited study area, but when region‐wide recaptures and recoveries were included in the analyses, a negative relationship was revealed. Our results suggest that conclusions of dispersal studies may be scale dependent, highlighting the importance of spatial and temporal scales in examining and interpreting the relationship between population density and dispersal patterns
