36 research outputs found

    Mujeres, empoderamiento e instituciones religiosas en la historia latinoamericana

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    Esta ponencia estará focalizada en el papel de las instituciones religiosas pertenecientes a la Iglesia Católica que influyeron y fueron a su vez influidas por el proceso de empoderamiento que fueron logrando las mujeres latinoamericanas a lo largo del siglo XX. Centraré en el caso de las congregaciones religiosas femeninas por su trascendencia histórica tanto en la vida de la Iglesia como en la vida de otras mujeres, aunque hay otras instituciones religiosas que agrupan e influyen en la posibilidad de empoderamiento de las mujeres, como los movimientos laicales, los institutos seculares y la vida monástica

    Gloría mercedes arango. la mentalidad religiosa en antioquia. prácticas y discursos 1828-1885

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    Gloría Mercedes Arango. La mentalidad religiosa en Antioquia. Prácticas y discursos 1828-1885. Medellín: Universidad Nacional, 1994.335 páginas

    Gamifying Physics Laboratory Work Increases Motivation and Enhances Acquisition of the Skills Required for Application of the Scientific Method

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    Although increasing student motivation is widely accepted to enhance learning outcomes, this relationship has scarcely been studied quantitatively. Therefore, this study aimed to address this knowledge gap by exploring the effects of gamification on students’ motivation and consequently their learning performance, regarding the proper application of the scientific method. To motivate students and enhance their acquisition of new skills, we developed a gamification framework for the laboratory sessions of first-year physics in an engineering degree. Data regarding student motivation were collected through a Likert-scale-type satisfaction questionnaire. The inter-item correlations and Cronbach’s alpha confirmed the internal consistency of the questionnaire. In addition, the learning outcome was assessed based on the students’ laboratory reports. Students participating in gamified activities were more motivated than those participating in non-gamified activities and obtained better learning results overall. Our findings suggest that gamified laboratory sessions boost students´ extrinsic motivation, and consequently inspire their intrinsic motivation and increase their learning performance. Finally, we discuss our results, with a focus on specific skills and the short- and long-term effects of gamification.This work was funded by the vice-rectorate for Innovation, Social Commitment and Cultural Action of the University of the Basque Country through SAE-HELAZ (PIE 2019-20, 83)

    Conversion to Islam as a Strategy of Change and Differentiation in Modernity

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    ABSTRACT: This article seeks to contribute to the knowledge of Islam in the Colombian context, through ethnographic observations and narratives of individuals who have converted to said religion in Bogota. In addition to analyzing the motives for their conversion, it studies the way these people have constructed a new religious identity altering their perception of themselves, their system of beliefs and values, their behavior and their relation to the socio-cultural environment around them. It also examines the link between the private and the public spheres, between the symbolic and the political, that becomes visible when, by openly adhering to a religion that is usually stigmatized, a person resists the hegemonic forms of socialization in Colombian society.RESUMEN: Este artículo busca aportar al conocimiento del islam en el contexto colombiano a partir de observaciones etnográficas y narrativas de sujetos que se han convertido a esta religión en Bogotá. Además de analizar las motivaciones de sus conversiones, estudiamos la forma en que las personas han construido una nueva identidad religiosa alterando su percepción de sí mismas, su sistema de creencias y valores, su comportamiento y su relación con el medio sociocultural que las rodea. Se examina también el enlace entre lo privado y lo público, entre lo simbólico y lo político, que se hace visible cuando, al adherir abiertamente a una religión usualmente estigmatizada, la persona resiste frente a formas de socialización hegemónicas de la sociedad colombiana

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    De la historia eclesiástica la historia de las religiones

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    Las comunidades eclesiásticas de base en la formación del partido dos trabalhadores

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    Impacto de la modernización en las tareas domésticas: el caso de las labores de aguja

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