201 research outputs found

    Catasetum (Orchidaceae: Catasetinae) en Colombia: lista actualizada

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    Colombia se considera uno de los países más ricos en orquídeas, a pesar de que ha sido poco estudiado en algunas bioregiones del país. Los registros del género Catasetum corresponden entre 29 a 31 especies, sin embargo, existe un sinnúmero de equivocaciones en la identidad taxonómica interespecífica, como en el uso de sus sinónimos. Por tal motivo, el objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer la diversidad de Catasetum en Colombia. De esta manera, se realizaron salidas de campo, revisión de colecciones, literatura y herbarios. En la lista actualizada se registran 38 especies, que incluyen especies poco conocidas y confundidas como C. dejeaniorum, C. aff. juruenense, C. mooeri, C. tenebrosum y los híbridos naturales como C. aff. × apolloi, C. × dunstervillei y C. × violascens. De las cinco especies endémicas, C. blepharochilum y C. tricorne, se conocen solo de espécimen tipo, y C. lucis es exclusivo de Santander y cultivado, para C. rectangulare y C. villegasii, se realizan comentarios taxonómicos. La Amazonía y los Andes concentran la mayor diversidad y, el Caribe es la zona menos explorada. Además se incluyen los caracteres diagnósticos, rangos altitudinales, relaciones geográficas y los sinónimos utilizados en el país para algunas especies con identidad taxonómica dudosa. También, se resalta la necesidad de realizar exploraciones en zonas de vacíos de colecta,  como el Atlántico y, el Amazonas, centro de diversidad del grupo, con la finalidad de establecer futuros planes de manejo y conservación

    Measuring retail trade using card transactional data

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    En este trabajo se presenta un Índice de Comercio Minorista (ICM) de alta dimensionalidad construido para España, estimado a partir del uso de datos masivos. La información utilizada se corresponde con la que surge de las transacciones con tarjetas de crédito y de débito de los clientes de BBVA en terminales de punto de venta (TPV) españoles. Los índices obtenidos son robustos cuando se comparan con los que publica el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), tanto para el conjunto de España como para las distintas regiones y los diferentes canales de distribución. Dando un paso más, se calculan los índices mensuales por provincias y por sectores (información no publicada por el INE) y se construye un índice general diario. A partir de este último índice, se analizan además las pautas de consumo en alta frecuencia a través de un modelo estructural de series temporalesIn this paper we present a high-dimensionality Retail Trade Index (RTI) constructed to nowcast the retail trade sector economic performance in Spain, using Big Data sources and techniques. The data are the footprints of BBVA clients from their credit or debit card transactions at Spanish point of sale (PoS) terminals. The resulting indexes have been found to be robust when compared with the Spanish RTI, regional RTI (Spain’s autonomous regions), and RTI by retailer type (distribution classes) published by the National Statistics Institute (INE). We also went one step further, computing the monthly indexes for the provinces and sectors of activity and the daily general index, by obtaining timely, detailed information on retail sales. Finally, we analyzed the high-frequency consumption dynamics using BBVA retailer behavior and a structural time series mode

    The Aarhus red giants challenge: II. Stellar oscillations in the red giant branch phase

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    [Contact] The large quantity of high-quality asteroseismic data that have been obtained from space-based photometric missions and the accuracy of the resulting frequencies motivate a careful consideration of the accuracy of computed oscillation frequencies of stellar models, when applied as diagnostics of the model properties.[Aims] Based on models of red-giant stars that have been independently calculated using different stellar evolution codes, we investigate the extent to which the differences in the model calculation affect the model oscillation frequencies and other asteroseismic diagnostics.[Methods] For each of the models, which cover four different masses and different evolution stages on the red-giant branch, we computed full sets of low-degree oscillation frequencies using a single pulsation code and, from these frequencies, typical asteroseismic diagnostics. In addition, we carried out preliminary analyses to relate differences in the oscillation properties to the corresponding model differences.[Results] In general, the differences in asteroseismic properties between the different models greatly exceed the observational precision of these properties. This is particularly true for the nonradial modes whose mixed acoustic and gravity-wave character makes them sensitive to the structure of the deep stellar interior and, hence, to details of their evolution. In some cases, identifying these differences led to improvements in the final models presented here and in Paper I; here we illustrate particular examples of this.[Conclusions] Further improvements in stellar modelling are required in order fully to utilise the observational accuracy to probe intrinsic limitations in the modelling and improve our understanding of stellar internal physics. However, our analysis of the frequency differences and their relation to stellar internal properties provides a striking illustration of the potential, in particular, of the mixed modes of red-giant stars for the diagnostics of stellar interiors.Funding for the Stellar Astrophysics Centre is provided by The Danish National Research Foundation (Grant agreement No. DNRF106). The research was supported by the ASTERISK project (ASTERoseismic Investigations with SONG and Kepler) funded by the European Research Council (Grant agreement No. 267864). This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF PHY-1748958. VSA acknowledges support from VILLUM FONDEN (research grant 10118) and the Independent Research Fund Denmark (Research grant 7027-00096B). DS is the recipient of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (project number FT1400147). SC acknowledges support from Premiale INAF MITiC, from INAF “Progetto mainstream” (PI: S. Cassisi), and grant AYA2013-42781P from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain. AMS is partially supported by grants ESP2017-82674-R (Spanish Government) and 2017-SGR-1131 (General-itat de Catalunya). TC acknowledges support from the European Research Council AdG No 320478-TOFU and the STFC Consolidated Grant ST/R000395/1. SH received funding for this research from the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement no 338251 (StellarAges). AM acknowledges the support of the Government of India, Department of Atomic Energy, under Project No. 12-R&D-TFR-6.04-0600. DB is supported in the form of work contract FCT/MCTES through national funds and by FEDER through COMPETE2020 in connection to these grants: UID/FIS/04434/2019; PTDC/FIS-AST/30389/2017 & POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030389

    The Aarhus red giants challenge: II. Stellar oscillations in the red giant branch phase

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    Contact. The large quantity of high-quality asteroseismic data that have been obtained from space-based photometric missions and the accuracy of the resulting frequencies motivate a careful consideration of the accuracy of computed oscillation frequencies of stellar models, when applied as diagnostics of the model properties. Aims. Based on models of red-giant stars that have been independently calculated using different stellar evolution codes, we investigate the extent to which the differences in the model calculation affect the model oscillation frequencies and other asteroseismic diagnostics. Methods. For each of the models, which cover four different masses and different evolution stages on the red-giant branch, we computed full sets of low-degree oscillation frequencies using a single pulsation code and, from these frequencies, typical asteroseismic diagnostics. In addition, we carried out preliminary analyses to relate differences in the oscillation properties to the corresponding model differences. Results. In general, the differences in asteroseismic properties between the different models greatly exceed the observational precision of these properties. This is particularly true for the nonradial modes whose mixed acoustic and gravity-wave character makes them sensitive to the structure of the deep stellar interior and, hence, to details of their evolution. In some cases, identifying these differences led to improvements in the final models presented here and in Paper I; here we illustrate particular examples of this. Conclusions. Further improvements in stellar modelling are required in order fully to utilise the observational accuracy to probe intrinsic limitations in the modelling and improve our understanding of stellar internal physics. However, our analysis of the frequency differences and their relation to stellar internal properties provides a striking illustration of the potential, in particular, of the mixed modes of red-giant stars for the diagnostics of stellar interiors. © ESO 2020

    A measurement of the millimetre emission and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect associated with low-frequency radio sources

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    We present a statistical analysis of the millimetre-wavelength properties of 1.4GHz-selected sources and a detection of the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect associated with the haloes that host them. We stack data at 148, 218 and 277GHz from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope at the positions of a large sample of radio AGN selected at 1.4GHz. The thermal SZ effect associated with the haloes that host the AGN is detected at the 5σ level through its spectral signature, representing a statistical detection of the SZ effect in some of the lowest mass haloes (average M 200 ≈ 10 13 M. h −1 70 ) studied to date. The relation between the SZ effect and mass (based on weak lensing measurements of radio galaxies) is consistent with that measured by Planck for local bright galaxies. In the context of galaxy evolution models, this study confirms that galaxies with radio AGN also typically support hot gaseous haloes. Adding Herschel observations allows us to show that the SZ signal is not significantly contaminated by dust emission. Finally, we analyse the contribution of radio sources to the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background

    Towards a Combined Use of Geophysics and Remote Sensing Techniques for the Characterization of a Singular Building: “El Torreón” (the Tower) at Ulaca Oppidum (Solosancho, Ávila, Spain)

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    This research focuses on the study of the ruins of a large building known as “El Torreón” (the Tower), belonging to the Ulaca oppidum (Solosancho, Province of Ávila, Spain). Different remote sensing and geophysical approaches have been used to fulfil this objective, providing a better understanding of the building’s functionality in this town, which belongs to the Late Iron Age (ca. 300–50 BCE). In this sense, the outer limits of the ruins have been identified using photogrammetry and convergent drone flights. An additional drone flight was conducted in the surrounding area to find additional data that could be used for more global interpretations. Magnetometry was used to analyze the underground bedrock structure and ground penetrating radar (GPR) was employed to evaluate the internal layout of the ruins. The combination of these digital methodologies (surface and underground) has provided a new perspective for the improved interpretation of “El Torreón” and its characteristics. Research of this type presents additional guidelines for better understanding of the role of this structure with regards to other buildings in the Ulaca oppidum. The results of these studies will additionally allow archaeologists to better plan future interventions while presenting new data that can be used for the interpretation of this archaeological complex on a larger scale

    FlywheelTools: Data Curation and Manipulation on the Flywheel Platform

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    The recent and growing focus on reproducibility in neuroimaging studies has led many major academic centers to use cloud-based imaging databases for storing, analyzing, and sharing complex imaging data. Flywheel is one such database platform that offers easily accessible, large-scale data management, along with a framework for reproducible analyses through containerized pipelines. The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is the de facto standard for neuroimaging data, but curating neuroimaging data into BIDS can be a challenging and time-consuming task. In particular, standard solutions for BIDS curation are limited on Flywheel. To address these challenges, we developed “FlywheelTools,” a software toolbox for reproducible data curation and manipulation on Flywheel. FlywheelTools includes two elements: fw-heudiconv, for heuristic-driven curation of data into BIDS, and flaudit, which audits and inventories projects on Flywheel. Together, these tools accelerate reproducible neuroscience research on the widely used Flywheel platform

    The impact of sex on gene expression across human tissues

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    Many complex human phenotypes exhibit sex-differentiated characteristics. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these differences remain largely unknown. We generated a catalog of sex differences in gene expression and in the genetic regulation of gene expression across 44 human tissue sources surveyed by the Genotype-Tissue Expression project (GTEx, v8 release). We demonstrate that sex influences gene expression levels and cellular composition of tissue samples across the human body. A total of 37% of all genes exhibit sex-biased expression in at least one tissue. We identify cis expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) with sex-differentiated effects and characterize their cellular origin. By integrating sex-biased eQTLs with genome-wide association study data, we identify 58 gene-trait associations that are driven by genetic regulation of gene expression in a single sex. These findings provide an extensive characterization of sex differences in the human transcriptome and its genetic regulation