5 research outputs found
Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s Human Concept Analysis and Its Relevance to The Formation of Sufistic Characters
This paper discusses the human concept, which is the result of the thought of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram. The qualitative method is used in this research. Ki Ageng Suryomentaram has a concept of forming a Sufistic character, a psychological pattern of thought, and a philosophical nature found in the treasures of Javanese wisdom. The science that he introduced was called the human concept, which has three basic things about morals. His ideas always have a characteristic Javanese style. That is, they can provide philosophical thought simply and practically. Globalization is very influential in modern life. The effect can be positive or negative. The positive effect of globalization is that it makes life easier and has a negative impact related to the human mentality. Humans cannot appreciate and interpret themselves as humans. Globalization also raises a new problem in society, one of which is moral decadence. Moral decadence is a phenomenon of moral decline in a person, which means that individuals and groups have disobeyed the rules and procedures that apply in society. This paper will describe and analyze his thoughts on Human Concept and find out the relevance with the values and attitudes that result from formation of sufistic characters
Sosialisasi Pentingnya Kesadaran Masyarakat Terhadap Lingkungan Melalui Kegiatan Netralisasi Sungai
Pemahaman sampah pada masyarakat masih sangat rendah. Hal ini seperti yang terjadi di desa Dadapan, Kecamatan Wajak, Kabupaten Malang. Persoalan pembuangan sampah yang tidak pada tempatnya sehingga menganggu kebersihan lingkungan terutama di Sungai Desa Dadapan. Secara umum kondisi alam desa Dadapan adalah perumahan yang penuh dengan bangunan rumah warga. Minimnya tempat pembuangan sampah membuat warga membuang sampah di sungai. Dalam permasalahan ini kami mengadakan program penetralisasi sungai. Kegitatan itu berupa pembersihan sungai yang telah tercemar oleh sampah masyarakat. Solusi dari pencemaran lingkungan tersebut diadakan program kelompok meliputi Pengadaan Tempat Sampah Untuk RT 015 RW 005 Dusun Pagar Gunung, Kerja Bakti, Sosialisasi Program KKN-PPM Tematik, Pendampingan TPA, Administrasi Desa