22 research outputs found

    Estudio de la relaciĂłn entre los balances en superficie de onda larga y onda corta utilizando datos del proyecto SRB (Surface Radiation Budget)

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    Ponencia presentada en: III Congreso de la AsociaciĂłn Española de ClimatologĂ­a “El agua y el clima”, celebrado en Palma de Mallorca del 16 al 19 de junio de 2002.[ES]En este trabajo se muestra la influencia de diferentes regĂ­menes climĂĄticos en el balance de radiaciĂłn en superficie, a travĂ©s de las comparaciones entre los balances de onda larga y onda corta en diferentes regiones del globo. Las regiones estudiadas son cuatro zonas desĂ©rticas o semidesĂ©rticas, seis oceĂĄnicas y dos localizadas en el MediterrĂĄneo. Se observa una gran influencia de la cobertura nubosa en los balances de radiaciĂłn de onda corta y larga, asĂ­ como el efecto estacional en ambos hemisferios. Asimismo, aparecen diferencias claras si comparamos regiones del Mar MediterrĂĄneo con regiones centrales del OcĂ©ano PacĂ­fico o el AtlĂĄntico.[EN]In this work we show the influence of different climatic regimes on the surface radiation balance through the comparisons between the long wave balance and the short wave balance over different regions in the globe. The studied regions are four deserted or semi-deserted areas, six ocean areas and two areas located in the Mediterranean basin. A large influence of cloud cover is observed in both short wave and long wave balances, as well as the seasonal effect in both hemispheres. Likewise, remarkable differences appear if we compare Mediterranean Sea regions with central regions of the Pacific or Atlantic Oceans

    Evaluation of a General Circulation Model by the CERES Flux-By-Cloud Type Simulator

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    In this work, we use the Clouds and the Earths Radiant Energy System (CERES) FluxByCloudTyp data product, which calculates TOA shortwave and longwave fluxes for cloud categories defined by cloud optical depth () and cloud top pressure (), to evaluate the HadGEM2-A model with a simulator. The CERES Flux-by-cloud type simulator is comprised of a cloud generator that produces subcolumns with profiles of binary cloud fraction, a cloud property simulator that determines the (,) cloud type for each subcolumn, and a radiative transfer model that calculates TOA fluxes. The identification of duplicate atmospheric profiles reduces the number of radiative transfer calculations required by approximately 97.6%. In the Southern Great Plains region in JFD (January, February, and December) 2008, the simulator shows that simulated cloud tops are higher in altitude than observed, but also have higher values of OLR than observed, leading to a compensating error that results in an average value of OLR that is close to observed. When the simulator is applied to the Southeast Pacific stratocumulus region in JJA 2008, the simulated cloud tops are primarily low in altitude; however, the clouds tend to be less numerous, and have higher optical depths than are observed. In addition to the increase in albedo that comes from having too many clouds with higher optical depth, the HadGEM2-A albedo is higher than observed for those cloud types that occur most frequently. The simulator is also applied to the entire 60 N 60 S region, and it is found that there are fewer clouds than observed for most cloud types, but there are also higher albedos for most cloud types, which represents a compensating error in terms of the shortwave radiative budget

    The impact of equilibrating hemispheric albedos on tropical performance in the HadGEM2-ES coupled climate model

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    AcceptedArticle in Press©2015. The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.©2015. The Authors. The Earth's hemispheric reflectances are equivalent to within±0.2Wm-2, even though the Northern Hemisphere contains a greater proportion of higher reflectance land areas, because of greater cloud cover in the Southern Hemisphere. This equivalence is unlikely to be by chance, but the reasons are open to debate. Here we show that equilibrating hemispheric albedos in the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2-Earth System coupled climate model significantly improves what have been considered longstanding and apparently intractable model biases. Monsoon precipitation biases over all continental land areas, the penetration of monsoon rainfall across the Sahel, the West African monsoon "jump", and indicators of hurricane frequency are all significantly improved. Mechanistically, equilibrating hemispheric albedos improves the atmospheric cross-equatorial energy transport and increases the supply of tropical atmospheric moisture to the Hadley cell. We conclude that an accurate representation of the cross-equatorial energy transport appears to be critical if tropical performance is to be improved

    The impact of equilibrating hemispheric albedos on tropical performance in the HadGEM2-ES coupled climate model

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    The Earth's hemispheric reflectances are equivalent to within ± 0.2 Wm-2, even though the Northern Hemisphere contains a greater proportion of higher reflectance land areas, because of greater cloud cover in the Southern Hemisphere. This equivalence is unlikely to be by chance, but the reasons are open to debate. Here we show that equilibrating hemispheric albedos in the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2-Earth System coupled climate model significantly improves what have been considered longstanding and apparently intractable model biases. Monsoon precipitation biases over all continental land areas, the penetration of monsoon rainfall across the Sahel, the West African monsoon 'jump', and indicators of hurricane frequency are all significantly improved. Mechanistically, equilibrating hemispheric albedos improves the atmospheric cross-equatorial energy transport and increases the supply of tropical atmospheric moisture to the Hadley cell. We conclude that an accurate representation of the cross-equatorial energy transport appears to be critical if tropical performance is to be improved

    Forcings, feedbacks and climate sensitivity in HadGEM3‐GC3.1 and UKESM1

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    Climate forcing, sensitivity and feedback metrics are evaluated in both the UK’s physical climate model HadGEM3-GC3.1at low (-LL) and medium(-MM) resolution and the UK’s Earth System Model UKESM1. The Effective Climate Sensitivity (EffCS)to a doubling of CO2 is 5.5K for HadGEM3.1-GC3.1-LL and 5.4 K for UKESM1. The transient climate response is 2.5K and 2.8K respectively. Whilst the EffCS is larger than that seen in the previous generation of models, none of the model’s forcing or feedback processes are found to be atypical of models, though the cloud feedback is at the high end. The relatively large EffCS results from an unusual combination of a typical CO2 forcing with a relatively small feedback parameter. Compared to the previous UK climate model, HadGEM3-GC2.0, the EffCS has increased from 3.2K to 5.5K due to an increase in CO2 forcing, surface albedo feedback and mid-latitude cloud feedback. All changes are well understood and due to physical improvements in the model.At higher atmospheric and ocean resolution(HadGEM3-GC3.1-MM), there is a compensation between increased marine stratocumulous cloud feedback and reduced Antarctic sea-ice feedback. In UKESM1 a CO2 fertilization effect induces a land surface vegetation change and albedo radiative effect. Historical aerosol forcing in HadGEM3-GC3.1-LL is -1.1 Wm-2. In HadGEM3-GC3.1-LL historical simulations cloud feedback is found to be less positive than in abrupt-4xCO2, in agreement with atmosphere-only experiments forced with observed historical sea-surface-temperature and sea-ice variations. However variability in the coupled model’s historical sea-ice trends hampers accurate diagnosis of the model’s total historical feedback