1,913 research outputs found

    La reconstrucción del “hogar” en el norte de Uganda

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    Para entender la idea de alojamiento en situaciones de desplazamiento y de retorno, se deben considerar las dimensiones tanto materiales como no materiales. AdemĂĄs de emprender movimientos en entornos geogrĂĄficos especĂ­ficos, los desplazados internos y los repatriados se mueven en espacios sociales

    Locus of control, attributions and impression management in the selection interview

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    Surprisingly little is known about the ways in which candidates create positive impressions during employment interviews. Three studies are presented which investigate how candidate and interviewer locus of control influence preferences for three categories of explanations proffered by candidates during graduate recruitment interviews. In Study 1, we asked 139 undergraduate students and 37 personnel managers to rate internal-controllable, internal-uncontrollable and externaluncontrollable candidate attributions for hypothetical past events according to the likelihood of each producing a positive impression during a selection interview. Students also completed Rotter's Locus of Control questionnaire and the Interview Behaviour Scales. Students and personnel managers rated internal-controllable attributions most likely to create a positive impression. However, students with an external LoC rated external-uncontrollable explanations and internal-controllable explanations as being equally likely to convey a positive impression. In Study 2 a group of 62 candidates applying for actual positions with a company completed the same attribution questionnaire prior to first-stage interviews. Interviewer ratings of candidate performance correlated positively with ratings of internal-controllable explanations (r =.36, p< .001). In Study 3, a sample of 103 experienced interviewers completed the attribution questionnaire and the WLOC. All interviewers rated internal-controllable attributions most likely to convey a positive impression of a candidate. However, locus of control mediated preference for candidate attributions such that ‘External’ interviewers rated external-uncontrollable attributions significantly more likely to convey a positive impression than ‘Internal’ interviewers. The implications of these findings for impression management and interview selection decisions are discussed

    Oral-aural accounting and the management of the Jesuit corpus

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    The roles of written and visual accounting techniques in establishing conditions of possibility in modern management decision making are well documented. In contrast, this paper looks beyond the “grammatocentric”, and analyzes a practice of oral accounting – the Account of Conscience – that began in the Society of Jesus in the sixteenth century, and has persisted largely unchanged to the present day. In this practice, we see historically relevant pastoral practices evolving into techniques of government that begin to resemble modern governmentality. The paper compels a more general consideration of oral–aural practices and their role in constructing relationships of authority and accountability

    Does woman + a network = career progression?

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    Question: I am an ambitious and talented junior manager who has recently been hired by FAB plc, a large multinational company. I am also a woman and, as part of my induction pack, have received an invitation to join FABFemmes - the in-company women's network. I don't think my gender has been an obstacle to my success thus far and so I don't really feel the need to join. But on the other hand I don't want to turn my back on something that might offer me a useful source of contacts to help me advance up the career ladder. What would be the best thing to do? - Ms Ambitious, UK

    Intramyocardial current flow in acute coronary occlusion in the canine heart

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    Data from numerous experimental infarction studies indicate that rapid myocardial cell depolarization following ischemia causes the flow of injury currents. These currents were measured in the canine myocardium by monitoring voltage gradients across infarct boundaries using silver chloride plunge electrodes, followed by placement of a 100 Ω resistor between the electrodes and again measuring the voltage gradients. Current flow was calculated from these measurements with the following results: 1) TQ currents developed within 15 seconds after occlusion and persisted for 120 to 150 minutes, often attaining a magnitude of 1ΌA. 2) ST currents also developed within 15 seconds and attained 2 to 3 ΌA within 15 to 30 minutes, then usually subsided to some degree. 3) T currents were biphasic and attained 2 to 5 ΌA. Initially, current flowed from normal to ischemic myocardium but usually reversed within 30 minutes after occlusion. 4) The current flow was often disproportionate to the voltage gradient between 120 and 180 minutes after occlusion, possibly indicating electrical uncoupling of the infarcting cells from normal cells.These data indicate that intramyocardial current flow develops early after acute coronary occlusion. These currents may be sufficient to induce reexcitation

    The Role of Bio-energy with Carbon Capture and Storage in Meeting the Climate Mitigation Challenge: A Whole System Perspective

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    This paper explores the role and implications of bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) for addressing the climate change mitigation challenge. Framed within the context of the latest emissions budgets, and their associated uncertainty, we present a summary of the contribution of BECCS within the Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) scenarios used by the climate change community. Within this discussion we seek to shed light on two important areas. Firstly, that BECCS is a central, but often hidden element of many of the modelling work that underpins climate policy from the global to the national scale. The second area we address are the assumptions for BECCS embedded within IAM models, and the wider system consequences of these implied levels of deployment. In light of these challenges, we question whether BECCS can deliver what is anticipated of it within existing climate change policy

    Modulation of NTC frequencies by Pc5 ULF pulsations : experimental test of the generation mechanism and magnetoseismology of the emitting surface

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    Nonthermal continuum (NTC) radiation is believed to be emitted by the conversion of an electrostatic wave into an electromagnetic one, which takes place at the Earth's magnetic equator. It is generally accepted that the frequency of the electrostatic wave at the source meets a local characteristic frequency placed in between two multiples of the electron cyclotron frequency, fce, which results in emission of a narrow band frequency element. In an event on 14 August 2003, we compare oscillations of the central frequency of distinct NTC frequency elements observed from Cluster orbiting near perigee, with simultaneous Pc5 Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) pulsations in the magnetic field observed from the same platform. The latter magnetic perturbations are interpreted as magnetohydrodynamic poloidal waves, where fundamental and second harmonic modes coexist. The NTC oscillation and the fundamental wave have similar periods, but are phase shifted by a quarter of period. From the correlation between both signals, and the proximity of the NTC source (localized via triangulation) with Cluster, we infer that the poloidal perturbations are spatially uniform between the source and the satellites. From the phase shift between signals, we conclude that the electrostatic wave which converts into NTC is mainly governed by the plasma density, affected by movements of the magnetic field lines. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the observations can be used to perform a magnetoseismology of the emitting surface. The results show a steepening of the plasmapause density profile near the satellites, which can be responsible for the generation of NTC emission

    Gender essentialism and occupational segregation in insolvency practice

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    Advances towards egalitarianism in professional recruitment may be offset by processes of occupational re-segregation. Drawing on gender theory this paper investigates horizontal segregation in the UK insolvency profession, as revealed through the lived experiences of female and male practitioners. It is shown that horizontal segregation pervades at different levels of practice and is undergirded by various elements of gender essentialism. Physical essentialism explains why insolvency practice has been traditionally gendered male. Interactional essentialism combines with the management of work-life balance to define the subfields of corporate and personal insolvency as masculine and feminine respectively. Gender essentialist assumptions also pervade the distribution of roles and the allocation of work tasks. Networks are identified as arenas for the reproduction and perpetuation of occupational segregation. The findings indicate the continuing potency of gender in everyday professional life, the limitations of diversity-orientated policies and the complexities of formulating transformative agendas

    Flux quantization and superfluid weight in doped antiferromagnets

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    Doped antiferromagnets, described by a t-t'-J model and a suitable 1/N expansion, exhibit a metallic phase-modulated antiferromagnetic ground state close to half-filling. Here we demonstrate that the energy of latter state is an even periodic function of the external magnetic flux threading the square lattice in an Aharonov-Bohm geometry. The period is equal to the flux quantum Ί0=2πℏc/q\Phi_{0}=2\pi\hbar c/q entering the Peierls phase factor of the hopping matrix elements. Thus flux quantization and a concomitant finite value of superfluid weight D_s occur along with metallic antiferromagnetism. We argue that in the context of the present effective model, whereby carriers are treated as hard-core bosons, the charge q in the associated flux quantum might be set equal to 2e. Finally, the superconducting transition temperature T_c is related to D_s linearly, in accordance to the generic Kosterlitz-Thouless type of transition in a two-dimensional system, signaling the coherence of the phase fluctuations of the condensate. The calculated dependence of T_c on hole concentration is qualitatively similar to that observed in the high-temperature superconducting cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Condens. Matte
