296 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKDalam proses pembelajaran, guru dituntut dalam memilih metode yang tepat. Apabila metode pembelajaran yang digunakan bersifat konvensional maka dapat menurunkan semangat dan minat belajar siswa di sekolah. Permasalahan dalam pembelajaran di sekolah sering ditemui khususnya ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan melaksanakan pembelajaran yang lebih menarik menggunakan media e-learning berbasis edmodo.Tujuan utama dari media ini adalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dalam pembelajaran karena edmodo hampir sama dengan facebook sehingga diharapkan dengan penggunaan edmodo siswa akan lebih merasa senang dalam pembelajaran fisika dan materi akan lebih mudah untuk dipahami. Tahap persiapan dimulai dari observasi di beberapa sekolah di Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penggunaan media pembelajaran oleh guru IPA serta koordinasi dengan MGMP IPA Rayon Jaluko Kab. Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi. Tahap pelaksanaan yaitu pelatihan pengembangan content e-learning untuk pembelajaran IPA menggunakan edmoda. Hasil pengabdian memperlihatkan guru antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan pengembangan content e-learning. Beberapa pertanyaan diajukan guru terkait bagimana cara penggunaan edmoda. Secara keseluruhan dapat dikatakan tujuan pengabdian tercapai yaitu dengan ditandai dengan antusias guru, berbagai masalah pengembangan content e-learning dapat diselesaiakan dan guru dapat menggunakan edmoda dengan baik dan benar. Kata kunci: e-learning, edmodo, Pembelajaran IPA. ABSTRACTIn the learning process, teachers are required to choose the right method. If the learning method used is conventioanl, it can reduce student’s enthusiasm and interest in learning at school. Problem in learning at school are often encountered especially when students experience learning difficulties. The solution to these problem is to carry out more interesting learning using edmodo based e-learning media. The main pupose of this media is to increase learning activities because edmodo is almost the same as facebook so hopefully with use of edmodo students will be more happy in physics learning and material will be easier to understand. The preparation phase start from obeservation in several school in the district of Jambi Luar Kota to find out the extent of the use of learning media by science teachers as well as coordination with the MGMP IPA Rayon Jaluko Districts Muaro Jambi, Jambi  Province. The implementation phase is training in developing e-learning content for science learning using edmodo. The result of community service show that the teacher is enthusiastic in participating in training in developing e-learning content. Some questions were raised by teacher regarding how to use edmodo. As a whole, it can be said that purpose of community service is achieved, which is marked by the enthusiasm of the teacher, various problem in developing e-learning content can be completed and the the teacher can be use edmodo properly and correcly. Keywords: e-learning, edmodo, science learnin

    Electron Microprobe Analyses of Lithic Fragments and Their Minerals from Luna 20 Fines

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    The bulk analyses (determined with the broad beam electron microprobe technique) of lithic fragments are given in weight percentages and are arranged according to the rock classification. Within each rock group the analyses are arranged in order of increasing FeO content. Thin section and lithic fragment numbers are given at the top of each column of analysis and correspond to the numbers recorded on photo mosaics on file in the Institute of Meteoritics. CIPW molecular norms are given for each analysis. Electron microprobe mineral analyses (given in oxide weight percentages), structural formulae and molecular end member values are presented for plagioclase, olivine, pyroxene and K-feldspar. The minerals are selected mostly from lithic fragments that were also analyzed for bulk composition. Within each mineral group the analyses are presented according to the section number and lithic fragment number. Within each lithic fragment the mineral analyses are arranged as follows: Plagioclase in order of increasing CaO; olivine and pyroexene in order of increasing FeO; and K-feldspar in order of increasing K2O. The mineral grains are identified at the top of each column of analysis by grain number and lithic fragment number

    RhoD regulates cytoskeletal dynamics via the actin nucleation-promoting factor WASp homologue associated with actin Golgi membranes and microtubules

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    The Rho GTPases have mainly been studied in association with their roles in the regulation of actin filament organization. These studies have shown that the Rho GTPases are essential for basic cellular processes, such as cell migration, contraction, and division. In this paper, we report that RhoD has a role in the organization of actin dynamics that is distinct from the roles of the better-studied Rho members Cdc42, RhoA, and Rac1. We found that RhoD binds the actin nucleation–promoting factor WASp homologue associated with actin Golgi membranes and microtubules (WHAMM), as well as the related filamin A–binding protein FILIP1. Of these two RhoD-binding proteins, WHAMM was found to bind to the Arp2/3 complex, while FILIP1 bound filamin A. WHAMM was found to act downstream of RhoD in regulating cytoskeletal dynamics. In addition, cells treated with small interfering RNAs for RhoD and WHAMM showed increased cell attachment and decreased cell migration. These major effects on cytoskeletal dynamics indicate that RhoD and its effectors control vital cytoskeleton-driven cellular processes. In agreement with this notion, our data suggest that RhoD coordinates Arp2/3-dependent and FLNa-dependent mechanisms to control the actin filament system, cell adhesion, and cell migration

    Meteorites on Mars observed with the Mars Exploration Rovers

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    Reduced weathering rates due to the lack of liquid water and significantly greater typical surface ages should result in a higher density of meteorites on the surface of Mars compared to Earth. Several meteorites were identified among the rocks investigated during Opportunity’s traverse across the sandy Meridiani plains. Heat Shield Rock is a IAB iron meteorite and has been officially recognized as ‘‘Meridiani Planum.’’ Barberton is olivine-rich and contains metallic Fe in the form of kamacite, suggesting a meteoritic origin. It is chemically most consistent with a mesosiderite silicate clast. Santa Catarina is a brecciated rock with a chemical and mineralogical composition similar to Barberton. Barberton, Santa Catarina, and cobbles adjacent to Santa Catarina may be part of a strewn field. Spirit observed two probable iron meteorites from its Winter Haven location in the Columbia Hills in Gusev Crater. Chondrites have not been identified to date, which may be a result of their lower strengths and probability to survive impact at current atmospheric pressures. Impact craters directly associated with Heat Shield Rock, Barberton, or Santa Catarina have not been observed, but such craters could have been erased by eolian-driven erosion.Additional co-authors: DW Ming, RV Morris, PA de Souza Jr, SW Squyres, C Weitz, AS Yen, J Zipfel, T Economo

    Modeling mitochondrial dysfunctions in the brain: from mice to men

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    The biologist Lewis Thomas once wrote: “my mitochondria comprise a very large proportion of me. I cannot do the calculation, but I suppose there is almost as much of them in sheer dry bulk as there is the rest of me”. As humans, or indeed as any mammal, bird, or insect, we contain a specific molecular makeup that is driven by vast numbers of these miniscule powerhouses residing in most of our cells (mature red blood cells notwithstanding), quietly replicating, living independent lives and containing their own DNA. Everything we do, from running a marathon to breathing, is driven by these small batteries, and yet there is evidence that these molecular energy sources were originally bacteria, possibly parasitic, incorporated into our cells through symbiosis. Dysfunctions in these organelles can lead to debilitating, and sometimes fatal, diseases of almost all the bodies’ major organs. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in a wide variety of human disorders either as a primary cause or as a secondary consequence. To better understand the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in human disease, a multitude of pharmacologically induced and genetically manipulated animal models have been developed showing to a greater or lesser extent the clinical symptoms observed in patients with known and unknown causes of the disease. This review will focus on diseases of the brain and spinal cord in which mitochondrial dysfunction has been proven or is suspected and on animal models that are currently used to study the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of these diseases

    The limits of India’s ethno-linguistic federation: understanding the demise of Sikh nationalism

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    From 1984 until 1993, the Indian state of Punjab witnessed a sustained insurgency by Sikh militants campaigning for a separate sovereign state. This insurgency was ultimately defeated by the overwhelming use of security force that officially resulted in the deaths of 30,000 people. By the mid-1990s, a ‘normalcy’ had returned to Punjab politics, but the underlying issues which had fuelled the demand for separatism remain unaddressed. This paper examines critically the argument that India’s ethno-linguistic federation is exceptional in accommodating ethno-nationalist movements. By drawing on the Punjab case study, it argues that special considerations apply to the governance of peripheral regions (security, religion). Regional elites in these states struggle to build legitimacy because such legitimacy poses a threat to India’s nation and state-building. In short, India’s ethno-linguistic federation is only partially successful in managing ethno-linguistic demands in the peripheral Indian states